Southern Adventist University KnowledgeExchange@Southern Yearbooks University Archives & Publications 1951 Southern Memories 1952 Southern Adventist University Follow this and additional works at: https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/yearbooks Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Southern Adventist University, "Southern Memories 1952" (1951). Yearbooks. 22. https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/yearbooks/22 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives & Publications at KnowledgeExchange@Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of KnowledgeExchange@Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. e1- .. -.' 19 Our theme ~ . Mark 12:30 HThis is the first commandment" ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GIRLS' HOME • . ' NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM LIBRARY LIBRARY Editor-JA~I ES Jo1:-.:FR Bu,inc:'s J\! anagc:r-DE \X ' EY CRICK A"ociatc: Editors-GR .-\DY SMOOT L-\YTO :-.: S L ' TTO~ Snapshot Ed itor- CAROL JEA :-.: WHI DDE:-.: Portrait Editor-RICHARD CHES:-.:EY Art Ed itor-RHEB A G oGGA:--:5 Roster Editor- J AME S RAY J\ !c K1 :--:;-.;ry Asso. Busim:ss J\! anagc:r-T rn D ORTC ll A sst. Bus ine>s M a nag er-J OYCE A:--:ornso;-.; A sst. Ad ,·c: rtising J\! anagcr-JACK P RICE c:crc:tary- EL' RETHA COFFEY "And thou shale love the Lord chy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength" ADMINISTRATION BUILDING i BOYS' HOME • SCIENCE BUILDING SOUTHERN MEMORIES 1952 P U.lll\H I.() l:lY THF Sn ·ni:NT A '--'<Kl:\TION OF SOl "T H ERN J\ll<;'-(0:'\ARY CO L Ll:C oE COLLE<.l:llALF . Tt:NNE, ,EJ: - - - - --- - -·---- ~--- , LD 5101 S367 Al2 1952 ,ICATION • • • (SDA) '- """""' uy • • • PROF. H. A. MILLER I " II ..I " To one whose life has counseled us, and whose uncompro­ mising standards as a Christian teacher have led us to walk closer with the Master Teacher, we remember him especially for his choruses and his leading the song services at Friday night vespers. P AGE THR EE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The prbi<lent of one of American's great organiz,1tion, made an .i<lJre'> in Chicago .1 few wee:b ago. He said, .. No Ont: in gooJ conscience can today encourage a l'oung>ter. who,e; prim.1ry interc:-t is financial return. to in\'<: t his time in college ... He \\'(·nt on to s;11· that to<l.l),., compar.1ti,·e wag::: scale makes a tra<l(·,m,1n ab e to live a' well an<l more e:.1,ily than many prnfc:ssion,d men. l am happy th.it Seventh-day AdH:ntiq youth are not dependent on the dollar incentive for their inspiration to secure a college education. Even with the so-called missionary salary 'c.dc: . .1 pl.ice in God's work still has ,1 t:emendous app:::al to the conV(:rted 1·ou th. A Chri,tian education .ind training for God's work are almost synonymou,, T he Col'ege trains him for the job of helping to m<:<:t the world's greJte't n<:<:d -pL1ce of mind. body, and spirit. Today the monetary termite' are eating the moral timbers at every lc:\'d of 'ociety. T he school anJ church are no more exempt than i' the local courthouse. the 1.:0,·ernor', m.in,ion. or the national capit,d. Southern M issiona ry College i;, free from such tempt,1tion only '1' it mea,ure:, up to the true standard of indi,·idual honesty, morality, and integrity. To my mind the following truly 'ummarize, today's clullen,i.:c· to college 1·011.ii. " T he greatest want of the world i' the want of men,-men who wi II not be bought or ,old: men who in their inmost souls are true .inJ honc:-t: men who <lo not fear to c.dl sin hy ih right n,1m::: ; m:::n w~1o se con,cience is as true to Juty ·" the nc:eJ 'e to the pole: men wh<> will · t.ind for the right though the hea\'ens fall." £. G. ll "hi1e. Ed11c.11i o11 . p. 57 Se'f-disc;plinc: is the heart of the aho\'e q,1t(·mer•t. It .done bring' indi,·idu.il peace of mind. which is the on ly b,1sis for the peace for which the whole world is yearning toda)'. We re:wgn1ze the on ly pe c worthy of its name is that which com ·:s with fu ll obedie;ic::: to God·, known will. T oday my hope and prayer is that Southern l\! i,-;ionary Co' lege will be worthy of her n,1me because e,·e·y stud:::nt. teacher, and employee ,acredly guards his own integrity anJ tlut of the Schcol of Standards. K E:-::-.-ETH A. WRIGHT. P1e s:de111 PAGE f OUR BOARD OF TRUSTEES SEATED: R. H . NIC.HTINC.ALE W. E. STRICKLAi'."D Oridndo. Fl orid.1 0:,1,hvi lie:. T rnnt:"t:c I. M. EVANS Meridian. Miss issippi F H. DORTCH ARCHA 0. DART Birrningh.1111. Al.1h.1111.1 D t:eatur, Georgi.1 H. S. HANSON B. F. St · ~t~IEROl'R D eca tur, G eorgia STA:-.:01:-.:G: F. 0. RITTENHOL'SE c. H. LAl' DA J. M . ACKERMAN Colltgedale Ch.irlorrt:. :\:orrh C.irolin.1 J\1.1irl.1nd. Florida K. A. WRIC.HT, Sart'lt1r; LEI(.HTON HALL M . c. P ATTEN Collegedale Orl.1nd11. Florid.1 Grt:cm·ilk, South C.ind in.I V. G. ANDERSON, Cht1irlllt/Jl H. LESTER l. c. STRICKLAND D tcatur, G eorgia A popk.1, Florid.1 Founta:n H ud. Tcnn c-,..,cc H. E. SCHNEIDER J. W. O SBORNE l. J\f. NEL'ON D ecatur, G eorgia Hender,onvi I le. Fl orida D u.1rur. Grnr.c:i.1 (HARLES FLEMINC., JR., Tri- ,1111ri-r G. R . NASH W. B. HI<.< .IN <; Collegedale Arl.10 1.i. Gt:orgi.1 Collegcd.ilc PAGF Fl\' F - -- -- - WHO'S WHO fLOYD G REEN LEA F R O BERT HA EGE J AMES J O IN ER C H E~TER J ORDAN Editor President Editor Pre .1 id1:11t ··so11them A ccent" Senior Class "So11them Af1:111ori1:J " St11de11t A 11oci<1tio11 - M ARGA RET M OTL EY LAYTON S UTTON D E\X ' EY U RICK WALLY W ELC H President Secr1:tar; 8 111i11es.r i\1. ,111ager iHis.1io11ar; V olull/eer Ir' 0111e11's For11111 St11de11t A ssori,1tio11 "So11them 1'1e111 orie_1" Sor it:t) L 1:t1d er P AGE Srx FACULTY KE NNETH A. WRl<. HT, i\f.S. Ed. FLOYD 0. RITTENHO LIS E, Ph.D. Prl'1id1'11! 0 1't111 Profn wr of H /1/or; CHARLEs FLu11 Nc., J R., i\f.13.r•. H ORr\CE R. BECKNER, B.R.E. R. G. Bo\X'EN 811 .1/11e.u Ala11t1g1:"r Pt11/o r Trl't1.111rl'r ~ .. .. ·····;\ \ .. AMOROSE L. St"HRIE , Ph.D. ELVA BABCOCK GARDNER, M.A. RIU-IAIW L. H At.IMILL, Ph.D. Profe.uor l:.'111er//111 Rl'gi1l rar Prof n1or of Rellg/011 Ed11c,11/011 A.11/1/,111/ Profeuor of Ed11cai/0 11 t111d 8/hllcal Lt111g11age.1 PAGE 5EVE1' .. - ----- FACULTY KE NNETH A. W1rn .HT, M.S. Ed. FLOYD 0. RITTENHOLISE, Ph.D. Pn:1 id1:'11 t D ec111 Profn 1or of H i1t or; (HARLI'S FLHll NC., J R., M.13.A. H O RACE R. BECKNER, B.R.E. R. G. B<rnTN B111i11 1:'.1.1 J1.l c111t1ga Pt11/o r Trl:'t1•11 rl:'r /\MOROS E L. Sl "HRIE , Ph.D. ELVA BABCOCK GARONER, M.A. RIC.HARD L. H A~IMILL , Ph.D. ProfH1or f.11 11:rit111 Rl:'gi1frc1r Pr ofl:'.1.1o r of Rl:'!igio11 Ed 11c<1/ ion A .11 i 1t1111t Profl:'11o r of Ed11cc1tio11 t111d Bih/1ccd L111 g11c1gl:'1 PAGE SEVEN 1 I ARO Lll A. i\frurn, M.i\fus. E. T. MoHR, Ph.D. Gt:ORC.E J. NEL<;ON . Fh.D. Pr of('11or of !Yl111/c Profn 1o r of Ph),;,., Pro f1:11or of Ch1:111/ 1J r; <111d M t11h, 111.:1/,-, THo~f A<; W . Sn:rN, Ph.D. CHARLE <; E. W!TT<;(. Hll"AI:, i\f.A. En\X"ARD C BANK , , M.A. f' rofei 1or of !:"d11r<1/1011 Profc 1 If! /" of f? :flglfil/ A11 oc/<1/1: Prof1:11o r of R,f/g/011 tll//f f'. l'.//lgc:ll Ill/ GERALD W. BOYNTON, i\f.A. T11rnr-;,\ BRICK~t r\N, i\f.Ccm" l Ed. STANLEY D. BRO\\'l\". i\1.A. A1.1 oclt1!e Profe.11or A 1 lf!Cldil:' Profc:• 1o r A 11oclt1!e Pr ofeuor of Blhllogr<1ph) of / //(/111/r/<1/ Ari• of Sec rc:/<1 r/t1/ So1:11r1: ,nu/ Llh r,1r1 Sclr:11cr: Ti t "PERT ~ r. CRAIC. M.A. O I.I VIA B RICKMAN D EAN , M .E<l. M ARY H OLDER DI ETEL, M.A. AJSocit1/e Profe• 1o r of Eco 11 0111ic.1 A .1.1rHi<1te Pro/1:.1.1o r A .11ocit1le Pro/1:_1.1o r ,111d B11 si11 ess of E /1: 111 ~11/, 11) Ecl11 catio11 of 1\fo d1: m L 111v 1t1g1: 1 f AllDE T. }ONE<;, I3.
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