§ 172.1 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–12 Edition) 172.606 Carrier information contact. this part, that person shall perform the function in accordance with this part. Subpart H—Training [Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, 1976, as 172.700 Purpose and scope. amended by Amdt. 172–32, 41 FR 38179, Sept. 172.701 Federal-State relationship. 9, 1976] 172.702 Applicability and responsibility for training and testing. Subpart B—Table of Hazardous 172.704 Training requirements. Materials and Special Provisions Subpart I—Safety and Security Plans § 172.101 Purpose and use of haz- 172.800 Purpose and applicability. ardous materials table. 172.802 Components of a security plan. (a) The Hazardous Materials Table 172.804 Relationship to other Federal re- (Table) in this section designates the quirements. materials listed therein as hazardous 172.820 Additional planning requirements materials for the purpose of transpor- for transportation by rail. tation of those materials. For each 172.822 Limitation on actions by states, listed material, the Table identifies the local governments, and Indian tribes. hazard class or specifies that the mate- APPENDIX A TO PART 172—OFFICE OF HAZ- rial is forbidden in transportation, and ARDOUS MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION gives the proper shipping name or di- COLOR TOLERANCE CHARTS AND TABLES rects the user to the preferred proper APPENDIX B TO PART 172—TREFOIL SYMBOL shipping name. In addition, the Table APPENDIX C TO PART 172—DIMENSIONAL SPEC- IFICATIONS FOR RECOMMENDED PLACARD specifies or references requirements in HOLDER this subchapter pertaining to labeling, APPENDIX D TO PART 172—RAIL RISK ANAL- packaging, quantity limits aboard air- YSIS FACTORS craft and stowage of hazardous mate- rials aboard vessels. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128, 44701; 49 CFR 1.53. (b) Column 1: Symbols. Column 1 of the Table contains six symbols (‘‘+’’, ‘‘A’’, SOURCE: Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15996, Apr. 15, ‘‘D’’, ‘‘G’’, ‘‘I’’ and ‘‘W’’) as follows: 1976, unless otherwise noted. (1) The plus (+) sign fixes the proper shipping name, hazard class and pack- Subpart A—General ing group for that entry without regard to whether the material meets the defi- § 172.1 Purpose and scope. nition of that class, packing group or This part lists and classifies those any other hazard class definition. When materials which the Department has the plus sign is assigned to a proper designated as hazardous materials for shipping name in Column (1) of the purposes of transportation and pre- § 172.101 Table, it means that the mate- scribes the requirements for shipping rial is known to pose a risk to humans. papers, package marking, labeling, and When a plus sign is assigned to mix- transport vehicle placarding applicable tures or solutions containing a mate- to the shipment and transportation of rial where the hazard to humans is sig- those hazardous materials. nificantly different from that of the pure material or where no hazard to [Amdt. 172–29, 41 FR 15997, Apr. 15, 1976, as humans is posed, the material may be amended by 66 FR 45379, Aug. 28, 2001] described using an alternative shipping name that represents the hazards posed § 172.3 Applicability. by the material. An appropriate alter- (a) This part applies to— nate proper shipping name and hazard (1) Each person who offers a haz- class may be authorized by the Asso- ardous material for transportation, and ciate Administrator. (2) Each carrier by air, highway, rail, (2) The letter ‘‘A’’ denotes a material or water who transports a hazardous that is subject to the requirements of material. this subchapter only when offered or (b) When a person, other than one of intended for transportation by aircraft, those provided for in paragraph (a) of unless the material is a hazardous sub- this section, performs a packaging la- stance or a hazardous waste. A ship- beling or marking function required by ping description entry preceded by an 132 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:52 Nov 15, 2012 Jkt 226218 PO 00000 Frm 00142 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 172.101 ‘‘A’’ may be used to describe a material be used in place of the word ‘‘flam- for other modes of transportation pro- mable’’. vided all applicable requirements for (2) Punctuation marks and words in the entry are met. italics are not part of the proper ship- (3) The letter ‘‘D’’ identifies proper ping name, but may be used in addition shipping names which are appropriate to the proper shipping name. The word for describing materials for domestic ‘‘or’’ in italics indicates that there is a transportation but may be inappro- choice of terms in the sequence that priate for international transportation may alternately be used as the proper under the provisions of international shipping name or as part of the proper regulations (e.g., IMO, ICAO). An alter- shipping name, as appropriate. For ex- nate proper shipping name may be se- ample, for the hazardous materials de- lected when either domestic or inter- scription ‘‘Carbon dioxide, solid or Dry national transportation is involved. ice’’ either ‘‘Carbon dioxide, solid’’ or (4) The letter ‘‘G’’ identifies proper ‘‘Dry ice’’ may be used as the proper shipping names for which one or more shipping name; and for the hazardous technical names of the hazardous ma- materials description ‘‘Articles, pres- terial must be entered in parentheses, surized pneumatic or hydraulic,’’ ei- in association with the basic descrip- ther ‘‘Articles, pressurized pneumatic’’ tion. (See § 172.203(k).) or ‘‘Articles, pressurized hydraulic’’ (5) The letter ‘‘I’’ identifies proper may be used as the proper shipping shipping names which are appropriate name. for describing materials in inter- (3) The word ‘‘poison’’ or ‘‘poisonous’’ national transportation. An alternate may be used interchangeably with the proper shipping name may be selected word ‘‘toxic’’ when only domestic when only domestic transportation is transportation is involved. The abbre- involved. viation ‘‘n.o.i.’’ or ‘‘n.o.i.b.n.’’ may be (6) The letter ‘‘W’’ denotes a material used interchangeably with ‘‘n.o.s.’’. that is subject to the requirements of (4) Except for hazardous wastes, when this subchapter only when offered or intended for transportation by vessel, qualifying words are used as part of the unless the material is a hazardous sub- proper shipping name, their sequence stance or a hazardous waste. A ship- in the package markings and shipping ping description entry preceded by a paper description is optional. However, ‘‘W’’ may be used to describe a mate- the entry in the Table reflects the pre- rial for other modes of transportation ferred sequence. provided all applicable requirements (5) When one entry references an- for the entry are met. other entry by use of the word ‘‘see’’, if (c) Column 2: Hazardous materials de- both names are in Roman type, either scriptions and proper shipping names. name may be used as the proper ship- Column 2 lists the hazardous materials ping name (e.g., Ethyl alcohol, see Eth- descriptions and proper shipping names anol). of materials designated as hazardous (6) When a proper shipping name in- materials. Modification of a proper cludes a concentration range as part of shipping name may otherwise be re- the shipping description, the actual quired or authorized by this section. concentration, if it is within the range Proper shipping names are limited to stated, may be used in place of the con- those shown in Roman type (not centration range. For example, an italics). aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide (1) Proper shipping names may be containing 30 percent peroxide may be used in the singular or plural and in ei- described as ‘‘Hydrogen peroxide, aque- ther capital or lower case letters. ous solution with not less than 20 percent Words may be alternatively spelled in but not more than 40 percent hydrogen the same manner as they appear in the peroxide’’ or ‘‘Hydrogen peroxide, aque- ICAO Technical Instructions or the ous solution with 30 percent hydrogen IMDG Code. For example ‘‘aluminum’’ peroxide’’. may be spelled ‘‘aluminium’’ and ‘‘sul- (7) Use of the prefix ‘‘mono’’ is op- fur’’ may be spelled ‘‘sulphur’’. How- tional in any shipping name, when ap- ever, the word ‘‘inflammable’’ may not propriate. Thus, Iodine monochloride 133 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:52 Nov 15, 2012 Jkt 226218 PO 00000 Frm 00143 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 172.101 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–12 Edition) may be used interchangeably with Io- hazard zone than that specified in the dine chloride. In ‘‘Glycerol alpha- special provision; or monochlorohydrin’’ the term ‘‘mono’’ (F) The material can be appro- is considered a prefix to the term priately described by a shipping name ‘‘chlorohydrin’’ and may be deleted. that describes its intended application, (8) Use of the word ‘‘liquid’’ or such as ‘‘Coating solution’’, ‘‘Extracts, ‘‘solid’’. The word ‘‘liquid’’ or ‘‘solid’’ flavoring’’ or ‘‘Compound, cleaning liq- may be added to a proper shipping uid.’’. name when a hazardous material spe- (ii) If one or more of the conditions cifically listed by name may, due to specified in paragraph (c)(10)(i) of this differing physical states, be a liquid or section is satisfied, then a proper ship- solid. When the packaging specified in ping name shall be selected as pre- Column 8 is inappropriate for the phys- scribed in paragraph (c)(12)(ii) of this ical state of the material, the table section. provided in paragraph (i)(4) of this sec- (iii) A mixture or solution not identi- tion should be used to determine the fied in the Table specifically by name, appropriate packaging section. comprised of two or more hazardous (9) Hazardous wastes.
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