Church of St. James of the Marches 410 Totowa Road, Totowa, New Jersey 07512-2098 (www.stjamesofthemarches.com) ([email protected]) Our Community Is Served By Father J. Patrick Ryan, Pastor Father Marek S. Krysiak, Parochial Vicar Monsignor Eugene M. Boland, Pastor Emeritus Mr. Michael Messano, Seminarian Intern Dr. Linda Kostenko, Principal Sr. Antoinette Cedrone, FMA, Director of Religious Education Sr. Eileen Tickner, FMA, Pastoral Associate Mr. Kevin Walsh, Trustee Mr. John Waryas, Trustee Mr. Vincent D’Antonio, President Parish Council Ms. Virginia Andreano, President/Pastor’s Advisory Board Ms. Ann Riccardi, Pastoral Associate for Administration Ms. Gail Monochello, Administrative Assistant/CCD Ms. Catherine Ryan, Accounts Clerk Ms. Janet Cozzolino, Ms. Diana Farina, Ms. Adelaide Fiorarancio, and Ms. Fran Tesoriero, Parish Support Staff Mr. Andrzej Trembicki, Music Ministry Mr. Greg Caldarone, Music Ministry Sacramental Life Mr. Michael Agures, Mr. James Beagin, Ms. Mary Jean Hayek, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Mr. Jerry McFarlane, & Mr. Antonio Vacca, Sacristans Sundays: Vigil Mass 5:30 pm (Saturday), 7:30am, 10:15 am & 12:00 Noon Weekdays: Monday 8:15 am, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 am Pastoral care of the Sick Saturdays: 8:30 AM Holydays: AS ANNOUNCED We wish to be of help to anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in The Sacrament of Penance Church because of illness, age or disability. To receive the Sacraments Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM or by request at anytime. of Penance, Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick at home, please call the The Sacrament of Baptism Rectory. Kindly notify one of the priests if you wish them to visit a fami- Celebrated on the Second and Fourth Sunday of each month immedi- ly member who is hospitalized. ately AFTER the 10:15 am Mass Devotions Parents should contact the Rectory either before or soon after the birth Eucharistic Holy Hour: with exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament, of the baby to register for the reception of the Sacrament. novena prayers and consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus ending Instruction for parents and godparents is held on the FIRST MONDAY with Benediction every First Friday of the month at 7:00 PM. of each month at 7:30 PM . Parents and godparents are expected to Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) be practicing Catholics; godparent must have received the Sacrament Anyone wishing to become Catholic or who has not received the Sac- of Confirmation in order to serve as sponsors. raments of Eucharist or Confirmation should call the Rectory for further The Sacrament of Matrimony information. Arrangements must be made at least one year in advance. Please call Parish Registration the Rectory for an appointment. Every Catholic family in the Parish should be registered. Please con- Sponsor Certificates: ONLY Eligible Registered Parishioners will be tact the Parish Office to do so or use the below form to join our Parish. given certification to be a sponsor for Baptism & Confirmation. PARISH MEMBERSHIP : All adult Catholics should register in the Par- ish. Young adults of working age should register independently of their parents. In order for us to testify to your ability for sponsorship in Bap- Parish House tism, Confirmation or witness to a Catholic marriage, it is necessary to 32 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 be a registered member of this Parish. Also, please notify the Parish Phone: 973-790-0288 Fax: 973-790-7064 Office of any changes in address, or if you are leaving the Parish. (office hours 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday ) (Please PRINT) NAME___________________________________________________ The Academy of St. Francis of Assisi 400 Totowa Road, Totowa, NJ 07512 ADDRESS_______________________________________________ Phone: 973-956-8824 Fax: 973-956-9430 CITY___________________STATE__________ ZIP _____________ Religious Education Office (CCD) PHONE #________________________________________________ 31 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 Check: ____New Reg. ____Moving ____Change of address Phone: 973-790-4860 Fax: 973-790-4644 Please cut out & return to the rectory or place in the collection basket to replace the kitchen floor is upon us. The linoleum tile floor in our kitchen was worn down, discolored, and starting to crack. In Thinking Out Loud…. taking up the old floor, we realized that there Lent is evaporating before our eyes. It were two floors under the one which was be- is hard to believe that Easter is just around ing taken up. A wood floor will welcome the the corner. The hearing of confessions has feet of many who are in and out of our well- always been an opportunity of amazing grace used kitchen. It should be completed by this for this confessor. Tuesday, if everything goes according to We had five Monday evenings of con- plan. th th fessions. This past Sunday, the 7 and 8 Our refrigerator has been giving us a graders of our CCD program came to confes- bit of trouble lately, and it shall be the next sion, and on Tuesday, Father Marek and I piece of equipment to be replaced in the rd th heard the confessions of our 3 and 4 grad- kitchen. ers. We then concluded the hearing of con- If you had visited the campus last Mon- fessions of the children both in our academy day, you would have seen a large crew from and the religious education program. Ebby’s Lawn Care working at an unbelieva- A unique situation took place this past bly fast pace to get our lawns and gardens Monday. Some who could not come for the up to snuff. They do such a magnificent job, Sacrament of Reconciliation at 7 pm came at and compliments keep rolling in on the fine 6 pm, as Father Marek and I were just finish- work they do. It is such an enjoyable experi- ing dinner. I would gladly give-up even the ence to walk around the property, after the finest of meals if it helped bring someone evening meal, and see how nice things look. closer to God. Do you know how blessed we are in If you have not noticed it, we are a having the wonderful teachers we have both growing parish, averaging about eight new in our CCD and parish school? They are a families per month, who have registered as most dedicated, generous, and good group new parishioners of St. James. You might no- of individuals who give so freely of their time tice, if you attend the 10:15 am Sunday Mass, and talents and who preach by example the the large number of young parents and the good news as found in the Gospel. many children present at this Mass. It is most Again, we thank those who volunteer encouraging to see so many young people in the Parish House for making life so much sharing Christ’s life with their children here easier for the staff. If it were not for these re- in the only Catholic Church in Totowa. We re- markably good souls, much that needs to get joice at this growth. done would not be accomplished. We have had a larger number of funer- The amount of food you brought to the als than usual these last few weeks. Those sacristy to help feed the poor is once again who survive are often in deep pain and expe- nothing less than remarkable. You are so rience the ache of emptiness. Our prayers, good in remembering those who have less to words of encouragement, support, and cor- eat than we do. You are a great blessing to poral works of mercy should always be forth our church and to the poor. coming at times like these. We are grateful to Sister Antoinette While we have spoken of it before, and Cedrone, FMA, and Gail Monochello for ar- it has been slow in coming, we are on the ranging a very special retreat for our stu- verge of establishing a parish bereavement dents who will be making their First Holy support group. It is beneficial to share the ex- Communion in a very short time. Sister Antoi- perience of losing a loved one with others nette brought with her two more Salesians who have gone through the same grief. There Sisters who engaged our children and their is healing in groups, understanding, and sup- parents in every way. The two visiting Sisters port. We will say more on this in the near fu- who helped make the day so special were ture. On a far more practical level, the need (Column continues on next page) (Column continues) PRAYER REQUESTS Sister Juliett Perez, FMA, and Sister Guerline Joseph, FMA. Please remember in your prayers the following: The regular teachers, of our CCD chil- Rosemarie Amendola, John Amodio, Jackie dren and second graders from our acade- Balloutine, Kristin Cappuccio, Maria Ciaremella, my, who have done such a wonderful job, Gerald Connors, Lucy & Antonio Convertino, Harry Cortes, are Regina Casini, Alyse Berardi, Kathy Carolyn DiStasio, Angelina Fattorusso, Dennis Florence, Lucille D’Antonio, and Kelly Schuster. Gillen, Betty Goodsir, Philip Gordon, Angie Kimble, Joey Kuri, We thank everyone who helped bring Anne Krautheim, Father Justin Kusibab, OFM Conv., Liana a child closer to God. Lobosco, Juliann Marciano, Blanche Miele, John Nicoll, Car- It is Holy Week, and there is no place mela Noorigian, Andrew O’Connor, Brother Stefano Panizzolo, more important to be this week than here in LC., Anthony Polito, Elizabeth Rousset, Maggie Speziale, Denis Church. Sullivan, Paul Tommasi, Bea Vinciguerra, Bryan Wells, Ann Father Patrick Williams, Robyn Zaleski, Evan Zillner, Agnes Mariella Zimmer, Elizabeth Szymczyk. HOME TO GOD Please pray for all those who have recently passed on, especially Michelina Sanzari, Louis Carofano, Jr.
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