C H A P T E R - 4 RESEARCH M ETHODOLOGY AND TABULAR ANALYSIS - 51 - CHAPTER - U RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND TABULAR ANALYSIS Research Methodology consists of - a) Questionnaire and b) Interviews The questionnaire contains 14 questions covering the following areas of information - 1) Village and its jurisdiction 2) Population 3) Number of households 4) Establishment 5) Number of employees with their pay-scales and designation. 6) Economic, social and administrative problems of Gram Panchayats. 7) People’s role and co-operation, the schemes of capital formation and development, interviews of BDOs, Cram-sevaks and Sarpanch are taken to obtain first hand information. Primary data are obtained for 584 Cram Panchayats in Pune District. The primary data was obtained with reference to the following points of information. 1) Establishment year of Gram Panchayat 2) Income of the Gram Panchayat 3) Employee Category 4) Monthly Wages - 52 - The number of questionnaires sent to Cram Panchayats in different talukas were - SR. TALUKA NO.OF NO.OF COMPLETED NO. VILLACES RESPONSES ( J 1 . Baramat i 80 39 2. Shirur (Chodnadi) 80 62 3. Mul si 91 33 4. Velha 124 30 5. Purandhar 76 63 6. Bhor 1T..7 84 7. Havel i 11S_ 36 8. Daund 69 35 9. Maval 90 30 10. Ambegaon 1^6 28 11 . Junner 1.27 41 12. Indapur 97 65 13. Khed (Rajgurunagar) 134 38 The primary data obtained through questionnaires relates to - 1) Wage levels of employees of Cram Panchayats (Pg, No. 53-96) and 2) Capital formation projects completed by Cram Panchayats (106-184). (Pg.No.98-1 75) . Wage levels and capital formation at the local level are the two related phenomena and the observations on the tabulated information given at the end confirm this conclusion. - 53 - 1) WAGE LEVELS OF EMPLOYEES OF CRAM PANCHAYATS : TALUKA - BARAMATI No.of Villages : 80 No.of Questionnaires : 39 Sr. Name of the Year of income of the Employee \'onthly No. Crampanchayat Establ ish- Grampanchayat Cateqory Waqes ment Rupees Rupees 1 . Dorlewadi 1962 47,400/- Peon 325/- • Clerk 225/- W.S. 325/- 2. Late 1953 44,500/- Peon 200 /- Sweeper 30/- W.S. 250 /- 3. Maleqaon (B) 1941 2,27,900/- Peon 325/- Sweeper 165/- VV. S. (3) 250/- Clerk 425/- U. Shiravl 1 1953 N.A. Peon 350 /- Sweeper 45/- 5. Ghadqewad1 1988 N.A. W.S. 500/- Peon 160/- W.S. 300/- 6. Sonqaon 1952 2,700/- Peon 200/- 7. Shirashne 1960 1 1 ,500/- Peon 375/- 8. Dhumal wadi 1989 10,000/- Peon 350/- 9. Kanheree 1953 4,000/- Peon 50/- 10. Nimbodi 1958 2,300/- Peon 110/- Sweeper 20/- 11 . Paishi 1988 N.A. N.A. N.A. - 54 - Sr. Name of the Year of Income of the Employee Monthly No. Crampanchayat Estalol isii- Crampanchayat Category Waqes ment Rupees Rupees 12. Mai wadi (Loni) 1988 N.A. N.A. -- 13. Loni Bhapkar N.A. — Peon 2 70 / ■ Clerk 293/- 14. Zarqadwadi 1977 1 1 , 500/- Peon 250/- 15. Supe 1941 1 ,38,900/- Peon 300/- Sweeper 200/- Clerk 900/- 16. Sawal 1958 5,400/- Peon 100/- W.S. 100/- 17. Vanewadi 1984 95,500/- Peon 350/- Sweeper 150/- W.S. 500/- Clerk 550/- 18. Vnqhalwadi 1984 50,000/- Peon 400/- W.S. 400/- 19. Murum 1934 22,000/- Peon 325/- Clerk 525/- W.S. 350/- 20. Vadgaon (N) 1941 63,800/- Peon 400 /- W.S. 450/- Sweeper 450/- 21 . Dhekai wadi 19G4 9,000/- Peon 350/- Sweeper 40/' 250 /- 22. PimpI i 1957 33,500/- Peon - rir _ Sr. Name of the Year of Income of the Employee Monthly No. Crampanchayat EstabI ish- Crampanchayat Cateqory Waqes ment Rupees Rupees 23. Neebunt 1956 15,00,000/- Peon 500/- W.S. 325/- Watchman 50/- Clerk 125/- 2H. Mai ad 1942 23,000/- Peon 270/- W.S. 300/- Clerk 300/- 25. Undavdi (K.P.) 1953 13,400/- Peon 100/- Sweeper 45/- 26. Khandan 1934 30,200/- Peon 290/- Clerk 310/- W.S. 305/- 27. Pandare 1943 85,200/- Peon 325/- Sweeper 150/- W.S. 480/- 28. Sonkaswadi 1989 13,700/- W.S. 150/- 29. Dhakale 1955 23,600/- Peon 200 /- Sweeper 125/- W.S. 375/- 30. Jainakwadi 1989 3,500/- Peon 40/- W.S. 50/- 31 . Kaffal 1959 10,700/- Peon 175/- Sweeper 95/- - 56 - Sr. Name of tlic Year of Income of the Employee Month 1y No. Crampanchayat EstabI ish- Crampanchayat Category Wages iiient Rupees Rupees 32. Cojubavi 1962 29,500/- Peon 230/- Sweeper 80/- 33. Tardoli 1956 6,000/- Peon 150/- Sweeper 40/- 34. Pavaimal 1984 10,000/- N.A. N.A. 35. Manappawasti 1989 16,000/- W.S. 350/- Clerk 425/- 36. Parvdi 19511 6,300/- Peon 200/- Sweeper 100/- 37. Malegaon 1954 20,000/- Peon 400/- Sweeper 150/- W.S. 400/- Clerk 300/- 38. Malegaon (K) 1952 10,100/- Peon 200/- W.S. 200/- 39. Joqvdi- 1965 6,000/- Peon 75/- Jadhavwadi - 57 - TALUKA - SHIRUR (CHODNADI) No.of Villages : 80 No.of Questionnaires : 62 Sr, Name of the Year of Income of the Employee Month 1y No. Crampanchayat Establish- Crampanchayat Category Wages ment Rupees Rupees 1. Ranjanqaon 1938 80,700/- Peon 400/- Ganpati Sweeper 120/- W.S. 375/- 2. Kendur 1934 74,300/- Peon 350/- Sweeper 60/- W.S. 500/- Clerk 400/- 3. Karanjavne 1957 11,200/- Peon 300/- 4. Savindane 1952 32,100/- W.S. 350/- Peon 350/- Sweeper 85/- Teacher 90/- 5. Kanhur Mesai 1938 9,200/- Peon 150/- W.S. 400/- Sweeper 75/- Teacher 120/- 6. Khaieerwadi 1975 2,400/- Peon 75/- Sweeper 30/- 7, Midqu1 wadi 1975 2,000/- Peon 50/- 8. Nhavre 1936 1,04,000/- Peon 250 /- W.S. 450/- Sr. Name of the Year of Income of the Employee No. Crampancliayal EstabI ish- Monthly Crampanchayat Category Wages ment Rupees Rupees 9. Uralqaon 1963 15,000/- Peon 175/- Sweeper 50/- 10. Shirur 1941 45,000/- Peon 200/- W.S. 100/- Clerk 450/- Teacher 100/- n . Aamble 1952 11,000/- Peon 200/- Sweeper 50/- 12. Pimpri (B] 1970 N.A. Peon 125/- 13. Khandale 1967 N.A. Peon 124/- Sweeper 50/- 14. Janegaon 1962 9,800/- Peon 100/- W.S. 175/- 15. Golegaon 1965 7,000/- Peon 100/- 16. PimperkhecI 1942 35,500/- Peon 160/- Sweeper 75/- 17. Ranjangaon 1942 4,000/- Peon 160/- Sweeper 100/- 18. Alegaon Paga 1952 3,900/- Peon 100/- Sweeper 70/ - 19. Karegaon 1953 7,700/- Peon 125/- Sweeper 100/- . Thoksangvi 20 1965 3,500/- Peon 60/- - 59 - Sr. Name of the Year of Income of the Employee Monthly No. Crampanchayat EstabI ish- Crampanchayat Category Wages ment Rupees Rupees 21 . Caneqaon N.A. N.A. Peon 140/- Sweeper 55/- 22. Tandali 1960 N.A. Peon 175/- Sweeper 150/- 23. Dhamari 1952 N.A. Peon i50l- Sweeper 50/- W.S. 120/- 24. Pimple Khalsa 1958 6,000/- Peon 150/- T eacher ]2SI- 25. CanGqaon Khalsa 1958 6,200/- Peon 100/- 26. Hi vre 1958 4,000/- Peon 115/- 27. Pabal 1936 76,300/- Peon 350/- Sweeper 250/- W.S. 250/- 28. Bhambarcle 1957 14,700/- Peon 100/- 29. Kendur 1934 N.A. Peon 350/- Sweeper 60/- • W.S.(3) 740 /- 30. Kavthe (Yemai) 1935 1 ,50,000/- Peon 300/- Sweeper 1 50/- W.S. 300/- Clerk 400/- T eacher 50/- - 60 - Sr. Name of the Year of Income of the Employee .Monthly No. Crampanchayat EstabI ish- Crampanchayat Category Waqes ment Rupees Rupees 31 . Sanaswadi 1974 2,11,400/- Peon GOO/- W.S. 600/- Sweeper 60 , - Clerk 750/- 32. Mukhai 1957 13,400/- Peon 400 /- Sweeper 60/- 33. Janegaon (B) 1957 1 1 ,400/- Peon 100/- Sweeper 60/- 34. Talegaon 1922 N.A. Peon 550/- Dhamdhere Sweeper 200/- W.S. 450 /- 35. Khai renaqar 1976 N.A. Peon 100/- 36. Malthan 1927 6,000/- Peon 250/- Sweeper 150/- W.S. 50/- 37. Parodi N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 38. Dah iwadi N.A. N.A. Peon N.A. 39. Kuruli N.A. 6,300/- Peon 100/- W.S. 300/- 40. Kal wantwadi 1980 4,000/- Peon 50/- 41 . Aandhalgaon 1935 6,000/- Peon 60/- 42. Nagargaon 1971 9,000/- Peon 200/- 43. Karandee 1952 24,000/- Peon 100/- Sweeper 100'- W.S. 125/ - - 61 - Sr. Name of the Year of Income of the Employee Month 1y No. Crampanchayat Establ ish- Crampanchayat Category Wages ment Rupees Rupees Kasari 1975 7,000/- Peon 50/- Sweeper 45/- 45. Takli-Bhima 1958 9,000/- Peon 200/- 46. Nimgaon 1958 17,000/- Peon 200/- Mhalunqi Sweeper 100/- 47. Vaclhu (B) 1952 1,05,400/- Peon 500/ - Sweeper 200/- Watchman 500 /- Clerk 550/- T eacher 500 /- 48. Aapti 1970 11,000/- Peon 100/- 49. Shirasgaon 1956 N.A. Peon 60/- 50. Pimplesuti 1955 5,000/- Peon 60/- 51 . Inamgaon 1954 10,000/- Peon 200/- 52, Kathapur (K) 1988 28,400/- Peon N.A. 53. Chandoh 1988 22,600/- Peon N.A. 54. Sadalgaon 1960 N.A. Peon 175/- Sweeper 125/- 55. Nimgaon-Bhogi 1961 3,400/- Peon 75/- Sweeper 40 ' - 56. Kolgaon-Dolas 1977 7,000/- Peon 100/- 57. Vitthalwadi 1973 35,000/- Peon 75/- Sweeper 50/- W.S. 300/- Teacher 250 - - 62 - Sr. Name of the Year of Income of the Employee Monthly No. Crampanchayat Establish- Crampanchayat Cateqory Waqes ment Rupees Rupees 58. Nimgaon-Dude 1966 5,000/- Peon 100/- 59. Shikrapur 1952 N.A. Peon 310/- Sweeper 100/- W.S. 150/- 60. Burunjwadi 1975 N.A. Peon 60/- 61. Koregaon-Bhima 1952 3,00,000/- Peon 200 /- Sweeper{3) 350/- W.S. 400/- Teacher 250/- Clerk 750 /- 62. Kakre 1988 29,000/- N.A. N.A. - G3 - TALUKA - MULSm No.of Villages : 91 No.of Questionnaires : 33 Sr. Name of the Year of Income of the Employee Monthly No.
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