Supplement to the Journal of Nematology 29(4S):640-656. 1997. © The Society of Nematologists 1997. Plant-parasitic Nematodes of New Zealand Recorded by Host Association K. W. L. KNIGHT, 1 C.J. BARBER,2 AND G. D. PAGE2 Abstract: A list of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with hosts in New Zealand is pro~ided com- prising 703 records, including 207 new associations for New Zealand. Key wards: new records, New Zealand, plant-parasitic nematodes, pasture nematodes. Records of plant-parasitic nematodes in (as Nothocriconema pasticum), and Raski association with hosts in New Zealand have (1975) identified Paratylenchus nanus in New been reviewed previously (Clark, 1963d; Zealand, but they did not indicate a host Cottier, 1956; Dale, 1972a; Dingley, 1969). association. Radopholus nativus has been This paper incorporates New Zealand nema- found subsequently on Chionochloa macra tode-host associations published up to 1995; (Yeates, 1974) and Raoulia hectori (Yeates, observations of the New Zealand Plant Pro- 1983); Criconema pasticum is newly recorded tection Centre (NZPPC) up to June 1996; on Citrus sp. and Paratylenchus nanus is newly and unpublished records contributed by recorded in association with Hordeum vulgate R.N. Watson, AgResearch, Ruakura, New and Triticum aestivum. Table 3 contains re- Zealand; G. S. Grandison, Landcare Re- cords of plant-parasitic nematodes associ- search, Auckland, New Zealand; W. M. ated with grass, turf, and pasture, where a Wouts, Landcare Research, Auckland, New specific host has not been determined. In- Zealand; J. W. Marshall, Crop and Food Re- clusion of this table reflects the amount of search, Lincoln, New Zealand, and W. De- nematological work directed into this area, craemer, Gent University, Brussels, Belgium. and the importance of pasture to the New Nematode host association records lodged Zealand economy. Pastoral agriculture ac- in university libraries in theses and disserta- counts for 80% of land use and produces tions have not been included. $5.9 billion annually (Anonymous, 1995). Records are listed alphabetically by the The term "plant-parasitic nematode" in scientific name of the host plant (Table 1). this paper refers to nematodes in categories Edible fungi are included in the host list. la-ld ofYeates et al. (1993). The only ex- Table 2 contains records of plant-parasitic ceptions to this are Blandicephalanema, a sub- nematodes known to be present in New genus of Ograa according to Siddiqi (Siddiqi, Zealand but never recorded in association 1986); Neodolichodorus, a genus of Dolicho- with a specific host. Three cases where first dorinae (Siddiqi, 1986); and the parasitic records were published without the host be- nematodes listed in association with edible ing specified have been superseded by a sub- fungi. The criteria for accepting a new host sequent record that has established a host association record follow those of Dale association. Sher (1968) made the first ob- (1972a), with one addition: A parasite-host servation of Radopholus nativus, Raski and Pi- association occurs when records indicate nochet (1976) identified Criconemapasticum that the nematodes have reproduced on or in these plants in New Zealand, or when they have been found in association with Received for p~blication 3 January 1997. plants of which they are known parasites Nematologist, NZ Plant Protection Centre-Lincoln, MAF Qt~ality Management, P.O. Box 24, Lincoln, New Zealand. overseas. The additional criterion applies in Nematologists, NZ Plant Protection Centre-Lynfield, MAF cases of nematodes extracted from soil, Quality Management, P.O. Box 41, Auckland, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] when there have been multiple occurrences The authors thank W. M. Wouts, G.W. Yeates, and D. of significant numbers (greater than 50 Sntrhan for their careful scrutiny of this manuscript and their helpful comments;J. W. Marshall, R. Watson, G. S. Grandison, nematodes/100 g soil for most species) of and W. Decraemer for the records they have contributed; and the nematode associated with a particular the interloan librarians of Landcare Research for locating many of the original references. host. 640 Plant-parasitic Nematodes of New Zealand: Knight et aL 641 TABLE 1. New Zealand plant-parasitic nematode-host associations, listed alphabetically by host. NZPPC: New Zealand Plant Protection Centre. Host association (common name) Nematode First record Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit) Helicotylenchuslabiatus Yeates and Wouts, 1992 Meloidogyne hapla Dale, 1971a Meloidogyne sp. (=Heterodera marioni) Helson, 1952 Xiphinema sp2 R.N. Watson, pets. comm. Adiantum sp. Aphelenchoides fragariae (=Aphelenchoides olesistus) Cottier, 1956 (maidenhair fern) Agaricus bisporus Aphelenchoides composticola Dale et al., 1972 (edible mushroom) Aphelenchus avenae Dale, 1972a Bursaphelenchus fungivorus Dale, 1971c Ditylenchus mycebiophagus Dale, 1971c Agathis australis (kauri) Cephalenchus emarginatus (=Tylenchus emarginatus) Yeates et al., 1981 Agrostis tenuis (brown top) Anguina agrostis Healy, 1958 Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus Yeates and Wou~, 1992 Helicotylenchus sp. ~ NZPPC Meloidogyne naasi Grbawac et al., 1979 Para~lenchus projectus Wood, 1973a Alectryon excelsus (fitoki) Helicotylenchus oythrinae Wou~ and Yeates, 1994 Allium ascalonicum (shallot) Ditylenchus dipsaci ~ NZPPC Allium cepa (onion) Ditylenchus dipsaci (=Tylenchus devastatrix) Kirk, 1908 Helicotylenchus labiatus Yeates and Wou~, 1992 Meloidogyne hapla Dale, 1972a Meloidogyne incognita Dale, 1971a Meloidogyne incognita acrita D~e, 1972a Meloidogyne sp. Cottier, 1956 Pratylenchus crenatu~ Dale, 1972a Pratylvnchus sp. Clark, 1963d Allium cernuum (wild onion) Ditylenchus dipsaci Dale, 1971b Allium porrum (leek) Meloidogyne sp, Waters, 1965 Alliura sativum (garlic) Aphelenchoides blastophthorus Dale et al., 1972 Ditylenchus dipsaci Barber, 1977 Meloidogyne sp. ~ NZPPC Allium schoenoprasum (chive) Ditylenchus dipsaci ~ NZPPC Alstroemeria sp. (Peruvian lily) Rotylenchus robustus a NZPPC Amaranthus sp. (amaranthus) Aphelenchoides ntzemabosi Dale, 1972a Meloidogyne sp. Dale, 1972a Ammophila arenaria Hemicycliophora halophila Yeates, 1967c (marram grass) Trichodorus lobatus (=Trichodotvz clarki) Yeates, 1967b Morulaimus geniculatus (=Scutellonema magna) Yeates, 1967a Anagallis aroensis Pratylenchus sp. Clark, 1963d (scarlet pimpernel) Anthoxanthum odoratum Paratylenchus projectus Wood, 1973a (sweet vernal) Apium graveolens (celery) Meloidogyne hapla Dale, 1972a Meloidogyne sp. (=Heterodera mariani) b Cottier, 1956 Pratylenchus crenatus a NZPPC Pratylenchus penetrans Boesewinkel, 1977 Trichodorus primitivus a W. M. Wouts, pers. comm. Aphelandra squarrosa Pratylenchus sp. Clark, 1963d (zebra plant) Tylenchorhynchus sp. Clark, 1963d Aquilegia vulgaria Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi Boesewinkel, 1980 (garden columbine) Araucaria bidwillii Helicotylenchus labiatus Yeates and Wouts, 1992 (bunya bunya) Arthropiwm cirrhatum Aphelenchoides fragariae a NZPPC (New Zealand rock lily) Asparagus o~cinalis Meloidogyne sp. (=Heterodera marioni) b Cottier, 1956 (asparagus) 642 Supplement to the Journal of Nematology, Volume 29, No. 4S, December 1997 TABLE 1. Continued Host association (common name) Nematode First record Asplenium tmlbiferum Aphelenchoides fragariae a NZPPC (hen & chicken fern) Asplenium lucidum Aphelenchoides fragariae a NZPPC Asplenium sp. Aphelenchoides fragariae Cottier, 1956 (=Aphelenchaides olesistus) Aster dumosis (aster) Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi Boesewinkel, 1977 Aster sp. (aster) Aphelechoides ritzemabosi Cottier, 1956 Criconemoides sp. a NZPPC Meloidogyne hapla ~ NZPPC Astilbe × arendsii Meloidogyne sp. ~ NZPPC Pratylenchus sp. a NZPPC Avenafatua (wild oat) Heterodera avenae Harper, 1981 Avena sativa (oat) Ditylenchus dipsaci (=Tylenchus devastat~ix) Krik, 1908 Heterodera avenae Grandison and Halliwell, 1975 Meloidogyne naasi Grbavac, 1979 Pratylenchus crenatus Yeates, 1988 Pratylenchus sp. a NZPPC Beilschmiedia tawa (tawa) Helicotylenchus lissocaudatus Wouts and Yeates, 1994 Begonia sp. (begonia) Aphelenchoides fragariae Helson, 1952 (=Aphelenchoides olesistus) Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi Clark, 1963d Bergenia cordifolia Aphelenchoides fragariae ~ NZPCC Beta vulgaris (mangold/ Heterodera schachtii Barber, 1982 silverbeet/beetroot) Helicotylenchus labiatus Yeates and Wouts, 1992 Meloidogyne hapla Dale, 1972a Meloidogyne incognita Dale, 1972a Meloidogyne javanica ~ NZPPC Meloidogyne sp. Clark, 1963d Blechnum capense (kiokio fern) Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus Yeates and Wouts, 1992 Blechnum pattersonii Aphelenchoides fi'agariae~ NZPPC Blechnum sp. Blandicephalanema pilatum Mehta and Raski, 1971 Boronia heterphylla (boronia) Meloidogyne hapla a NZPPC Boronia megastigma Meloidogyne hapla a G. S. Grandison, pers. comm. (scented boronia) Meloidogyne sp. ~ NZPPC Bouvardia longiflora Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi Clark, 1963d Brachyglottis repanda Helicotylenchus erythvinae Wouts and Yeates, 1994 (rangiora) Bromus mollis (goose grass) Paratylenchus projectus Woods, 1973a Brassica oleracea Helicotylenchus htbiatus Yeates and Wouts, 1992 (cabbage/cauliflower) Meloidogyne sp. (=Heterodera marion0 b Cottier, 1956 Brassica rapa (turnip) Ditylenchus dipsaci Ferro, 1976 Meloidogyne sp. (=Heterodera marioni)b Cottier, 1956 Calendula offtcinalis Meloidogyne hapla Dale, 1971a (common marigold) Callistemon sp. (bottle brush) Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus Yeates and Wouts, 1992 CameUia japonica (camellia) Paratrichodorus sp. ~ NZPPC Campanula raddeana Aphelenchoides fragariae
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