Jacksonville State University [ legendary local photographer Ken Ii Volume 49, Issue 5 Elkrns October 5, 2000 u~ww.jsu.edu/chanticleer . .. -",,A*A" WORLD SGA encourages NEWS voter registration Germany is celebrating the 10th By Gracie Catchings anniversary of reuniting tb? Assistant News Editor By Gina Rae Smith Communist east with the capitalist News Editor west amid arguments over who Speeding is an ever-increasing should take the credit. problem on America's highways The 2000 U.S. Presidential elec- Israeli and Palestinian security and byways. tior? is one month away and many officials have agreed in principie to At Jacksonville State University Jacksonville State University stu- dents will not be able to cast their a cease-fire to end the bloodshed in the dangers of speeding increase Gaza, the West Bank and East vote. Why? when you factor in the hundreds of Jerusalem that has left at least 48 A number of JSU students are not students and faculty members that registered to vote. While many are people dead. trek across campus every day. In eligible, residency requirements Transit mechanics and mainte- order to help make motorists more may prevent them from taking nance supervisors broke ranks with advantage of the convenience of striking bus and rail drivers in Los mindful of pedestrians, the voting in Jacksonville. An individ- Angeles on Monday, announcing University has had radar detectors ual must be registered in Calhoun they would return to work for one installed in front of Rrewer and County in order to vote at area polls. week in hopes of ending a walkout Merrill Halls. Because JSU attracts students from that has stranded 450,000 com- "There is a lot of speeding going across the nation, this could poten- The radar in front of Brewer Hall shows the speeds of drivers on Pelham tially prevent them from voting for muters. on through that particular area," said ets issued per semester but quite a quite as much as they should. But the next president of the United *Monday'sCNNIUSA University Police Department TodayIGallup tracking poll indi- few warning tickets are issued. that will at least let them know States. Chief cates the upcoming presidential Coleman also said the hope of UPD they're in a 25 mile per hour zone To combat residency requirement "We've had several cases where stu- concerns and lack of registered stu- race is still tied, with Texas is that motorists will slow down and doing 50 (miles per hour). That dents have almost been hit crossing dents, the JSU Strdent Government Governor George W. Bush and Vice when they see their actual speed kind of gets their attention. to go to Brewer from the parking lot Association will have an informal Resident A1 Gore winning 45 per- flashed in front of them. "(Installing these detectors) is voter drive throughout the month of across the street. We have police cent each. "We put them at the locations that something we've been wanting to do October. A table will be set up every 9 cars and officers out there from time Women having cancer therapy we thought were best,'' Coleman for a long time and sometimes it Friday on the fourth floor of the may one day be able to avoid the to time, but we can't keep one out Theron Montgomery Building said. "As soon as they (motorists) takes a long- time to get something ovary damage that often leaves where students can register to vote. there all the time." top that hill, if they're late for work simple done." them unable to bear children, Coleman reported there is not an "It only takes about 60 seconds to or whatever, they don't slow down register," said SGA President researchers report. Scientists study- incredible number of speeding tick- Conbnued on page 3, Radar detector ing chemical and radiation damage Elizabeth Webb. The SGA is hoping the convenience of the registration to mice cells report promising process will encourage students to results when the action of the chem- fulfill their patriotic duty. ical ceramide was blocked. "I think it's great for freshmen The future of the popular Napster Flu shot nothing to sneeze at who may not know how to go about song-swapping service hung in the By Abigail Symonds Knight the United States and, according to to be 70-90% effective in preventing registering to vote or out of state balance as a panel of federal judges students who can't just go home to JSU News Bureau the Centers for Disease Control, influenza among healthy adults. got its hands on the case Monday, cast their ballot," said JSU junior leads on average to approximately However, there is a myth that the prompting some college students to Jessica Ellis. "When I reached vot- vaccine is not effective at all. This is download as many songs as possi- It is the season-time for football 20,000 deaths a year-which is why ing age, I had no idea how to regis- ble. games, flannel shirts, weekend days flu shots are important, especially due to the fact that it is possible to ter, so I think having on-campus The Wallflowers and Third Eye raking leaves, warm apple cider and for those people at higher risk for develop a respiratory illness due to a registration is a great idea." The SGA hopes to have registered Blind flew to Tennessee last week- cold nights for hayrides. Time for developing complications from virus other than the influenza virus. Unfortunately, for the 2000-01 500 students as of Election Day in end to wish Jack Daniel a happy fever, dry cough, sore muscles, sore influenza. November. While this may seem birthday. The famous distillery kept throat, stuffy or runny noses, and "We recommend persons 65 and influenza season, there are delays in like a lofty goal, many students have about 1,000 guests in the dark about extreme fatigue-it is flu season. older get the shot, then tgrget those the distribution of the vaccine and a already taken advantage of the con- who'd supply the entertainment for Influenza, better known as the flu, 50-65 years old who are often the possibility that there will be signifi- venience of registering at JSU. the party Saturday celebrating the is a virus that mainly infects the res- caregivers," said Paula Davis, who cantly fewer doses available. "The interest has been surprising," founder's 150th birthday. is a certified nurse practitioner and According to Davis, the flu shot said Webb. "We are well on our way piratory tract. It generally spreads to reaching the 500 mark." clinics, which are an annual event, INSIDE from person to person when an the clinic coordinator at the Nursing Registration is not limited to *NEWS* infected person coughs or sneezes. Center Clinic at Jacksonville State are normally held in October, but Fridays. Students are welcome to How fast are you going? Compared to other respiratory University. The clinic will be hold- due to the production delays, the stop by the Office of Student *RED HERRING* infections like the common cold, the ing flu shot clinics in November. clinic was pushed back to Activities on the fourth floor of the Brothers serves up Soup uld a brass flu can cause severe illness and lead The vaccine is made from inacti- November. TMB at any time to register. "Our office hours are Monday through "rebirth " to serious, even life-threatening vated or killed influenza viruses but "It has been a very difficult year," *EDITORIAL* Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.," complications in people of all ages. cannot cause influenza infection or explained Davis regarding the pro- said Webb. "We want to encourage Alabama--the butt of all jokes duction of the vaccine. There are a *WEEK IN SPORTS* Not merely a nuisance, the flu is a illness. all students to come by. It only takes Gamecocky look to lasso Sam Houstorz major cause of illness and death in Studies have shown the flu vaccine a minute." Continued on page 3, Flu shot Page 2 October 5,2000 THE CHANTICLEER Clubs And OrganizationsI 1 Campus Crime I, Announcements Al~haXi Delta The ECE for Fall 2000 will be The Campus Crime Docket is The sisters of Alpha Xi Delta would like to welcome all parents and families to Parent's Day on Saturday, Oct. I I given Tuesday, Oct. 17 from 6- never, and will never be, 7. We hope it will be an enjoyable and a memorable one. Congratulations to the Alpha Xi Delta Football Team on edited unless an incident an awesome victory last week. Good Luck to the Alpha Xi Football Team this week against Zeta! Good Luck to 7:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Oct. 18 report involves a minor. all JSU Football, Rugby and Soccer Teams!! Congratulations to Pi Kappa Phi on a successful War of the Roses.. from 3-4:30 p.m.. Students plan- Items in the Campus Crime Continue your hard work with your Philanthropy. Congratulations to the Beary Best Character Award going to Amy ning to take the ECE need to come Docket are obtained from inci- Johnson, Beary Best Bear to Amy Church and Jami Mayo, Study Bear of the Week to Amy Johnson, New Member by Stone Center, Room 215 and dent and arrest reports at the of the Week to Carrie Howard, and Sister of the Week to Kristen Faulkner. Happy October Birthday's to Miranda register by Oct. 11. Optional Killingsworth turning 21 and Nicole Harvel turning 20! ! Everyone have a great week and study hard! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! workshops for the Fall exam will JSU Police Department.
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