Appendix 1 Republic of China (TAIWAN) Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Fisheries Agency EUROPEAN COMMUNITY CATCH CERTIFICATE Document number Validating authority Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, ROC 1. Name Address Tel. 886-2-23835858 Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, 6F., No.100, Sec.2, Heping W.Rd., Fax 886-2-23327537 Executive Yuan, ROC Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei, Taiwan 2. Fishing vessel name Flag-Home port and registration number Call sign IMO/Lloyd’s number(if issued) Fishing licence No-Valid to Inmarsat No, Fax No, Telephone No, E-mail address (if issued) 3. Description of product Type of processing 4. References of applicable conservation and management authorized on board measures Estimated live Verified weight Catch area(s) and Estimated weight Species Product code weight (kg) landed (kg) dates to be landed (kg) where appropriate 5. Name of master of fishing vessel – Signature – Seal: 6. Declaration of transhipment at sea Signature and date Transhipment date/ Estimated weight Name of master of fishing vessel area/position (kg) Master of receiving vessel Signature Vessel name Call sign IMO/Lloyds number (if issued) 7. Transhipment authorization within a port area Name Authority Signature Address Tel. Port of landing Date of landing Seal (stamp) (transhipment) (transhipment) 8. Name and address of exporter Signature Date Seal 9. Flag State authority validation: Name/title Signature Date Seal (stamp) 10. Transport details as specified in the Regulation (EC) No.1005/2008 Annex II Appendix 11. Importer declaration Name and address of importer Signature Date Seal Product CN code Documents under Articles References 14(1), (2) of Regulation (EC) No.1005/2008 12. Import control - authority Place Importation Importation Verification authorized suspended (*) requested - date (*) Customs declaration (if issued) Number Date Place (*) Tick as appropriate. NOTE: The expiry date of this document is on . TRANSPORT DETAILS 1. Country of exportation 2. Exporter signature Port/airport/other place of departure Vessel name and flag Container Name Address Signature number(s) Flight number/airway bill number (list attached if necessary) Truck nationality and registration number Railway bill number Other transport document Document number: Appendix 2 Instructions for Filling Out the Europen Community Catch Certificate (EUCC) for Catch and Fisheries Products of Cosatal and Offshore Fishing Vessels Filled Column Part Instructions out by English Chinese Issuing Document Leave this column blank for the Fisheries 證書號碼 number Agency to fill in. authority of the flag State of the authority Validating Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, 簽核機關 authority Executive Yuan, ROC Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, 1 Name 機關名稱 Executive Yuan, ROC 6F., No.100, Sec.2, Heping W.Rd., Address 機關地址 Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei, Taiwan 機關電話/ Tel./Fax Tel. 886-2-23835858 / Fax 886-2-2332-7537” 傳真 Type the vessel name in English, and make sure the name is the same as recorded on the Fishing vessel 漁船船名 name Fishing License issued by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. Type the registration port and CT number of the fishing vessel. For example, for a vessel Flag-Home port 船籍註冊港 whose registration port is Nanfangao with the and registration 及統一編號 CT-number CT4-001234, type as follows: 2 number Info on the fishing vessel on the fishing Info NanFang-Ao, Taiwan CT4-1234 (last 4 digits) Applicant Type the call sign recorded on the Fishing Call sign 國際呼號 License issued by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. (1) For vessels over 100 GT (CT5 to CT8): type the IMO No. or LR No. recorded on IMO/Lloyd’s 船舶識別碼 the Fishing License issued by the Council number (if issued) /勞氏號碼 of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. (2) For vessels less than 100 GT (CT4 under): type N/A. Coastal and offshore fishing vessels operating 捕撈執照號 within Taiwan’s EEZ please fill in the No. and Fishing license 碼及有效期 No-Valid to validity period of the Fishing License issued 限 by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. For example, for a trawler operating within Taiwan’s EEZ with the Fishing License No. “Single boat trawler (101) Nung-tzu No. 0000000163” and the validity period of the License till December 31 2016, please fill in as follows: TW, 大 單 拖 (101) 農 字 第 0000000163 號, 31/DEC/2016. VMS 通訊 (1) Type the mobile number of the ALC. Inmarsat No, 號碼/ 傳真 (2) Type the contact info of the fishing vessel Fax No, 號碼/ 電話 Telephone No, or operator, such as fax No., Tel No., E-mail address 號碼/ 電子 and/or email address. 信箱 Description of 貨品描述 Type the English name of the fisheries product (品名) products to be exported, e.g., frozen mackerel. (1) Type the processing types of catches, e.g., RD (round fish), GG (gilled and gutted), Type of 船上核准之 DR (headed, tailed, gilled and gutted), FL processing 漁獲物處理 (filet), or OT for other processing types authorized on board 型態 (please specify). (2) The preserving method shall also be specified, e.g., frozen, chilled or fresh. 3 Info on Info Type the English common name and the Latin scientific name of the raw fish. The following Applicant the website may be used as a reference: Species 魚種 fish product http://www.fa.gov.tw/cht/Announce/content.as px?id=327&chk=9f53f4ee-f153-4184-9a01-ec 8417129e33&param=pn%3D2 Type the first 6 digits of the HS code of the fisheries product to be exported, i.e., the first 6 digits of the C.C.C Code (for raw fish, the Product code 貨品號列 first 4 digits are mostly 0303 or 0304; for processed products, the first 4 digits are mostly 1604 or 1605). (1) For catch area, please fill in “FAO 61.” Catch area(s) 作業區域及 (2) For catch dates, please fill in the dates that and dates 期間 the fishing operation commences and ends, excluding the period during which the vessel enters and leaves a port. The format shall be DD/MMM/YYYY, with the first 3 characters of the month abbreviation used for the “MMM”, e.g., FAO61 Taiwan EEZ 01/FEB/2017~05/MAR/2017 Estimated live 實際輸出重 Type the net live weight of the exported raw weight (kg) 量 fish or processed products. Estimated 整航次卸魚 weight to be Type “N/A”. landed (kg) 輸出重量 Verified weight 官方卸魚檢 Leave this column blank for the Fisheries landed (kg) 查重量 Agency to fill in. References of Applicant applicable 參照適用之 conservation 4 養護管理措 Filled in by the Fisheries Agency. and management 施 measures Captain of the fishing vessel the fishing of or Captain captain’s captain’s Type the captain’s name and stamp. The Name of master 漁船船長姓 of fishing vessel captain shall sign as well. If it is signed by the 5 名、簽名及 agent - Signature - agent, the agent shall sign his/her name and Seal 蓋章 stamp his/her seal. Captain of the fishing vessel or captain’s vessel the fishing captain’s of or Captain Name of master 漁船船長姓 Not applicable to coastal and offshore 6 of fishing vessel 名 fisheries, please type “N/A”. Declaration for at for Declaration Signature and 船長簽名及 Not applicable to coastal and offshore date 日期 fisheries, please type “N/A”. Transhipment 轉載日期/ Not applicable to coastal and offshore date/area/positio n 區域/位置 fisheries, please type “N/A”. - sea sea Not applicable to coastal and offshore transshipment fisheries, please type “N/A”. Estimated 轉載估計重 weight (kg) 量 agent Master of 接收船船長 Not applicable to coastal and offshore Captain of the carrier vessel the carrier or of Captain receiving vessel 姓名 fisheries, please type “N/A”. 6 Declaration for at for 6 Declaration Not applicable to coastal and offshore captain’s captain’s Signature 簽名 transshipment fisheries, please type “N/A”. Not applicable to coastal and offshore Vessel name 接收船船名 agent fisheries, please type “N/A”. Not applicable to coastal and offshore - Call Sign 國際呼號 sea sea fisheries, please type “N/A”. IMO/Lloyds 船舶識別碼 Not applicable to coastal and offshore number (if issued) /勞氏號碼 fisheries, please type “N/A”. Competent authority of port authority of port Competent Name 官員姓名 transshipment in port transshipment Authority 機關名稱 7 Authorization forAuthorization Signature 官員簽名 State Address 機關地址 Not applicable to coastal and offshore Tel. 機關電話 fisheries, please type “N/A”. Port of landing 轉載港口 (transshipment) Date of landing 轉載日期 (transshipment) Seal (stamp) 機關戳章 Type the name of the exporter in English and Name and 出口商名稱 address of its address. 及地址 exporter Signature of personnel authorized by the Signature 簽名 exporter. 8 Type the date on which the application Info on the exporter Info form/document(s) is delivered, i.e., the Applicant application date. Please be noted that an applicant shall only file the application after Date 申請日期 the fisheries product(s) was loaded in a container and transport details for the exportation were obtained. Stamp the company’s seal. 出口商公司 Seal 印章 Competent authority of Competent 官員姓名/ 9 Name/title Info on validation Info 職稱 the flag State the flag Signature 官員簽名 Date 核發日期 Filled out, signed, and stamped by the (personnel authorized by) Fisheries Agency. Seal (stamp) 機關章戳 Country of 輸出國家 Type “Taiwan”. exportation For fisheries products landed in, sold in, and Port/airport/othe 起運港口/ exported from Taiwan, type the name of the r place of departure 機場/地點 domestic fish port, airport or the location, e.g., Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Type the name and trip of the container Vessel name and 船名與國籍 flag vessel. Flight 空運提單號 10 If the fisheries product is not transported via number/airway Info on exportation Info bill number 碼 airway, type “N/A”. Applicant Railway bill 鐵路運輸提 If the fisheries product is not transported by number 單號碼 railway, type “N/A”. If the fisheries product is transported by a Other transport 其他運輸文 container vessel, type the number of ocean document 件 bill of lading.
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