SAMIKSA Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society Representation and Object Relation R. HORACIO ETCHEGOYEN Mind and Brain Interactions: A Neuro-Psychoanalytic Perspective on Emotional Attention, Cytokines, and New Long-term Memory FRED M. LEVIN Remembering, Forgetting, and Keeping Separate: Reflections on the "Gospel" according to Fr*»nd SRA BRENNER On Aggression : The Necrophilic Society SARALA KAPOOR Paranoid-Schizoid Anxieties, Loss, and Hie Use of Protective Identification within the Treatment Process ROBERT WASKA Media and Society AMIT CHAKRABORTY Book Reviews VOLUME 57 2003-2004 BI-ANNUAL HOMAGE TO SRI HIRONMOY GHOSAL JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN PSYCHOANALYTICAL SOCIETY A Teacher Who Shines in the Mind Samlksd is to be published bi-annually from 2003. The subscription payable in advance is Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty) for inland subscribers and U.S.$ 85.00 Do you ever think of me— (eightyfive) for overseas subscribers. Subscriptions should be sent to Indian Will you ever think of me— Psychoanalytical Society, 14, Parsibagan Lane, Kolkata-700 009, India. Drafts should be But, Only as a Teacher? made payable to "Indian Psychoanalytical Society". Blamed numerous times and accused, MANUSCRIPTS Misunderstood and misjudged, Manuscripts of articles should be sent directly to the editor and must be in English. All You saw only the present— editorial communications should be addressed to the Editor, Samiksd, Indian Words limited in boundaries, Psychoanalytical Society, 14, Parsibagan Lane, Kolkata-700 009, India. Emotions transient. Contributors are requested to submit four clear copies of their articles — must be mcn printed on white paper with at least lV2 margin on all four sides, accompanied It was not easy for me either— by a floppy disk/CD written on IBM compatible word processor, for example, Word To endure this thunder, '97, Page Maker upto 6.5. All parts must be "double spaced" including references, I got burned in the process, footnotes and extracts. Footnotes are to be numbered sequentially and should appear Shed bloody tears, at the foot of the page where they are cited; footnote numbers should be typed one But, space above the line without punctuation or parenthesis. Initial footnotes referring to Unknown to you. the title of the paper or the author do not carry a number. Author's address and affiliation should appear following the reference list at the end Difficult are the ways of a Teacher— of the paper. I remained an explorer— Full reference to all works cited in the text should be given in the list of references at Happy and sad the end of the paper. Reference list must be printed double spaced. Authors should be At your success and failure, listed alphabetically and their works chronologically by date of publication (when But, several of the authors' works are referred). When an author has published several Unaware to you. works in the same year, the date is followed by a, b, c, etc. Authors' names are not repeated in the reference list; they are indicated by a line. References should only To guide is my mission— include works cited in the text. Every mind in confusion, For books — give title, place of publication, name of publisher and year of publication I too lived and died of the edition cited (if different from the original publication date). When referring to A hundred lives and deaths, the writings of Sigmund Freud, cite only the Standard Edition, e.g. S.E. But, For articles - give title, abbreviated name of the journal, volume number, and inclusive Will you understand? page numbers. References in the text should be given by quoting the journal, volume number, and If you ever falter, inclusive page numbers. You will find me in your heart' s altar- Because, References in the text should be given by quoting the author's name followed by the I am a Teacher, year of publication in parenthesis. It should be arranged in alphabetical order following standard rule, e.g. Who shines in the mind, Who shines only in the mind. SAMIKSA CONTENTS Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society Representation and Object Relation by R. Horacio Etchegoyen Volume 57, 2003-2004 Mind and Brain Interactions: A Neuro-Psychoanalytic Perspective on Emotional Attention, Cytokines, and Editor New Long-term Memory 13 r. D. N. Nandi by Fred M. Levin 13 Remembering, Forgetting, and Keeping Separate: Assl. l£dUors Reflections on the "Gospel" according to Freud M.K. Dastur by IRA Brenner 25 Jhuma Basak Bani Pain On Aggression : The Necrophilic Society by Sarala Kapoor 37 Editorial Hoard Paranoid-Schizoid Anxieties, Loss, and the Use of I") h i re n d ra n ath N a n d i Projective Identification within the Treatment Process S a r a d i n d u B a n e rj i Shailesh Kapadia by Robert Waska 47 Sarosh Forbes Mallika Akbar M.K. Dastur Media and Society by Amit Chakraborty 59 14, Parsibagan Lane Book Reviews 69 Kolkala - 700 009 India Reviewers : Aruni Mukherjee, Sriparna Datta REPRESENTATION AND OBJECT RELATION R. Horacio Etchegoyen FORM IV RULE 8 For Samiksa with affection and admiration In Memoriam of Sri Hironmoy Ghosa! Statement about Ownership and other Particulars about the Journal Human relationships are always more than what they appear. They are operating continuously in mind. The 'representation of the object' and 'the object' is always different. They are based on four major factors also known as pillars of psychoanalysis, viz. The Unconscious, The Infantile sexuality, Place of publication The Indian Psychoanalytical Society 14, Parsibagan Lane, KoIkata-9 The Oedipus Complex, and Transference. The present paper shows 'the relation with objects' (intra-and inter psychic) as accepted, refused or even extended Periodicity Annual by the different psychoanalysts of differnt time. In this connection many Printer Tarit Kumar Chatterjee fundamental concepts are discussed, e.g. The famous Freud - Klein controversy, especially Klein's depressive - schizoid position, Fairbairn 's concept of Nationality Indian interpersonal relationships and their real qualities, Lacan's The other, Address 112, Rammohan Sarani, KoIkata-9 Winnicott's Good enough mother and maternal failure, Hartmann's Synthetic organizing function of the Ego, and A. Green's deobjectivising function. The Editor Dr. D. N. Nandi paper concludes (really without conclusion) with Unk theory (intra, inter and Nationality Indian trans- subjective) of modern thinkers leaving for us to look beyond, if possible, to solve some burning sociological and philosophical problems. Address 14 Parsibagan Lane, Kolkata-700 009 Publisher Tarit Kumar Chatterjee From the beginning of his psychoanalytic to be mainly referring to Freud's Nationality Indian research, and even before that, in his book on metapsychological papers of 1915. aphasias (1891), Freud was always preoccupied These seminal papers deaf, on the one hand, Address 112, Rammohan Sarani, Kolkata-9 with the processes that take place between with instincts and drives and, on the other, with the body and the mind and from the latter to Names and addresses of individuals The Indian Psychoanalytical Society - A the particuiar fate of the object in cases of the external world. The most distinctive tenets who own the newspaper and Registered Society under the Societies melancholia, where Freud's genius (1917 of his work are his assertions that there are partners and shareholders holding Registration Act XXI of 1860. 14, Parsibagan [1915]) understands that the patient's self- mental phenomena that exist outside more than one per cent of the Lane, Kolkata-9 reproaches are really addressed to an consciousness, that sexuality appears at the total capital. introjected object. In this way the bases for beginning of life and occupies a pivotal place the existence of an internal world were laid in psychic functioning and that human I, TARIT KUMAR CHATTERJEE, hereby declare that the particulars given above are and soon the concept of the superego would relationships are more than what they seem. true to the best of my knowledge and belief. emerge. Here we have then the pillars of psychoanalytic theory: the unconscious, infantile sexuality and The way in which Freud understands these the Oedipus complex and transference. processes is wide ranging and, in a similar way, the way we understand Freud becomes In this sense we can affirm that almost infinite. Sd/ representation and uhjvcl arc operating (TARIT KUMAR CHATTERJEE) continuously in the mind of the creator from As we ail know, in Instincts and their Signature of Printer and Publisher of Samihsa the very beginning of his work. However, vicissitudes, Freud defines drive (Triebe) as when we talk in terms of some kind of dilemma "a concept on the frontier between the mental between representation and object, we seem and the somatic, as the psychical Author details not mentioned. Email; [email protected] 1 SAMlKSA R. HORACIO ETCHEGOYEN REPRESENTATION AND OBJECT RELATION Freud considers that the drive can never representative [Reprasentant] of the stimuli so. Fairbairn (1941) totally disregards the potentially immortal. Death would be an reach consciousness, only its derivatives and originating from within the organism and concept of drive and Winnicott (1945) questions attribute of multicellular organisms, the more even more that the drive is not in the reaching the mind..." (S.E., 14, p. 121-122). its existence during the first months of life; but complex and developed, which could then die unconscious but only its representation other people do not. naturally, but death would not be in itself a A drive is continuously originating in the (Vorstellung). primal characteristic of living substance. From body and will not come to rest until it achieves Instinct theory changes in 1914 with the this point of view protozoa could be immortal. discharge, in accordance with the pleasure In this paper, and in the other 1915 introduction of narcissism and later on takes a metapsychological essays, Freud is concerned principle.
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