Philips Tech. Rev. 44, No. 11/12, 357-363, Nov. 1989 357 A diagnostic X-ray tube with spiral-groove bearings E. A. Muijderman, C. D. Roelandse, A. Vetter and P. Schreiber The technological development of a product usually advances in a series of small steps. But not always - one example is the change from fixed to rotating anodes in diagnostic X-ray tubes in about 1930. This was a development in which Philips played a leading part, largely because of the work of Albert Bouwers'". Since then there has been a steady stream of small improvements in diagnostic X-ray tubes, mostly because problems with limited bearing life and inadequate cooling of the anode have led designers to make modifications. It now looks as though there has been another great leap forward in solving these problems: spiral groove anode bearings lubricated by liquid metal. Introduetion A diagnostic X-ray tube has to deliver a large So that the anode can rotate it must be provided amount of radiation from the smallest possible area with bearings and driven by an electric motor, which of the anode, the 'point focus', in a time of several has to be an induction motor. The anode, the bearings milliseconds to several seconds [11. The quantity of and the rotor of the induction motor are located radiation must be large enough for a sufficient num- inside the evacuated tube. The bearings therefore ber of electrons to be released at the input screen of an have to meet a number of rather special requirements. X-ray intensifier tube [21, or to produce sufficient The lubricant for the bearings must not contaminate blackening in an X-ray-sensitive film after develop- the vacuum of the tube, the bearings must be able to ment. The efficiency of the conversion of electrical stand up to high temperatures and they must be elec- energy into X-radiation is less than 10/0. More than trically and if possible thermally conductive. Solid- 99% of the energy supplied to the tube is therefore metal lubricated ball bearings were therefore always released in the anode material as heat. In a stationary used. The lubricant now used in the high-load Philips anode the material would melt locally because the diagnostic tubes is silver or lead, applied to the bear- heat is concentrated at the point focus. The problem ing components by special techniques. can be solved by making the anode rotate, since the Although diagnostic tubes have been produced in heat is then spread out over an annular area. this way in large numbers for years, and the technique In Philips diagnostic X-ray tubes the surface of the is still in use, considerable effort is being deployed in rotating anodes is now made of tungsten alloyed with the search for alternative methods of providing bear- rhenium. Since the melting point of this alloy is above 3000 high thermalloads at the anode are possible. [.] A. Bouwers, Eine Metallröntgenröhre mit drehbarer Anode, oe, Verh. D. Röntgen-Ges. Vol. 20, suppl. to Fortschr. Rönt- Alloying with rhenium prevents hairline cracks. genstr. 40, 102-106, 1929; J. H. van der Tuuk, X-ray tubes with rotating anode (Rotalix tubes), Philips Tech. Rev. 8, 31-41, 1946. Dr Ir E. A. Muijderman was formerly with Philips Research [I] W. Hartl, D. Peter and K. Reiber, A metal/ceramic diagnostic Laboratories, Eindhoven; C. D. Roelandse is with Philips Research X-ray tube, Philips Tech. Rev. 41, 126-134, 1983/84. Laboratories, Eindhoven; Dipl-Phys. A. Vetter and Dr P. [2] B. van der Eijk and W. Kühl, An X-ray image intensifier with Schreiber are with Philips Medizin Systeme GmbH, Hamburg. large input format, Philips Tech. Rev. 41, 137-148, 1983/84. 358 E. A. MUlJDERMAN el al. Philips Tech.Rev.44,No.ll/12 ings for the anode. The main reason for this is the tronie control circuit is necessary. Since such a circuit limited life of the ball bearings, which operate in can fail (e.g. if the electricity supply fails), which may vacuum under extreme conditions, with forces even cause damage, special ball bearings have to be pro- higher than those in the bearings in the stabilizer vided that can take over from the magnetic bearings. flywheels used in space vehicles [3], which also have to If these ball bearings are suddenly brought into ser- operate in vacuum. Another problem is that the usual vice they will be subjected to a large acceleration, so methods for calculating the life of ball bearings can that their life is very limited. In practice, this means only be used if these bearings are grease or oil lub- that the control electronics for the magnetic bearings ricated. Both are not possible in vacuum. should never be allowed to fail. Another difficulty Because of the limited life of the ball bearings the with magnetic bearings is that there is no possibility of anode is only rotated during the actual exposure. The removing heat by conduction. Also, 'slip rings with anode is therefore run up to the maximum speed very quickly: within one to three seconds. The maximum speed will be about 3000 or 9000 revolutions per minute, depending on the tube type, at a mains fre- quency of 50 Hz. Once the maximum speed has been reached the actual exposure is made; a high electrical current now flows briefly and heat is developed. The anode is then decelerated very rapidly. The electric motor must be capable of developing a very large driving or decelerating torque, because the anode has a high moment of inertia and has to be accelerated and decelerated very quickly. The 'air gap' between rotor and stator is partly outside the actual tube and is wider than 10mm because of the high voltage be- tween rotor and stator . This means that the electric motor also has to meet some rather special require- ments [1]. Accelerating and decelerating the anode for every Fig.1. The new Philips MRC 200 diagnostic X-ray tube with an exposure means that radiologist and patient are anode mounted in spiral-groove bearings lubricated by liquid forced to accept delays, which are inconvenient for metal. The anode diameter is 200 mm. The rated input is 85 kW[7]. both and may be uncom fortable for the patient. The time required for accelerating the anode is also a problem if the exposure has to be made at a particular phase of a periodic movement, such as the peristaltic carbon brushes' have to be used for the anode-current movement of the alimentary tract. supply. (It is also possible to use the principle of the Another disadvantage of ball bearings is that they thermionic diode for the passage of current from the are noisy, since they contain no grease or oil to atten- stationary tube wall to the rotating anode shaft.) uate the sound. An even greater disadvantage is that Because of these problems - and also because of the ball bearings present a high thermal resistance to the complicated construction of the magnetic bearing - heat to be conducted away from the anode to the out- no diagnostic X-ray tubes with magnetic bearings side world. The heat flow that leaves the tube by con- have yet appeared on the market. duction through ball bearings is therefore virtually At Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven negligible, and amounts to only about 3 W. This another solution has been found to the problem of means that the rest of the heat flow must leave the providing bearings for the rotating anode of a di- anode by radiation, which results in a large increase in agnostic X-ray tube: spiral-groove bearings with the mean anode temperature. The last disadvantage liquid metal as the lubricant. The application of these of ball bearings that we shall mention is that they pre- bearings solves all of the problems mentioned above: sent a varying resistance to the anode current. • life, Another possibility is to use magnetic bearings [4] • noise, for the anode. The advantage here is that no lubricant • heat transfer and is necessary, sincethe shaft is 'floating' . However, the • current supply. equilibrium of the floating shaft is unstable, so that a The heat conduction of a metal-lubricated spiral- comprehensive - and therefore expensive - elec- groove bearing is about a thousand times greater than Philips Tech. Rev. 44, No. 11/12 DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY TUBE 359 that of a ball bearing. Another extremely important advantage is that an anode with spiral-groove bearings can rotate continuously, since its life is virtually un- limited. Periodic acceleration and deceleration are then no longer necessary. This means that radiologist and patient will no longer be subject to delays and that the motor can be much simpler, since it only has to supply enough power to keep the anode rotating continuously. Moreover, a spiral-groove bearing can support a much greater load than a ball bearing, so that an anode of much greater diameter can be used. Since the anode only has to be run up to speed once a each day, in the morning, the higher moment of inertia is not a problem. A spiral-groove bearing is a self-acting bearing, i.e. a bearing that requires no external pressure source, in which there are grooves in one of the two bearing sur- faces [5]. If the relative movement of the bearing sur- faces is in the correct direction, the grooves ensure that the lubricant is retained in the bearing. Since the space between the two cylindrical surfaces is wedge-shaped and because of the propulsive action of the grooves an excess pressure is produced in the lubricant.
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