Ships 2019 in co-operation with Verband für Schiffbau und Made in Germany Meerestechnik e.V. Supplement February 2020 SHIPS MADE IN GERMANY CONTENTS 5 GREAT SHIPS AND CLEAN SEAS 6 GERMAN SHIPBUILDING DEFIES GLOBAL SLUMP 10 »SHIP OF THE YEAR 2019« AND THE WINNER IS … FASSMER 11 »ATAIR« WAS A SPECIAL CHALLENGE 12 »ATAIR« KICKS OFF FEDERAL FLEET R ENEWAL 16 »A GLOBAL LEVEL PLAYING FIELD FOR SHIPBUILDING« 20 »MADE IN GERMANY« ALWAYS IN DEMAND 24 SPOTLIGHTS ON SHIPBUILDING PROJECTS 36 DELIVERIES & ORDERS OF GERMAN SHIPYARDS IN 2019 Index of Advertisers Andritz Hydro GmbH .......................... 23 DGzRS ............................................ 47 Drews Marine GmbH ........................... 30 Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co. ........................ 9 SupplementPodszuck toGmb HANSAH ................................ International Maritime 37 Journal February 2019 ChiefSchaffran Editor: PKrischanropeller & FörsterService Gmb | DeputyH ........ Chief 39 Editor: Michael Meyer Editors: Felix Selzer | Thomas Wägener Schiffahrts-Verlag H» ansa« GmbH & Co. KG | Stadthausbrücke 4 | 20355 Hamburg | Germany [email protected] | Phone +49 (0)40-70 70 80-02 | Fax -214 eptun Werft N 2 HANSA International Maritime Journal © SHIPS MADE IN GERMANY HANSA International Maritime Journal 3 Great Ships and Clean Seas SHIPS MADE IN GERMANY FSG is famous for it’s roro vessels © FSG © 4 HANSA International Maritime Journal SHIPS MADE IN GERMANY Reinhard Lüken, General Managing Director German Shipbuilding and Ocean Industries Association (VSM) M © VS Great Ships and Clean Seas he specialisation of the German shipbuilding indus- least in climate and environmental protection, and de- Ttry in healthy high-tech niche markets is paying off mand correspondingly high-quality and future-orient- While today’s global shipbuilding output is roughly ed solutions. 40% below the 2010 peak, the order book for new ships Due to its outstanding position in research, devel- continues to melt. The Asian-dominated volume mar- opment and innovation, the German shipbuilding in- kets are recovering only slowly and their new orders re- dustry is able to meet these technological requirements mained below production volume for the sixth consec- and to offer tailor-made solutions for transport and en- utive year. vironmental challenges in close cooperation with its The good news is, the German shipbuilding indus- customers. Its companies offer a wide range of servic- try has largely been able to decouple itself from this de- es and products from engineering to the construction velopment: in seven of the last eight years, more orders of highly specialised electrical, electronic and mechan- were acquired than ships delivered. Healthy orderbooks ical systems. allow sound forward planning for innovative products One outstanding example is this year’s »Ship of the and further optimised production processes. In 2018, Year«, the research vessel ATAIR, which encompasses a German shipbuilders generated a turnover of around whole range of innovative solutions to optimise her re- EUR 5 billion, which is destined almost fully for export search performance. markets. Also the large array of specialised producers There are currently only 175 confirmed LNG fuelled in the shipbuilding and offshore supply chain are pop- ships in operation worldwide. This authority vessel is ular among shipping companies and shipyards around among the first ships in the world for special tasks to be the world. They contribute more than EUR 12 billion to powered by LNG, which drastically reduces air pollu- Germanys maritime economy. tion and offers additionally advantages with regard CO₂ Demanding customers, that drive the innovation emissions. agenda in shipping turn their eyes to Germany. German Further impressive examples of the innovative shipyards focus on building sophisticated vessels. In strength and versatility of the German shipbuilding and 2019, their order intake mainly comprised cruise ships, marine technology industry can be found in this special mega yachts, research and specialised ships for the pub- issue of Ships 2019. lic sector, and various types of naval vessels. This is a high-value-market-segment whose custom- Let us inspire you! We hope you enjoy reading and ers are prepared to make sustainable investments, not discovering! HANSA International Maritime Journal 5 German shipbuilding defies global slump SHIPS MADE IN GERMANY German shipbuilding defies global slump German shipbuilders are busy! Well-filled orderbooks are creating new jobs, and some shipbuilders are fully booked until the middle of the next decade. However, this positive trend in the German and wider European shipbuilding industry is the great exception within the global shipbuilding market which continues to suffer from poor demand M xtrapolation based on Jan–Sep 2019 S Fairplay E IH ata: D Chart: VS * 2019: 6 HANSA International Maritime Journal SHIPS MADE IN GERMANY uring the first three quarters of 2019, orders received global orderbook, compared to only one third in 2007 Dby shipyards globally amounted to 16.7 mill. Com- – and this does not yet take into account the merger of pensated Gross Tonnes (CGT), 23% below last year’s fig- China’s two leading shipbuilding groups, China Ship- ure. The volume of new orders received was even 38% building Industry Corporation (CSIC) and China State below the total volume of deliveries, further accelerat- Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), which took place in ing the shrinkage of the global orderbook. The weak de- late 2019. The formation of the new China Shipbuilding mand spells trouble for shipyards and suppliers around Group aims at increasing the competitive power of the the world. The difficult position of the industry is re- Chinese maritime industry on the global stage, especial- flected by statistics. According to industry associations, ly in more sophisticated, high-value segments. Similar- shipyard payrolls have shrunken by roughly 350,000 em- ly, South Korea’s largest shipbuilder, Hyundai Heavy In- ployees in China and South Korea alone since 2011. Fac- dustries (HHI), is pursuing the acquisition of compatriot ing these tough challenges, restructuring and consol- Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), idation have become a constant topic for the industry. strongly supported by their largest shareholder, state- According to Clarksons Research, the world’s ten larg- owned Korean Development Bank. This would create a est shipyard groups now control nearly two thirds of the giant controlling roughly 18% of the new orders in CGT. Orderbook 2009-2019 (as per 1 Oktober, in billion $) 180 Orderbook 2009-2019 (as per 1 Oktober, in billion $) "Niche Markets" 160 - Passenger Ships 180 - Offshore 140 - etc. "Niche Markets" 160 - Passenger Ships 120 - Offshore 140 Mass Markets - etc. 100 - Bulkers 120 - Container Ships 80 - Tankers Mass Markets 100 - Gas Carriers - Bulkers 60 - Container Ships esearch 80 R 40 - Tankers - Gas Carriers 60 M 20 40 ata: Clarkson Clarkson ata: 0 D Chart: VS China South 20 Japan Europa RoW China South Japan Europa RoW Korea Korea 0 2009 2019 China South Japan Europa RoW China South Japan Europa RoW Korea Korea 2009 2019 HANSA International Maritime Journal 7 SHIPS MADE IN GERMANY mden E S H © internationally is a matter of growing urgency for the in- Great demand in niche markets dustry. To make matters worse, a weakening global econ- By September 2019, the global shipbuilding orderbook omy leaves little hope for a recovery any time soon. Trade was at a low 79.6 mill. CGT, 6% less than at the end of conflicts and political tensions have caused experts to re- 2018. China continues to lead the pack, holding a 34% vise downward their global economical and trade fore- share in the global orderbook by CGT, followed by South casts. For 2019, the Organization for Economic Coopera- Korea (26%), Japan (16%), and Europe (EU 28 + Norway) tion and Development (OECD) now estimates the growth (15%). The aggregated orderbook of German shipyards rate of the global gross domestic product at no more than reached a volume of about 2 mill. CGT at the end of the 2.9%, the weakest since the financial crisis. The forecast third quarter 2019. The structure and product range of for the next two years likewise remains stagnant around the German shipbuilding industry has changed signif- 3%. The assessment of global trade does not look any bet- icantly since the beginning of the economic and finan- ter: As the year progressed, the World Trade Organisa- cial crisis in 2008. Apart from a number of consolida- tion (WTO) revised its prediction for 2019 downward by tions, the industry has largely turned away from building more than 50% to a mere 1.2%. Expectations for 2020 are standard ships, focusing on niche markets instead, es- likewise lower than previously forecasted, assuming a pecially cruise ships, ferries, yachts and other special- trade growth by no more than 2.7%. ised tonnage. By the end of September 2019, these tech- nically highly sophisticated passenger ships accounted for about 97% of the German orderbook. Just 15 years Increasing investments in green shipping ago, that figure was less than 30%. For decades the maritime industry has made a signifi- For decades the global shipbuilding market has been cant contribution to growing global trade and wealth. THE NEW ATAIR - INNOVATION MADE IN GERMANY suffering from overcapacities and poor prices. With com- One of the key global challenges it now faces is green petition intensifying, safeguarding a level playing field shipping as an important measure to support climate Fassmer is ready to start testing the new ATAIR, a state of the art Research Vessel and the first fuelled with LNG. ATAIR main features include: - LNG fueled gas-electric propulsion plant - “Silent R” noise class - Advanced hull design - Large hydro acoustic payload - Fitted for operation of ROVs, AUVs as well as modular payload We are proud of ATAIR, a ship fully designed and built in Germany, developed in close cooperation with the BAW, will be the most advance ship in Germany‘s BSH fleet. 8 HANSA International Maritime Journal www.fassmer.de SHIPS MADE IN GERMANY and environment protection.
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