ET ' auel$es u?edoJng aculs fpeerE pesroJcrrr l\lrunttrluoc ssorcB A"(tr ecu"qjqslp slc€JJe 'slc"dur Pualxe Jo eABg'EseJoJ lse^\-rDnos eqt ul dlI"lncqJ8d eq1 pur sed,{1 flpnruuoc fww ur srncco uny u?umq 'el"rlsuoruep (686I) slln pu? (686I) sv Ia^?H 'sryvd 'saDl^rlcB uuunq ,(q pecuenulrl 1 ou elB ecu"qJqsrp uorparesuoc 'ecuBqrnFrp puB sryad 'se^reseJ erru"u 'Ese.roJ Jo suJoJ 11u ,(Wngr,,l Pu? p[]"u I€uorlsu 'ecrreJeJrelul elqg su (1411y3) purl pue uorlelJesuoJ Jo seuepunoq eql peJmlq e^ur{ susurnH lueue8eue;,q uBunq ol Euraao ro 'l8Jru"u eq uBc ecu"qJqsr(I go luerugedeq eql ,(q pejalsrururpa sr uJ8)l 's1eed,{wy,rq sepnlcrrr A\ou lurn (sq OOO69I) puzl 1so1n1 '(eun1o,r '7o qqr) o nddo11 .reau pue eSuug drun8uo.ro4 ?qt rtt srernno qlL$ (I peurllno puz (OgOt) pr"ag peurgep '3rg) ,{q 1qep q ,(g are tcutspqng ueJrud\ eql m s! uJ"{ Jo eJueJmaco 'e,r.rlcadsrad 'BrlEDsnV lculsrpqns ueJJsl\ eql Jo seusprmoq eq1 ledrcuud eq1 ruelsertA-rpnos u! (086I puorEer ur ururl peuguoc a lseloJ eW ol slueuoduroc prueg) lculslq luclsqog SuIrBO arp Jo slrulsrpqns €soql Jo tueuefild selqeua puu sed,{l ,{lrunuuoc sazuar! pu? uolr1\ eqt ul mcJo (.to1ot1slaa1p Surmoqq8reu sB s" "tsls prnl IIor lseroJ lp sn1dQocng) I!s{ Surw4uoc sed,& flnmururo3 sapnlcul rl esneceq a8ute,roc Jo RaJBJno su laulslFlns 'sed,$ I"cluBlog uaJJ"rt\ eql epnlcul e,vr acue11 NOIICn(IOUJNI '1uaurce?uetu I"luau.uedxe pur Suuoluour IeJfoloce ur elol ?urseaJcur uB o1"l JJuls lworSeg 'fgo1oco actreq:nlsrp ur pepueurutocar sl qd?rser pe$euo ssarord ol qc"ordde ,ft"uldrcslpBlnu V 'sequouo oq? e:s ser:redsaseql;o ecuesud eql ur sessecord,{ltunu:utoc Jo aJueueluretueql uo pu" (xoJ pe1 pve ototlttldot{t14 3 a) serceds pszII€JnFu i(a13o lo:1uoc aq1 uo qr*eser p.nurluoC seraods lu"ld elqsraulnl Jo puB serlrumuuoc eprcpue^ul;o sesuodsa.re-l-; jo Surpu4srepun tre pup 8u![epour 'sel"rqalJa,\ur 'slBruur€ur elrprpud moge plno^\ l8ql selpn$ ul ulEruer sdeg q8noql pu€ sprrq 'sluqd Il€rus rBIncsBAuo ryo,n 3u1pn1cu18u€uur eprmueeq e^Eq err] Jo slr.JJe"iffJf;X pue ?uqsed"q ol uogel.r uI sellJogd qcrsasar eI? so8u?qc r(lluntuuoc ;o ?ugopour e,uprpad 'serr.ds 's3er1 aql puE elqBlaqn^ Jo ecusualur?tu eql ur uorpuioJ r'oloq Jo ssecoid eqJ slsoJoJ asn eldqlnur rn uoq"^rdsuoJ euneJ roJ .relec ,{le^qcoJje aroru ol sauoz ru"olls pu? Je^g 'peor 'spJrq Jo uoitnqu$rper ? roJ suorl"puauu.rore.r ol Suqnqr4uor uo pel"quecuor sBq Surlse^.r"q Jrqun Jo slJeJJ, Jql uo qJ.rBaseioJllplr^|spusls pe)eJ.ur8!J ruo{ uorlJnpoJd JJquJn Jauirldo oi senbruqeel lerntFcr^lls uo srseqduo pe{4qureu e^"q uorpraue8er pue 8uqs"J^Jeq uo serpnls 'qcjseser clqdErSoeSorqur,{pogd e trlptuer sptrqeq rleql puE (spller upu€,^\puoCSurpnlcu0 sercods elqeiauln^ Jo uoqnqH$lp eql pue qorq .qt Jo u.!e "d [ele^o aql Jo Supuqs]epun ue Jo lueurdole,{ep eqJ segu"qc cq?utrlo e^eq ueql s.rceds elq"reuln^ Jo aullJep eql uI .cuecuru?rs 'Je^e,,t\oq 'suaunq Jel"er8 Jo uaeq e^"q ,{q sarlr^gJ€ luanbrsqns serJedsJo uoqnqu$rp eql ut se8ueqc o1 pel a,,r,uqse9ueqc cqelulc lsed l"ql elzrlpr4 serpnp ,{-reuor1n1o,lapue crqduSoo8olg 'uoq?FdeA a^rlBu peurqar Jo sgara uI poraprsuoo er8 salpnls fjauorlnlo^c pus clqd8fooSorq lus^elar pua 'sorcods 'arg 'uorlereue8ar poztFrnl"u pu8 SurNo^r"q uo qr.r?JseU Irulsrpqns Fcruelog uel.r"/t\ oq1 ur sonlunuuoc raqlo pu" lseroJ l!s{ eql Jo euneJ pu? erou aq1 uo erueqin$rp Jo qJeJJe 'seqgogd 'qc:eeser aql olur qcleesar ernlnJ pue Suro8uo;o e8pel,toul luer.rnc s,rer,la::edvd srql pBrlsqY uasualsrrqJ Jad puB uosuqof-lepJB^,t luEJS lserod lrruy aql Jo eJIIpIIll uo erusqrqslo Jo speJJfl arll Jo ^{oraeuv z daJdvHJ particularly when land use inteusified in the 1960s. kari is a component, site-based community shrdies There have been major changes in the pattems of provide benchmarks for monitoring change in the dishrrbance, few of which can be attributed to community types investigated. This study provided a individual factors. Hobbs and Hopkins (1990) floristic classification of community t)?es in regrowth re.cognized four main calegories of land use and kari from 204 quadrats and 105 species. Thirleen resultant degre€s of impact followiug European community t,?es were defined by cluster aDalysisr modification of Australian vegetation. These include: orrlination and discriminant analysis of the 312-rr( quadrats. (1) complete removal of the vegetation and disruption of ecological processes such as mining and urban Inions et al. (9m) found that cornmrmity types development; varied substantially in productivity, as measured by age-standardized top height and that this in tum was (2) replacement of vegetation by inlensively managed related to climatic and edaphic factors. Variables agriculture and plantation systems such as relating to rabfall distribution, radiation levels, soil forestry; acidity and phosphorus levels were found to be ttre (3) utilization of existing vegetation with some most discriminatory between community types and consequent modification as occurs in forests each differed in stand productivity and in climatic and managed for multiple uses; and edaphic variables. The distribution of the cornmrmity types clefined, is broadly geographically based (Fig. (4) management for nature conservation with minimal 1), although overlap occurs within a single deliberate modifi cation. landforn/soils unit (as defined by Churchward €t al. 1988). Concern has been expressed about the adequacy of knowledge of the long ierm effects of disturbance on Climatic and edaphic influences on the distribution the composition of the flora and fauna of the karri of karri bave also been studied by Churchill (1968). forest (Aron. 1986; Christensen 1986; Anon. 1988). He concluded that the distribution of karri was Here we review the current state of knowledge and the primarily delermined by water availability expressed as existing research program on the effects of disturbance rainfall durirg the wettest and driest months of the on the wildlife of the karri forest. We consider only ycqr. He suggested that this distribution has fluctuated the third and fourth of the categories of land use markedly during the past 5000 years. Examination of recognized by Hobbs and Hopkins (1990). charcoal accumulation in cones taken from peat Disturbances included within these categories include swamps also enabled Churchill (1968) to present a fire, logging and regeneration, and the effects of 7000 year fire history of forest areas. introduced species. Griffrn (1985) provided a floristic survey of Smiths The long tern effects of disturbance on the Brook Nahrre Reserve; a small area near Manjimup composition of the flora and fauna will be intimately dominated by karri forest. This survey defined and tied to inleractions with climatic change and with mapped hve vegetation units including one artihcially effects on soils and nutrients. These subjects are created by disturbance. The area was found to be reviewed by Bartle (this volume), Shearer (this relatively undisturbed by Europeans despite a number volume) and Abbott (this volume), and by Christensen of tracks and the presence of many iatroduced species. and Abbott (1989) and we do not intend io address these issues here. Aquatic ecosystems are also FAUNA reviewed elsewhere (I{alse and Blyth, this volume). Vertebrate surveys of the Warren SuMistriet We therefore confine this review io the terrestrial completed by the Forests Department of Westem biota, but take a wide view of long term effects. We Australia are summarized by Christensen et ql. (1985). also provide recomnendations for future research. These authors list 19 surveys completed in the southem forests behveen 1970 and 1982, 15 of which CURRENT KNOWLEDGE were in the Warren Botanical SuMistrict. Lists of veriebrates and vascular plants are presented by survey Evolutionaryand biogeographicalstudies and by major vegetation type. The distribution and siahrs of each vertebrate species is discussed arld an FLORA analysis of faunal trends within the region, including Research on the effects of dishrrbance on the flora of relationships with adjacant fauna, is presented. the Warren SuMistrict has be€n concentrated in kari Christensen et ql- (1985) conclude that the vertebrate J forest in the Nornalup System. Inions et al- (1990) farma of the forested south-west occurs in a faunal ( provided an overview of community types in which continuum with a shong north-souttr, and lesser I east-west, influence that appears to be rela0ed to f I 9E eql qll^r palsrcossr sarur8ar e:y pe8usqc Jo qceJJa eelp1 I eqt epnlcu lueuelles ueedorng Eur,trolog erll Jo uoqeulqruoc B ol selBJqeuel Ern11e,nppunor8 lcurlxe ,{[BcoI eluoyeq eABq r?ql spJlg .QtKo$oaB 'lo 'alllBc uI eu]Ic€p eql patnqglle (LB6D ra ,{loH roJ vtnKso1) qqlpnqC pue QlxaBn? s donDn) '(oloypluad '(snroDto! SunrE erro:drut o1 uorlele8e,r Iqsaor eql go Suramq Juuel o8uo11ag) e\fol aq1 o1 Sqarro 0Z6I r(q peqsrururp pzq suoqeyndod s11 ffilqo)auutw) lequrnN 'eldu"xe JoJ :sJaqurnu ,.Aol '206I 'punoJ ur re^rx uerr"l/\ egl Jo qtnou eql pua lsrFmpN ,{-re,r ur rncco ro A\ou lou eJa Bola lqspoc s(n 'slBrlluraur ede3 uee,tleq uolale8el 1vlsBoc arp rrr uouluocrm u1 luese.rd ecuo pus sp{q puno-rE elqareqn,r '(9761) 'lueuelles 'uollessn{ lou ss,{\ IA\od eell?I^l eql nyel ol tlnprocrl/ IBJaAoS uvedorng ecurs '1,{od aelpl4l aq1 ;o ecuereeddesrp eq1 ureldxe o1 pur fueqly uoelr1eq lseroJ eqg rnolpa qcr,q.$.spuBlpoo^\ 'ecualsut pallc sl (€Z6I).rage3 {q pelu"seJd ecueprle puB spuuglleeq lr1seoc eql rn slsrrru"ru pur sp.uq {ueu 'securrreddesrp rog aserp JoJ pJ€^\JoJ lnd suos"eJ eql Jo sJequnu q eulJcap B lueuncop prrB selaJqe|Je^ 'saare 'p Jo Imoccz
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