14. IRDO mednarodna znanstveno-poslovna konferenca Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2019 »DRUŽBENA ODGOVORNOST: RAZVOJ, UPORABA IN MERJENJE VPLIVA « ZBORNIK POVZETKOV PRISPEVKOV 14 th IRDO International Scientific & Business Conference Social responsibility and current challenges 2019 »SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: DEVELOPMENT, APPLICATIONS AND IMPACT MEASUREMENT « CONfERENCE PROCEEDINGS - SUMMARIES Maribor, Slovenia, June 20-21, 2019 IRDO - Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti Preradovičeva ulica 26, 2000 Maribor info @irdo.si www.irdo.si Zbornik povzetkov prispevkov 14. IRDO mednarodna znanstveno-poslovna konferenca DRUŽBENA ODGOVORNOST IN IZZIVI ČASA 2019: DRUŽBENA ODGOVORNOST: RAZVOJ, UPORABA IN MERJENJE VPLIVA. 20. - 21. junij 2019, Maribor, Slovenija, Evropska unija Conference proceedings - summaries 14 th IRDO International Scientific & Business Conference SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CURRENT CHALLENGES 2019: SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: DEVELOPMENT, APPLICATIONS AND IMPACT MEASUREMENT 20-21 June 2019, Maribor, Slovenia, European Union Uredniki: Anita Hrast, Matjaž Mulej, Igor Perko Recenzenti: zasl. prof. ddr. Matjaž Mulej, dr. Igor Perko, mag. Anita Hrast Soavtorji: po programu konference Oblika izdaje: tiskani zbornik Naklada: 150 izvodov Grafično oblikovanje: Hiper Design - Uroš Zupančič s.p. (naslovnica, e-zbornik), FulPromo d.o.o., Kristijan Blažič (notranje strani) Tisk: FulPromo d.o.o. Sklepi konference in celotni prispevki avtorjev so objavljeni na spletni strani www.irdo.si Publikacija je brezplačna. Izdal: Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti (IRDO) Zbirka: Družbena odgovornost Maribor, 20. junij 2019 Za verodostojnost besedil odgovarjajo avtorji sami. Prispevki niso lektorirani. Mnenja avtorjev niso nujno tudi mnenja uredništva. Vsi prispevki so bili v dvojni strokovni oz. znanstveni recenziji. CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 005.35(082) IRDO mednarodna konferenca Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa (14 ; 2019 ; Maribor) Družbena odgovornost: razvoj, uporaba in merjenje vpliva : zbornik povzetkov prispevkov = Social responsibility: development, applications and impact measurement : conference proceedings - summaries / 14. IRDO mednarodna konferenca Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2019 = 14th IRDO International Conference Social Responsibility and Current Challenges 2019, Maribor, Slovenia, 20-21 June 2019 ; [uredniki Anita Hrast, Matjaž Mulej, Igor Perko]. - Maribor : Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti (IRDO), 2019. - (Zbirka Družbena odgovornost) ISBN 978-961-94514-4-1 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 3. Dodat. nasl. 4. Hrast, Anita COBISS.SI-ID 300594944 14 th IRDO International Scientific & Business Conference SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CURRENT CHALLENGES 2019: SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: DEVELOPMENT, APPLICATIONS AND IMPACT MEASUREMENT 1 UVODNI NAGOVOR NAGOVOR PREDSEDNIKA VLADE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE GOSPODA MARJANA ŠARCA ZA OBJAVO V ZBORNIKU 14. IRDO MEDNARODNE KONfERENCE Spoštovani, človeka kot družbeno bitje odlikujeta dve lastnosti: svojevrstnost in možnost povezovanja. Prva je izvirnost vsakega posameznika, torej nekaj, kar vsakega izmed nas naredi posebnega, dragocenega. Druga lastnost pa je naša zmožnost – moč, da se povežemo, sodelujemo in smo drug do drugega solidarni in odgovorni. Družbena odgovornost, ki je pomemben gradnik trajnostnega razvoja, največkrat povezujemo z dejanji in odločitvami gospodarskih družb in organizacij. A prav vsak izmed nas je ključen za dosego družbene odgovornosti. Osebna zaveza vsakega posameznika, da bo deloval v skladu z vrednotami, kot so poštenost, verodostojnost, transparentnost, spoštovanje družbenih norm in prava, da bo spoštljiv do svojega soseda, sodelavca, slehernega posameznika in, da bo gojil skrben odnos do okolja in virov ter nenazadnje, svojega lastnega zdravja, je temelj družbene odgovornosti. Kar storimo drugemu, storimo tudi sebi, je misel, ki vse bolj drži. Uničenje naravnih virov, pohlep, ki se odraža skozi gospodarski kriminal, izkoriščanje delavcev ali koruptivno vodenje države, lahko vodijo zgolj v razkroj družbe in propad države. Za to je, ob izzivih prihodnosti, kot so demografske spremembe, tehnološki razvoj v smeri avtomatizacije, robotizacije in umetne inteligence, ki bo zaznamoval prihodnost delovnih mest, ob izzivih kibernetske varnosti ter podnebnih sprememb, družbena odgovornost še kako pomembna. Je zaveza in volja ljudi - slehernega posameznika, podjetja, organizacije in politike, da skupaj delujemo za pozitivne spremembe. Je torej gibalo našega trajnostnega razvoja. Verjamem, da bo 14. IRDO mednarodna znanstveno-poslovna konferenca pokazala, da Slovenija zna in zmore biti družbeno odgovorna država. Naj dobre prakse posameznikov, podjetij in drugih organizacij, spodbudijo kar največ volje, sodelovanja in delovanja v smeri transparentnosti, ohranjanja zdravega gospodarskega in naravnega okolja ter odgovornih družbenih praks. Poštena in prijazna država, kakršno želimo zapustiti tudi prihodnjim generacijam, se začne z vsakim izmed nas. Tukaj in zdaj. Ljubljana, junij 2019 Marjan Šarec Predsednik Vlade Republike Slovenije 3 14 th IRDO International Scientific & Business Conference SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CURRENT CHALLENGES 2019: SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: DEVELOPMENT, APPLICATIONS AND IMPACT MEASUREMENT ADDRESS Of THE PRIME MINISTER Of THE REPUBLIC Of SLOVENIA, MR. MARJAN ŠAREC, fOR THE PROCEEDINGS Of THE 14 th IRDO INTERNATIONAL CONfERENCE Dear conference participants, human being as a social being is distinguished by two characteristics: the uniqueness and the possibility of connecting. The first is the originality of each individual, that is, something that makes each of us special, valuable. Another feature is our ability – the power to connect, to cooperate and to be solidarity and responsibility to one another. Social responsibility, which is an important building block of sustainable development, is most often associated with the actions and decisions of companies and organizations. But every one of us is the key to achieving social responsibility. The personal commitment of each individual to act in accordance with values such as honesty, credibility, transparency, respect for social norms and the right to be respectful of one’s neighbor, colleague, every individual, and to cultivate a careful attitude towards the environment and resources, and last but not least, of one's own health, is the foundation of social responsibility. For what we do to others, we do to ourselves, is the thought that is more and more correct. The destruction of natural resources, greed reflected through economic crime, the exploitation of workers or corruption,, can lead only to the decay of society and the collapse of the state. For this reason and in light of the challenges of the future that we are facing, such as demographic change, technological development in the direction of automation, robotization and artificial intelligence, which will mark the future of work, the challenges of cyber security and climate change, social responsibility is even more significant. It is the commitment and will of people – of every individual, company, organization and politics – to act together for positive changes. It is therefore a driver of our sustainable development. I believe that the 14th IRDO International Scientific and Business Conference will show that Slovenia is and can be a socially responsible state. Let the best practices of individuals, companies and other organizations encourage the will, cooperation and common action towards transparency, maintaining a healthy economic and natural environment and responsible social practices. A fair and friendly country, which we want to leave to our future generations, begins with each one of us. Here and now. Ljubljana, June 2019 Marjan Šarec Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia 4 14 th IRDO International Scientific & Business Conference SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CURRENT CHALLENGES 2019: SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: DEVELOPMENT, APPLICATIONS AND IMPACT MEASUREMENT Welcome Address to the 14 th Irdo conference, 20 – 21 June 2019 In mArIbor, slovenIA, eu Maribor, 20 June 2019 Dear colleagues, The main theme (file rouge) of the IRDO 2019 conference is to provide a broader insight in what researchers, educators and managers can and should do to embed the social responsibility in their activities. We will: • Discuss the methods to develop the concepts of social responsibility further to get in line with the state of art and the requisite holistic development in the social, ecological and business environments, setting special focus on reflexive behaviour, interdependence and creative cooperation. • Elaborate cases of socially responsible behaviour in companies, government and non-governmental organisations, or active citizenships. The aim is to give example on how to rethink standard processes from multiple perspectives and to integrate socially responsible behaviour. • Report on measurements, measuring methods and results, related to social responsibility that support planning, implementation and optimisation of socially responsible behaviour I had the privilege to read all contributions. I am very pleased, because - Authors covered very different viewpoints, insights and practices, - Your research reports are reaching beyond ISO 26000 and the IRDO's 35 books and proceedings we have authored with about 1.000 authors from around the world. This provides a crucial enrichment to me and other audiences of IRDO's work. We, members of the IRDO team, chose ISO 26000 by
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