
/.~ \' ' n n Selling price • Verkoopprys: R2,50 Other countries • Buitelands: R3,25 DECEMBER -Vol. 5 PRETORIA, 22 DESEMBER 1999 No. 109 We all have the power to prevent AIDS n AIDS. HELPUNE Iosoo o12 322 I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Prevention is the cure 0517322-A 109-1 2 No. 109 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 22 DECEMBER 1999 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GAZETTE TARIFFS FOR 1999 Effective from 1'April 1998 · Subscribers: o South Africa-R135,00 for 52 Issues. o Foreign countries-R167,00 for 52 Issues. o Payable strictly in advance, renewal only on receipt of payment. o All cheques payable to the Gauteng Provincial Government. o . Distribution through mail. ')- Sales per issue: o South Africa-R2,50 per Issue. o Foreign countries-R3,25 per Issue. : Placing of advertisements: o Initial and repeats: R125,00 per unit (one unit = 5 em double column).- Contact numbers and addresses: Physical address: Gauteng Provincial Government Building - 30 Simmonds Street Fifth Floor, East Wing JOHANNESBURG Postal address: Private Bag X61 MARSHALLTOWN 2107 - TeJephone numbers (for a// Inquiries- accounts and placements of advertisements): (011) 355-6808 or (011) 355-6238 Fax number: (011).355-6230 E-mail address: [email protected] Advertisements for placement in the Gazette may be send by e-mail In order for us to ref!der an improved service to you, the client, any suggestions will be appreciated. Send your suggestions to the addresses specified above Gauteng Provincial Gazette Issued by the Department of the Premier as commissioned by the Director-General: Gauteng Provincial Government L. W. MBETE, Head: Department of the Premier PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 22. DES EMBER 1999 No; 109 3 CONDITIONS. FOR. PUBLICATION VOORWAARDES VIR PUBLIKASIE CLOSING TIMES FOR THE ACCEPTANCE ;SLUI~ .. ~GSTYE :\IIR; DIE AANNAM~:·~AN ' . •. ' OF NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS 1. The Provincial Gazette is published every 1. Die Provinsiale Koerant word weekliks op _week on Wednesdays and the c!osing time. Woensdae gepubliseer en .die sluitingstyd vir for. the 'acceptance of notices which have .• die aanname · van kennisgewings' wat. 'op. 'n· to appear in . the Provincial .Gazette on any . bepaalde Woensdag in die. P;ovinsiale · particular Wednesday, is 12:00 on . the Koerant moet verskyn, .. is,;12:00 .· op. die. Wednesday· two .weeks before the Gazette Woensdag twee weke voordat· die Koerant Is released. Should any Wednesday coincide . · vrygestel · word. Indian . enige · Woensdag with a public holiday, the date of publication of .. saamval met 'n openbare vakansiedag, .. ver­ the Provincial Gazette and the closing time of skyn die Provinsiale Koerant op 'n datum en is the accepta-nce of notices will be published in · · die sluitingstye vir die aannanie van kennis­ fhe ·ProvinCial Gazette, from time to time. gewings soos vantycftot tyd in'die Provinsiale Koerant bepaal. · · ·· · · · : · ' . : ..... 2~ (1) Copy of notices received after. closing 2. (1). Kopie va~ kEmnisgewings wa't na slui~ time will be held over for publication in the next tingstyd ontvarig word,. sal. oorgehou. word vir ProvinCial Gazette. · plasing in die eersvolgende .Pr;ovinsiafe' Koerant. · · (2) Amendment or changes in copy of · (2) Wysiging van of veranderings .in die. notices cannot be undertaken unless instruc­ kopie van kennisgewirlgs kari nie ondernee·m· tions are received before 15:30 on word nie tensy opdragte daai'Voor ontvang Wednesdays one week before the Gazette ·word voor· 15:30 op· Woensdae. een ~week is released. · · · · voordat die Koerant vrygestel w~r~. · ·' :·. THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER IN­ VRYWARING . VAN DIE· .STAATS~ DEMNIFIED AGAINST LIABILITY· DRUKKER. TEEN AANSPREEKLIK.: . •' HElD ., 3. The Government Printer will assume no 3. Die Staatsdrukker aanvaar geen aan­ liability in respect of- spreeklikheid vir- (1) any delay in the publication of a notice (1) enige vertraging by die publikasie van 'n or publication of such notice on any date kennisgewing of vir die publikasie daar-: other than that stipulated by the adver­ van op 'n ander datum as die .. deur die tiser; adverteerder bepaal; (2) any editing, revision, omission, typo­ (2) Emige redigerin~i. 'hersiening, weglating,. graphical errors resulting from faint or tipografiese fouta ·of fouta wat weens indistinct copy. · dowwe . of ' onduldelike . kopie mag: ontstaan. · LIABILITY OF ADVERTISER AANSPREEKLIKHEID: VAN ADVER­ TEERDER ' : '" 4. Advertisers will be held liable for any com~· · 4. Die adverteerder word aanspreeklik gehou · pensation and costs arising from any action . ... vir enige skadevergoeding en . koste wat . which may be instituted against . the .·. ontstaan uit enige aksie wat weens die pub­ Government Printer in consequence of the likasie van 'n kennisgewing teen die publication of any notice. Staatsdrukker ingestel mag word. · 4 No. 109 . PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 22 DECEMBER 1999 COPY· KOPIE 5. Copy of notices ·must be TYPED on 5. Die kopie van kennisgewings meet slegs op one side of the paper only and may not een kant van die papier GETIK wees en mag constitute part of any covering letter · or nie deel van enige begeleidende brief of doku- document. ment uitmaak nie. · · 6. All proper names and surnames must be 6. Aile eiename en familiename moet duidelik cfearly legible, surnames being underlined or leesbaar wees en familiename moet onder­ typed in capita/letters. In the event of a name streep of in hoof/etters getik word. lndien 'n being incorrectly printed as a result of indis­ naam · verkeerd gedruk word as gevolg van tinct writing, the notice will be republished onduidelike skrif, sal die kennisgewing aileen only upon payment· of the . cost of a .new na betaling van die koste van 'n nuwe plasing insertion. weer gepubliseer word. · · PLEASE NOTE: ALL NOTICES MUST . BE LET Wei.: ALLE KENNISGEWINGS MOET GETIK TYPED IN DOUBLE SPACING; HANDWRITTEN WEES IN DUBBELSPASIERING;. HANDGESKREWE NOTICES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. · KENNISGEWINGS SAL NIE AANVAAR WORD NIE. 7. In the event of a notice being cancelled, a 7. By kansellasie van 'n kennisgewing sal refund will be made only if no cost· regarding the terugbetaling van gelde slegs ·geskied indien placing of the notice· has been incurred by the die Staatsdrukkery geen koste met betrekking Government Printing· Works. tot die plasing van die kennisgewing aange­ gaan het nie. PROOF OF PUBLICATION BEWYS VAN PUBLIKASIE 8 .. Publications of the Provincial Gazette 8. Eksemplare van die . Provinsiale Koerant which maybe required as proof of publication wat nodig mag wees ter bewys van may be ordered from -the Gauteng Provincial publikasie van 'n kennisgewing kan teen Government at the ruling price. The Gauteng die heersende verkoopprys van die Provincial Government will assume no liab­ Gauteng Provinsiale Regering bestel word. Geen aanspreeklikheid word aanvaar vir ility for any failure to post such Provincial die versuim om ·sodanige Provin~iale Gazette(s) or for any delay in dispatching Koerant(e) te pos of vir vertraging in· die it/them. · versending daarvan nie. Please Note· From now on applications for township establishment etc. which were pre­ viously published as a Provincial Gazette Extraordinary, will be published . in the ordinary weekly p;ovincial Gazette appearing on Wednesdays. Neem kennis - '·. Voortaan sal aansoeke om dorpstigting ens. wat voorheen as 'n · Buitengewone Provinsiale. Koerant gepubliseer ·was, in die ·geworie weeklikse Provinsial~ Koerant op Woensdae verskyn. PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 22 DESEMBER 1999 .... ·.. ~ .... GENERAL NOTICES •'ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS NOTICE 8342 OF 1999 KENNISGEWING 8342 VAN 1999 NOTICE OF APPLICATION. FOR AMENDMENT OF TOWN­ KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DORP5- PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1) (b) (i) OF BEPLANNINGSKEMAINGEVOLGEARTIKEL56 (1) (b) (i) VAN DIE ,THE TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 1986 ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE; 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986), . .· . I, SP van Deventer, being the authorised agent of the owner of the Ek, SP van Deventer, synde die .gemagtigde agent van die various properties mentioned hereunder, hereby give notice in terms eienaars' van' die 'onderskeie eiendomme hieronder. vermeld gee of section 56. (1) (b) (i) of the. Town-Planning and Townships hiermee ingevolge artikel 56 (1) ·(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Ordinance, 1986, that r have applied to the Greater Germiston Dorpsbeplasnning en Dorpe, 1986, kennis datek by die Plaaslike Council for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as Oorgangsraad van Groter Germistori: aansoek gedoen het om die the Bedfordview Town Planning Scheme 1995 by the rezoning of the wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as B'edfordview Dorpsbeplanningskema, 1995 deur.. die hersonering van die properties hereunder described, as follows: eiendomme hieronder besk,Yf, soos volg: Bedfordvlew Amendment Scheme 945: Bedfordvlew Wyslglngskema 945: By the rezoning of Erven Re/688 and 1/688 Bedfordview Deur die hersonering van EI'We Res/688 en 1/688 Bedfordview Extension 149, situated at 15 and 15aAIIen Road, Bedfordviewfrom Uitbreidiilg 149, gelee te 15 en 15a Allenweg, Bedfordview vanaf "Residential1" to "Residential1"; with a density of one dwelling per "Residensieel1" na "Residensieel1", met 'n digtheid van een woon­ 1 000 my. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit a subdivision of huis per 1 000 my. Die doel van die hersonering is om 'n the erf.. onderverdeling van die erf moontlik te maak. · Bedfordvlew Amendment Scheme 946: . Bedfordvlew Wyslglngskema 946: By the rezoning of Erf 23, Bedfordview .Township, situated at . Deur die hersonering van Erf 23, Bedfordview gelee te. Parkstraat 27 Park Street, Bedfordview, from "Business 4" to "Business 1". The 27, Bedfordview, vanaf "Besigheid 4" to·"Besigheid 1". Die doel van purpose of the reioning is to allow a restaurant and CBD uses on ·die hersonering is om •n restauramt SBG gebruike op die erf b~· ' . moontlik te maak. ·· · Bedfordvlew Amendment Scheme 949: ·' Bedfordvlew Wyslglngskema 949: By the rezoning of Portion 2 of Erf 431, Bedfordview Extension 76, Deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 2 van· Erf 431; Bedfcirdview situated at 133 and 133a Van Buuren Road, Bedfordview from Uitbreiding 76, gelee te 133 en 133a Van Buurenweg, Bedfordview "Municipal" to. "Residential 1".
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