• CENTRALANTIKVARIATET • Centralantikvariatet +46-8 411 91 36 Österlånggatan 53 [email protected] Freemasonry SE-111 31 Stockholm www.centralant.se 1 ANDERSON, James. The Constitutions of Freemasons 1723: Reproduced in Facsimile from the Original Edition: With an Introduction by Lionel Vibert I. C. T. (Retd), Past Master of the Lodge of the Quatuor Coronati. London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 1923. 4to. lii,+ (10),+ 91,+ (1) pp.+ plate. Uncut, in publ. cloth spine with blue paper boards, pasted label on front board. Book plate of ”IX Frimurar- Provinsens bibliotek” and with its paper label on front board. 1600:- Fine facsimile reprint of the important first constitution and history of the freema- sons by the Scottish writer and minister James Anderson (ca 1680–1739). 2 BÈGUE-CLAVEL, F.-T. Histoire pit- toresque de la Franc-Maçonnerie et des sociétés secrètes ancienne et mo- dernes par F.-T. B.-Clavel. Illustrée de 25 belles gravures sur acier. Trosième édition revue avec soin et augmentée de faits et de documents nouveaux. Paris, Pagnere éditeur, 1844. 8vo. Engr. front,+ (4),+ IV,+ 407,+ (1) pp.+ 24 engr. plates. Severe foxing, less on plates. Worn publ. black calf, gilt spine and boards with gilt masonic symbols and gilt frame. Owner’s signature by Dahlfelt dated Stockholm 1850 and ”St. Nicolaus Visby”. 1500:- Wolfstieg 3813, with erroneous pagination. Kloss 2875. Third edition, the first was published in 1842. The fine illustrations are engraved by Monnin after Seigneurgens and shows episodes from the freemasonic history as well as stages of a masonic ca- reer. 3 (BEYERLÉ, Jean-Pierre-Louis.) Essai sur la Franc-Maçonnerie, ou du But essentiel & fondamental de la F∴ M∴; de la possibilité & de la nécessité de la réunion des différens systêmes ou branches de la M∴; du régime conve- nable à ces systêmes réunis, & des loix Maç∴ 1-2. Latomopolis [=Paris], chez Xiste Andron, 5784 [=1784.] 8vo. LX,+ 260 pp.+ fold. printed tab.; 416 pp.+ fold. printed tab. Minor spotting, slight foxing on first title page and a larger spot p. 181. Contemporary mottled calf, spine richly gilt with raised bands and red label, red edges. Inscribed: ”St. Nicolaus Visby” on front fly leaf. Fine copy. 15000:- OCLC 12049003. Wolfstieg 1378. Kloss 170. First edition, a second was published in 1788. A Ger- man translation ”Versuch über die Freimaurerei” was published in 1785, translated by among other Adolf Rotter von Schwan and Adolf Knigge. Jean Louis Beyerlé (1738-1805) was a councillor at the Parliament of Nancy, member of the ”Société de l'harmonie universelle” and active in the ”Hund- schen Tempelherrensystem Comthur” under the name of Ludovicus Eques a Tuscia. 4 (BODE, Johann Joachim Christoph.) Examen impartial du livre, intitulé: Des erreurs et de la verité etc. Par un frere Laïque en fait de sciences. (Weimar), 1782. 8vo. 118,+ (1) pp. The last page with a handwritten list of symbols, with expla- nations. Sewn as issued, uncut, in con- temporary grey stiff wrapper. Inscribed on front wrapper ”St. Nicolaus Visby”. 8000:- Wolstieg 43102. Kloss 3898. ”Selten. Erblickt in dem Buche den klaren Jesuitismus u. dessen Zusammenbringung mit der Frmrei”. First edition, with the key plate. This is a polemic tract against the Jesuits and ”Des erreurs et de la verité” by Louis Claude, published in 1775. Johann Joachim Bode (1731-93) was a German literary translator and a friend of Lessing. He translated ”A Sentimental Journey”, ”Vicar of Wakefield”, ”Tom Jo- nes” and other works to German. As a freemason he served as deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg. In 1782 he met Adolph Knigge, one of the leading members of the radical Illuminati and he joi- ned them acquiring the rank of Major illuminatus in January 1783. After the order was banned in Bavaria in 1784, with Knigge's resignation and the escape of the founder Adam Weishaupt, Bode became the de facto leader. 5 (BODE, Johann Joachim Christoph.) Masonnerie mystique. Trois grades. (Weimar, ca 1792.) 8vo. 52 pp. The title with engraved vignette. Bound to- gether with: (BODE, Johann Joachim Christoph.) Le chevalier de la triple croix. (Wei- mar, ca 1792.) 8vo. 36 pp.+ partly hand- coloured engr. plate. The title with wood-cut freemasonic symbols. Later green half cloth with green marbled paper boards. Small paper labels pasted on boards. Book plate of ”Stora Svens- ka Landslogens bibliothek”, and small labels on both titles. 12000:- Wolfstieg 35684 ”Ritual der betr. Hochgrade” & 35682 ”Ritual”. Kloss 1934 & 1931. Both works ”Sehr selten”, ac- cording to Wolfstieg. The second work is in French on pp. 1-19 and in German pp. 20-36. Both the German text of ”Le chevalier de la triple croix” and the first work ”Ma- sonnerie mystique” were later published in Lenning’s ”Encyclopedie der Freimaurerey” (1824). Johann Joachim Bode (1731-93) was a German literary translator, a friend of Lessing. He translated ”A Senti- mental Journey”, ”Vicar of Wakefield”, ”Tom Jones” and other works to German. As a freemason he served as deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg. In 1782 he met Adolph Knigge, one of the leading members of the radical Illuminati and he joined them acquiring the rank of Major illuminatus in January 1783. After the order was banned in Ba- varia in 1784, with Knigge's resignation and the escape of the founder Adam Weishaupt, Bode became the de facto leader. 6 BOUBÉE, Jean-Pierre Simon. Études historiques et philosophiques sur la franc- maçonnerie ancienne et moderne, sur les hauts grades et sur les loges d’adotion. Par le F.: J.-S. Boubée. Paris, Dutertre & au Journal le Franc-Maçon, 1854. 8vo. (8),+ X,+ 277 pp. Foxing. Sewn as issued, uncut and unopened with printed wrapper. In ink on front wrapper: ”St. Nicolaus Visby”. 1800:- Wolfstieg 1120. Jean-Simon Boubée (1773-1870) was a known freemason who published several books on freemasonry and freemasonic poems. His best known work is perhaps ”Souvenirs maçonniques” published in 1866. The ”Études historiques” were criticised and Boubée was forced to defend himself with the leaflet ”Non! nous ne serons pas damnés ou réponse à cer- taines attaques contre nos études historiques et contre la Franc-Maçonnerie” in the same year. 7 BOUBÉE, Jean-Pierre Simon. Misraim ou les Francs-Maçons. Poème en quatre époques et en quatre chants par le P∴ F∴ Boubée. Paris, Amable Rigaud, 1847. 8vo. (4),+ 115 pp. Some spotting. Sewn as issued, uncut and unopened, with worn red printed wrapper. 2200:- Not in Wolfstieg. Not in Kloss. Jean-Pierre Simon Boubée (1773-1870) was according the the title page ”L’un des Grand maitres ad vitam 90e et dernier Degré de l’Ordre Maç∴ de Misraim. Boubée also published ”Souvenirs maçonniques” and several other titles on freemasonry. The Rite of Misraim was constituted in 1805 by several ma- sons who had been refused admission into the Supreme council of the Scot- tish rite. Others claim that the Rite of Misraim was founded already in 1782. It was established in Paris in 1814. It was however never recognized by the Grand Orient of France as a part of the maso- nry. Its rite consists of 90 degrees, divi- ded into 4 series and 17 classes, mostly borrowed from the Scottish rite. 8 (BREWSTER, David) & LAURIE, William Alexander. The History of Free Ma- sonry and The Grand Lodge of Scotland with chapters on the Knight Templars, Knights of St. John, Mark Masonry, and R. A. Degree to which is added an appen- dix of valuable papers. Edinburgh, Seton & Macenzie, 1859. 8vo. Lith. portrait,+ colour lith. extra title,+ xxxii,+ (3),+ (blank),+ 527 pp.+ 15 lith. pla- tes, of which 3 doublepage. Some foxing. Uncut and partly unope- ned in publ. green embossed cloth. Bookseller label of Brother R. Spencer Masonic Bookseller, Lon- don. Owner’s signature in pencil of C. E. Ekman and ”St. Nicolaus Visby” in ink. 3000:- Wolfstieg 6156. A new and revised edition. The first was published anonymously in 1804 and according to Wolfstieg written by the chemist David Brewster. Alexander Laurie (or Lawrie) (dead 1830 or 1831) was a bookseller in Edinburgh and Secretary to the Grand Lodge of Scotland. He published the first edi- tion in 1804 and it has been disputed wether he or David Brewster was the author of the work. 9 Défense des francs-maçons, contre les calomnies des deux religieux qui ont atta- qué leur société publiquement & en chaire. A Philantropolis [=Holland?], l’an 5779 [= 1779 ]. 8vo. viii,+ 103 pp. Minor spotting. Contemporary silver coloured paper boards. Inscribed ”St. Nicolaus Visby” on front paste-down. 7500:- OCLC460183644 (one copy). Wolfstieg 8307 ”Sehr selten”. Kloss 2921. A German translation ”Vertheidigung der Freymäurer” was published the same year. This rare pamphlet by the lodge ”La Constance” in Aix-la-Chapelle concerns the attacks against the freemasonry in Aachen 1779, which spread also to Aix-la-Chapelle. Two monks in Aachen, the dominican Louis Greinemann and a capucin, Schuff, accused the freemasons of atheism, fraud and other sins in their sermons. They also claimed that the entrance fee to a lodge was 30 silver coins, the award to Judas. Several de- fense tracts by freemasons against these accusations were published.. 10 Die Brüder St. Johannis des Evangelisten aus Asien in Europa oder die einzige wahre und echte Freimaurerei nebst einem Anhange die Fesslersche kritische Geschichte der Freimaurerbrüderschaft und ihre Nichtigkeit betreffend von einem hohen Obern. Berlin, Johann Wilhelm Schmidt, 1803. 8vo. XVI,+ 382,+ (2) pp. Small illustrations in text, two full page. Foxing, small stain pp. 177-200, minor hole p. 256 and 347-348, with loss of letters. Sewn as issued, uncut, with red paper wrapper. ”St: Nicolaus Visby” with ink on front wrapper.
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