The Liberty Ledger A P R I L 2 0 1 9 I S S U E 1 5 Sleep Paralysis By: Carmina Rojas According to www.sleepfoundation.org “sleep para- tions happen lyzation and sleep hallucinations, while connecting when a per- to narcolepsy, work in interesting ways. Despite be- son wakes ing known to appear at the same time, they can al- up. Both so work separately. However, when they are in forms can sync, it is likely due to the person having narcolep- make the per- sy. Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder that son feel or makes a person tired throughout the day. Those see different with this disorder tend to have several symptoms, things rang- including the ones I stated (though there are also ing from feel- other reasons for them but this is the most com- ing a pres- mon).” ence in the room to feel- During sleep paralysis or ISP, when a person ing another wakes up, they often cannot move. This is common being on top between people, but those with narcolepsy also of them. tend to have hallucinations at some points. The sleep paralyzation itself it caused by the body There are sleeping when the brain is not, allowing the person three main forms of hypnagogic/hypnopompic to still be conscious. It happens between waking up hallucinations: and falling asleep, happening at least once in a per- Incubus hallucination - During this, the son's lifetime. According to http://www.end-your- person will often feel pain or pressure on sleep-deprivation.com, the most common cause is their chest. This is caused by the REM sleep from REM or Rapid Eye Movement, the fifth stage because during it, airways become blocked, when falling asleep. During REM, the vivid mind will so waking during it causes shallow breathing have dreams while muscles are resting (called and muscle immobilization (making it seem REM atonia), however, when a person wakes be- as though someone or something is pushing fore it ends, it causes sleep paralysis due to the on them). rest of the body not waking up. Due to this, it usual- ly ends in fear or breathlessness. As stated, this Intruder hallucination - The intruder hallu- happens often in narcolepsy though it can also oc- cination makes it feel as though there anoth- cur normally. er person or being in the room. Though it is not certain, this is likely due to one of the According to www.sleepfoundation.org sleep hallu- parts of the brain that controls fear (called the cinations, in most cases, happen during sleep pa- amygdala). The subcortical thalamo amygda- ralysis, caused by trickery in the brain. To add, la pathway, the survival feature that alerts the there are two different kinds: hypnagogic hallucina- brain of danger, turns on so it creates these tions and hypnopompic hallucinations. The more hallucinations. After the mind realizes that common kind, hypnagogic hallucinations happen everything is safe, it turns off and it ends. when a person falls while hypnopompic hallucina- Out of body experience (hallucination) - In The Liberty Ledger Sleep Paralysis...Continued By: Carmina Rojas the out of body experience, the person has the Sleep paralysis and sleep hallucinations sensation of floating in air and sometimes can are directly connected to each other, usually see themselves doing so. Usually (in the other caused by narcolepsy or some other disorder. hallucinations), the individual feels fearful, but Surprisingly, sleep paralysis (disallowing move- this form usually has a emotion of joy. The pari- ments before or after sleeping) is actually quite etal lobe, or angular gyrus is sometimes stimu- common and usually happens at least once per lated when the person is at rest, meaning that a person’s lifetime, though in more serious cas- when they wake up, the brain cannot figure out es, it occurs more often. In addition to this, hallu- what position they are in, causing this kind of cinations when in sleep can vary between differ- hallucination. ent episodes of ISP such as or feeling as though someone is in the room. The hallucinations in general are a mystery in some ways. There was no definite answer on how they Generally speaking, it is shown that both occur (consisting in all of the three forms). One the- sleep paralysis and sleep hallucinations are sci- ory states that when waking from REM sleep (with entific phenomenon with an interesting reason ISP), the brain does not completely unblock every around it. area that needs it, causing a hallucination. Autism Awareness By: Camille Bugayong Last year, I wrote an article titled “How It someone with a Feels To Have an Autistic Sibling”. In it I de- disability. No, au- scribed what it was like to live and be related tism is not conta- to someone who has autism. Since then, not gious. Please stop much has changed. The same things hap- asking. No, peo- pen in public when my family and I go out. ple with special (Odd stares from disapproving people when- needs aren’t ever my brother begins to act up) The same “freaks”. If you don’t know what autism is, things happen when a change occurs in his pick up a book and read about it. Go routine. (Throwing a giant fit and harming online and research about it. Or ask ques- himself). tions. However, if you choose not to do any of that, then keep the offensive com- People around the world have still continued ments to yourself. It disappoints me that it to make fun of those with special needs. needs to be explained why people should Even as I was walking down the school hall- be more tolerant about autism and how it way, I once heard someone say the phrase should not be thrown around as a joke. “You have autistic brain cells.” As an insult. They’re human beings too. (In case that wasn’t clear) People wear the color blue in “support” of autism and then What more is there to explain? Although turn around and make the same cruel and not every day is Autism Awareness Day, rude jokes. So why wear the color if you that is not an excuse to treat other people don’t have the respect? Please don’t cover with disabilities as if they aren’t equal for your children's eyes when you happen to see the remaining 364 days. The Liberty Ledger The Umbrella Academy (TUA) By: Tamyca Tunis The Umbrella Academy is a Netflix TV show. This is based off the comic series by the former lead singer of the band My Chemical Ro- mance, Gerard Way, illustrations made by Ga- briel Ba. The Umbrella Academy is about a man named Reginald Hargreeves who adopts 7 of the 43 children born on October 1st, 1989. You may be wondering, What makes these kids so special? Here’s the thing, their mothers weren’t pregnant when that mysterious day had begun. These kids were raised in a former that really embody their characters. The umbrella factory, which explains the name, Umbrella Academy is great for people ‘Umbrella Academy”. #1 was now Luther, who who aren’t big fans of the traditional su- is part ape due to an accident. #2 was Diego, perhero franchises but is still excellent for who has perfect knife aim. #3 was Allison, she people who do enjoy superhero movies has the ability to make things come true fol- and comics. TUA is quick on its feet and lowing her stating “I heard a rumor…” #4 was constantly full of adventure and excite- Klaus, who has the ability to communicate with ment. TUA has definitely become one of the dead. #5 remained Number 5 and can my favorite TV series and is worth the time travel and space jump. #6 was Ben, he time. had octopus arms and #7 was Vanya, who was ordinary and didn’t have powers, as her There is one season of this spectacular other siblings did. The 6 children with super- show which has luckily been renewed for powers were used to form a superhero group a second season. The episodes are known as The Umbrella Academy. about an hour long with 10 episodes in season 1. However, the show is TV-14, The show takes place in 2019 when Reginald due to foul language and violence. The dies although there are a plentiful amount of Umbrella Academy is truly interesting flashbacks. It is worth mentioning that when 13 and makes me extremely excited for the years old, Number 5 became stuck in the fu- second season. The finale will leave you ture (AKA the post-apocalyptic world) after at- longing for more. TUA is absolutely a tempting to time travel. While at the funeral for show worth watching, so stream The Um- Reginald, Number 5 ends up returning to the brella Academy on Netflix! present day just days before the world is doomed to end. What will Number 5 do when people from the time commission begin to search for him to punish him? Will The Umbrella Academy be able to reunite to save the world? How can they even stop the end? And who/what causes it? Watch The Umbrella Academy to find out what happens! The cast is made up of truly amazing actors The Liberty Ledger By: Ogechi Udechukwu Betty Ford Women have made many discoveries and leaving political life in 1976, after family inter- have excelled in their fields, such as Betty vention, Mrs. Ford underwent treatment for Ford, who raised awareness for breast addiction to alcohol and prescription drugs that cancer.
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