HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE LIST OF APPLICATIONS DETERMINED BY THE CHIEF PLANNER UNDER THE SCHEME OF DELEGATION CASE NUMBER: 17/05603/REMMAJ WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby Ward CASE OFFICER: Linda Drake DATE VALID: 28.12.2017 GRID REF: E 439135 TARGET DATE: 29.03.2018 N 468403 REVISED TARGET: 23.05.2018 DECISION DATE: 15.05.2018 APPLICATION NO: 6.47.30.D.REMMAJ LOCATION: Home Farm Church Lane Kirby Hill York North Yorkshire YO51 9DS PROPOSAL: Reserved matters application for the Erection of 34 no. dwellings (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale considered) under Outline Permission 16/02152/OUTMAJ. APPLICANT: Frontline Estates St Johns Walk Ltd APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development to which this approval of reserved matters relates shall be begun on or before the expiration of two years from the final approval of reserved matters or in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved. 2 Development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans except where modified by the conditions of this consent and/or the related outline planning consent reference 16/2152/OUTMAJ: 8061 (100) 001 G - As Proposed Site Plan 8061 (000) 101 E - House Type 1 Floor Plans 8061 (000) 102 D – House Type 1 Elevations 8061 (000) 201 F - House Type 2 Floor Plans 8061 (000) 202 D – House Type 2 Elevations 8061 (000) 301 F – House Type 3 Floor Plans 8061 (000) 302 G – House Type 3 Elevations 8061 (000) 401 E – House Type 4 Floor Plans 8061 (000) 402 E – House Type 4 Elevations 8061 (000) 601 F – House Type 6 Floor Plans 8061 (000) 602 G – House Type 6 Elevations 8061 (000) 1001 C – House Type 10 Floor Plans 8061 (000) 1002 C – House Type 10 Elevations 8061 (000) 1101 F – House Type 11 Floor Plans 8061 (000) 1102 E – House Type 11 Elevations 8061 (000) 1302 B – Double Garage Plans and Elevations 8061 (000) 2001 C – Block 1 (House Type 5) Floor Plans 8061 (000) 2002 C – Block 1 (House Type 5) Elevations 8061 (000) 2101 A – Block 2 (House Type 8) Floor Plans 8061 (000) 2102 A - Block 2 (House Type 8) Elevations 8061 (000) 2201 C – Block 3 (House Type 7 & 8) Floor Plans 8061 (000) 2202 C – Block 3 (House Type 7 & 8) Elevations 8061 (000) 2401 B – Block 5 (House Type 9) Floor Plans 8061 (000) 2402 B – Block 5 (House Type 9) Elevations 8061 (000) 1201 A – Single Garage Plans and Elevations 8061 (000) 1404 – Pump House Plans and Elevations R-2059-1D – Landscape Masterplan 500@A1 3 Prior to commencement of external walling sample panels of all external walling materials (both brick and render) and samples of external roofing materials shall be provided on site for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Such panels shall measure no less than one square metre and shall demonstrate the type, size, pointing, dressing and coursing to be used. The sample panels shall remain on site during the construction of the dwellings. 4 No operations shall commence on site or any development be commenced before the developer has implemented the report detail including root protection area (RPA) (as per JCA Arboricultural Method Statement dated December 2017, submitted under application 17/05604/DISCON to discharge Condition 22 of application 16/02152/OUTMAJ) fencing in line with the requirements of British Standard BS 5837: 2012 (section 6.2.2 figure 2) Trees in Relation to Construction – Recommendations, or any subsequent amendments to that document, around the trees or shrubs or planting to be retained, as indicated on the approved plan and for the entire area as specified in accordance with BS 5837:2012. The developer shall maintain such fences until all development the subject of this permission is completed. 5 No operations shall commence on site in connection with the development hereby approved (including any demolition work, soil moving, temporary access construction and/or widening or any operations involving the use of motorised vehicles or construction machinery) until the root protection area (RPA) works required by the approved tree protection scheme and ground protection detail (no dig) are in place. The level of the land within the fenced areas shall not be altered without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91 -94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 3 To ensure high quality, locally distinctive design in the interests of visual amenity. 4 To ensure the protection of the trees or shrubs during the carrying out of the development. 5 To ensure the protection of the trees or shrubs during the carrying out of the development. CASE NUMBER: 18/00244/DISCON WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby Ward CASE OFFICER: Gerard Walsh DATE VALID: 18.01.2018 GRID REF: E 441702 TARGET DATE: 15.03.2018 N 469920 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 18.05.2018 APPLICATION NO: 6.36.10.A.DISCON LOCATION: Broomfield Farm Thornton Bridge York North Yorkshire YO61 2SA PROPOSAL: Application for approval of details required under Condition 8 (archaeology) and Condition 9 (drainage) of planning permission 17/03343/FULMAJ- Erection of a free range egg production unit and formation of associated access track, turning area, hardstanding, feed bins and landscaping. APPLICANT: Mr Leon Furlong CONFIRMATION of discharge of condition(s) CASE NUMBER: 18/00854/FUL WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby Ward CASE OFFICER: David Potts DATE VALID: 19.03.2018 GRID REF: E 436299 TARGET DATE: 14.05.2018 N 468110 REVISED TARGET: 25.05.2018 DECISION DATE: 23.05.2018 APPLICATION NO: 6.46.24.H.FUL LOCATION: Old School House Skelton To Broom Close Skelton On Ure HG4 5AJ PROPOSAL: Demolition of conservatory. Erection of two storey extension and porch. APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs P Drummond REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:- 1 The proportions and form of the proposed two-storey side extension and front porch in relation to the existing property will appear out of character, with a lack of subservience, appropriate scaling and style. The building as a result will appear to sprawl to the west with the extension dominating the original house. The impact in relation to the design is not acceptable. The proposal is therefore contrary to saved policies H15 and HD20 of the Harrogate District Local Plan, policy SG4 of the Harrogate District Core Strategy DPD (adopted 11th February 2009) alongside guidance in the Council's House Extension and Garages Design Guide, Heritage Management Guidance and the National Planning Policy Framework. CASE NUMBER: 18/01158/FUL WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby Ward CASE OFFICER: Arthama Lakhanpall DATE VALID: 23.03.2018 GRID REF: E 432848 TARGET DATE: 18.05.2018 N 466110 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 17.05.2018 APPLICATION NO: 6.54.272.FUL LOCATION: Cobble End 1 Melrose Crescent Bishop Monkton HG3 3SW PROPOSAL: Erection of side extensions, alteration to existing dormer extension and fenestration and felling of 1 Beech tree and crown lifting of Lime tree under Group G3 of Tree Preservation Order 04/1970. APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Roe REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:- 1 The side extension, by virtue of its form, scale and siting would present an incongruous development. Its bulk and massing would create an overbearing effect on the host dwelling and appear incongruous within the streetscene. The proposal would be detrimental to the character of the host dwelling, street scene and Bishop Monkton Conservation Area. It would therefore conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, House Extensions and Garages Design Guide and Bishop Monkton Conservation Area Appraisal, Policies EQ2 and SG4 of the Core Strategy and Saved Policies HD3, H15 and HD20 of the Local Plan. 2 The side extension would create unacceptable overbearing to the occupiers of neighbouring property 14 Melrose Road. It would fail to preserve a good standard of residential amenity for the existing and future occupiers of this property. It would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework and House Extensions and Garages Design Guide, Policy SG4 of the Core Strategy and Saved Policies H15 and HD20 of the Local Plan. 3 The Lime and Beech trees under the Tree Preservation Order are healthy specimens with no foreseeable issues. They exhibits high amenity value and contribute well to the landscape character of the site and area. The proposal would pose a threat to this amenity value and therefore cannot be supported. The proposal therefore is contrary to the guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy HD13 of the Local Plan and Policy EQ2 of the Core Strategy. CASE NUMBER: 18/01225/FUL WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby Ward CASE OFFICER: David Potts DATE VALID: 22.03.2018 GRID REF: E 440300 TARGET DATE: 17.05.2018 N 471112 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 16.05.2018 APPLICATION NO: 6.35.26.FUL LOCATION: The White House Norton Le Clay York North Yorkshire YO61 2RS PROPOSAL: Demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey extension. APPLICANT: Mr Robert Nicholson APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 16.05.2021. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following submitted drawings: Proposed Floor Plans: Scale 1:100, received 22 March 2018. Proposed Elevations: Scale 1:100, received 22 March 2018. Location Plan: Buy A Plan, received 22 March 2018. 3 The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building.
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