THEBT THI FPOHTINQ LirR FuBLicniNO Co. SPORTING LIFEESTERED AT Pill LA. POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 12, NO. 23. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 13, 1889. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. ml tbe first gaane* will b« played at Waco, Fort liamfata. Not much jjood even in the Wtstern Asso- Worth and floudtoa. It baa been so arranged that ritttion. An>1 as it is pretty near time for the pu- ssinjr. there will bo no lay-offs. bee to begin 1 will tUit tbe ball YolHug. First, MiL- LATE_NEWS. neapolis (of course) or St. Paul; second, the earn*-; THE GUEAT TRIP. Pitcher. thTd, Omaha; fourth, Milwaukee; fifth, St. Jo?; sixth; A New Newark Des Moiiies; seventh, Sioux City; eighth, Denver. Special 10 SrOBTixo Lin. Suppose there thcuM be a nip-aud-tuck ruht for A Bad Case Against Two NKWARK, N. J., March 9. Vownrk has signed II. D. first place between ihe twos, what a fat thni£ it Travis, ut Cap* Charles, and expects we inters of him as would be for Blorton and Barncs. Wo would have The Spalding Tourists in a pirchor. He itaoda aix luot and tbrett inched In hia 5,000 people every day. Ball Players. bare fe*-t aud is tuilt m proportion, lie has a speedy The team will report early this month nnd practice iu tbe athletic club ^yinuailuiu until tho ground tibd Merry France. weather jiermit outside work. HARTFORD STILT. HUSTLING. Season tickets Lave been placed on pale and already THE OLD "WETS'" REORGAN­ a number have been sold. They cfat 620 each. The Club About Organized—A Reminis­ Our new grounds will be put into shape immedl- A Game Played in Paris Fur­ cence of « Famous Team— tocal Notes. alely. Work bas been commenced and we anticipate IZATION COMPLETED. tlie finishing tuuchrs by March '^5. St. Paul will open HARTFORD, March 7. Editor SI-OUTING LIFE: tbe new diamond ID aa exhibition g<<me. ther Details of the Jour­ Ea«o ball is assured for the coming season. S.*m Mortem Rays he expects to blgn one additional Four thousand dollars has been subscribed, and Rtcher and perhaps a pitcher and that then the teum An Important Athletic Decision by the 9th the figures will amount to close on vill t>e completed. At any rate, il'e a good tenm. ney to Egypt. to $5.000, as many who have already subscribed You will hear from us later on. A. W. G. A Player's Bereavement for stock, hare proinlml to take an additional ebare. A meeting will be held Fr;d*y evening, tbe Sih, THE TRI-STATE LEAGUE. [CCPVRlOHTtOl when a b-mr-1 of directors will be elected. PARIS, March 9. The Sp&lding tourists ar­ Aquatic Walters, Etc. Rapidly Perfecting Its Organization llow Hartford wuuld make the teams in the new rived hero Saturday night and have been quar* Etc. Atlnntl: Association hustle to win ihu bunting if it riayerfi Signed, tered all week at the Hotel St. Petersburg. Con­ bad tbe team that represented th's city in 18^5. Tliftre A BAD CASK. DAYTOIT, 0., Mare-h 7. Editor SPORTING siderable trouble was experienced in getting a was the slur Irani uf the minor league*, but it did not LIFE: The Tri-State League is making rapid last the fteaion out, as tbe management bee* mo ftnun- suitable ground to play and meantime the play* Kuehne ami Morris Likely to be Seriously cmlly embarrassed nnd most of the players were etrides to complete its organization, but I am crs spent their time in sight-seeing. The Na­ Involved ia l*.eg:il Difficulties* eo!d (o i-ven up mat torn. They held some of tho old afraid that April 1 will be here before the eight tional League for the Advancement of Physical team and tilted in with Amateurs from the rural dis­ Epeclttl to Sroimsa Liri. clubs are fully made up. Education tendered the u?c of its grounds in the ca?e against Morris tricts and trifd to piny the Bn»sf.n uut. It was useless, Dayton has at last secured a manager in tho PITTSBUKG, March 9. The and right there and Ibou the National gamo died and liois de Boulogne to the club?, but as thcsa anV. Kuehne for keeping a gambling house ia was buried an;t bas been dead ever since. Tho team person of Mr. F. M. Jones, of Duhith, Minn., grounds are not enclosed and are some dis- really causing copsiderablo anxiety hereabouts. in 'fc5 was made «p as follows: Connie Mack, now who is also a centre fielder. He comes well re­ tnnoQ from the centre of the city they wero The authorities are disposed to push it and with with the Souatun, was cttchinp; Gilmore. In UiO4e commended. hardly suitable. So the proposed gamo waa their good case the prospects are that tho de­ duiR i hoy were known as tho bona battery. Mack The players engaged by Dayton are as follows: made n good m»n fur Washington, but Gilmoro was postponed until Friday, in tbo hope that a fendants may receive a disagreeable sentence The Ladd brothers, of Lynn, Indiana, as a mote suitable li-c>uion c<>uld Le secured. President always iDclimd to bavo a big In ad aiid" to wound up Cincinnati; Ed uinK-r tho severw lawn of the Sla'io. M< rria came hym« with tho Syracuse Stars lost season. John ilonry ami battery, Win. tilery, pitcher, of Citriiot signified his wish to v, it ness the gtime on yesterday itud surrendt-rodhiniwlf to tho police. Kivipx Lyons, fielder, of Detroit; Frank B. Kilien, Pittnburg, Tdursdty. Prcfi-ient ('a-not received Mr. Lynch, iba Bill Kreic, another Lattery, went to Washington, l>nt second baso; Vail tor K hvurine next Friday, llu declares that th*ir tt*y WHflHhort. George Shnch, tlie light fielder, fmt base; Cuae. Berber, of Cincinnati, re; rcsfutativn of tho Americau base ball teams, and jamb ling WAX nut Koing on in the rcom, and no Jack Foxatty, of LOB Angeles, third base. M-ttittym1 Sj o'io iu warm terms about America's Nali >nal gaina wtm WHS ptaytog that poMt'on here ttiut 8 a*on, ouce and begin to gam oa for money worw perniiited. His claim is dmil'td made a K<>'d showing with the Senator* 1/wt Jout-a w;ll lake hold of tlie club at as being wtrll aJ tpted to the notvous, wiry physique of at by the police ttud otbers wliu IIATO lo'.kert Into tbe traiu tbe incu and complete the tcnm. American* aud Frenchmen. Mr. McLtan, the Aincri-* yt-ar. Gnihflr, another pitcher, was eoM to Springfield baa secured the gen ices of Mr. Jennison, matter. Tbe club management will l»k«ly uke a Ootroit for a fair price. He was one of the can Minister, and Secretaries Yiizuand aud JHV did all band io the ca>o and iu th« tivnut of a true bill by tho of (ho Chicago Uesfived, to manage their club and in their power to ft^Ut the party, and extt mltd t-rery star jitcbora ol the Kis'ern LfftK"6 thit year the club ia ua grno'l jury every ?ffort will be made lo Btav" the ran* BI»-i8t';r1 who covered tb« second I a*r, weut to the o'd play second L>HBe. Tbe remainder of Courtesy but:i to President Spslding and to Manager off Btiiil fall, sj that the club mil uot lot* tbo s-.-rvkt^ follows: Kid Summer-', pitcher; Pat Lyona, thott Lynch. During the week the carnival preceding tlio Slftts and ufterwitrdB to the Athletics. I believe this third lase: J. hn of the men. yt-ar Wftltui Bur u hum haa signed him for his Worces­ stop; Ilbue, first b.ue; McLau^hlin, L:-iiten EO.tnotj w as at ita h>-ight, auii the plai e-rs of thoj Beck ley and Staley write from Hot Springs ih*t Houtcliffe, left fUld; Mausell, centre fl«-ld; Oalla.', two teams saw ihu French capital tu its gay tat dre^s. ter team. Couuio (Joylo, a Svotberu League player, catcher. The «eaeon will bo opened at Suringfield by thttj will be InPittrtburir on March 21lh. Th«y tutimd played third aa good as any in the Eaulero season. THK QAME IS PARIS. remaiuing at tbe SpriuVn until tbo Clevelaoda come, The New and Promising Pitcher of the Kansas City Club. a pame with Coluuibus In Ai-ril. Johnson, the left tie!d«r, «fina favorite iu this city. for the most part, After several vextti< us delays tlie m.uch talked of In order to pet a few day»' ^ructico. He went to tha Ho *iius and I guess no one has heatd C it)ton anil Wb««ling have hired, Hilly Sunday, in a lttt«r to Manager rhillips, wy§ their old players, p.nd are ready foi Ihe fray. fume botween the Chicago aud All-America base ball of hioi HDoe Tliertj w«s u team thttt would wake tho Findlay \e, now being woiked hard fur the baby tuams took place ye tetday lu the Park Aerosmtique, be novpr had nuy ititetitinn of goitg to tbo S^rinfis. Xowuiks of to-day bustle in proi>cr style. It was tho He \vill join ibc t-raui Apiil lat at Ciactuuut), ready CHICAGO GLEANINGS. CALIFORNIA CULLINGS. clnh, an J will likely put up a strong bail team.
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