PROGRAM GUIDE NUMBER 154 DEAR SUBSCR I BERS AND THOSE OF KRAB IS SEATTLE'S NON-COMME RCIAL YOU WHO ARE RECEI VING THIS GUIDE LISTENER SUPPORTED STATION, Ir~ FOR THE FIRST TIME: PORTLAND YOU CAN LISTEN TO KBOO, IN THE PAST 5 MON THS KRAB HAS WHICH IS ALSO LISTENER SUPPORTED, CHANGED A GREAT DEAL. RIGHT NOW DONATIONS TO EITHER STATION ARE KRAB IS IN A PERIOD OF TRANSITION, TAX DEDUCTABLE, AS WE ARE NON­ THE OUTCOME OF WHICH WILL DETER­ PROF I T AS WELL, I N EXCHANGE FOR MINE IF IT WIL L SURVIVE AS A A CONTRIBUTION OF $20,00 WE WILL RAD IO STATION OR AS TOADSTOOL NET­ SEND YOU A PROGRAM GUIDE EVERY WORK. FOR MOST OF SEATTLE KRAB TWO WEEKS FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! IF DOES NOT EXIST; THROUGH IGNORANCE, YOU CAN'T AFFORD 2U, $12, WILL POOR RECEPTION OR ANY NUMBER OF DO, OR IF YOU'RE A STUDENT YOU OTHER IMPROBABLE CAUSES, NOBODY CAN RECEIVE THE GUIDE FOR ~ MONTH BUT YOU AND YOU R BEST FRIEND KNOW FOR $6,OU, NICE, THE ADDRESS OF A80UT THE STA TION. YOU'VE SUPPOR­ THE SEATTLE STATION (KRAB) IS TED US. MONE TARIALLY WE CAN'T 9029 ROOSEVELT WAY N,E" SEATTLE REA SONABLY ASK FOR ANY MORE FROM WASHINGTON 98115, (PHONE IS LA2 YOU. BUT MORE IS REQUIRED THAN 511) IN PORTLAND THE PLACE TO MON EY. WHICH IS WHY, AS OF THIS WRITE IS KBOO, P,Q,BOX 300S, GU IDE, AN IMMEDIATE CHANGE IS PORTLAND, OREGON ~720 8 (PHONE TAKING PLACE: WE ARE CUTTING OUR 227-1294, FREQUENCY IS AIR TI ME I N HALF. AS OF THE 27th KRAa's WE SIGN ON AT 5 :30pm AND SIGN OFF 107 ~7 l'iH KbOO' S FREQUENCY IS 90, / ~!I H AT 11: 30pm. THAT HEANS NO MORN­ ING PROGRAM, NO AFTERNOON PROGRAM, NO AFTERHOURS RROGRAMS. THIS ISN'T SOME KIND OF THREA T, IT'S NO WARN­ ING , IT's A PRAC TICAL NECESS ITY. THE VOLUNTEER STAFF, (MOST OF THE WORK HERE IS DON E BY VOLUNTEERS), HAS NEVER BEEN PROPERLY AC TIV A~ ED, IT'S TIME THEY WERE. IT'S TIME THAT THE STA TION BECAME A LIVING FUNCTIONING ORGAN IS M, NOT REMAIN Notes: AN EXISTENIAL MADHOU SE WHER E I) If you dre (or if you kn ow of THINGS ARE DONE (WHEN DONE) BY someone)e x periencing receptio~ ACCIDENT. WE HAVE TO BE ALIVE. uifFiculties, Please re,3d: IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WE WIL L BE KRA8 offers this service, For the RESTRUCTURING THE STAF F, 8ECOM· IJ r i C e 0 f a 5 U b s c rip t i 0 i1 ( i f yo J ' ING AWARE OF WHAT HAS TO BE DONt. r e a 5ubscriber---free), WE wil I THE NEW CONTRO L ROOM WILL BE COM­ setid an el ec troi1ic freak to yOU\~ PLETED! WE'LL START DOING MORE house to tune up yo ~r receiver PRODUCTION WORK . LOCAL PROGRAMS I -ike new, That nl edns no t only WILL MEAN GREA TER INVOLVEMENT BY wi 11 K RA [) c OGle i i1 be t t e t', but S 0 THE COMMUNITY,ETC. MORE IS HAP­ win ail -che other Sea ttle stat- PENING AROUND THE STATION NOW i ons. Call the statio!l. THAN HAS HAPP ENED FOR A LONG LONG 2) ,-jow about a Chr -j strnas g-i Ft sub TIME. KRA8 12 ALIVE, IT IS NOT for your grea -c ii unbt in Bothell?' DEAD OR DYING. 3) ~rjte us a letter. 1 WE DliE S lJ AY 27. NOV E~1 BE R 5: 30pm corl CE RT 9:50 FOR 1 I 2 OR 3 PEOPLE J . S. Bac h: Sonata No.4 in Cm, A composition for any instru­ BWV 1017 a.nd Sonata No.5 in F ment, by Christian Wolf. In Mi nor, BWV 1018 this case David Tudor has taken Ed u a r d, t'1u 1 1 e r, h a r psi c h 0 r d ; a' baroque organ and prepared it Hanshe i nz Schneeberger, viol in by removing some pipes, partial opening and closing of vents, Raga nalkauns-Bilampat in leen­ percussive playing on pipes and tal (16 beats-matras). using contact microphones for Pan d it Yeshwantrai Purohit amplification. The final record­ ing is the result of 1 overdub; Locatelli: LIArte Del .Violino combini~g sounds from the inter­ Opus 3, Concerto No.3 in F M. ior as well as the exterior of Susanne Lautenbacher, viol in; the organ, The Mainz , Chamber Orchestra 10:00 EAR TO THE GROUND Lowell con d u c ted by Gun t e r . Ke h r Richard's thing again on early. 7 : 1 5 liEW BOOKS A weekly program of ( ? ) comm ents and readings of books new to t he . Publ ic Library. With P. J. Do y le. 7: 30 COMM ENTAR Y: Ayn Rand ( WK CR) 8:00 LETT ER FROM ENGLA ND A tape s e nt to us every two weeks by ~1 i c h a e 1 S car b (H 0 ugh. 8 : 1 5 CO~' I NG EV Eins Announcements of THURSDAY 28 eve nts i n Seattle and Portla,nd. 8 : 30 KO T O~1US I C Kog ou No Kyoku, tells the story 5:30prd IYJt:t::TINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN sto r y of how Nakakuni was sent The book by G. Gurdjieff, read to fi nd Kogou, a koto player of by Lee Trousdale. Number 10 . gre a t s ki ll livingg a seculed 6:00 BLUES WEST Bob West with blues life in t he suburbs of Kyoto. mostly from the East. 9:00 TECHNO LOGY : THE EMPTY CORNUCOP- 7:30 COMMENTARY: I A. "rio t a single optimistic 8:00 'THE TAlL TIMBER BOYS bring live ut opi a has been written about sounds unto the rado. by anyon e of any importance for 8:30 TECHNOLOGY AND VALUE t he la s t 35 yea r s." Can a soc­ Discussion on "needs", real and ie ty witho ut visio n beyond imaginary, or both; generati on tec hnique truely pr osper? More gaps, and cultural values. f rom the 5-day symposium held From the 5-day symposiu m at the a t t he Center for the Study of CSDl. Participants include iiar­ Democr atic Institutions. Some shall McLuhan, author of The of the par ti c ipants are: Fred­ Gutenberg Galaxy and Understand­ erick Po l ak , Senator in the ing Media; and 6ther 1 isted in Nether l an ds Parliament; Herbert the progra m 11-27, 9pm. Marcuse , Pr of. of Philosophy; 9:30 CLASSIC JAZZ Pierre Auger, Director of Com­ Wh i c h k e e psg e t tin g pus he tJa 1 1 a­ bined Eu r opean Space Research; round, and even, once, cancelled . Ren e Dubos, Microbiologist; So r r y • ill ike 0 u f f y and Ray S k j e 1 - Jeni s Gabor , I mperial College bred .pick the records and keep of Space an d Technology at the the program going. Uni vers ity of London. (CSD!), 10:45 WEIRD OLD JEAN SHEPHER D and others . Fa s te r tIl a n a j itt e r bug. OJ0 F~ ) 2 FRIDAY 29 6:00 ADOLESCENT MISH-MASH I can't decide how to describe this. A1 5: 30pm LOR ENZO MILAM READS A BOOK. Benditt should t r y. 6: 00 JUST J AZZ Herb Hannum (I hope) 6:30 THREE SY MPHO NIES BY WILLIAN BOU pl ays j a zz in the just evening. BOYCE 7 :30 COMMEN TARY: FB Exner No.3 in C Maj; No.5 in 0 Maj.; 8:00 MUSI C OF THE PAWNEE A folkways and No.7 in B Flat Maj. rec ording. : Doctor's and Performed by the Simb1er Sin­ Society Songs; Sacred Songs. fonietta. 8 : 15 PROPH ECIES OF THE HOPI 7 : 1 5 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Report number 10786544287 fro m Radio Tho mas Banyacya describes the Moscow. hi story a nd bel iefs of the Hopi, 7:30 COMMENTARY: or Peacef u1 1 Peop le (Also: can ue translated as Humble, Leve, 8:00 J.S. BACH CONCERT BRANDENBURG CO NCERTO i ~o. 3 in etc. ) S G If,2 0 I' t he ~. Y' 0 tJ h e c i 25 i nclude information about WW2; G Major (BWV 1048) as played a nd t alk about a man "in a red by Phi10musica of Lonjon. dir­ c loa k or cap" who will come and ected by Thurston Dart (harpsi­ th r eaten t he world. The Hopi chord), as scores for 11 solo ha ve been told to stay out of players. whi t e ma n's business, this is followed by BRA NDENBURG CO~CER­ how th ey 've tried. (recorded TO No.3 in G Maj as " realised" 14 Nove mber by KRAB) by Walter Carlos with the assis­ 9: 20 THE BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS tance of Benjami n Folkman on an d th e messed up life of an Electronic Synthesizer. Fro m a I nd i an. A continuation of the columbia reco r di ng ent i tled II Swi tc he d - 0 n Ba c h ". A1 so h ear d a bove pro~ram. Comments by Banyacya (interpreter for rel­ will be Chorale Prelude "Wachet Auf II and Pre 1 u d e and Fu g u e jl 0 2 igious l eaders), Janet McCloud.
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