CENS'US' OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME I PART.I-A {i) TEXT I ND IA 'LEVELS OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA Being Part I of General Report on India A. MITRA . ( oj-the Indian Civil Service Rkgisitbf l,(;enerat '(lnd ex-officio census C(Jn'lrtriss{oner for IMia CENsus OF INDIA 196t-uNION PUBtICAttON~ PART I General l<.eport~on the Census, Sub-divided into three sub- parts, viz.; -"_- PART I-A General Report PART I-A (i)-TEXT Levels of Regional Development in India PART I-A(ii)-TABLES Levels of Regional Development in India PART 1-B Vital Statistic;. of the decade PART 1-C Subsidiary Tables PART II Census Tables on Population, sub-divic!ed into : PART II-A(i) General Population Tables PART II-A(ii) Union' Primary Census Abstracts PART II-B(i) Gene/al Economic Tables (B-1 to B-IV) PART II-B(ii) General :economic Tables (B-V) PART II-B(iii) General Economic Tables (B-VI to B-IX) PART II-CCi) Social and Cultural Tables PART II-CCii) Language Tables PART II-CCiii) Migration Tables (D-I to D-llI and D-V) PART H-C(iv) Migration Tables CD-IV and D-VI) PART III PART III-(i) Household Economic Tables (14 States) PART 1II-(ii) Household Economic Tables (India, Uttar Pradesh and Union Territories) PART IV PART IV-A(i) Housing Report PART IV-A(ii) Report on Industrial Establishments PART IV-ACiii) . House Types and Villages layouts PART IV-B Housing and Establishment Tables PART V . Special Tables for Scheuled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Ethnographic notes sub-divided into two Sub-parts viz., PART V-A Special Tables for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PART V-B Ethnographic Notes PART VI Village Survey Monograpbs PART VII Monographs on Rural Crafts Survey and list of Fairs and Festivals PART VII-A Handicraft Survey Monograph PART VIJ-B Fairs and Festivals PART VITI Administration Report Administration Report (Enumeration) PART VIII-A }l'l'ot for salt PARTVUl-B Administrahon ,Report (Tapulation) PART1X Census Atlas Volume ft\RTX Special Reports on cities with PopUlation of 1 million and over CON T E N't s PAGB! Introductory Note CHAPTER I Natural Reaions, S13bNgions and Divisions 1-7 CH~ER II The Ranking Device 9-49 CHAPTER III Delineation of Natural Region> and levels of development 51-187 CHAPTER IV Association of Characteristics CHAPTER V Relationship between patterns of shift from agriculture to non-agriculture 1951-61 and the levels of development 265-285 CHAPTER VI Distribution of Industrial Licences among districts arran~ed by levels of development • 287-314 CHAPTER VII Cases of hire purchase under the National Small Industries Corporation among ,districts arranged by levels of development • 315-346 !:CHAPTER VIII The Fourth Estate and the levels of development • 347-351 CHAPTER IX The General Elections of 1957 and 1962 and the levels of development. 353-357 ~A:rS 1. INDIA, Natural Regions, Subregions and Divisions. 2. INDIA, Crop regions showing proportionate distribution of areas u!?-der fro!?,sJ?~~-59. 3. INDIA, Districtwise distribution of major languages) 1961,. 4. INDIA, Distribution of three district wise numerically strong_ Scheduled.. Tribes, 1961. 5. INDIA, Percentage of members of Scheduled Castes to the total population; 1961.l 6. INDIA, Percentage of members of SC'heduled Tribes to the total popuiatfo'n; 19'6(' 7. INDIA, Levels of Development, 1961. 8. INDIA, Number of workers in registered factories engaged in food processing industries. 9. INDl A, Number of workers in registered factorieS' producing sugar and gut:' 10. INDIA, Number of workers in registered factories producing edible oil and <r liYd~o­ genated oil. 11. INDIA, Number of workers in registered factories producing tea, coffee, rubber and rubber products. 1 " 1;"':' 12. INDIA, Number of· workers in registered factories enga~ed;in textiles~ !&o!tg:~ and jute). 13. INDIA, Number of workers in mining industry. 14. INDIA, N~mper of work~rs in regi~tered factqries prodv«wg .i:;eme.ut. and. p~per_ 15. INDIA, Industriallicences issued between January 1953 and Marcb 1~9J,. ~4S!.I' the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, classified by major industrfal g,roups an~ by ~istr\ct tp whjch. issued. r' .. 16. INDIA, Pattern of Gain or Loss of Votes in each district in 1962 over,,; ,19fi7'.,Wi:jhe Congress and all other political parties combined in the General Elections sll'Perposed 0)1. the pattern of levels of .development, 1961-.. 17. INDIA, Gain or Loss in votes polled in General Elections of 1962 as percentage of those polled in 1957 by Congress Party. 18. INDIA, Gain or Loss in votes polled in General Elections of 1962 as percentage of those polled in 1957 by all parties (other than Congress) taken together. PREFACE This pan of t~le General Report on the 1961 Census of India was designed, processed and written out ~J.lles.t emU-ely between the second half of May and the; end of July this year. Th(( critical' reader will naturally find in it many bl®lishes. a.I\q areas of inCoU1pi~t~ analysis wh~cll a more leisurely and careful treatment might have avoided. The pressures in the conduct of the Indian Census Programme hatdly pel"mit .desirable periods of, gestation. This Report is therefore presented more out of regarg ~or t4(( d~ta. it conta,ius than any pretensions to other claims, for admittedly the presentation here i!tt~mpted is tentative and needs further calibration by. means of principal compon~nts CUlalysis. The data are published in a separate volume [Part I-Alii)]. This book started put with two aims. First to dissolve the political and administrative outlines and let the natural regions, subregions and divisions emerge in their complex associations of natural features, social, cultural and general ecological characteristics. Secondly, to apply to the picture that emerged a ranking device based on about three dozen, what appeared to the writer to be, significant indicators. This ranking device was based on a simple hypothesis. Given a certain amount of agricultural. general and economic infrastructure and a potential of human resources one is entitled to expect economic growth in the modern sense of the word, parti­ cularly in organised industry, in direct relation to them. This process of delineation should be able to bring out zones of backwash and spread effect and also those which a further instalment of economic growth might be able to retrieve from areas of backwash into those of spread. It was assumed that these areas of. backwash and spread would set in motion forces of polarisation. It was therefore decided to apply several validity tests to verify this polarisation. Of the fact of economic and even social and cultural polarisation there is little room for doubt. The main aim has been to let the facts speak for themselves. The abstract statements at the end of Chapter II bring out some of the salient ones. Fortunately for the country this polarisation has been far from regional, nothing like the north-south polarisation that one finds in Europe or the Americas. The picture that emerges is one of pockets and zones of backwardness invariably enclosed by areas of prosperity or spread effect. In very many areas except in the north and north east, the areas of prosperity and spread effect join hands across areas of backwash. Such a situation is particularly heartening for the logistics of development. It is no longer so mnch It mattei of invasion of one region by another by organising and injecting all the prerequisites of economic growth, but of encircling and mopping up of pockets. How the sights should be set for this operation is of course outside the scope <;If thi~ work. tn the chapter on Delineation I haVe quoted very frequently from O.H.K. Spate's India &: Pakistan (1954) and S. P. Chatterjee's Regional Patterns of the Density and Distribution of Population in India published in The Geographical Review of India, June 1962. Dr. Spate's book has served as a constant companion during my travels as well as Dr. Chatterjee's short piece and it is quite likely that some of their own words have crept into my writing unnoticed despite every wish to acknowledge each observation to its author. I am indebted to Dr. B. S. Minhas of the Planning Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute for a very useful discussion on Chapter II and partiCUlarly on the tasks that lie un accomplished. Dr. Miss P. Sengupta; Map Officer and her staff kindly undertook to design the physiographic' table and execute the maps. My warmest personal thanks must go to my colleagues 'who processed and reprocessed, checked and rechecked all the statistics that were planned and designed and who enriched the final copy with useful suggestions, and to Shri Prem Nariani, my Secretary, and Shri S. Rajagoplan who typed out a long and difficult manuscript. The brunt of the work fell on Shri O. P. Sharma and his team for whom nothing seemed to be too. big a job. This book owes the most to their zeal and devotion. There]s no greater pleasure for me than to acknowledge my debt particularly to : Shri O. P. Sharma Shri Mahal Singh Shri V. P. Kataria Shri D. N. Dixit Shri N. S. Bhatnagar Smt. Tripta Sarin Shl:i P. S. Sharma Shri D. S. Mehra Shri R. P. Bhatnagar Shri B. R. Kalra Shri P. N . .Baweja Shri N. S. Soam Shri V. A. Deshrnukh 5hri Har Gopal Saini NEW DELHI ASOK MITRA September 30, 1964 Registrar General lndia INTRODUCTORY NOTE INDIA'S FIVE YEAR PLANS aim to level ordinate to the compulsions of economic the local features which divide the country and administrative unity.
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