VISUAL TEXTS, CEREMONIAL TEXTS, TEXTS OF EXPLORATION # Collected Articles Imperial Encounters in Russian History Series editor: Gary Marker (State University of New York, Stony Brook) VISUAL TEXTS, CEREMONIAL TEXTS, TEXTS OF EXPLORATION V Collected Articles on the Representation of Russian Monarchy Richard Wortman Boston 2014 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: A catalog record for this book as available from the Library of Congress. Copyright © 2013 Academic Studies Press All rights reserved Effective August 2, 2016, this book will be subject to a CC-BY-NC license. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. Other than as provided by these licenses, no part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or displayed by any electronic or mechanical means without permission from the publisher or as permitted by law. ISBN 978-1-61811-258-3 (cloth) ISBN 978-1-61811-259-0 (electronic) Book design by Ivan Grave Published by Academic Studies Press in 2013 28 Montfern Avenue Brighton, MA 02135, USA [email protected] www.academicstudiespress.com To the memory of the Slavic and Baltic Division of the New York Public Library and the spirit of scholarly calling it inspired among the many generations of its readers. Table of Contents List of Illustrations . ix Permissions . xiv Abbreviations . xvi Introduction: Texts of Representation . xvii Part I CEREMONY AND CEREMONIAL TEXTS 1. Th e Mythology of Empire: Imperial Russian Coronation Albums (With Edward Kasinec) . 3 2. Ceremony and Empire in the Evolution of Russian Monarchy . 27 3. Signs of Empire: Exotic Peoples at Imperial Russian Coronations . 47 4. Publicizing the Imperial Image in 1913 . 71 Part II THE IMPERIAL MYTH IN ARTISTIC TEXTS 5. Alexei Olenin, Fedor Solntsev, and the Development of a Russian National Esthetic . 101 6. Cultural Metamorphoses of Imperial Myth under Catherine the Great and Nicholas I . 122 7. Myth and Memory—Imperial Evocations of 1812. Alexander I and the Russian People . 145 8. “Glas naroda” : Visual Representations of Russian Monarchy in the Era of Emancipation . 180 9. Th e “Russian Style” in Church Architecture as Imperial Symbol aft er 1881 . 208 10. St. Petersburg the Imperial City and Peter Tchaikovsky . 238 Part III EXPLORATIONS AND EMPIRE 11. Texts of Exploration and Russia’s European Identity . 253 12. Russian Noble Offi cers and the Ethos of Exploration . 274 VII TABLE OF CONTENTS Part IV INTELLECTUAL HISTORY 13. Koshelev, Samarin, and Cherkasskii and the Fate of Liberal Slavophilism . 297 14. Tolstoy and the Perception of Poverty: Tolstoy’s “What Th en Must We Do?” 320 15. Property Rights, Populism, and Russian Political Culture . 333 Part V AFTERTHOUGHTS AND REMEMBRANCES 16. Th ought, Culture, and Power: Refl ections of a Russianist . 355 17. Th e Moscow-Tartu School: Review of S. Iu. Nekliudov, ed., Moskovsko-tartuskaia semioticheskaia shkola. Istoriia, vospominaniia, razmyshleniia (Moscow: Shkola “Iazyki russkoi kul’tury”, 1998) . 377 18. Brief Recollection of Vladimir Nabokov . 387 19. Marc Raeff : Memorial Th oughts . 389 20. Leopold Haimson: Remembrance on the Occasion of his Memorial Service, March 25, 2011 . 393 Index . 397 VIII LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS List of Illustrations Article 1 Figure 1— Empress Anna Ioannovna. Opisanie koronatsii e. v. imp. i samo- derzhitsy vserossiiskoi Anny Ioannovny (Moscow, 1730). Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Figure 2— Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. Obstoiatel’noe opisanie torzhestvennykh poriadkov blagopoluchnogo vshestviia v tsarstvuiushchii grad Moskvu i sviashchenneishago koronovaniia imp. Elizavety Petrovny (St. Petersburg, 1744). Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Figure 3— Th e Crowning Ceremony of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. Obstoia- tel’noe opisanie . Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Figure 4—Empress Catherine II at the “Tsar’s Place.” Engraving aft er a drawing by Louis de Veilly, Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Figure 5— Th e Crowning of Emperor Nicholas I. Henry Graf, Vues des cérémonies les plus intéressantes du couronnement de leurs majesties imperials l’empereur Nicholas Ier et l’impératrice Alexandra à Moscou (Paris, 1928). Library of Congress. Figure 6— Emperor Alexander II Crowns Empress Maria Aleksandrovna. Opisanie sviashchenneishago koronovaniia . imperatora Aleksandra Vtorago i imperatritsy Marii Aleksandrovny vsei Rossii (n.p., 1856). Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Figure 7— Th e Crowning of Emperor Alexander III. Opisanie sviashchennago koronovaniia . imperatora Aleksandra Tret’ego i gosudaryni imperatritsy Marii Fedorovny vsei Rossii (St. Petersburg, 1883). Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. IX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 8— Emperor Nicholas II Crowns Empress Aleksandra Fedorovna. V. S. Krivenko, ed., Koronatsionnyi sbornik: Koronovanie v Moskve, 14 maia 1896 (St. Petersburg, 1899). Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Article 3 Figure 1—Muslim Delegates from the Caucasus. Vues des cérémonies les plus intéressantes du couronnement de leurs majesties imperials l’empereur Nicholas Ier et l’impératrice Alexandra à Moscou. Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Figure 2— Triumphal Coronation Entry to Moscow of Alexander II and Maria Aleksandrovna. Russkii khudozhestvennyi listok, 1856. Figure 3— Caucasian Deputies at the Coronation of Alexander II. Opisanie sviashchenneishago koronovaniia . imperatora Aleksandra Vtorago i imperatritsy Marii Aleksandrovny vsei Rossii. Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Figure 4— Kirgiz Huntsman—Coronation Album of Alexander II. Opisanie sviashchenneishago koronovaniia . imperatora Aleksandra Vtorago i imperatritsy Marii Aleksandrovny vsei Rossii. Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Figure 5— Deputies of “Asiatic peoples under the power of Russia.” Koronatsionnyi sbornik: Koronovanie v Moskve, 14 maia 1896. Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Figure 6— Deputies from Khiva—Coronation Album of Nicholas II. Koronatsionnyi sbornik: Koronovanie v Moskve, 14 maia 1896. Slavic and Baltic Collection, New York Public Library. Article 4 Figure 1— Tercentenary Coin. Collection of author. Figure 2— Nicholas II as Huntsman. A. Elchaninov, Th e Tsar and His People (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1914). Figure 3— Nicholas II in Soldiers’ Uniform holding Tsarevich Alexei. A. Elchaninov, Th e Tsar and His People. Figure 4— Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich among the Poteshnye (third from left ). A. Elchaninov, Th e Tsar and His People. Figure 5— Nicholas II Tastes Sailors’ Ration on the Yacht, Th e Standard. A. Elchaninov, Th e Tsar and His People. X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Article 5 Figure 1— Fedor Solntsev—Meeting of Prince Sviatoslav Igorevich with Byzantine Emperor John I Tzimisces. Copyright © 2013, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. Figure 2— Fedor Solntsev—Window Frame from the Terem Palace. Drevnosti rossiiskago gosudarstva (Moscow: Tipografi ia Aleksandra Semena, 1849). Figure 3— Fedor Solntsev—Th e “Monomakh Cap.” Drevnosti rossiiskago gosudarstva. Figure 4—Fedor Solntsev—Orb from the “Grand Regalia” of Tsar Michael. Drevnosti rossiiskago gosudarstva. Figure 5— Fedor Solntsev—“Helmet of Alexander Nevskii.” Drevnosti rossiiskago gosudarstva. Article 7 Figure 1— Ivan Terebenev—Th e Russian Hercules. 1812 v karik ature (Moscow: Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, 1999). Figure 2—Russkaia Azbuka-Letter “B”—Th e French Eat Crow. http://www. museum.ru/museum/1812/English/Library/Azbuka/index.html Figure 3— Russkaia Azbuka-Letter “F”—Th e French like Mice are Caught in a Trap. http://www.museum.ru/museum/1812/English/Library/ Azbuka/index.html Figure 4— Alexander I’s triumphal entry into Paris. Otechestvennaia voina 1812 goda v khudozhestvennykh i istoricheskikh pamiatnikakh iz sobranii Ermitazha (Leningrad: Gos. Ermitazh, 1963). Figure 5— Prayer Service on La Place de la Concorde, March 29, 1814. N. K. Shil’der, Imperator Aleksandr Pervyi, vol. 3 (St. Petersburg: A. S. Suvorin, 1899), 289. Figure 6—Alexander Vitberg—Project for Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer, Moscow. Zhivopisnoe obozrenie, Vol. 4, 1838. Figure 7— Dedication of Alexandrine Column, August 30, 1834. A. Ricard de Montferrand, Plans et détails du monument consacré à la mémoire de l’Empereur Alexandre (Paris: Th ierry, 1838). Figure 8—“Veterans of 1812” at the Borodino Centennial. L’Illustration . Figure 9—Nicholas II following Procession of the Cross at the Borodino Centennial, August 25, 1912. L’Illustration. XI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Article 8 Figure 1— Nicholas I Crossing the Danube. Stoletie Voennogo Ministerstva: Imperatorskaia glavnaia kvartira; istoriia gosudarevoi svity; tsarstvovanie Imperatora Nikolaia I (St. Petersburg: Voennoe Ministerstvo, 1908). Figure 2— Alexander II followed by Grand Dukes Nicholas Aleksandrovich and Alexander Aleksandrovich. RNB, Print Division. Figure 3— Alexander II, Maria Aleksandrovna, and Grand Duke Nicholas Aleksandrovich. GARF. Figure 4— Vasilii Demut-Malinovskii—Ivan Susanin Monument, Kostroma. Vsemirnaia illiustratsiia, No. 2, 1883. Figure 5— M. A. Zichy—Alexander II’s Coronation Entry into Moscow. Alexander II Coronation Album. Opisanie sviashchenneishago koronovaniia . imperatora Aleksandra Vtorago i imperatritsy Marii Aleksandrovny vsei Rossii. Figure 6— Vasilii Timm—“Th e Emancipation of the Peasants.” Russkii khudozhestvennyi listok, 1862. Figure 7— “Th e Voice of
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