1958 :cONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Lithuanian Independence Day ania by military force. Once again the free­ Estonia, nonetheless, remained an outpost dom, independence and democracy cherished of Western culture, preserving its own spirit by the Lithuanian people became both a of independence and catching the fervor of EXTENSION OF REMARKS memory of the past and a dream for the 19th-century European nationalism to press OF future. The tragedy of world events during its politically more backward rulers for re­ the past two decades brings remorse and sad­ forms. With reforms painfully gained, the · HON. JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER ness to the hearts of all of us. The merciless Estonian people were able to progress eco­ OF MARYLAND depravity of the Communist dictators, their nomically and culturally. The emancipation IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES never-ending cruelties and relentless pres­ of peasants and the growth of an intellectual sure to stamp out every trace of Lithuania's element were the firm basis for a national Tuesday, February 25, 1958 great national heritage continue without awakening. By the time of World War I pausP. As in the past, however, these efforts Estonian nationalist movements in full force Mr. BUTLER. Mr. President, I ask have been totally unsuccessful. Lithuania were seeking autonomy. unanimous consent to have printed in is neither broken nor discouraged by the When the czar fell, Estonians gained from the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD a statement stark realities of the present. The will to the Russian provisional government the per­ prepared by me commemorating the resist grows stronger with every outrage com­ mission to form an ethnic Estonian province 40th anniversary of Lithuanian inde­ mitted against them. While the future re­ under the authority of a popularly elected pendence. mains to be told, one factor has been estab­ Estonian National Council which was to seek There being no objection, the state­ lished for all time-the undying will of the the status of an autonomous state in the ment was ordered to be printed in the Lithuanian people to be free. Russian Republic. With the aid of the con­ We in America, as well as her countless fusion in Russia itself, Estonia proceeded RECORD, as follows: friends throughout the Free World, will also rapidly toward realizing their centuries-old STATEMENT BY SENATOR JOHN MARSHALL BUT• remain true in our struggle to free Lithu­ dream of complete independence. LER COMMEMORATING THE 40TH .ANNIVER• ania and the other freedom-loving nations of World War I broke upon the heads and SARY OF LITHUANIAN INDEPENDENCE Europe which are now under the Communist hopes of Estonia and faced them with a new When we speak of Litlniania, we refer to yoke. We shall take courage from the valor occupation by German troops who invaded more than a country-we have in mind a of the Lithuanian people of today and of Estonia in the wake of the retreating Bol­ brave and gallant people whose fine qualities the past. We shall be sustained by their sheviks. One day before Germany completed contribute to the traditions of many other devotion to our common cause. We shall its operation, on February 24,. 1918, the exec­ nations in which they may live. It has been continue to struggle with every resource at utive committee of Estonia proclaimed that said that one of the most important factors our command to overcome the Communist "as of today Estonia within its historical and of America's success has been its ability to conspiracy which would enslave the entire ethnic boundaries, is an independent, demo­ accept and preserve the rich heritage and world and which now has gallant Lithuania cratic republic, neutral in the present war." culture that the forefathers brought with within its grasp. We will be steadfast in Estonia's neutrality was respected as little them from their homelands across the seas. the principle that all . peoples can live in .by Germany as by Russia. The small Baltic America at its greatest reflects the tradi­ peace, at liberty and with honor. state was faced with the difficult task of tions of other lands just as our history re­ I salute the people of Lithuania and join fighting both nations at once. cords the many brave and gallant deeds and with free people throughout the world in Success finally came to the valiant nation the manifold contributions of peoples of praying that liberty and independence will in 1920 when the U. S. S. R. signed a peace many national origins. soon be restored to them. treaty renouncing all rights to Estonian ter­ The people of Lithuania have made a no­ ritory. In 1932 a .further guaranty was table contribution to America. Although .agreed upon, a nonaggression pact. Estonia Lithuania is not a large nation, its peoples' .was building its foundations of sovereignty deep religious· faith, reverence for freedom Estonia Is Still on the Map upon the treacherous sands of Soviet paper and independence, tenacity and gallantry, promises. ·and resistance to oppression have kept this EXTENSION OF REMARKS World War II began for the successfully nation among the most important in Europe OF independent Estonia publicly with a declara­ for countless centuries. We in .Ainerica, as tion of neutrality, privately by its secret con­ well as the people of the other nations of HON. JA1\1ES ROOSEVELT signment to Russia as a result of the infa· the world, are greatly ind~bted to Lithuania. mous Ribbentrop-Molotov agreement. It is, therefore, most appropriate that free­ OF CALIFORNIA Russi·a began immediately to push all its dom-loving people throughout the world IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES efforts toward the seizure of Estonia. Es­ pause to do homage to Lithuania upon its Tuesday, February 25,1958 tonia was forced to sign a mutual assistance 40th anniversary of independence. pact on the grounds that it could not guar­ During the early days of governmental Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker, under antee Baltic security. Russia then pre­ development in Europe, Lithuania set the leave to extend my remarks in the sented an ultimatum on June 16, 1940; ac­ pattern of noble principles which hence­ RECOR-D, I include the following state­ ceptance would mean military occupation. forth would be the mark of the Lithuanian ment on commemorating the 40th anni­ The people of Estonia, faced with overwhelm­ nation. Indeed, this early period from 1200 versary of the proclamation of independ­ ing odds, grimly resigned themselves to their to 1450 is often referred to as the golden fate, their only hope that an international age of Lithuanian history. Unfortunately, ence of the Republic of Estohia: · crime of such proportions would ·not go un­ ·the glories, the prosperity and the freedom ESTONIA Is STILL ON THE MAP punished. of these days were not to last. Union with Maps are very .important, but they never The Western World was quick to recognize Poland, the rise of Prussia and Austria com­ tell the human story behind the lines and the illegality and immorality of the Soviet promised Lithuanian independence in the colors. When one looks at a map of Europe behavior. Sumner Welles, American Unde:~; centuries to come. Finally, in 1795, Lithu­ tOday, he sees that the Baltic States are all Secretary of State, said on July 28, 1940, that ania, along with Poland, suffered th,e tragic the same color, usually red. They are red the independence and territorial integrity of fate . of being partitioned among the then because they have been incorporated into the Baltic States were deliberately annihi­ powerful nations of Europe and it was the U. S. S. R. One of freedom's brightest lated by devious processes. The United Lithuania's unhappy lot to be annexed to the beacons, Estonia, has been swallowed up by States has consistently refused to recognize Russian Empire. the Russian octopus. the forcible annexation of Estonia. We real­ Imperial Russia throughout the 19th and Before 1940 a map of Europe would have ize that the Estonian people are a strong bul­ 20th centuries was no less oppressive than shown a small, proud Estonia crowning the wark of anticommunism. We acknowledge the dominance of Soviet Russia today. The eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. Its people the sufferings of these people who are stead­ harshest policies were invoked to crush and were an ethnically distinct group, proud of f·astly refusing to surrender their integrity, destroy the Lithuanian people. Patriots their history, dating from 3300 B. C., with their patriotism, their religion, and their cul­ were deported, heroes executed, and schools an individual culture, a growing economy, ture, even at the cost of their lives. and universities closed. The national lan­ and a love of independence that had sur­ Some people have escaped from the horror guage was outlawed and the name of Lithu­ vived a long succession of foreign rulers. that is Estonia today. They stand in the ania was even removed from all maps. How­ Probably the single most important fact is midst of the free world community and ask ever, with steadfast devotion to their high that Estonia is a buffer state, a state caught for our aid and sympathy. They know better principles, the Lithuanian people carried on between two larger powers. than we the terrible price of freedom; they under adversity and on the 16th of February Estonia had· been independent from its stand as burning examples of man's un­ 1918 asserted their independence. early beginning until the 13th century. Then quenchable desire for independence. They Ranking among the great tragedies of his­ it found itself a pawn in the power politics stand as reminders that there is still a part tory "tre those dark days in 1939 when, with­ of larger, aggressive neighbors, culminating of the world living in darkness in this pro­ out provocation, Soviet Russia seized Lithu· in Russian rule in 1710.
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