THE GARRATTMAKER PROJECT 1:22,5 G-scale, (45mm track), MENGO: „reconstruction“ of the Metre-Gauge Beyer Peacock 6905 / 1939 Beyer-Garratt 4-8-4 + 4-8-4 for the KUR Class / Nr. EC3 / 77 Kenya & Uganda Railways MENGO is the first KUR-Garratt of a 200 detail-picts and 260 Beyer-Pea- series of 12 handmade 1:22,5 brass cock drawings made it possible to models. reconstruct the 4-8-4 + 4-8-4 Metre- An important value was the mainte- Gauge Beyer-Garratt 1:22,5 G-sca- nance of constructional guidelines le. fitting to the original MENGO. The model loco is primarily a showpi- ece. It is proposed by a electric motor and therefore limited suitable for regular usage. The electric current transmission passes by the rail over 8 axles is as invisible as it‘s elec- tric motor (through the oilpipe of the boogie-axleboxes) The minimum radius is 6 meters/20 feet. The colour varnish corresponds to the authentic KUR Original varnish. The pure construction time of the MENGO was 12 months. Numbers and nameplate corres- pond to the original. Photocopyright by Bernhard Schramm (all Mengo) www.garrattmaker.com and Michael Schachinger (Karamoja) Just one of these twelve successful Garratt gigants has survived until today. „KARAMOJA“ BP 6974/1940 Nr 87 of the Kenya Uganda Railway KARAMOJA was modified at some details approximate 1960 The locomotive itself was rebuild as a 3-D CAD-file and is currently split into groups for further processing (laser, lost-wax ......) CAD-Rendering CAD-Rendering boogieparts 4mm and 2mm stainless steel items are lasered. The pieces are photo-etched brass parts. They are done and ready for assembling. 450 items will be build with lost-wax and 1600 items with laser or corrode procedure. 400 models of lost-wax items are finished, Reprinted from THE RAILWAY GA- by this type of engine, which is an ZETTE, July 21, 1939 BEYER, PEA- indication of the state of reliability and COCK & CO. LTD., LOCOMOTIVE availability it has attained, and how it ENGINEERS, MANCHESTER can give to a railway restricted by a narrow gauge and light rail the carrying Editorial Note from „The Railway Ga- capacity of a standard-gauge railway. zette“ July 21, 1939 The First 4-8-4 + 4-8-4 Locomotive NEW 4-8-4 + 4-8-4 METRE-GAUGE The first Beyer-Garratt locomotive BEYER-GARRATT LOCOMOTIVES, to be fitted with an inside four-wheel KENYA & UGANDA RAILWAYS bogie, a 4-6-4 + 4-6-4, was described These engines are the first i n the world in our issue of February 26, 1937. to have this wheel arrangement and Another example of the inclusion of the largest 50-lb. rail locomotives ever the four-wheel bogie on the inside of built the engine units of a Garratt engine is One of the exclusive characteristics of the subject of an article this week. The the Garratt principle of articulation is wheel arrangement in this case is the ability to accommodate on each en- 4-8-4 + 4-8-4, and, incidentally, this gine unit any wheel diameter or wheel is the first time such a wheel arrange- arrangement which can be applied in ment has been embodied in any steam the ordinary type of engine, and the locomotive. The engines, of which six new design of Beyer-Garratt locomoti- have been built and another six are ve we now describe and illustrate is an under construction, are for the Kenya excellent example of the way in which & Uganda Railways. The huge boiler so extended a wheel arrangement as and extended wheel arrangement that 4-8-4 + 4-8-4 can be incorporated. this system of articulation permits is The order, comprising six locomotives Used with the permission of the editor of Rail- noteworthy, and the fact that the en- of this type, has recently been com- way Gazette International gine is to operate on a 50-lb. rail, has pleted by Beyer, Peacock & Co. Ltd. www.railwaygazette.com a maximum axleload of less than 12 at Gorton, Manchester, and shipped, tons, and can negotiate a 275-ft. radius and some are already in service. An 4-8-4 t+ 4-8-4 curve, yet weighs 186 tons, makes this order for a further six has already been Metre-Gauge Beyer-Garratt locomotive a conspicuous example, of placed. This new type has been desig- Locomotives for the Kenya & Uganda the designing capacity and in genuity ned by Beyer, Peacock & Co. Ltd. to Railways of the British locomotive manufacturer. the detailed specification of the Chief These engine are the first in the world The Kenya & Uganda Railways have Mechanical Engineer, Mr. K. C. Stra- to have this wheel arrangement and used Garratt engines for many years, han (now retired), and the subsequent the largest 50-lb. rail locomotives ever and before long the 879 miles of main requirements of Mr. H. B. Stoyle, built line will be operated almost entirely present Chief Mechanical Engineer and previously Locomotive Running Su- a similar size grate and an even larger ween the unit bar frames of only 2 ft. in continued maximum output and also perintendent of the railway. The Kenya barrel diameter despite the total height this case is an ever present difficulty to enabled larger coal and water supplies & Uganda Railways administration has to chimney top from rail level of 12 ft. the designer of narrow-gauge engines. to be carried. The tracking properties of been a user of Garratt locomotives for 5 1/2 in., which is nearly a foot lower Further, it was specified that the engi- the engine have also been considerably several years, the 36 engines of this than the highest British dimension. nes were to be designed to facilitate improved by the guiding and protective type operating about two-thirds of the The locomotive further weighs roughly conversion effect of the bogies fore and aft, of the total main-line traffic. Perhaps nowhere 20 tons more than the largest British to 3 ft. 6 in. gauge with the minimum coupled system, which should result in the world have Garratt engines been types, the width over the running board of alteration; thus the cylinders and in reduced wear of rails and flanges. worked more intensively, the mileages is 9 ft. 6 in., and the footplate area is rods and motion ape centred for the Existing Garratt engines, which work obtained being a record for a narrow- considerably larger than that of many wider gauge, a wider wheel centre passenger and goods trains, are opera- gauge line of this kind. The new design standard gauge engines. The design providing for the shifting of the tyres ted mainly by two sets of engine men, not only embodies the makers‘ impro- embodies many interesting features, outwards. The engine has also been either Europeans or Asians, and Afri- vements culled from the experience of some of which constitute a fundamen- designed to take care of the possible can firemen, one set resting in Garratts in service in various parts of tal departure from the practice origi- conversion of the Westinghouse brake a „ caboose „ and changing over every the world, but includes various modifi- nally introduced by Beyer, Peacock & to vacuum, when the gauge is altered, 8 hours. This system has been in vogue cations and alterations suggested by the Co. Ltd. The two principal differences, and also for the ultimate introduction for some years and round trips of 660 railway, based on its long experience, apart from the wheel arrangement, of automatic couplers. Despite these miles-Nairobi-Mombassa- Nairobi which combine to make these new en- are the inversion of the pivot centres, features, however, a far greater measu- are run daily. With the new engines it gines particularly interesting and out- the male portion being on the engine re of accessibility has been obtained is contemplated to run from Nairobi standing examples of the present-day unit instead of on the boiler cradle, throughout the locomotive than hither- to Kampala and back, a round trip of Garratt. They have been built under and the alteration of the valve gear to to. Previous Beyer-Garratt locomotives 1,100 miles, and to this end various the supervision and inspection of the bring the quadrant block of the links of on the Kenya & Uganda Railways have features have been introduced to Crown Agents for the Colonies. Before each engine unit to the same position been of the 4-8-2 + 2-8-4 wheel arran- lessen the enginemen‘s responsibility passing on to a detailed description of for whichever direction the engine is gement, with a coupled wheel diameter and work on the road, such as roller these engines, it is therefore interesting running. of 3 ft. 7 in. in keeping with an existing bearings on all bogie wheels and an to observe the extraordinary size of wheel on a standard ordinary engine. extensive use of grease lubrication as the locomotive, a point with which we This is the first time that the 4-8-4 + With the gradual speeding up of traffic detailed later. were particularly struck when we in- 4-8-4 wheel arrangement has been ad- and the extended use of Garratt engi- General Design spected one of the type, considering the opted; it is designed for 573-ft. radius nes over the whole main line, where From the various illustrations a good restrictive conditions of a metre-gauge curves on the main line and 275-ft cur- the grades are easier, it was decided to idea can be obtained of the general and 50-lb.
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