1 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 3 4 140 MAIN CAPITOL HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 5 6 7 THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2011 10:47 A.M. 8 9 10 PUBLIC HEARING ON PHARMACEUTICAL ACCOUNTABILITY MONITORING SYSTEM 11 12 13 BEFORE: 14 HONORABLE GENE DIGIROLAMO, CHAIRMAN HONORABLE MARK COHEN, CHAIRMAN 15 HONORABLE MATT BAKER HONORABLE ROSEMARY BROWN 16 HONORABLE SHERYL DELOZIER HONORABLE JOE EMRICK 17 HONORABLE ELI EVANKOVICH HONORABLE MARCIA HAHN 18 HONORABLE DOYLE HEFFLEY HONORABLE SUE HELM 19 HONORABLE THOMAS KILLION HONORABLE THOMAS MURT 20 HONORABLE BRAD ROAE HONORABLE MICHELLE BROWNLEE 21 HONORABLE PAMELA DELISSIO HONORABLE EDDIE DAY PASHINSKI 22 HONORABLE TONY PAYTON HONORABLE KEN SMITH 23 24 JANIS L. FERGUSON, RPR, CRR 25 REPORTER - NOTARY PUBLIC 1 1 I N D E X 2 3 NAME PAGE 4 DEB BECK 6 5 DANA HECKARD 10 6 HARRISON HECKARD 15 7 SHERRY GREEN 18 8 DR. MICHAEL ASHBURN 25 9 PATRICIA EPPLE 39 10 JANET HART 46 11 TOM PLAITANO 52 12 TONY MARCOCCI 59 13 MARTHA KING 63 14 KAREN FLEXER 70 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1 2 3 CHAIRMAN DiGIROLAMO: Okay, good morning and 4 welcome, everyone. We're real excited about this 5 hearing and about the issue that we're going to be 6 dealing with. 7 And just maybe a couple ground rules as 8 we start out. We were not supposed to be in session 9 today, on Thursday, but because we're dealing with a 10 very big issue, we voted on second consideration last 11 night, so we'll vote it on final passage today. We 12 have to go in session at 11:00, so the members need to 13 be out -- out of here five or 10 minutes before 11:00. 14 And I know many of you that are testifying have 15 traveled a long way, so we want to make sure that you 16 all get your testimony in. So what I thought I might 17 do is allow everyone to testify and ask the members 18 not to ask any questions, and that way we'll get 19 everybody in. If we have any time at the end of the 20 hearing, if somebody has some questions, we'll 21 entertain that. Or, if not, if the members have 22 questions and want to submit them in writing to 23 Melanie Brown, and then she will submit the questions 24 to the testifiers, and then maybe we can get them 25 answered that way. 3 1 So how about if we start out by I'll 2 allow the members to introduce themselves, and just 3 say what their district is and where they're from. 4 I'm Gene DiGirolamo. I am the Majority 5 Republican Chairman of the Committee, and I'm from 6 Bucks County. 7 REPRESENTATIVE BROWN: Rosemary Brown, 189th 8 District, Monroe and Pike County. 9 REPRESENTATIVE HAHN: Good morning. I'm 10 Marcia Hahn from Northampton County, 138th District. 11 REPRESENTATIVE EVANKOVICH: Eli Evankovich, 12 54th Legislative District, Westmoreland and Armstrong 13 Counties. 14 REPRESENTATIVE HEFFLEY: Doyle Heffley, 15 122nd District, Carbon County. 16 REPRESENTATIVE HELM: Sue Helm, Dauphin 17 County. 18 REPRESENTATIVE MURT: Tom Murt, Montgomery 19 County and Philadelphia County. 20 REPRESENTATIVE SMITH: Good morning. Ken 21 Smith, Lackawanna County, 112th District. 22 CHAIRMAN DiGIROLAMO: And I believe our 23 Democratic Chairman, Representative Cohen -- oh, I'm 24 sorry. 25 REPRESENTATIVE DELOZIER: Sheryl Delozier, 4 1 88th District, Cumberland County. 2 CHAIRMAN DiGIROLAMO: And Mark Cohen, who is 3 the Democratic Chairman of the Committee, will be here 4 shortly. 5 So with that, why don't I invite our 6 first panel to come up and testify. And that is Deb 7 Beck, who is the president of the Drug and Alcohol 8 Service Providers Organizations of Pennsylvania. And 9 we have two parents, Harrison and Dana Heckard. 10 And I would like to also remind 11 everybody that the -- we are recording, the TV cameras 12 are on. 13 And, Representative Baker, do you want 14 to just -- good morning. And do you want to say hello 15 to everyone and let us know where you're from. 16 REPRESENTATIVE BAKER: I'm Representative 17 Matt Baker, Tioga and Bradford County. Good morning, 18 Deb. 19 MS. BECK: Good morning. 20 CHAIRMAN DiGIROLAMO: And I would also like 21 to acknowledge Representative Baker, because last 22 session he did an awful lot of work on this issue; him 23 and the committee that he had last session, and was 24 gracious enough to allow me to take over the issue. 25 Thank you -- thank you, Matt. 5 1 And with that, we can begin our 2 testimony. 3 MS. BECK: Thank you very much. I'm going 4 to make a few introductory remarks and turn the 5 microphone over to my friends on my right. 6 Good morning, Chairman DiGirolamo, 7 members of the Committee and staff. I just want to 8 say to you, I'm grateful as the dickens that you've 9 taken this issue up. 10 And I want to cut to the chase and tell 11 you I'm here on behalf of the Drug and Alcohol Service 12 Providers Organization. I'm here with direction from 13 my members to beg you to pass some kind of 14 prescription drug-monitoring legislation for the State 15 of Pennsylvania. I know this is in a preliminary 16 phase. We need some legislation. And I'm here to 17 basically tell you that and thank you, and tell you 18 how grateful we are for the opportunity. 19 When I talk to my treatment programs 20 and prevention programs and our recovering community 21 around Pennsylvania, they tell me, without my 22 soliciting, and I know from my handling people on the 23 phone myself, Pennsylvania is awash in prescription 24 drugs of addiction, and many of them are tragically 25 lethal. The streets are full of prescription drugs of 6 1 addiction. Doesn't mean people with medical needs 2 don't need access to them. They do. But we've got to 3 stop the diversion and the easy and tragic access on 4 our streets. 5 Our admissions are going up. The 6 statewide admissions for treatment for prescription 7 drug addiction and overdoses are going up. Some 8 statistics are in the packet for you. And Joe Emrick 9 set this up for you, so you can see that the overdose 10 death rate from prescription drug addiction is higher 11 than for heroin and cocaine. That's a change since I 12 got in the field in 1936. 13 The prescription drugs on the street -- 14 he looked puzzled. He didn't laugh. Ken's the only 15 one up there who got that. Thank you, Ken. 16 But, anyway, these are highly lethal, 17 highly addictive drugs. We need to cut down on their 18 supply. 19 Pennsylvania is matching national 20 trends. National trends. The Office of National Drug 21 Control Policy, they have a major campaign going. 22 They call this an epidemic in America, and 23 Pennsylvania is matching those trends. You have some 24 statistics in the packet. 25 One state has a headline here, "Legal 7 1 Drugs Kill More People Today than Illegal Drugs on the 2 Street." Owen DCP (phonetic) calls it an epidemic. 3 The Center for Disease Control calls it a "rising 4 tide". And listen to this, folks. A small community 5 in Ohio, because there were so many deaths, called 6 this problem "a pharmaceutical atomic bomb going off 7 in our communities". "A pharmaceutical atomic bomb 8 going off in our communities". 9 So we urge you, I plead with you, 10 enact -- good morning, Representative Cohen. 11 (Inaudible.) 12 MS. BECK: We plead with you again. Please 13 enact legislation on this area. And here's why: Look 14 at the statistics. From the year 2007, five times 15 more prescription drug overdose deaths than heroin. 16 Here is why we need this: Unintentional deaths 17 because of prescription drug overdoses are four times 18 higher than they have been before. It's the second 19 leading cause of unintentional deaths in America 20 today. Here is why; why I'm here from our membership 21 to say, please pass some kind of legislation in this 22 area. 23 And kind of -- kind of summarizing, I 24 want to make the pitch one other way. We need this 25 legislation. Let me tell you why. And, please, bear 8 1 with me. Bear with me. 2 Rodney and Cynthia Myers, would you 3 please stand for just a moment. These folks are from 4 Cumberland County. They tragically lost their 5 17-year-old son Kyle, third-party diversion, their son 6 Kyle to Fentanyl patches. Diverted drugs. Thank you. 7 Karen -- Karen and Randy, I believe 8 you're here. From Carbon. Same issue. Just lost 9 their son Brett. 20 years old. 10 Phil Bower, York County, Pennsylvania, 11 lost his son Mark, his beloved son Mark, age 18. 12 And also a moment of tribute to Louise, 13 who couldn't make it down here from Luzerne County, 14 who frequently comes and speaks about the tragic death 15 of her young son to diverted Oxycontin. 16 Friends, that's why we need to do this. 17 So I plead to you again, and I close with my pleading.
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