"THE HERALD HILLSDALE'S COVERS HILLSOALE ONLY LIKE A ROOF' NEWSPAPER Vol. V, No. 32, Whole No. 339, Hi I Is dale,- New Jersey, Thursday, August 6, 1931 Single Copy, Three Cents Youth DidritKnow One-Arm Driving PARALYSIS ISWas Against Law, So Judge Explains AT CIRCUS SPREADING TO William Campbell, of Hillsdale, was Arthur, of course, was unaware that fined $10 and $1.50 costs before Justice it was an offence to have his arm of the Peace Ray Brown, of Park Ridge, around a girl, especially if the girl, her- GIVES CROWD FREE SHOW on Monday evening, for operating an self, gave some encouragement. But THIS COUNTY automobile withoijt a driver's license. there is a time. and' place for every- Campbell was picked up in Park Ridge thing, as the bible very specifically by Police Chief A. Salimone on Wed- states, and the Judge told Arthur that Red Pajamas I Westwood Health Officials Have Ver- nesday night, July 29, when he became the main streets of Park Ridge was no Disease Prevalent In New] involve- d in a minor automobile acci- place for such affectionate demonstra- | baS Wrangle with Policeman York City Appears In dent, which resulted in slight damage tion. After the Judge explained it to to one of the cars. Arthur, he saw the error of his way. And Other Objects In | and Hillsdale Vender. Northern New Jersey. Campbell offered as an excuse for notHe was told the danger that lurked in having a license that he had a permit, one-arm driving when Judge Brown 'Spite' Wash and had neglected getting his license, pointed out that such a driver would A street altercation, staged as a free Westwood Board cf Health on Tues- ADVICE OF PHYSICIANS intending to go for it from day to day. not be able to handle another emer- attraction by Loivis Bahrenburg, Pres- day evening when it was decided to • The Ji.dge reprimanded him, for his gency— assuming that the free arm was Most any day, between the hours of jident of the Westwood- Board of Health, refer the entire matter to the Mayor 'carelessness, and placed him on parole taking care of one emergency. sun-up and sun-down, there can beland Celestin Boudewyns, Health OfE- and Council for investigation, cer for 30 days, during which time he must Arthur promised not to repeat the ;seen on Washington avenue, -Hillsdale, . of both Westwood and Hillsdale, Walter Hi<*inson of Hillsdale who Local Doctors Say That Chil- not operate'a car. He also instructed j offence, and while he gave the Judge jbeyon:i the athietic field, clothes of! outside the circus that played in West- |operates a confectionery and "hot do™ J him to secvu-e a license immediately, if | no assurance that he would keep his j Taried sjjapes and colors hanging in j wood Saturday night, had its alter-|v£ndI_ • - ° dren Should Be Kept Away msth at s g truck, was the unwitting cause he intended to drive a car. jar,aim away from his girl's waist, hheje jtlltne fron,jt: Jawjgwan ooff aa cercertatam homhomee " [jmath at a" new"*™* spssinn nf fhp I .o ,f .the dispute, which drew a large From Crowds. Arthur Zell, of Spring Valley, receivi - | promised not to do so while driving a Every day they jjang there and tlie j crowd of curious and amused people, ed a reprimand from Justice . Brown j ear on the public highway. • | g0Ssipers say it is a spite washing. The although the affair had not been pre- ! when he appeared in court on Monday; With Arthur in the car at the time;ligt of cjotiies is usually headed by a viously advertised, or even planned. The dreaded scourge of infantile par- f night, on a charge of driving an auto- ^was Leo Lieberfarb, also 01 Spring Val-j pajamas i bright red. ]arge suit of n CLUB PLANS TO Higinson, who is a World War vet- alysis an alarming epidemic of which j mobile with one hand. Arthur's other ley. He was also accompanied by a jA]tnough they hang on t.he lawn> tlley •U; sweeping New York City, striking j hand and arm were around the waist 01 girl, but when asked if his arm was l . jamas, butj eran and operates his truck under a are not ]awn m beaoll pa veteran's State license, not requiring a down hundreds of children, has reach- j a pretty Spring Valley girl at the time around his girl, replied emphatically, ;teIong to the regu.ar strict- bedroom local license, had parked his truck near ed Bergen County, with one or two i of the offence, which happened in Park "No, the girl with me was only my jspscjes vvithout frills. Unless they are ] PLANT GARDENS the circus grounds. Bahrenburg and cases "already reported. One of these I Ridge on Sunday evening. 'cousin." • •• - doubled up at the legs and sleeves they —.— I Boudewyns came along and demanded resulted fatally, the victim being a man imust be worn by some Goliath who to inspect the wagon. Higinson asked 35 years of age. • j I lurks in the neighborhood. One Will Contain Only Flow- them to show their credentials, and the The public in this section is becom- | Next 'to the deep red pajamas hang two officials refused, whereupon Higin- ing alarmed, fearful lest the strange |SOX CONTINUE DOT BORCHARD a lighter pink suit of Balbriggans and, ers Mentioned in Works of Eon refused to allow them to make the disease, about the cause of which little | as the line extends, the garments be- inspection. Icome more unmentionable, airing in seems to be known, should- suddenly) Shakespere. With their credentials still- hidden, strike their own home circle. Parents: i fancy colors of every hue, so that, seen j in the twilight, they look for all the their dignity was injured, and they im- are anxiously watching their children] LOSING STREAK POPULAR GIRL m The Sun Dial Club, of Hillsdale, met i «liately showed their ire so emphati- for the slightest sign of fever or head- I I world like a rainbow. th I And the neighbors are e whisnerinwhispering, on Monday evening in the Board room [2*2.? ^ « at.raced the attention of ache, while they hope and pray that i ! a oout ibe 111 R r may escape. Their sympathy is Prize In' ' daily sight. Inquiries" have of the school, the President, Mrs. Paulf? ^ °8? Harms.. The officer cau- Hillsdale Team Drops Wm AS as to whether anv action Clerke, presiding, and the meeting! "oned Bahrenburg and Boudewyns aroused "as they read the pathetic .ac- j*— *™ "IT^ R*™* \ * ^^ ican be taken to stop the practice. but!pioved very interesting. Many newjtha,t they were disturbing the peace, counts of the children of the poor and Hillsdale Firemen's Bazaar an< To Pearl River Red Men lit seems there is no law or ordinance 'features of the club's activities being! ? advised them to put their ire back rich alike, suddenly stricken without ln warning while physician and parent By Score of 9 to 4. Contest. j regulating the place where a wash' sponsored. Among the new proposi- hiding with their credentials, (must be hung, or limiting the time the ! tions which the President recommen- Bahrenburg, who expected the law to stand aside helpless before the ravages be on his side, became incensed at Har- of the malady. i wash must hang out, or "regulating the'dedand which were favorably accept- Hillsdale Blue Sox, in a slump Dot Borchard, popular young girl of |I typet , size or colol r off the garments dis- edd was a ross garded n or park fof rt htheing's attitude, and shouted, "I'll get t ^T ntn InilSen" W toVthi' f°r the past few weeks, dropped an- Hillsdale, won third prize in the popu- j played on the line. ' town, to be planted and cared for by you for this." To which the officer re- '" ' " " ' Rumor hath it that the wash is hung a committee of the club. Armin Fed-'plied, "You're r.ot big enough to get S^Wu^tton^S a^^y tte IT- lather game on Sunday afternoon whp j ^r^conteststa^ hyJhe^ Hffl sueii. quesuuii uciug __*..;« Uj ^ *« ^ ^^ Rlve_ Rgd -^ sasily __on byjFire Department in connection with ai.ut in the front lawn in retaliation for den was appointed by the President as anybody." Cr p score of _t°So^ «"-R-*Sn vmw rtiiWmn aim™ 9 to 4. The game was bazaar and circus held on Park avenue !complaints made against the occupants chairman of this committee. Later, Bahrenburg complained to m-..«roanswerv: "Keep you- r children away j played at the Hillsdale Stadium, and-every night last week. Miss Borchard'of the place for creating a nuisance. Another of Mrs. Clerke's propositions Police Chief Al. Lich about Officer Har- from crowds and possible contacts." ^^.ninterest__gbecaus 'was uninteresting because of the errors jreceived a beautiful diamond ring. [through the burning of garbage _and was a Shakespere garden for the town, ing, and wanted charges preferred Dr. James W. Fox, President 01 thejmade b the home team. Fannie Pricolo, of Emerson, won first; waste material that created an onen- to be planted with all of the ! against him. Chief Lich refused to ac- Hillsdale Board of Health, interviewed in the contest, running ahead sive odor. ; flowers mentioned in Shakespere's j cept any report, unless it was put in .^.c ___**_,, •„.._,_ _.«.j^u. -j _• the last few hours, winning : | works.
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