RUSSIAN LITERATURE IN THE NATIONAL MARINE MAMMAL LABORATORY LIBRARY t....J ." ---_1...r."a..._--- Submitted to the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in fulfillment ofContract No. 43ABNF601962 Marinka International S. Pearson (Smrstik), compiler Seattle, Washington February 1997 INTRODUCTION This bibliography of Russian literature represents the collection of works, either published or unpublished, for individual Russian scientists who have done research on marine mammals. The information for the compilation of this list came from entries in the NMML Library card catalog and the on-line Papyrus data base of current NMML holdings. The Russian materials in the library were gathered from various sources: journal articles, reports from VNIRO (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography) and TINRO (Pacific Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography). The annual reports from the Russian side in connection with Project 02.06-61 “Marine Mammals”, US-USSR (Russia) Agreement of Protection of the Environment are valuable data which document the ongoing cooperative research between the United States and the Russian Federation of States. The author’s names are alphabetized according to the English spelling of the name. There are variations in spellings for the same name because there are different transliteration systems. In order to facilitate the usefulness of the citations the language is indicated or the presence of an English abstract where ever it was possible to verify that information. Standard abbreviations were used in journal citations. The translator’s name or affiliation is also included when available. Approximately one-fourth of the citations were actually verified as to being available in the reprint file or on the book shelves. For the list to represent the actual holdings of Russian literature in the NMML Library, the location all of the citations should be checked. This latter step was not done due to lack of additional funding. I would like to express my gratitude to Sonja Kromann and Scott McClelland of the NMML laboratory for their help in formatting the Subject Index section. RUSSIAN LITERATURE IN THE NATIONAL MARINE MAMMAL LABORATORY LIBRARY ______________________________________________________________________________ Listed below are works by Russian scientists published in Russian or English which are available in the NMML Library. Russian names which have different English transliterations for the same author are alphabetized according to the English spelling of the name. Individual author’s files have not been verified. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Abdullabekov, A. 1967. Obrabotka mekhovogo syr’ya iz Kaspiiskogo tyulenya na dobyvayushchikh sudakh (Processing of the raw fur skin of Capsian seals aboard catching vessels. Ryb. Khoz. no.6: 59-61. REPRINT FILE Afanas’ev, V.N. 1941. Parasitofauna of the commercial mammals of the Kommander Islands. Uchenye zapiski no. 74. Seriia biologicheskikh nauk.v.18, p. 94-117. REPRINT FILE. Agafonov, A.V. 1987. Analysis of possible existence in dolphins of a developed communicative system In: V.M. Bel’kovich, editor, Povendeniya i bioakustika kitoobraznykh, p. 197-209. Moscow. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanography. 218p. Transl. NOSC. 11p. 1988. REPRINT FILE. Agafonov, A.V. and V.V. Kaznadzey. 1987. Experimental ethological-acoustic study of a local population of Black Sea bottlenosed dolphins In: V.M. Bel’kovich, editor, Povedeniya i bioakustika kitoobraznykh, p. 55-68. Moscow. P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanography. 2l8p. Transl. NOSC. 13p.1988. REPRINT FILE. Agarkov, G.B.1975. Morskie mlekopitayushchie (Marine mammals), part II. Proceedings of the sixth All-Union conference on the study of marine mammals, Kiev, 1-3 October 1975. Transl.of Table of contents, JPRS, 16p. 1976. REPRINT FILE. Agarkov, G.B. and B.G. Khomenko. 1984. Sravnitel’naya morfologiya cherepnomozgovykh nervov i probleme proiskhozhdeniya kitoobraznykh (The comparative morphology of craniocerebral nerves and the problem of origin of cetaceans). Zool. Zh. 63(5):760-766. In Russian. REPRINT FILE. Agarkov, G.B. and V. Ia. Lukhanin. 1970. Propulsive tail musculature of the Atlantic common dolphin (K voprosy o dvigatel’noi musklataure khvostovogo otdela del’fina belobochki). Bionika (4):61-64. Transl. by JPRS, 1971, p.77-81 In: Hydrodynamic problems of bionics. 157p. REPRINT FILE. Agarkov, G.B. and V.F. Sych. 1974. Morphofunctional analysis of the epaxial musculative of the propulsive complex of the porpoise. Bionika (8): 122-127. Transl. by JPRS, Nov. 1974. REPRINT FILE. Agarkov, G.B. and M.V. Veselovsky. 1987. Investigation of the peripheral nervous sytem in cetaceans. Invest. Cetacea 20:192-227. QL737 .P645 v.20. Agarkov, G.B., O.V. Nechaeva and B.G. Khomenko. 1987. Funktsional’naya morfologiya endokrinnykh zhelez morskikh mlekopitayushchikh (Functional morphology of the endocrine glands of marine mammals). Kiev. Naukova Dumka. In Russian with English abstract. 120p. QL713.2 .Ag11 1987. Agarkov, G.B., B.V. Solukha and B.G. Khomenko. 1971. Hydrolocation capacity of dolphins. Bionika, (5):52-56. JPRS Transl. 55982. May 1972. REPRINT FILE. Agarkov, G.B., et al., editors. 1978. Abstracts of papers at the Seventh All-Union Conference, Simferopol’ 20-23 September 2 1979; TsNiiTEIRKh (Central Scientific Research Institute for Information and Technical and Economic Studies of Fishery), Moscow. Transl. Naval Intelligence Support Center, p. 401-407 (Table of Contents, 1979. Also Transl. by Transl. Bur. (JA), Multilingual Services Div. Dept. Sec. State, Canada, 17p. as Fisheries and Marine Service Translation Series no. 4470.1979. REPRINT FILE. Airapet’yants, E. Sh., et al. 1969. Echolocational differentiation and discription of radiated pulsations in dolphins. Doklady Biol. Sci. USSR, 188(1-6):756-758. Transl. Consultants Bureau. REPRINT FILE. Akhmanova, O.S., et al., compilers. 1949. Russko-Angliiskii slovar’ (Russian-English dictionary) Moskva. OGIZ Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo inostrannykh i natsional’nykh slovarei. 987p. PG2111 .R91. Akhundov, F.M. 1963. Morfologicheskie otlichiya Necromites nestoris ot semeistva Semantoridae (Mammalia, Pinnipedia) (Morphological differences (distinctions) of Necromites nestoris from the family Semantoridae (Mammalia, Pinnipedia)). Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Azerbaizhanskoi SSR. Seria geologogeograficheskikh nauk i nafti, no. 3:9-14. Transl. by D.E. Sergeant, 13p. 1968. REPRINT FILE. Akimushkin, I. I. 1965. Golovonogie mollyuski morei SSSR. (Cephalopods of the seas of the U.S.S.R. Moskva. Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1963. Transl. by A. Mercado. Jerusalem. Israel Program for Scientific Translations. 223p. QL430.2 .AK52cE. Akimushkin, I.I. 1955. Faunistically new cephalopods for the far-eastern seas of U.S.S.R. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 105(2):367-369. Transl. by G.A. Thompson. July 1965. REPRINT FILE. Akimushkin, I.I. 1965. New data on the geographical distribution of cephalopod molluscs in the far eastern waters. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 94(6):1181-1184. REPRINT FILE. Akimushkin, I.U. 1955. O kharaktere pitaniya kashalota (Character of the food of the cachalot). Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. 101(6):1139-1140. Transl. 4p. by Ken Coyle, 1982.. REPRINT FILE. Aleev, Yu. G. 1963. Function and gross morphology in fish (Funktsional’nye osnovy vneshnego stroeniya ryby) Moscow. Izdatel’stvo Akad. Nauk SSSR. Transl. from Russian by Israel Program for Scientific Translations. 1969. QL639 .A42. Alekseev, A.P., editor. 1971. Fish behavior and fishing techniques. All-Union conference held at Murmansk, 27 February to 1 March 1968. (Vsesoyuznaya konferentsisya po voprosu izucheniya povedeniya ryb v syvazi s teknikoi i taktikoi promysla) Jerusalem. Israel Program for Scientific Translations. 1971. 193p. QL639.2 .F52. Alekseev, A.P., et al., editors. 1991. Summary reports of the V All-Union conference on the early ontogenesis of fish. Astrakhan’, 1-3 October 1991. Moscow. VNIRO. 232p. SH1 .Su63 1991. Alekseev, D.O. 1992. The systematic position of bioluminscent squids of family Loliginidae (Cephalopoda, Myopsida). Zool. Zh. 71(11):12-23. In Russian with English summary. REPRINT FILE. Almquist, L., et al. 1987. Sostoyanie populyatsii i problemy okhrany tyulenei baltiki (State of populations and the problem of protection of Baltic seals). Zool. Zh. 66(4):588-598. In Russian with English abstract. REPRINT FILE. Andreev, A.V. Institute Biological Proplems of the North. 1990. Distribution and status of the Beringian common heritage components in eastern Chukotskii Peninsula. 1p. In English. REPRINT FILE. Andreev, F.V. 1993. Spatial vision in mammals. Dokl. Biol. Sci. Proc. Acad. Sci. 333(1-6):426-428. REPRINT FILE. Andreev, N.N. 1966. Handbook of fishing gear and its rigging (Spravochnik po orudiyam lova, setesnastnym materialam i promyslovomu snaryazheniyu). Jerusalem. Israel Program for Scientific Translations. 454p. SH344 .A513. 3 Andreev, N.N., S.A, Studenetskiy and M. Ya. Drapatskiy, editors. 1985. Teoriya promyshlennogo rybolovstva i proektirovanie orudii lova (Theory of commercial fishing and the design of fishing gear). Moscow. Minist. Ryb. Khoz. SSSR. VNIRO. (Collected scientific articles In Russian with English abstracts). 151p. SH211 .T264. Andriashev, A.P. 1966. A brief report on Soviet work on Antarctic biology (end of 1964 - beginning of 1966.) Unpublish manuscript. In English. IX/WGB/3. 2p. REPRINT FILE. Andriyashev, A.P. and N.V. Chernova. 1995. Annotated list of fishlike vertebrates and
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