m s i ;l LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. , Copyright No.. ShelL.§.y_&'5>0 UNITED STATES OF AA&RICA. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from Tine Library of Congress http://www.arcliive.org/details/valkyrieiiivsdefOOtliom PRICE. 10 CENTS. Valryrje I AG OF C.OLIVER :SELIN ^, THE defender's signal. ""V ILLUSTRATED OFFICIAL SIGNAL PROGRAMiMEand "?" HAND-BOOKoFTHElNTEl^NATlONAL YACHT RACES ^f A p 1^ p P THESTANDAl^DUNDERW£Al^oFTHEWOi^LDj^,.^^|\\:^v^'^_'^^^ %JrVCr U C IX^NowatGreatlyReducedPrices: .WOOLOUTilMGSHlRTS for YACHTING, FISH lNG;~;;;:7^t\\ \& B0AT]NG,G0LF!NG,HUNT1NG,B1CYCL]NG Etc. _.. ^Tcr^T^W, J^;^ •— 1 Dr.Jaegers Sanitary Woolen System Co., MAIN F^ETAILSTOf^E:l76 FIFTH AVE.,Below 23?P St., UP-TOWN BRANCH STORE: 1139 BROADWAYNcar ZST-r' St.. DOWN-TOWN Bf^ANCH STORE: 153 BROADWAY Below Cortlamot St. A Jndicial Decision tliat will Interest WomcD. Judge Townsend has granted an injunction restraining Joachim Stein and others from infringing on the Patented Imperial Hair Regenerator, manufactured by the Imperial D. CALABRESE, Chemical Manufacturing Company. Judge Townsend has also decided that the witnesses for the defense were mistaken both as to the possession of and the prior use of what seemed (Late with Bryant & Ondrak.) to him to be a meritorious and useful invention. Ladies' Tailoir ai^d Habit Maker, New Tork, London. Paris. San Francisco. Imperiaf Hair Regenerator, Bicycle, Golf and Tennis Snits, Small Size (4 oz.) - $1.50 Large " (12 oz.) - 3.00 A specialty: In ordering use the numbers as below to indicate colors. No. 1. Black. No. 3. Medium Brown. No. 6- Gold Blonde. No. 2. Dark Broira. No, 4. Chestnut. No, 7. Ash Blonde. 535 FIFTH AVBNUE, No. 5. Light Chestnut^ RETAIL AND APPLICATION DEPARTMENT, Bet. 44th and 45th Streets, NEW YORK. 292 FIFTH AVENUE, Bet. 30th and 3l8t Streets. NEW yORK. NO BRANCH OFFICE IN NEW YORK. Laboratory, 133 to 137 West 33d Street, New York City. VALKYRIE III vs. DEFENDER Official and Signal Program of the Tenth Contest for the Emblem of International Supremacy THE AMERICA'S CUP CONTENTS Program 1,5 Magic (cut) 13 Volunteer 21 Defender (plate) 2 Nat Herreshoff 13 Diagram of Single Sticker 22 Description of Defender 3.4 Pronunciation of Valkyrie 13 Tides 23 Caution 4 Junk 14 Farmer Dunn Turns Yachtsman 24 Valkyrie III (plate) 6 Catamaran 14 International Racing in the Small Classes. .25 Description of Valkyrie III 7 Defender and Valkyrie Compared Comparative Sail Areas . 25 Portraits of Defender Syndicate 8 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 27 Ten Years of International Yacht Racing. .27 Iselin and Defender Syndicate 9 Mayflower 17 Comparative Measurements 28 America (plate) 10 Earl of Dunraven (plate) 18 The America's Cup (plate) 30 Signals Explained 11 Vigilant 19, 20 Table of Records 31 Puritan 11 Columbia (cut) 20 Mariner's Compass 32 Dunraven and EnglisJi^Syndicate 12 Countess of DufFerin (cut) 20 Chart and score card may be found on inset. Four English Cup Challengers 13, 26 Compilgfl by Published by Copyright, 1895, by Thompson & Thorp, Constable Building, Fifth Avenue and ( Eighteenth Street, New York. HENRY B.'^'HOMPSON J EDWARD Y. THORP BRITON VS. YANKEE Sailing Directions a'^ START. contest between Defender and Valkyrie III promises to be THE The start will be made off Sandy Hook Lightship, the Pre- the hardest tussle for the America's cup since the gallant old paratory Signal being given at 10.50 a.m.. Starting Signal, 11 a.m. Yankee schooner came sailing home forty-four years ago with brooms at her masthead, to show how she had swept the British COURSES. seas. The crack yachts of two continents that are to contest for No. I. (^Letter C.) From the starting line, to and around a international honors more closely resemble each other in design mark fifteen miles to windward, or to leeward, and return, leav- than any two boats that have yet met in the series. Already the ing the ma}-k on /he starboard hand. air is full of charges of and counter charges theft of principles and No. 2. (Letter D.) From the starting line, ten miles to and designs by the rival builders. In Defender's lines the Englishmen around a mark ; thence ten miles to and around a second mark ; see only a clear appropriation of the British ideas, while Valkyrie's and thence ten miles to finish line, turning the marks on the make HerreshoflPs admirers declare that his designs have been outside of the triangle, to port or starboard, according as the boldly pirated. yachts are sent around. Probably the fact is there has been coming an unwitting Starting and Finish Lines.—Will be between a point on the together of ideas due to the e.xigencies of the contest. Watson Committee Boat, indicated by a white flag, and the mainmast of figured on building a boat to beat Vigilant, and Herreshoff tried to the Lightship, or other Stakeboat if the start is made further get a faster craft than the English Britannia. This mi.\ up is out to sea. These lines will be at right angles with the outward undoubtedly due to Vigilant's visit last year to England, when she and home courses, respectively. showed John Bull's boat builders the lines on which the Americans Compass Courses. —Will be set before the Preliminary Sig- build their boats. So close are the races expected to be that neither nal is made. The Signals for Course No. 2 must be read begin- side has "given away" any information that might be of advan- ning forward. tage to the other side. Marks.—AVill be floats displaying a red flag with white All efforts to "get a line" on either yacht have proven futile, stripe. The position of each float will be indicated by a tug for while both have been sailing neither has been raced as it will showing a red ball and stationed about loo yards beyond. Should be when Yankee meets Briton. a float be wrecked, its place will be taken by its marking tug, If reports be true, the records of Valkyrie III are but times which will show the Club Signal in addition to the ball, and in taken in luffing matches. It is also a matter of frequent observa- turning the tug, the directions for turning the float will govern. tion that the Defender's managers were unwilling to show that yacht's best speed, as evidenced by their resorting to many e.xtra STARTING SIGNALS. tacks and sailing wide of the marks. Preparatory. —A gun will be fired, the " Blue Peter" set, and a Red Ball hoisted. Start. —Ten minutes later, a gun will be fired, and the ball will drop. On Tuesday, September the color of the hull of Valkyrie III 3, Handicap Time.—Two minutes later, a gun will be fired, and was once more changed, so that as we go to press with this pub- the " Blue Peter" hauled down. lication she is again all white. It is still a question with all except Should a signal gun miss fire, a prolonged blast of the whistle will given. those directly interested in Valkyrie III whether the boats will be be similar in this respect, or whether there will be the contrast in RECALL SIGNAL. A yacht crossing the line before the Starting Signal is made color that easily distinguishes them to the eye unfamiliar with their will be recalled by a blast of the whistle and the display of her lines. The yachts will be easily recognized, however, by their private signal. signal flags displayed on the front cover of this program. [Continiuit on /"C /•] \ OFFICIAL SIGNAL PROGRAM Copyright by A. Loefflek, Tompkinsvilie, X. Y. DEFENDER HANDBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACING Description of Defender FOR the first time the Yankee boat is the undersized craft. Ex-Commodore James D. Smith, Chairman of the America's Americans had hoped Herreshoff would build a mountain of Cup Committee, voiced the general sentiment when he said: sails and spars, but the slirewd designer believed he had reached "I think Defender is the fastest boat America ever produced. the limit of practicable sail area, and has sought speed in an easier Her work to'windward is better than anything I have ever seen in driven body and finer lines without material decrease of sail. Her my forty years' racing experience with boats and yachts. I am not dimensions are: Length overall, 126 feet 6 inches; beam, 23 feet; much of a racing yachtsman nowadays, but there is nothing I like draught, 19 feet; load water line, 90 feet. Her steel gaff is 65 feet, to see better than yacht races between two such crack flyers as the her steel boom 105, and mast from deck to hounds 92 feet. She is Defender and the challenging Valkyrie- III. Of course I have not without doubt the most costly racing craft ever built. This fact seen much of the Dunraven boat, but she promises to be the most doesn't bother her syndicate of wealthy yachtsmen, which is com- dangerous contestant England has ever sent us to regain the cup." posed of W. K. Vanderbilt, Ex-Com. E. D. Morgan and C. Oliver Defender will be handled by a genuine Yankee crew from Iselin. Her weight above the water line has been reduced by the "down East," under Captain Hank HafF, and not as Vigilant was use of manganese bronze and aluminum. Being ten per cent nar- by a crew of all nations. rower than the challenger, and lighter, she needs less sail to drive Defender's record is as follows: her, and will have about 11,500 square feet, 1,000 less than Valkyrie.
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