Index compiled by the author Aachen (Aix-la-Chappelle): Agar, Lieutenant: his bravery, Aleppo (Ottoman Empire): 35,479-8 515 135,166,213,215,484, Aaronsohn, Aaron: 366 'age ... shall not weary them', 488 Aaronsohn, Alex: 305 84 Alexander, Regent (later Aaronsohn, Sarah: 212-3; Agincourt, Battle of (1415): King) of Yugoslavia: 507 365-6 9 1 Alexandretta (Ottoman Abadan (Persia): 106 Agram (Zagreb): 461,488 Empire): 135 Abbeville (France): 286,414, Ah Lung: 311 Alexandria (Egypt): 236 420,428 Ahmed, Mohamed: executed, Alexandropol (Caucasus): 422 Abdul Hamid, Sultan: 6,134 36 1 Alexeyev, General: 294, 315, Abdullah, son of Hussein air warfare: (in 1914),42,9°, 3 27,333,356,3 86 (later Emir of Transjordan): 110-1,119; (in 1915), Aley (Lebanon): 237 84,528 125, 12~ 130, 165, 171, Al-Faruqi, Muhammad Abell, Major: killed in action, 193,201,2°3; (in 1916), Sharif: 214-5 56 23°,238,239,255, 265, Algeria: 329 Abercorn (Northern 269,278,283,289,290-1, Algerian troops: 144,232 Rhodesia): 505 293,301; (in 1917), 310, Algonquin (United States Ablaincourt (Western Front): 3 17,334-5,337,339-40, steamship): sunk, 314 3°4 HI, 372, 381, 382; (in AI-Hani, Yusuf: hanged, 237 Aboukir (British cruiser): 1918),396,4°1,4°2,4°3, AI-Husseini, Ahmed Arif: sunk, 84 4°7,415,423-4,431,432, hanged, 245 Abyssinia: 278 n.r, 509 434,437,445,451,458, AI-Husseini, Mustafa: Achi Baba (Gallipoli): 149, 463-4,464 n.r, 465, 475, hanged, 245 15°,151-2,167-8,17°, 478,486,490; see also AI-Khalil, Abd al-Karim: 181 index entry Zeppelins hanged.ura Acre (Palestine): 244 Aisne, River (France): 64, 75, All Quiet on the Western Adams, Sergeant Harry J.: 8~ 19~323,324,341, Front (Erich Maria 45 8 368,4°6,410,49° Remarque): 535 Adana (Anatolia): 135,272, Aisne, Third Battle of (1918): Allen, Clifford: 62, 164-5, 27 8 425-6 212,280-1,330-1, 33 5, Aden: 222 Akaba (Red Sea): 6,7, 104- 395-6,453,460,541 Adler, Victor: 38 5,344,429,43° Allenby, General Edmund: in Adrianople (Bulgaria): 485 Alamein, Battle of (1942): France, 59-60,321,322, Adriatic Sea: 9, 47,177,415, 380 n.r 325,336; in Palestine, 344, 4 81,521 Albania: 10, 12, 15, 142, 37°,371,372,376,388, Aegean Sea: 10, 194, 301, 151,205 n.r, 208, 209, 39 1,4°2,429,463,464, 3°4,328 319 n.r, 505 469,477,484 Afghanistan: 6, 135, 527 Albert, King of the Belgians: Allenby, Michael: killed in Africa: 84,479 87,3°6,533,534 action, 344-5 Afula (Palestine): 278, 340, Albert (Somme): 261, 293, Alsace: 440 463 53 8 Alsace-Lorraine: 1,3-4,32, Agamemnon (British Aldridge, Corporal: gassed, 35,47,3°9,31°,394,471, battleship): 484,488 19 8 47 2,475,500,5 14 INDEX Altkirch (Alsace): 47 Ancona (Italian ocean liner): Ardahan (Anatolia): 401 Altvater, Admiral: 367, 386 sunk, 2.10 Ardennes, Forest: 58 AI-Zahrawi, Abd ai-Hamid: Ancre, Battle of the (1916): Argentine, the: 495 hanged, 2.45 2.97- 8,2.99,341 Argonne (Western Front): Amara (Mesopotamia): 167, Ancre, River (Somme): 2.97 12.6,459,465 173 Andenne (Belgium): 41 Ari Burnu (Gallipoli): 146 Ambleny (Western Front): Andrewes, Private: receives Arizona (USA): 308, 312. 437 surrender of Jerusalem, Armaggedon: a skirmish at, American Civil War (1861- 387 4 63 5): 543 'Angel of Mons': 58,61, 162. Armenia: 135,177,402.; American Expeditionary Angell, Norman: 12.,2.1,511 declares independence Force: in 1917,334,339, Anglia (British hospital ship): (1918),42.2.; and the Treaty 341-2.,359,359-60,368, sank, 2.10 of Sevres (192.0),52.7-8, 372.-3,378; from January Anglo-German discussions, 53° to March 19 18, 393, 397, rejected (1914): II Armenian aspirations: 40, 400, 402.-3, 404-5, 408, Angola: r z 395 409; from April to July Annamite troops: 2.35, 331 Armenian Day of Mourning: 1918,411,414,415,41~ Ans (Belgium): 69 143 419,42.0-1,42.6-7,42.7-9, Ansauville (St Mihiel): 397 Armenians: xv, xvii, 108, 43°,435-6,437,44°, Antheuil-Portes (Western 140, 142.-3, 166-7, 177, 44 1,442.,443,445-6; Front): 431,454 2.12.-3,2.72.,3 12.,42.2.,4 89, from August to November Anti-Conscription Manifesto 52.5 1918,446-7,448,449, (192.5): 531-2. Arrnentieres (France): 91, 452.,456,457-60,467, Antilles (United States 4l:l.,47° 47°,472.,477,478-9,48 1, transport ship): sunk, 367 Armes, Captain R.J.: II7-8 49°,493-4,495,499,499• Antwerp (Belgium): 42., 50, armistice: on the Eastern 5°0,500-1,5°2.,5°6,5°7; 81,85-8,91,152.,158,480 Front (1917), 334, 37 8, in Russia, 516; returns Antwerp, Siege of (1914): 384,385-6 home, 519; on the Rhine, 180 Armistice Day: xx, 36 n.r , 519-2.0 Anzac Cove (Gallipoli): 181, 13°,162.,2.68,5°1-4,5°5, American Independence Day 2. 13,2.15,2.2.6,531 52.9,539 (19 18): 437 Anzacs (Australian and New armistice talks (1918): 466, American Jews: 33 6 Zealand Corps): 181,2.08 468,471,472.,474,478, American Legion: 436 n.z Apollinaire, Guillaume: dies, 482.,484,485,486-7,487, American Red Cross: 436, 499 4 88-9,49°,494,5°0; 43 8 appeasement: 515 recalled, 536-7 American volunteers: 62., Aquitania (hospital ship, later Army of the Tyrol: defeated, 2.88,381,399-4°0,493, troopship), 191, 4II 434 51 2. Arab aspirations: 2.14-5, Arnaville (Lorraine): II3 American War of 2.45,344, 52.8 Arras (France): 445, 456,534 Independence (1775-83): Arab revolt: 2.15-6, 2.45, Arras, Battle of (1917): 12.1 86,342. n.a 2.54-5,305,340-1,344, n.r; billets near, 2.35; Americans (Foreign 42.9,469 memorials to, 2.50; fighting Legionnaires): 62., 2.62.-3 Arab troops: 140, 147 at, 32.0, 32.1, 32.2.-3, 32.4­ serving with the British Arab Union: 2.14 5,32.6 army, 2.88 Arabia: 137, 312. Arras-Lens battlefield: 534 'Amethyst' (anti-aircraft Arabic (ocean liner): Artois (Western Front): 173, barrage): 193 torpedoed, 188, 191 2.16 Amiens (France): 63, 409, Arabs: xx, 84, 2.02.,2.12.,2.2.9, Arts and Science Union 410,412,445,45°,533 2.37,2.47,2.48,43°,469 (Ruhleben): 2.96 Amiens dispatch (1914): 63, Aragon (British troopship): Ascot (British minesweeper): 69 sunk, 391 sunk, 5°° Amiral Charner (French Ararat, Mount: 530 Ash, Bernard: quoted, 63 n.r cruiser): sunk, 2.30 Arbeiter Zeitungi 481-2. Asia Minor: 2.44 Amiral Ganteaume (French Arc de Triomphe (Paris): Asiago (Italian Front): 383, steamship): sunk, 101 xviii, 519, 52.9 433,434,436 Amman (Trans-Jordan): 340 Arcadian (British troopship): Asolone, Mount (Italian Amphion (British cruiser): sunk, 32.8 Front): 384,483 sunk, 46 Archangel (Russia): 105,2.06, Aspinall-Oglander, Brigadier­ Anafarta Ridge (Gallipoli): 2.°7,42.5,460, 516 General C.R: xviii, 168, 184 Archimides: 42.3 183, 190-1 Anatolia: 7, 151, 167, 2.48, Archo-Valley, Count Anton: Asquith, H.H.: 2.2., 37, 68, 313,395,4°2.,484,488, 5II 69,84,85,86,87,102., 52.7,52.8,53° Arctic Ocean: 42.5 105, 12.1, 12.2., 12.4, 140, INDEX Asquith, H.H.--contd. 5-6,10,11,12-13,17,18­ Ball, Albert: 2.93 and n 162, 163,178,212,216, 34; at war in 1914,4°,41, Balsley, Lieutenant: 2. 55 224,303 43-4,45, 50, 78, 84, 107, Baltic (British steamer): 334 Asquith, Margot: 95, 105 108, III; at war in 1915, Baltic Provinces (of Russia): Asquith, Raymond: on the 12.4, 154, 165, 167, 176, 4,8,155,42.5 Western Front, 212; killed 194,204-5,213; at war in Baltic Sea: 22, 194,374,385, in action, 2.86, 293 1915,12.4,194, 204-5, 386,401 Astoria Hotel (Petrograd): 213; at war in 1916, 224, Baits: 398 377 2.2.5,232,248,2.52.,253, Banat (Hungary): 52.1 Astrakhan (Russia): 195 254,2.56,277 n.r, 282-3; Banogne (Aisne): 490 Athens: xx, 12.3,302.-3 at war in 1917,313,32.4, Bapaume (Western Front): Atherton, Lance-Corporal S.: 331-2,333,339,343-4, 2.62., 299, 309, 409 killed in action, 2.72. 349-5°,355-6,375,383­ Baquba (Mesopotamia): 317 Athlit (Palestine): 312, 340 4,388,39°; at war in Bar-le-Duc (France): 231 Athos (French liner): 1918,4°3-4,432-4,437­ Bar-sur-Aube, Battle of torpedoed, 3II 8,439,456,460,462,474, (1814): 5 Atkins, Tommy: 86 479,482.-3,485,487-8; Baralong (armoured Atkinson, C.T.: quoted, II5 disintegrates, 488, 490-1; merchant ship): in action, Atlantic Ocean: 156, 2.I2., and the treaty of St 188 2.5~32.9,414,42.1,435, Germain, 520-1; wartime Barbade, General: killed, 75 47 2,482 death toll of, 54 I Barber, Anne: 543 Attack (British destroyer): Austrian Silesia: 107 Barber, Gunner ~rancis: dies sunk, 391 Autreches (Western Front): in captivity (i918), 42.1; Attila the Hun: 2. 437 remembered, 543 Artlee, Captain, C.R.: 2II, Averyanov, General: 2.85 Barber, Sergeant Stephen: 2.
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