2.276 PARDEE 010 INTRODUCTION Standard Nickel Mines Limited own 14 contiguous non-patented mining claims comprising of approximately 560 acres located in the south- west quarter of Pardee Township, Thunder Bay Mining Division , Ontario. The claims can be seen on the Ontario Department of Mines Plan No. M 1856 and are registered as follows: TB 250808 TB 250815 TB 250809 TB 250816 TB 250810 TB 250817 TB 250811 TB 250818 TB 250812 TB 250819 TB 250813 TB 250820 TB 250814 TB 250821 The property is assessible from Thunder Bay by Highway No. 61 and Highway No. 597. This distance is approximately 45 miles. HISTORY The Standard Nickel Mines property is tied on to the west of the Great Lakes Nickel Limited property where a copper-nickel-precious metal ore body of in excess of 100 million tons is at present being financed for production. T. L. Tanton of the Geological Survey of Canada, completed a survey of copper-nickel occurrences in the Pigeon River area in 1935. His paper G. S. C. 35-1, 1935 refers to the presence of copper-nickel sulphide mineralization on the Standard Nickel property: -2- "In the northeast quarter of Lot 11, Con. VII, Pardee Township, a sill of diabase is exposed on a cliff. In the course of a traverse along this cliff an assistant collected a specimen of diabase containing sparsely disseminated grains of pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. While returning to camp on this traverse he met Mr. Aho, a settler whose residence is about l 3/4 miles southwest of the above mentioned occurrence, and from him obtained a specimen of sulphide-bearing diabase, said to have been collected from the same cliff (precise locality not known). The latter specimen consisted of fresh-looking massive diabase, and contained pyrrhotite in about equal amount making up about 5^o of the volume of the rock. When tested chemically the specimen yielded a positive reaction for nickel. No mineral development work has been done at the local ity. Sofar as known the property is not privately owned. " In 1966, a certain amount of diamond drilling was done by Grasset Lake Mines Limited and the one deep hole encountered sulphide mineralization. Open File No. 5028 in the Library of the Ontario Department of Mines entitled "Geology of Devon and Pardee Townships and Stuart Locations© 1 by J. J. C. Geul was prepared in 1968. The following excerpt was taken from this report: At the Grasset Lake property (now Standard Nickel Mines) 4 short holes with a total foot age of 904 feet and l long hole 1446 feet deep are mentioned. The deep hole was logged and basic intrusives found as follows:- -3- O - 113 Diabase 700 - 706 Diabase 800 - 926 Coarse porphyritic gabbro with a 6 inch calcite vein carrying chalcopyrite 1161 - 1166 Diabase 1360 - 1365 Diabase 1378 - 1422 Porphyritic diabase On investigating the work carried out by Grasset Lake Mines which is on file with the Ontario Department of Mines, it was found that there were 3 not 4 holes put down totalling 900 feet and one deep hole which reached a depth of 1446 feet. In the records the core is logged as gabbro with fine grained and coarse sections containing sparse pyrite and pyrrhotite in places. Some of the intrusive sections are no doubt diabase but some of the coarser porphyritic sections are debatable and may be gabbro. Originally the Great Lakes intrusive was mappe d as diabase by Government Geologists but in later mapping it was reclassified as anorthositic gabbro. During the summer of 1970, J. Sugden, a geologist was retained by the company to carry out a geological mapping program on the Standard Nickel property claims. In the spring of 1972, a vertical diamond drill hole was put down on the eastern part of the property to a depth of 672 feet. Nothing of economic interest was encountered at this depth. -4- REGIONAL GEOLOGY The geology of the area surrounding the Standard Nickel property consists of sediments of the Rove formation which have been intruded by i dykes and sills of Keewanaween diabase. This complex has subsequently been intruded by a basic intrusive of anorthositic gabbro which is younger in age and related to the Duluth gabbro. The basement rock consists of the iron bearing Gunflint formation. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY The younger anorthositic gabbro intrusive mentioned above has been located on the adjacent Great Lakes Nickel property and acts as the host rock for the copper-nickel mineralizatiai that extends for several miles. On the Great Lakes Nickel property this younger mineralized gabbro has been found intruding the older series and near the eastern end is located near the Gunflint formation at depths of over 3, 000 feet. Since intrusives of this favourable anorthositic gabbro occur adjacent to the claims of StandardNickel Mines it is conceivable that such an intrusive exists on the property. It can be either underlain or overlain by the Rove sediments or diabase. Preliminary work completed on the Standard Nickel claims indicate that the area is underlain by the Rove formation which has been intruded by the Keewanaween diabase. The deepest hole drilled on these -5- claims to date is 1422 feet. Near the base of this hole porphyritic diabase was reported which may be related to the Duluth gabbro and part of this younger intrusive. Since the property has not been tested to the depth of the Gunflint formation it is not known whether or not a favourable layer of mineralized younger intrusive exists on the property. Because this younger gabbro has been found immediately adjacent to the property it is conceivable that such an intrusive also underlays the claims of Standard Nickel Mines. RECOMMENDATIONS 1) One or two holes should be deepened to over 2, 500 feet in order to determine the geology down to this depth. (Gunflint). 2) After completion of the above program, an assessment of the geological information should be made by an expert on the region, such as Dr. J. A. McCuaig. Following on Dr. McCuaig©s recommendations, consideration should be given to deepening a hole to a depth that will intersect the basement rock on Gunflint formation. 3) Theestimated cost of these holes to a depth of 2, 500 feet and making this geological assessment will amount to $15, 000. Respectfully submitted, 52A*4SWei07 2 .276 PARDEE 020 STANDARD NICKEL MINES LIMITED Pardee Township-Ontario A geological examination and a prospecting program was carried out by the writer^ a s si ste d by Mr. Allan Speed on a 14 claim property in Pardee Township, Ontario. The field work was carried out during September 1970. The results of the geological survey are plotted on the accompanying map at a scale of l inch to 500 feet. There were no recent picket lines available. However, the mapping was controlled adequately by means of the east-west surveyed line between Concession VJ and VII across lin- entire proper t y. Jn addition the topographic relief of the area is very prominent and air photos at a scale of l inch to 1/4 mile were used with a pocket stereo scope for control purposes. PROPERTY The property comprises 14 contiguous claims in Concessions VI and VII, Pardee Township, Thunder Bay District, Ontario. These are numbered as follows:- 250B9B to 25032.1 inclusive - 14 claims These claims are located only 41/2 miles north of the Internat ional Boundary along the Pigeon River. The eastern boundary of this group is adjacent to the Larsen gravel road, about 9 miles westerly along this road from its junction with Highway 61. The Larsen road intersects Highway 6l about 30 miles southerly from the city of Thunder Bay. The property of ©Great Lakes Nickel Limited lies just east of the claim group described in this report. IONOGRAPHY The topographic relief is more than 500 feet across the properly i^™.——^—- which consists mainly of a flat-topped mesa bordered oy precipitous cliffs with basal talus slopes rising above a flat plain at an elevation of less than l, 100 feet above sea level. The mesa is .slice-l S/ ;i number o 1 steep .linear valleys trending mainly easterly to .E. N. E. IDI\^YIOF S. WORK Grasset Lake Mines Limited held this property during 1965-66. They drilled 4 vertical holes as located on the accompanying geological map. The cores are stored at the sites and the logs of these holes are indicated on the geological map. There is some remaining evidence of a series of picket lines dating from this work-period. s u CT. I GE OJu O 3ICA L COL UMN^ P ROT EJU)Zpj (^ Keweenawan - Late Diabase Dykes Logan Diabase Sheets and Sills Animikie - Rove formation - Argillite and ureyxvacke GEOLOGY AND STRUCTURE - cont©d The Rove sediments underlie the entire area, dipping at angles of less than 10 except where there is local disturbance near the borders of intrusives. These are mainly rather thinly-bedded argillites of fine grain varying from dark grey to black in colour. They are interbedded with paler grey to dark grey greywacke, generally thicker-bedded. Near the; eastern limit of the claims, a rusty zone within the sediments is exposed along the cliff below the diabase cap of the mesa. This rust is Hue to oxidation of very fine: grained disseminated pyrite, apparent l y o! syngenetic origin in the sediments. The top of the hill is covered by a diabase sheet or sill which is about 100 feet thick. This intrusion is essentially conformable with the underlying sediments. It is a typical medium grained diabase which shows a well chilled margin where exposed.
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