Gestartete Amateurfunksatelliten (((2013(2013 年以降年以降打上 打上打上打上げげげげ予定予定予定予定ののののアマチュアアマチュアアマチュア衛星衛星衛星衛星)))) Satellites Date Launch Rocket Payload Organisation Phonesat-v1 Februar Wallops Island, USA 70cm Packet Radio Downlink NASA Ames Research Center (Phonesat 1.0) 2013 Antares-110 PhoneSat-v2 (PhoneSat 2.0) Februar Wallops Island, USA 70cm Packet Radio Bake NASA Ames Research Center 2013 Antares-110 Dove-1 Februar Wallops Island, USA 2m Packet Radio Downlink Cosmogia 2013 Antares-110 UniBRITE 14. Februar Indien 2m CW-Bake TU Wien, Österreich 2013 PSLV-C20 Tugsat-1 14. Februar Indien 2m CW-Bake TU Graz, Österreich 2013 PSLV-C20 AAUSAT-3 14. Februar Indien 70cm Simplex-Kommunikation Aalborg Univeristy 2013 PSLV-C20 14 Bissat Februar Kosmos-3M Packet Radio Telemetrie- und University Londrina, Brasilien 2013 Voice-Bake BLUEsat "Basic LEO UNSW Februar Dnepr Mode-V/U Packet Radio University of New South Experimental Satellite" 2013 Transponder Wales, Australien UKube-1 März 2013 Baikonur FUNcube-1 kompatible Nutzlast mit University of Strathcylde, UK Soyuz-2-1b Fregat Linear-Transponder (FUNcube-2), Space Agency, AMSAT-UK 2m/70cm/13cm Daten-Downlinks CUSat 1 & 2 1. März Falcon-9 9k6 Packet Radio Cornell University Space 2013 "crosslink"-Experiment Systems Lab Brite-PL1 Q2 2013 Yasny 70cm Telemetrie-Bake Space Research Centre Polish Dnepr Academy of Sciences, Poland Delfi-n3Xt 15. April Yasny 2.4 GHz Daten-Downlink, Mode-U/V TU Delft, NL 2013 Dnepr Linear-Transponder, 2 2m Telemetrie-Baken First-MOVE "Munich Orbital 15. April Yasny Mode U/V FM/DSB Repeater, 2m Lehrstuhl für Verification Experiment" 2013 Dnepr 1200 bps BPSK Packet Radio Raumfahrttechnik, TU Telemetriebake, Kamera München UniSat-5 15. April Yasny Aussetzen von PUCP-SAT-1, GAUSS Team 2013 Dnepr E-Star-2, Wren, Eagle-1, Eagle-2. 70cm 9600 bps GMSK-Downlink PUCP-SAT-1 15. April Yasny Aussetzen von Pocket-PUCP. Pontificia U niversidad Catolica 2013 Dnepr 2m 1200bps AFSK Downlink del Peru Wird von UniSat-5 ausgesetzt Pocket-PUCP 15. April Yasny 70cm Morse-Bake Pontificia Universidad Catolica 2013 Dnepr del Peru Wird von PUCP-SAT-1 ausgesetzt. E-Star-2 15. April Yasny 70cm CW und 1200 bps AFSK Politechnico di Torino, Italien 2013 Dnepr Downlink Wird von UniSat-5 ausgesetzt Satellites Date Launch Rocket Payload Organisation Wren 15. April Yasny 70cm FSK/CW Downlink StaDoKo UG, Deutschland 2013 Dnepr Wird von UniSat-5 ausgesetzt Eagle-1 15. April Yasny 70cm 9600 bps GFSK Downlink Morehead State University, 2013 Dnepr USA Wird von UniSat-5 ausgesetzt Eagle-2 15. April Yasny 70cm 9600 bps GFSK Downlink Morehead State University, 2013 Dnepr USA Wird von UniSat-5 ausgesetzt Brite-PL2 15. April Yasny 2401.300 MHz Bake Space Research Centre Polish 2013 Dnepr Academy of Sciences, Poland UWE-3 15. April Yasny 70cm FSK Telemetrie und CW-Bake Universität von Würzburg, 2013 Dnepr Deutschland Triton-1 15. April Yasny 2m Telemetrie-/AIS (Automatic ISIS BV, Niederlande 2013 Dnepr Identification System) Downlink, 2 Mode-U/V FM/DSB-Repeater Triton-2 15. April Yasny 2m/13cm Telemetrie-/AIS ISIS BV, Niederlande 2013 Dnepr (Automatic Identification System) Downlinks, Mode-U/V FM/DSB-Repeater, Mode-U/S FM-Repeater CubeBug-1 15. April Yasny 70cm Digipeater, Downloads von Radio Club Bariloche LU1VZ, 2013 Dnepr wissenschaftlichen Daten/Fotos. INVAP Argentinien GOMX-1 15. April Yasny 70cm GMSK Downlink GomSpace Aps, Aalborg 2013 Dnepr Universität Dänemark POPSAT-Hip1 15. April Yasny 70cm Daten-Downlink Microspace Rapid Pte Ltd, 2013 Dnepr Singapur Humsat-D 15. April Yasny 70cm MSK-Downlink, CW-Bake Universität von Vigo, Spanien 2013 Dnepr ZACube-1 15. April Yasny S-Band Daten-Downlink, 70cm F'SATI - Cape Peninsula 2013 Dnepr Telemetrie-Downlink, University of Technology experimenteller Mode-L/S (CPUT) Datentransponder, KW-Bake auf 14.099 MHz TURKSAT-3USAT 15. April Yasny Mode-V/U Linear-Transponder, Istanbul Technical University 2013 Dnepr Bake, Telemetrie-Downlink FUNcube-1 April 2013 Yasny Mode U/V Linear-Transponder, 2m AMSAT-UK Dnepr CW/BPSK-Telemetriebake HAUSat-2 Mai 2013 Dnepr Mode-V/U Packet Radio Hankuk Aviation University, Transponder Korea Max Valier Satellit 30. Juni 70cm/2401.9 MHz Daten-Downlinks Gewerbeoberschulen Max 2013 Valier Bozen & Oskar von Miller Meran, Süd-Tirol I OUFTI-1 Sommer Mode V/U D-STAR Digipeater(s) Uni Liège, Belgien 2013 Satellites Date Launch Rocket Payload Organisation ParkinsonSAT (Psat / Sommer APRS-Digipeater,10m/70cm US Naval Academy Satellite P-Sat-A & P-Sat-B) 2013 SSB/FM PSK-31-Transponder Lab SpinSat Juli 2013 Kennedy Space 70cm GFSK Downlink Naval Research Laboratory, Centre USA Lapan-Orari Juli 2013 Indien Mode-U/V FM-Repeater, 2m Indonesia Institute of PSLV APRS-Digipeater Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) Lapan-A2 Juli 2013 Indien 70cm Telemetrie-Bake Indonesia Institute of PSLV Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) KiwiSAT Q3 2013 Dnepr UL/V-Linear- + FM-Transponder, AMSAT-ZL 2m + 70cm Baken, 400 bps PSK + 1200 bps AFSK Packet Telemetrie, Digitalker, Kamera KySat-2 2. August Wallops Island, USA 70cm Downlink Kentucky Space LLC, USA 2013 Minotaur-1 (ORS-3) DragonSAT-1 2. August Wallops Island, USA 2m 1k2 und 9k6 bps Downlinks Drexel University, USA 2013 Minotaur-1 (ORS-3) SwampSat 2. August Wallops Island, USA 70cm 1200 bps Packet Radio Gator Amateur Radio Club @ 2013 Minotaur-1 Downlink Univ. of Florida (ORS-3) COPPER 2. August Wallops Island, VA 70cm Bake Saint Louis University, USA 2013 Minotaur-1 (ORS-3) Tethersat1 & 2 2. August Wallops Island, VA 70cm GFSK Downlinks Naval Research Laboratory, 2013 Minotaur-1 USA (ORS-3) CAPE-2 2. August Wallops Island, VA SDR, Simplex auf UHF und 145.825 University of Luisiana, USA 2013 Minotaur-1 MHz (ORS-3) Trailblazer-1 30. Cape Canaveral Mode-V/U Packet Radio COSMIAC @ University of September F9/Dragon (CRS-3) New Mexico, USA 2013 ALL-STAR 30. Cape Canaveral S-Band Downlink Colorado Space Grant September F9/Dragon (CRS-3) Consortium, USA 2013 KickSat 30. Cape Canaveral 2401.2 - 2436.2 MHz Downlink Zac Manchester und "JA" September F9/Dragon (CRS-3) 2013 Printsat 30. Cape Canaveral 70cm 9600 bps GMSK Downlink Montana State University, September F9/Dragon (CRS-3) USA 2013 Ho'oponopono-2 30. Cape Canaveral 70cm Downlink University of Hawaii at Manoa September F9/Dragon (CRS-3) 2013 Firebird A & B 30. Cape Canaveral 70cm 19.2 kbps GMSK Downlinks Montana State University, September F9/Dragon (CRS-3) USA Satellites Date Launch Rocket Payload Organisation 2013 ESTCube-1 2013 70cm CW-Bake, 70cm University of Tartu, Estonia Primär-Downlink, 13cm Sekundär-Downlink ESEO 2013 Kourou Mode-L/V FM-Repeater, 400 bps AMSAT-UK Vega PSK Telemetrie-Bake KLETSkous 2013 Mode-U/V Linear-Transponder, SA-AMSAT Telemetrie-Bake Bevo-2 2013 Cape Canaveral UHF FSK/CW Telemetrie-Downlink University of Texas at Austin F9/Dragon (NASA Satellite Design Laboratory, Resupply to ISS – USA Flight 3) CubeSTAR 2013 70cm Daten-Downlink, CW-Bake Physik-Institut der Universität Oslo, Norwegen STARS-II 2013 Tanegashima, Japan 2 aneinandergebundene (tethered) Kagawa University, Japan H-IIA Satelliten. 2 CW-Baken, 2 1200 bps Packet Radio Downlinks ITF-1 (YUI) CubeSat 2013 Tanegashima, Japan 70cm FSK-CW Telemetrie-Bake University of Tsukuba, Japan H-IIA Invader 2013 Tanegashima, Japan 70cm Digitalker, CW-Bake, Tama Art University, Japan H-IIA AFSK-Downlink SPROUT 2013 Tanegasima Space Mode U/V FM-'Papagei' für Phonie, Nihon University Japan Center, Japan Digipeater, SSTV-Robot H-IIA Velox-I/P-Sat (Velox-P) 2013 Interorbital flight 2m Telemetrie-Downlink Nanyang Technological from off-shore University California ZACube-2 2013 70cm Telemetrie-Downlink, F'SATI, Cape Peninsula KW-Bake auf 14.099 MHz University of Technology (CPUT) Oculus-ASR 2013 70cm GMSK Downlink Michigan Technological University, USA Fox-1 2. Hälfte (ELaNa) Mode U/V FM-Repeater AMSAT-NA 2013 Kumuao Ende 2013 Barking Sands, Kauai 70cm Simplex-Transponder University of Hawaii Hawaii Super Strypi EQUiSat 2013 / 70cm FM-Morse-Bake Brown CubeSat Team 2014 Armadillo Januar Telemetrie-Bake University of Texas at Austin, 2014 Texas USA NUTS Norwegian Cubesat 2014 2m und 70cm Downlinks Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) BUAASat-1 Ende 2014 Taiyuan China 2m CW-Bake/Packet Radio-Bake, Beihang University (Beijing Mode U/V FM-Repeater University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), China Satellites Date Launch Rocket Payload Organisation Fox-2 2015 SDR-Transponder (SDX) AMSAT-NA KatySat (CUBESAT ) Mode-V/U 1200 bps Packet Radio Stanford Space Systems Transponder Development Laboratory AtmoCube 70cm 9600 bps FSK Downlink Universität von Triest, Italien STRaND-1 "Surrey Training, 9k6/19k2 bps FSK Packet Radio Surrey Space Centre, England Research and Nanosatellite Downlink, Digitalker Demonstrator" TSUBAME Tanegashima, Japan 70cm FM-Downlink, CW-Bake Laboratory for Space H-IIA Systems, Tokyo Institute of Technology LightSail-1 Indien 70cm GMSK semiduplex mit Cal Poly State University, PSLV CW-Einleitung USA Nanosatc-BR Mode-U/V Transponder, 2m BPSK National Institute of Space Telemetrie-Bake Research, Brazil BEESAT-2 Dnepr 70cm GMSK Semi-Duplex-System TU Berlin BEESAT-3 Dnepr 70cm GMSK Semi-Duplex-System TU Berlin Romit-1 Tonga 70cm Simplex-Betrieb und CW-Bake European Lunar Exploration Interorbital Neptune Association 9 UCISAT-1 Tonga CMOS-Kamera, Telemetrie-Bake University of California, Irvine Interorbital Neptune USA 9 ICube-1 Tonga 2m BPSK-Downlinks, Mode-U/V Institute of Space Technology, Interorbital Neptune FM/DSB-Repeater Islamabad Pakistan 9 PACE Indien 70cm Packet Radio Bake National
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