._-_ .“_ -.._a&_ xi VtXUMR 6, NUMEER 7 . AUGUST-SRPTEMBER, IS77 . Eyhg,s,kgE~~~;Jln% and 2p Nu&tr Energy, by Fred H. Knel- ARTICLES man 40 Broken Promises, by J. L. Gmnat- The Rebirth of Canada’s Indians, Facing (blush) Facts. Paul stein and I. M. Hitsmsn 30 by Harold Candinal; Paper Stuewe raises some disturb- ThePelicanHistory oFCanada, by Tomahawks, by James Burke; ing questions about the Kenneth McNaught; Canada Angry Society, by Colin Aleaau- accuracy of Colombo’s Since 1867, by J. L. Granatsteht ‘der 40 and Paul Stevens 31 Canodiurz References and The Anarchist Reader, edited by the integrity of the critics George Woodcock 31 DRPARTMENTS who reviewed it. 4 City Work at Country Prices, The Comparable Max. edited by Jennifer Harper 32 tntewiew with Termce Shoru. by Bill George Melnyk reassesses Canadian Wildflowers, by Mary B~lUillg I 41 Fergbson and Richard M. The Browser. by Morris Wolfe 42 the career of Prairie free On/Off/Set. by Len Oasparbd Saunders; Wildflowers OF First Impressions. by David Helwig z: lancer Max Braithwaite 9 Alberta, by R. G. H. Cormaclt; Latas 10 the Bdimr 46 Wildflowers Across the Gmwil No. 25 49 REVIEWS Prairies, by Fenton R. Vance, Books Received XI ;tuuf Jowsey, and James S. The Dianne Years, by Pierre Ber- 32 ILLUSTRATIONS ton 12 - Act oFGod. by Charles Templeton 15 Cwer&ograph of Ptt Benon by Bllw Tl~o~ulours OF War, by MaK Drawing by Bill Russell 16 Drawing by Howard Eye1 It: A Population oFOne, by Constance _ _ Drawings by Davtd Gilhooly Bercsford-Howe,29.36 Blx Jnurneys. by Charles Taylor :; The Retarded Giant, by Bill Mann; CONTRIBUTORS ;F Ear Greater By, by Ray --_. 18 Folklore OF Canada, edited by Edith Fowke; Ring around the moon. edited by Edith Fowke 20 The Lady Who Loved New York, by R. L. Gordon 28 ’ Birds in Peril, by John P.S. Mac- A Short History of Canadian kenzie; Wlld Birds of Canada English, by M. H. Scargill 21 and the Americas, by Terence Sine, Betty,. and the Morning Shorn; Rags oFthe World, by S. Man. by Donald Jack 22 Dilop Ripley; Fogswamp, by Mostly Monsters, by John Robert Trudy Turner and Ruth M. Colombo; Canada’s Monsters. McVei8h 34 by Betty Sanders Garner; RCAF: Squadrons and Aircraft, Ogopogo. by Mary Moon 23 by S. Kostenuk and J. Griffin 35 Extra Innings. by Raymond Sow No Safe Place, by Waruer Tmyer; ter. The Greenlanders’ Saga. by Grassy Narrows, by George George Johnston; Indian Hutchison 36 Summer, by R. 0. Everson 24 Dene Nation, edited by Mel New Provinces. introduced by Watkins; Moratorium, by Hugh Michael Gnarowski 24 and Karmel ‘McCullum; Contact Callsigns. by Robin Skelton; and Conflict, by Robin Fisher 37 Because OF Love, by Robin Skel- Encyclopedia of Indians OF Can- ton 28 ada, Volume I 38 EDITOR: Douglas Marshall. ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Pier Giorgio Di Cicco. ART DIRECFORz Mary Lu Tours. GENERAL MANAGER and ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susan Tmer. BUSINESS MANAGER: Robert Fatrelly. CONSULTANT: Jack Jensen. Bo,J irr C~n,nfa is ublisbed IO limes a yew. wilh the assistance of the Canada Cmmcil and Ihe Onimo Arts Council. by lhe Canadian Review of Books Ltd.. 366 Adelaide PIKSI Eas!, Suite 432. Tbmmo. Om. MSA IN4. Telephcnc: (416) 363-5426. Available free in psnicipaliy book s!ores. schools. and tibnrier. Individual subscription raw: 59.95 a year ($15 warseas). Buck issues available OR microfilm f-am: McLaren Micmpublirhing. P.O. Bon 972. Station F. Tomnn. On,. MJVZN9. tndexed in the Canadian Pertodttal Index. Member oflhc CPPA. The editors eannol be held responsible for unroliciled mawrid. Second Class Mail - Rcgisnatton No. 2393. Conlcnts o 1977. Rimed by Heriuge Press Co. Ltd. ISSN OWC256d. August-September. 1977. Books In Canada 3 A regretful revisionist takeSa closer look at Colombo’s References . and the critics who reviewed it by Paul Stuewe TO NEX+UNANIMOUS acclaim, co- was reasonably welI-informed revealed them has been reversed, while the lmbo’s Canadian References was further errors, and at the risk of going David Clayton-Thomas entry conti~ses released in October of last year. If you against the grain of the reviewas’ the title of a single with that of a” album read Barbara Amiel’s review in co”sensus, I think it is time that a and then misdates the latter by two Ma&an’s, you learned that it had revisionist view of CCR was expressed. years. The Band is credited with join- become “a Basic Book by its very A close examination of the entries ing Ronnie Hawkins four years after existence”; if you read George dealing with popular music yields a they had i” fact become ssso&ed with Woodcock’s in The Canadian Forum, substantial number of mistakes. The him, although this is in a sense bd- you were informed that it “is a first-rate three Leonard Cohen albums listed are nnced when CCR has Neil Young handbook for a practising writer to have all misdated and the sequence of two of joining the group Buffalo Springfield at his elbow. and I shall be using it four years before he had actually be- constantly”: and if you read Hugh come a member. Garner’s in Books in Canuda, you w&e Another case of inaccurate precocity ossurcd that it was “worthy of joining occurs whenzalman Yanovslcy’s baud, its English and U.S. relatives on &ery the Lovin’ Spoonful., is de&bed as library. school, and home-reference “the top mck gmup m North America shelf, not only in Canada but also in 1964”; quite aremarkable feat, since throughout the world.” The message they did not make any records until seemed clear if I wanted to preserve 1965. The entry for Lighthouse omits my slim hopes of becoming a footnote the name of its co-founder and supplies in some future “History of Canadian information regarding the size and Literature.” I’d better get a copy of composition of the group that Is accu- Colonfbo’s Canadian References and rate for only three years of ik seven- start using it, pmnto. year existence. And national& fans of So I did. And since I’m currently the+ opera_Tommy will bedelighted working on preparing discographies h to learn that composer Peter (lists of recordings) on several’popular . Townshend is a member of the Guess Canadian performers, the first thing I did was to see if Colombo’s Canadian Rrfm~m-s (CCR, hereafter) contained any information that would in spell Townshend’s name correctly, - which CCR also falls to do. Since this litany of misdatings, omissions, and confusions threate”s to become somewhat boring, let me 4 summarize by saying that a majority of the contemporary-music entri&s have at I least one error. Sometimes these mis- _. ..-... .-. ._~_~-.-~~____~i-~_~_. _ ~.. ,______ ___. ____.~ ~.~.l__.___._______ _ _ \ ad-dg RUSS~ii’S vwitures With Wild Animals . Nature writing at its best) Set in the Canadian Rockies, Russell’s seven superb stories tell of fascinating encounters with grimlies, cougars, otters, coyotes, and other wildlife. Beautifully illustrated by Harry Savage, this handsomely designed book is a magnifi- cent gift for adults and youngsters. $9.95 0: 6Qt=tC&9 &%xaLDS@ B lntemst bg MC Nkmll nwd Peter WRaRey. Deffnitely Eric Nicol’s funniest (and wisest) book ever - a cook back from the end of the 21st century at what happened to Canada - why it disappeared, what went wrong in the arts, in polkics, transportation, education, business, etc. A uey funny book with over 120 Illustrations. $8.95 OURE? canal by RaDy IPeueifs ABC! Full colour throughout; 27 marvellous facing spread illu&ations, bright and bold. Kids (and parents too!) will love the wonderful little mouse, Stubble)umper Zed, who’ll be their guide from the front cover to the last page. An eye-catching ABC with lots of Canadian content. - a fabulous bargain at $4.95. ur ASS: Survive in cc8 svernment B~urecaucrcacy by IEhmaucra~ X. A highly-piaced civil servant who has worked both in Ottawa and in a provincial capital is the author of thii very funny exposk of government bureaucracy, bureaucratic jargon, one-upmanship, sex in the c&II service - al1 the games that provincial and federal bureaucrats play and their devastating effect on the Canadian public. Hilarious! $8.95 PUR@ Wit & Wis m of RicRQrd R1eedRam Irreverent and delightfully witty, this new collection of Needham’s best aphorisms and 1 quotable quotations displays hi unique flair for uncovering the follies and foibles in- herent in human nature. No one and no thing escapes his needle-sharp wit. With an entertaining introduction by Richard J. Doyle, Editor of The Globe and Mail, and humorous illustraions by Ed Franklin. $3.95 paper, $9.95 cloth. 10560 - 105 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5H 2W7 (403) 426-2469 4 L. takes are minor. as when Ian and Sylvia’s back-up group the Great Speckled Bird is identified as “the Great Speckled Band”; sometimes they are major indeed, as when Paul Bley, a jazz pianist, is described as a Yjazz guitarist’: whose career bears a striking resemblance to that of Ed Bickert, altbougb none at all lo Bley’s. Whatever tbe amplirude of CCR’s misrakea in its popular-music inclusions, they occur with a frequency that seems to me unacceptable in a work of reference. Such a poor performance in one category might be excus- able if the remainder of the book were relativelv enwfree. Unfortunately, tbis is “oOt Ihe case. P took a quick’ lrot through CCR from A to Z, noting only those items that were either clearly wrong or seemed likely to be so.
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