October 29, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8559 Curtis Joyce (PA) Rogers (AL) Crow Kim Porter Luetkemeyer Rice (SC) Stewart Davidson (OH) Katko Rogers (KY) Cuellar Kind Pressley Marshall Riggleman Taylor Davis, Rodney Keller Rooney (FL) Cunningham Kirkpatrick Price (NC) Massie Roby Thompson (PA) DesJarlais Kelly (MS) Rose, John W. Davids (KS) Krishnamoorthi Quigley Mast Rodgers (WA) Thornberry Diaz-Balart Kelly (PA) Rouzer Davis (CA) Kuster (NH) Raskin McCarthy Roe, David P. Tipton Duncan King (IA) Roy Davis, Danny K. Lamb Rice (NY) McCaul Rogers (AL) Turner Dunn King (NY) Rutherford Dean Langevin Richmond McClintock Rogers (KY) Upton Emmer Kinzinger Scalise DeFazio Larsen (WA) Rose (NY) McHenry Rooney (FL) Wagner Estes Kustoff (TN) Schweikert McKinley Rose, John W. DeGette Larson (CT) Rouda Walberg Ferguson LaHood Scott, Austin DeLauro Lawrence Roybal-Allard Meadows Rouzer Walden Fitzpatrick LaMalfa Sensenbrenner DelBene Lawson (FL) Ruiz Meuser Roy Walker Fleischmann Lamborn Shimkus Delgado Lee (CA) Ruppersberger Mitchell Rutherford Walorski Flores Latta Simpson Demings Lee (NV) Rush Moolenaar Scalise Fortenberry Lesko Smith (MO) DeSaulnier Levin (CA) Sa´ nchez Mooney (WV) Schweikert Waltz Foxx (NC) Long Smith (NE) Deutch Levin (MI) Sarbanes Mullin Scott, Austin Watkins Fulcher Loudermilk Smith (NJ) Dingell Lewis Schakowsky Murphy (NC) Sensenbrenner Weber (TX) Gallagher Lucas Smucker Doggett Lieu, Ted Schiff Newhouse Shimkus Webster (FL) Gianforte Luetkemeyer Spano Doyle, Michael Lipinski Schneider Norman Simpson Wenstrup Gibbs Marshall Stauber F. Loebsack Schrader Nunes Smith (MO) Westerman Gohmert Massie Stefanik Engel Lofgren Schrier Olson Smith (NE) Wilson (SC) Gonzalez (OH) Mast Steil Escobar Lowenthal Scott (VA) Palazzo Smith (NJ) Wittman Gooden McCarthy Steube Eshoo Lowey Scott, David Palmer Smucker Womack Gosar McCaul Stewart Espaillat Luja´ n Serrano Pence Spano Woodall Granger McClintock Stivers Evans Luria Sewell (AL) Perry Stauber Yoho Graves (GA) McHenry Taylor Finkenauer Lynch Shalala Posey Stefanik Young Graves (LA) McKinley Thompson (PA) Fletcher Malinowski Sherman Reed Steil Zeldin Graves (MO) Meadows Thornberry Foster Maloney, Sherrill Reschenthaler Steube Green (TN) Meuser Tipton Fudge Carolyn B. Sires Griffith Miller Torres Small Gallego Maloney, Sean Slotkin NOT VOTING—23 Grothman Mitchell (NM) Garamendi Matsui Smith (WA) Bass Hill (CA) Scanlon Guest Moolenaar Turner Garcı´a (IL) McAdams Soto Beatty Huffman Stivers Guthrie Mooney (WV) Upton Garcia (TX) McBath Spanberger Burgess Jordan Thompson (CA) Hagedorn Mullin Wagner Golden McCollum Speier Carter (TX) Marchant Timmons Harris Murphy (NC) Walberg Gomez McGovern Stanton Cartwright McEachin Wasserman Hartzler Newhouse Walden Gonzalez (TX) McNerney Stevens Frankel Miller Schultz Hern, Kevin Norman Walker Gottheimer Meeks Suozzi Gabbard Ratcliffe Williams Herrera Beutler Nunes Walorski Green, Al (TX) Meng Swalwell (CA) Hice (GA) Ryan Wright Higgins (LA) Olson Waltz Grijalva Moore Takano Hill (AR) Palazzo Watkins Haaland Morelle Thompson (MS) b 1416 Holding Palmer Weber (TX) Harder (CA) Moulton Titus Hollingsworth Pence Webster (FL) Hastings Mucarsel-Powell Tlaib So the resolution was agreed to. Horn, Kendra S. Perry Wenstrup Hayes Murphy (FL) Tonko The result of the vote was announced Hudson Posey Westerman Heck Nadler Torres (CA) Huizenga Reed Wilson (SC) Higgins (NY) Napolitano Torres Small as above recorded. Hunter Reschenthaler Wittman Himes Neal (NM) A motion to reconsider was laid on Hurd (TX) Rice (SC) Womack Horn, Kendra S. Neguse Trahan the table. Johnson (LA) Riggleman Woodall Horsford Norcross Trone Johnson (OH) Roby Yoho Houlahan O’Halleran Underwood f Johnson (SD) Rodgers (WA) Young Hoyer Ocasio-Cortez Van Drew Joyce (OH) Roe, David P. Zeldin Jackson Lee Omar Vargas COMMUNICATION FROM THE Jayapal Pallone Veasey NOT VOTING—18 Jeffries Panetta Vela CLERK OF THE HOUSE Bass Hill (CA) Ratcliffe Johnson (GA) Pappas Vela´ zquez The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Beatty Huffman Ryan Johnson (TX) Pascrell Visclosky Carter (TX) Jordan Thompson (CA) Kaptur Payne Waters fore the House the following commu- Cartwright Marchant Timmons Keating Perlmutter Watson Coleman nication from the Clerk of the House of Gabbard McEachin Williams Kelly (IL) Peters Welch Representatives: Hice (GA) Moulton Wright Kennedy Peterson Wexton Khanna Phillips Wild OFFICE OF THE CLERK, b 1409 Kildee Pingree Wilson (FL) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Kilmer Pocan Yarmuth Washington, DC, October 29, 2019. So the previous question was ordered. Hon. NANCY PELOSI, The result of the vote was announced NAYS—187 The Speaker, House of Representatives, as above recorded. Abraham Comer Guest Washington, DC. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Aderholt Conaway Guthrie DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the CUELLAR). The question is on the reso- Allen Cook Hagedorn permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II Amash Crawford Harris of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- lution. Amodei Crenshaw Hartzler The question was taken; and the tives, the Clerk received the following mes- Armstrong Curtis Hern, Kevin sage from the Secretary of the Senate on Oc- Speaker pro tempore announced that Arrington Davidson (OH) Herrera Beutler tober 29, 2019, at 10:58 a.m.: the ayes appeared to have it. Babin Davis, Rodney Higgins (LA) Bacon DesJarlais Hill (AR) That the Senate passed S. 134. Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, on that I Baird Diaz-Balart Holding With best wishes, I am, demand the yeas and nays. Balderson Duncan Hollingsworth Sincerely, The yeas and nays were ordered. Banks Dunn Hudson CHERYL L. JOHNSON. The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Barr Emmer Huizenga Bergman Estes Hunter f 5-minute vote. Biggs Ferguson Hurd (TX) The vote was taken by electronic de- Bilirakis Fitzpatrick Johnson (LA) AFFIRMING THE UNITED STATES vice, and there were—yeas 221, nays Bishop (NC) Fleischmann Johnson (OH) Bishop (UT) Flores Johnson (SD) RECORD ON THE ARMENIAN 187, not voting 23, as follows: Bost Fortenberry Joyce (OH) GENOCIDE [Roll No. 590] Brady Foxx (NC) Joyce (PA) Brooks (AL) Fulcher Katko Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, pursuant YEAS—221 Brooks (IN) Gaetz Keller to House Resolution 655, I call up the Adams Brown (MD) Clark (MA) Buchanan Gallagher Kelly (MS) resolution (H. Res. 296) affirming the Aguilar Brownley (CA) Clarke (NY) Buck Gianforte Kelly (PA) United States record on the Armenian Allred Bustos Clay Bucshon Gibbs King (IA) Axne Butterfield Cleaver Budd Gohmert King (NY) Genocide and ask for its immediate Barraga´ n Carbajal Clyburn Burchett Gonzalez (OH) Kinzinger consideration in the House. Bera Ca´ rdenas Cohen Byrne Gooden Kustoff (TN) The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Beyer Carson (IN) Connolly Calvert Gosar LaHood Bishop (GA) Case Cooper Carter (GA) Granger LaMalfa tion. Blumenauer Casten (IL) Correa Chabot Graves (GA) Lamborn The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Blunt Rochester Castor (FL) Costa Cheney Graves (LA) Latta ant to House Resolution 655, the resolu- Bonamici Castro (TX) Courtney Cline Graves (MO) Lesko tion is considered read. Boyle, Brendan Chu, Judy Cox (CA) Cloud Green (TN) Long F. Cicilline Craig Cole Griffith Loudermilk The text of the resolution is as fol- Brindisi Cisneros Crist Collins (GA) Grothman Lucas lows: VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Oct 30, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29OC7.008 H29OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 29, 2019 H. RES. 296 The gentleman from New York (Mr. Mr. Speaker, in the year 2000, and Whereas the United States has a proud his- ENGEL) and the gentleman from New again in the year 2015, I chaired two tory of recognizing and condemning the Ar- Jersey (Mr. SMITH) each will control 30 congressional hearings on the Arme- menian Genocide, the killing of 1.5 million minutes. nian genocide. In 2000, the House was Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 The Chair recognizes the gentleman moving to pass a bipartisan resolution to 1923, and providing relief to the survivors from New York. of the campaign of genocide against Arme- by Congressmen Radanovich and nians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, GENERAL LEAVE Bonior, H. Res. 398. Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- After hearing fact-based, eloquent Christians; imous consent that all Members may testimony from Congressmen James Whereas the Honorable Henry Morgenthau, have 5 legislative days in which to re- Rogan and David Bonior, followed by United States Ambassador to the Ottoman vise and extend their remarks and to the State Department, history profes- Empire from 1913 to 1916, organized and led insert extraneous material on H. Res. sors, and then witnesses from both the protests by officials of many countries 296. Armenian and the Turkish side, my against what he described as the empire’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ‘‘campaign of race extermination’’, and was subcommittee successfully marked up instructed on July 16, 1915, by United States objection to the request of the gen- H. Res. 398 for consideration by the full Secretary of State Robert Lansing that the tleman from New York? committee. ‘‘Department approves your procedure . There was no objection. Ambassador Marc Grossman, how- to stop Armenian persecution’’; Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ever, testified at the hearing that Whereas President Woodrow Wilson en- self such time as I may consume. President Bill Clinton was against the couraged the formation of the Near East Re- Mr. Speaker, the resolution before us Armenian genocide resolution.
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