VOLUME IV SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1943 NUMBER 26 NAS GETS MAINLAND SHOW.. SUNDAY EARLY WING TALLY SHOWS CURTAIN IS SET FOR 1330 SUCCESS IN BOND DRIVE IN STATION THEATER The ·War Bond Allotment drive for "The Mainland Follies", a troupe of Fleet Air Detachment started Monday big-time Broadway entertainers now with a burst of enthusiasm. Prelimin­ playing at military posts on Hawaii, ary reports indicate many hands are will be at the Kaneohe Auditorium joining ranks with those having al­ tomorrow with a gala show for service ready alloted thereby accepting the men. There will be just one show at advice of Admiral Price "to prepare 1330. today to win your financial wings of The celebrated show-people in the tomorrow." USO Camp Show troupe include Early reports place the divisions in "Little Jackie Heller", the famous "61 the following order: inches of song" who was a starred Flag Office Lt. (jg) T. Roosevelt III singer in Ben Bernie's band, Jack Po­ V. B. 140 Lt. H. C. Hayden V. P. 52 Ens. L. A. West well, the "Rajah of Rhythm" featured Communications Ens. R. I. Godber V. P. 14 . Ens. J. B. Nourse in Ed Wynn's Broadway musical V. B. 104 .. ... Lt. R. E. Ming "Laugh Parade", and George .Finkel­ Aerology E. Ford, CAerM V. P. 13 .... Lt. G. R. McDermott berg, whose "hot piano" won him a Hedron Ens. E. O. Heise Wing Medical Lt. Comdr. L. S. Seebach berth in Henry King's orchestra. At the two thirds mark, the Fleet Lew Parker, comedian featured in Air Detachment showed an overall Olsen and Johnson's "Hellzapoppin", percentage of 56 per cent. It is ex­ is master of ceremonies of the "Fol­ pected that when the drive ends on lies". Saturday, and the final reports are "Little Jackie Heller" is only one The lyrical and lovely Vi and Velma tabulated, the percentage of participa­ of the many stateside stars to ap­ Vernor, christened "The Victory tion will approach the 90 per cent pear in "The Mainland Follies" that Twins" by Mayor LaGuardia of New figure reached by NAS Kaneohe. plays in the station theater tomor­ York for their work in various patri­ row at 1330. otic campaigns, are the troupe's sing­ LT. (jg) REEDER BECOMES ing team. KANEOHE BOND OFFICER SERVICE MEN TO CONDUCT The six ravishing Margaret Faber DISCUSSION ON SUNDAY Girls, precision tap and acrobatic Lt. (jg), M. E. Reeder, (SC), USNR dancers who are the first group of has relieved Pay Clerk R. C. Lyons All Protestant men are invited to chorus girls selected to go off-shore as Station War Bond Officer. the Service Men's Christian League to ,entertain service men, add their The sale of war saving bonds this meetings that are held every Sunday sparkle to the show. month is progressing satisfactily. at 0900 in the Hase Post Chapel. "The Follies", produced and financ­ There has been 695 bonds sold for League, which tomorrow is sponsor­ ed by USO Camp Shows, is sponsored $35,343.75 during the first part of ed by Chaplain Charles E. Dyer, will by the Hawaiian Department Special July. be led by Cpl. Carl E. Ortmeyer and Service Office and booked by the En­ Final tabulations had our station the disc~ssion topic will be "Wlr'r­ tertainment Section which produced going over the top in the Fourth of time Marriages.". According to Chap­ "Hey, Mac!", the hit musical revue July War Bond Campaign with 432 lain Dyer this problem is facing ~n seen here recently. bonds sold for $24,356.25 with a ma­ in the service more than any other. 4,1l performances of "Mainland Fol­ turity vtl.lue of $32,475.00. Once again A different topic is covered each lies" are free to service men. K-Bay has shown the other stations Sunday. Topics vary from practical, Capt. Maurice Evans, famous our heels as we forge in front, as moral, and religious aspects to any Skakespearian actor and officer in usual, at the fini'ih. subject that is of interest. (Continued on page 8) Page 2 KANEOHE KLIPPER July 17, 1943 KANEOHE KLIPPER BRITISHERS CAN APPRECIATE U. S. NAVAL AIR STATION Kaneohe Bay, T. H. .TRUE MEANING OF 'TOTAL WAR' CAPTAIN N. M. KINDELL COMMANDING OFFICER ENS. THOMAS C. SCHULLER, USNR EDITORIAL STAFF Letters from my sister, serving with the Red Cross "somewhere in Eng­ Lieut. R. S. Wattles Welfare Officer Lieut. (ig) W. H. Anderson Supervisor land", paint with keen insight a contemporary life quite dissimilar to our .J. W Thompson, SIc Editor Hawaiian existence, The Kaneohe KUpper is published week­ Skipping the well-known climatic differences. I am most impressed with ly by the Welfare Office for the benefit of the revelation of what total warfare really means. 'vVe, at Kaneohe, who enjoy all service personnel attached to the U. S. Naval Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, T. H. bankers' hours all varieties of food, lack of immediate threat of enemy bombs Contributions and suggestions are weI.. an easing off of blackout regulation, bus service (or outright ownership of comedo Phone 7508. private automobiles), the finest facilities of any military bases, have little comprehension of what "totality" means when referring to a condition of war. (This is purely a confession. It is not our fault-but should, at least, be cause THE for less grousing) .-------,,---------- CHAPLAIN'S # Cars do not exist in England for CHURCH NOTICES any. purpose of private luxury. Bicyc- Sunday, July 18, 1943 CORNER ling ten or twelve miles to chow is 'a By Father routine procedure for those who get Protestant Service restless and want to "go out for din­ Chaplains J. S. Brown, USNR, and D. B. O'Brien ner". And "dinner" you may be sure, C. R. Cooley, USNR alway includes boiled potatoes' and SUNDAY AT LIBRARY-- Holy Communion at 0730. Brussels sprouts for a common de- Bible Class at 0930. AT STATION AUDITORIUM­ George Washington was a "sissy"? nominator. Any frills that are added Divine Worship at, 1030. Sez you! Well according to the phil- to that basic nucleus depend upon the THURSDAY- osophy of some men in the armed resoucefulness of the local proprie­ Christian Science Reading Service at 1930. forces he was. George didn't swear, tor. Milk, of course, is non-available, and furthermore he didn't even toler- Eggs and butter are golden memories Roman Catholic Service ate it on the part of others. Some of days gone by. Fresh fruit is a col­ Father O'Brien, USNR, in charge MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS-­ people seem to feel that anyone who lector's item. Even the lowly onion At Dispensary- can't at least condone the diabolic art now has become a museum piece. And, Confessions at 0630; Mass at 0700. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS is a "sissy". Sez you again? Read an as could be guessed, meat is as rare At Dispensary- order he issued to his troops: "The as February 29. In short, the food sit­ Confession at 1600; Afternoon Mass at 1630. FRIDAYS IN THE MOVIE AUDITORIUM­ General is sorry to be informed that uation would not make our "point­ Confessions and Communion at 0600 and the foolish and wicked practice of crazed" folks back home at all en­ 0630; Mass at 0700. profane cursing and swearing is vious. Nourishment is about its only SATURDAY' CONFESSIONS AT DISPEN­ SARY FROM 1830 TO 2000- growing into fashion. He hopes that claim for meritorious mention. SUNDAYS IN THE MOVIE AUDITORIUM­ Confessions at 0600, and 1130. officers will, by example as well as As for the working hours, one's job Masses at 0700 and 1215. influence, endeavor to check it; and is nevf!r cortsidered done. Civilians that both they and the men will re- who have completed a day's work, Jewish Service f1ect that we can little hope of the turn to at night and spend long hours Chaplain Cerf Strauss, USNR blessing· of Heaven on our Army if in plane spotting, fire-fighting or THURSDAY- we insult it by impiety and folly. general air-raid duty. Women enroll At Recognition Classroom of Gunnery School at 1830. Added to this it is a vice so mean and in Red Cross work, nurse at the hos­ low without any temptation that pitals, or become, air-raid wardens abiding sense of happiness, than sheer every man of sense and charcter de- after they have finished their traditi­ exhilaration over the spectacular. tests and despises it." onal tasks of running the household. This is the infinite treasure of satis­ God has demanded this respect. There is no escape to a nostalgic life fying joy that comes with the perfor­ "Thou shalt not take the name of the of peace when 1630 rolls around. War mance of a "hard job, well done." And Lord thy God in vain", He warns. does not secure in England. this wealth offered to all, regardless Habitual and unrestrained use of pro- Of course, all British life is not of social position. fane language demonstrates lack of without its excitement. Presentation self control and ignorance. If you to Queen Elizabeth, interviewing Mrs. One wonders in light of these riches which are infinite to "those who serv­ don't think it's foolish try substitu- Churchill, tea with the Duke and ed", if the striking war workers, safe ting the name of wife or mother for Duchess of Glouchester, committee on the mainland, should not be pitied God everytime you slip, then see for meetings with Lady Mountbatten all after all. What a horrible fate it yourself.
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