The Trainmaster The Official Publication of the Pacific Northwest Chapter October 2008 National Railway Historical Society Portland, Oregon PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHAPTER TIMETABLE #555 Board of Directors meetings: October 9 & November 13, 9320 SW Barbur Blvd Suite 200, 7:30 PM (Note newaddress for Board meetings; follow instructions posted on the doorfor entry.) LendingLibrary isopen two Saturday afternoons from 1:00to 4:00PM; the Saturday followingthe member- ship meeting and also the followingSaturday. It isalso open every Monday morning from 10:00AMto noon. A wealth of materialis availablefor PNWC member check-out. Archives workparties on Mondays from 10 am untilatleast Noon Membership Meetings: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 5415SE PowellBlvd : October 17 7:30 pm – Program: Willamette Shore Trolley, Bill Binns November 21 7:30 pm – Program: David Sprau (tentatively scheduled) December 19 6:00 pm – Potluck, 2009Board & Officer election, 2009 budget adoption, &. Train Toys for Tots NOTABLE NON-CHAPTER EVENTS: Through January 24, 2009 TheWest theRailroads Made exhibition, Washington State History Museum, Tacoma;more information: www.WashingtonHistory.orgor 888.238.4373 October 18 & 19 Fall Photo Trains, Sumpter Valley Railway, 866.894.2268 or www.svry.com October 30 – January 4 Designs for a Consumer Culture, Raymond Loewy exhibit, Oregon Historical Society. November ?? WestsideExpress Service opens, Oregon’s firstcommuter railservice, Beaverton – Wilsonville November 8 Mt.Rainier ScenicPhoto Freight, Mineral to Morton, 888.783.2611or www.mrsr.com December 5-6-7 & 12-13-14 Holiday Express 2008, Oregon RailHeritage Foundation, www.orhf.org May 9, 2009 NationalTrain Day,www.nationaltrainday.com & www.orhf.org June 13-14, 2009 Dunsmuir Railroad Days,Dunsmuir, CA(train focus returns) June 25-27, 2009 SP&SRailwayHistoricalSociety Convention, Klamath Falls, www.spshs.org August 10-16,2009 SteamontheRange,NRHS Convention, Duluth, Minnesota,www.nrhs.com MEETING SNACK SIGN-UPS The followingmembers havegraciously volunteered to preparethe monthly(3rd Friday)membership meeting snacks funded by attendee contributions: October =Barbara &Myles Cereghino November = available January = available February = available Tovolunteerfor availablemonths, pleasecontactArlen at 503.223.7006 or emailto:[email protected]. PNWC – NRHS MISSION Topreserve and interpret PacificNorthwest railroad history and historicalartifacts for theeducation andenjoyment ofcurrent and future generations. Oct 2008 Pacific Northwest Chapter National Railway Historical Society The Trainmaster Page 1 PRESIDENT’S RAMBLINGS – October by Arlen L. Sheldrake TheAugust 19 Hillsboro Argus newspaperreported that Portland &Western Railroad is pitching the ideaof buildinga commuterraillinebetween Hillsboro and ForestGrove. Something like eight trains a month operate on this linewhich decreases the cost-effectiveness of maintainingthe line. PNWR President Bruce Carswell estimates the commuterline could be built within fiveyears ata costof between $25 and $30 million. The proposed commuterrailline would beginat a new platform very near the existingMark O.Hatfield Gov- ernment Centerin downtown Hillsboro, adjacent to theexisting MAX lightrailstation,and end near theeast end ofPacific University in ForestGrove. Thisproposalis in competition with theidea ofextending lightrailfrom Hillsboro that has been championed by ForestGrove MayorRichard Kidd. Anyoneelse rememberwhen the Artrain USA,pulled by SP4449, visited Hillsboro and was on display on this line? The Oregon State Historic Preservation Office has made its master databaseof historicbuildings and sites in Oregon availableonline. There arealmost 45,000records in the database,including NationalRegister proper- ties, survey and inventory records, and so forth. The link: http://heritagedata.prd.state.or.us/historic/. The deputy state historic preservation officer,Roger Roper,says: “Thereare many features wewillbeadding over the comingweeks, includingthe ability to run more complex searches and print outboth site-specificdata and summary datafor groups of buildings.” TheAugust20 Hood River News reports that the Mount Hood Railroad track repair south of Deeis costing about$1.2 million and started in July. During the November2006 flood, a section of theHood River just downstream of where theEast Fork and the West Fork come together,washed outa large bank leaving about 50 meters of tracksuspended in the airwith no support. In the first phase of therepair, crews had to physically move thechannelofthe riverto divert it from the bankthat was washed out. Then aretaining wall was built, set about 10 feetinto the ground, with rock and concrete to hold thefill material. Thesecond phase includes bringing in about 18,000tons ofrock from the westside ofHood Riverto rebuild the bank. Finally, the trackwillberebuilt. Funding for the repairproject came from MHRR and a Connect Oregon II grant. The August 30 Hood River News reports thattrains willagain be going to end of track atParkdale beginning September 12. Ahearty Oregon welcome to Laddie Vitek, Amtrak’s new Portland-based Road Foreman of Engines. Laddie comes to Portland from Southern California where,in his spare time, he was active in railroad preserva- tion efforts. The PNWC membership brochure has nowbeen updated with the2009 membership costs. Please recycle all brochures with a2007 dateand get a 2008supply atany membership meeting or from any Board member. Thanks to TrentStetz for revising the form and, again,for theabsolutely greatbrochure appearance. Those joiningin Octoberare members for the balance of October and for the calendar year 2009. Give a brochure to a friend. On June 23,the VancouverCity Councilawarded a $561,065 contract to Skyward Construction of Ridgefield to renovate portions of thehistoric 1904 Vancouver Amtrak station. Skyward was the lowestof the fourbids received. Theproject willinclude: moving the ticket counter and consolidating it with the baggage- check areato provide more seating;upgrading restrooms along with other parts of thestation to make them disabled accessible;and improvingheating, ventilation and airconditioning systems. Fundingfor thisproject is provided through aFederalTransportation Infrastructure Improvementgrant in the amount of $654,514 and a localmatch ofup to $102,150 provided by theCity of Vancouver. Duringthe approximately 180-day construc- tion period, atemporary doublewide trailer willserve as the temporary station facility. Completion is expected in January 2009. BNSFRailway sold the station to the city for $1in 2001on the condition thatit is used only as a passenger depot for Amtrak or any successor. Skyward Construction has done significant work on Page 2 Oct 2008 Pacific Northwest Chapter National Railway Historical Society The Trainmaster Portland’s Union Station. Vancouver’s Amtrak station continues to bea mecca for train watching. On September8, aunit gondola train came north then headed offwest to the Port of Vancouver. Allgondolas were welltarped and carried 3077hazardous materialplacards (3077 = environmentalhazardous waste). Added to theArchives are three cases of RailGrade Crossing Catalogue Records from theOregon Depart- ment ofTransportation RailDivision. BobMelbo sentthem ourway afterfinding outthat ODOTRailwanted to get them out ofstorage and the StateArchives Division didn’t wantthem. They are on loan and when we no longerwant them, they go back to ODOT. The crossingcatalogue records date from the 1930s and include each grade crossingin Oregon. Oneof theneat things is thatthe record includes a hand-sketch givinga picto- rial of the crossing as itexisted when the record was developed. Checkout theexcellent slate of people nominated for2009 PNWC positions. Thanks to each of them for their willingness to contributeto theChapter’s future. SEMAPHORES STILL AVAILABLE The CentralOregon & Pacific Railroad has reduced the asking price on the de-activated Style “B”Semaphores removed from the Siskiyou Line in Oregon. Theprices and specifications are: $1,500for double-arm semaphore complete(less batteries) $1,000 for single-arm semaphore complete (less batteries) Single-arm: weight 1200lbs., length 25 feet. Double-arm: weight 1500 lbs., length 31 feet Contactnumbers: Scott Boyter, office 541.957.2522 or 541.957.5966; cell 541.285.6166. This information provided by PNWC member Steven W. Coons. Left: Chapter members J. Dean & Pamela Sheldrake have this nice looking former CORP single-blade gracing their yard in Silverton. TRACK GEOMETRY CAR VISIT FRA DOTX 220 Track Geometry Car, Guilds Lake Yard, Portland Oregon, August 30, 2008. Oct 2008 Pacific Northwest Chapter National Railway Historical Society The Trainmaster Page 3 The Oregon Historical Society Hosts - Raymond Loewy: Designs for a Consumer Culture Exhibition Raymond Loewy was themost prominentindustrialdesignerof the20th century.As heonce said,his firms created everything from lipsticks to locomotives. Raymond Loewy: Designs for a Consumer Culture, opening on October 30, 2008, at the Oregon Historical Society, showcases his work, placingit in the wider contextof theshaping ofa modern look for consumer culture.His careeris broughtto lifeby an array of originaldrawings,models, products,advertisements, photographs,and rare film footageof Loewy at work. Raymond Loewy becameinvolved inthe emerging world ofindustrial design in the1920s after a success- fulcareerincommercialillustration.Heeventually would become thebest-known industrialdesigner in the world. Hespent morethan fivedecades streamlin-
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