WE PUBLISH LOCAL LEADING JAPANESE AND WORLD’S D A IL Y O N LATEST HAPPENINGS ISLAND OF HAWAII VO L. X X X V HILO, HAWAII, T. H., TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1941 NO. 9034 Egypt, Indo-China Francis Biddle Named WillFlvtoU. S. OIL SHIPMENT End Trade Relations TENOR SPEECH I U.S. Attorney General SUGHT IRANIAN RESISTANCE ANKARA, Aug. 26—It was re­ WASHINGTON, Aug. 26—Roo­ ported from Cairo that the Egypt­ sevelt nominated Francis Biddle, ian government complying with OF C H U R C H E solicitor general, succeeding Rob­ ENABLES BRITISH TD CAPTURE NEGOTIATIONS ert Jackson as attorney general in (the demand by the British Ambas­ sador, Sir Miles W. Lampson, 'his cabinet and gave final instruc­ notified the French Ino-China de­ CAUED TRICK tions to Willys Peck, new minister BANDAR SHAPUR AND 1 SHIPS NOW UND’RWAY cision of severe trade relations ■to Bangkok succeeding Hugh with it. ; CHURCHILL’S REFERENCE TO Grant and who leaves for Thailand G E N E R A L S E T T L E M E N T O F I tonight. 3-Pronged Drive Directed Ag^ainst Iran Mon­ PENDING JAPAN-U.S. PROB­ i JAPAN ADDS LIGHT EAST LEM ACCEPTABLE TALKED OF AT SEA MEET day with Cooperation of Navy and Air­ WASHINGTON, Aug. 26—Ques­ JAPANESE IN I WASHINGTON, Aug. 26— The forces in Conveying^ Detachments • tioned at the press conference re­ Baltimore Sun editorialized W in­ H ATA MOVED garding Churchill’s statement that ston Churchill’s reference to Jap- 'an illuminating a confirmed poli- TOKYO, Aug. 26 Koh Ishii, deputy spokesman of the United States is' seeking settle­ HANOI W E ment in the Pacific giving Japan ! cy in the Pacific, discussed at the BY JAPANESE I information bureau, at the foreign press conference said that the utmost reassurance and her le­ sea meeting. ! Japan was “shocked” by the Iranian invasion and said that It opines that Churchill without gitimate interests, Secretary of SET UP GUILD ; the British move was made on unjustifiable pretext. He de- State Cordell Hull cautiously de­ saying so in specific terms made I COOPERATION_____________ : cleared that on August 22, Hull told the press at Washing­ clined to divulge whether any con­ FORMATION PLANNED IN AC­ clear that he and Roosevelt dis­ crete proposals are under discus­ CORDANCE WITH FIC ECO­ cussed the far eastern question in BELIEVE JAPANESE FORCES ton that the United States would oppose British invasion of sion between Tokyo and Washing­ NOMIC TREATY detail and agreed measures to SHOULD TURN OVER JOB Iran. Ishii said that Hull’s statement was made after he con­ ton and told the newsmen that counter Japan’s moves in the event TO N A N K IN G ferred with Mohammed Schayestev, Iranian minister to HANOI, Aug. 26— Representa­ the effort to effect a peaceful ad­ there is not much for him to say Washington. except that the informal conver­ tives of eighteen Japanese import­ justment fails. NANKING, Aug. 26 — General ers’ companies in Hanoi and Hai­ The paper concludes Churchill’s Shunroku Hata, commander-in- sation, which he had with Ambas­ LONDON, Aug. 26 — Reports sion in central Asia in order to ac­ phong conferred at the local Japa­ declaration of Britain’s side is un­ chief of the Japanese expedition­ sador Nomura Saturday, was typi­ from the British general headquar- quire loot of the rich Persian re­ nese consul-generals residence on hesitatingly with the United ary forces in China, di£CU£,sing cal of the situation. ; ters in India announced that Brit­ sources. “W e are curious to knew steps to organize an importers’ |I States in the latter contingency to yesterday afternoon the Yangtze ish and Indian troops had entered the attitude of Roosevelt, who al­ Hull Admits Talk Underway guild in North Indo-China in ac- ;'emphasize gravity of “Japanese model peace area, which he in­ Iran at three points Monday and ways is stressing the need of de­ Asked if the Japanese govern­ cordance with the Japanese-Fren-;I threat’’ and also gives welocme spected over the three-day period iare advancing with slight resist- fending small neutral countries. It ment presented any definite pro­ ch Indo-China economic treaty. ! evidence of the Anglo-American from August 18, to the press, said, ;ance everywhere. is clear that Iran provoked no one. posals for settlement, Hull reiter­ Sixteen Japanese firms in south ! solidarity in dealing with the situ- “ The peace area is not only a ! Bandar Shapur was taken and Anglo-Soviet occupation of Iran is ated the only thing he could say Indo-China had already organized :' ation, which is vitally important to touchstone indicating the future of ' seven Axis ships namely, two Ger­ a clear repudiation of the substan­ at the present stage was the in­ their own guild while 24 others in both nations. Nanking but as concrete evidence man damaged ships, three Italian ce of good faith in the eighth formal conversations occurring. the eastern part of the French co- | of the national government’s be­ i slightly damaged ships and two points of the Anglo-American de­ He declined to comment Lon­ lony are expecte to take up similar |I ROME, Aug. 26— Commenting lief in the peaceful reconstruction don reports that Britain is seeking ■further German ships, which had claration.” steps. ion Churchill’s speech, Gayda edi­ President Vargas oi Brazil pre­ is worthy of greatest efforts.” I been beached, were reported cap- Japanese agreement to neutralize These guilds will control Japa­ torializes the entire tenor speech sented this plane to Paraguayan He also said that he is deeply Flyer Navarro, who plans a flight I tured with their crews. IRANIANS RESISTING Thailand and the Dutch Indies and nese imports under the guidance of and indicates that the speech was impressed by the wholehearted co­ to United States in near future. I The communique further men- said that any settlement with Jap­ Japanese authorities. intended to lift hopes of the Brit­ operation of Japanese forces and LONDON, Aug. 26—Authorita­ ■ tioned that leaflets were scattered an must rest on the fundamental ons, who expected the announce­ Nanking in the model area “with tively, the Iran army consisting of I from RAF bombers in Te heran principles the United States have ment of immediate United States the Chinese government army, po­ 190,000 men is resisting the An­ ! and other towns in Iran which ex- been advocating and added that participation in war after the litical parties and people, combin­ glo-Soviet forces although it did I plained why Iran is being invaded if these principles were referred ocean meeting, but were disap­ ing their total strength in the pro­ not reveal the extent of the Iraai SHORTAGE OF land that no hard feelings are di- to it would clear up any specific pointed. ject.” resistance. It was revealed that I rected against the Iranians, points. It also encouraged “American Hata reiterated that the convic­ the British forces landed at Banda- i Oil installations at Naftishah He also failed to comment on belligerency’’ by pretending that tion of the Japanese forces should shapur, deepest part of the Per­ Churchill’s pledge that Britain will IMPORTS HITS M riS es and Qasrishan were reported oc­ Britain is capable of realizing war turn over the administrative res­ sian gulf, which is closest to Tehe- cupied with little or no opposition side with th^ United States if the aims, which at the same time will ponsibility of the peace area to ;ran and Caucasus border. effort to reach a settlement fails. and inhabitants were reported prove profitable to American fi­ Nanking as soon as possible “ and IN SINGAPDRE showing no hostile feelings. SINO TRADERS concentrate their efforts in direct nance and “schemes of imperial­ VERNACULARS COMRIENT Negotiation for Oil Shipment ism.’’ STRONG INDIAN ARMY ALSO action of anti-Chunerking, ’ DUTCH EAST INDIES GOVERN­ TOKYO, Aug. 26— “Peace-loving TOKYO, Aug. 26— Vernaculars TCKYC, Aug. 26—Koh Ishii, de­ MENT SUFFERS REVENUE DISEMBARKS TRANS­ Americans may be shocked by the commenting on the British inva­ puty spokesfan of the information DECREASE TOKYO, Aug. 26— The Kokumin PORT British invasion of Iran without sion of Iran unanimously branded board, admitted negotiation is go­ termed the talk “a trick to alien­ SUPAI INDIANS any provocation,” Koh Ishii, depu­ tlie action as aggressive while un­ ing on between the United States CANTON, Aug. 26 — Reports ate the Japanese from the Axis’’ SINGAPORE, Aug. 26 — The LIVE FRUGALLY ty spokesman of the information official commentators stressed and Japan, regarding the shipping reaching here from the Nether­ ; and declared that the entire ten- largest single body RAF officers board, replied to a foreign corre­ that the British act is a glaring question in connection with the lands East Indies indicated that ior speech belied sincerity of the and men sent to Malaya in more IN ‘SHANGRI-LA’ spondent today when asked to violation of the eight-point pro­ sending of oil to the Soviet by A- Sino traders as w ell as natives in I statement’s previous words— all than a year arrived from Britain. comment on the Iranian situation. gram enunciated after the Churc- merica but no talk is going on be­ the Dutch colony have been suf­ I efforts will be made to bring about The transports also disembarked GRAND CANYON, Ariz. (UP) Asked if Japan has been shock­ hill-Roosevelt meeting. tween Ambassador Tatekawa and fering from shortage of imports of a peaceful solution in the Pacific strong Indian army reenforce­ —An actual “Shangri-La” 'is locat­ ed, the deputy spokesman replied, The Nichi Nichi said “Anglo- Moscow authorities, he said.
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