Issue 87, 4th Quarter 2017 JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY Questioning ISSUE EIGHTY-SEVEN, 4 ISSUE EIGHTY-SEVEN, Doctrine An Interview with Joseph L. Lengyel TH QUARTER 2017 2017 Essay Competition Winners Joint Force Quarterly Founded in 1993 • Vol. 87, 4th Quarter 2017 http://ndupress.ndu.edu Gen Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., USMC, Publisher VADM Frederick J. Roegge, USN, President, NDU Editor in Chief Col William T. Eliason, USAF (Ret.), Ph.D. Executive Editor Jeffrey D. Smotherman, Ph.D. Production Editor John J. Church, D.M.A. Internet Publications Editor Joanna E. Seich Copyeditor Andrea L. Connell Book Review Editor Frank G. Hoffman, Ph.D. Associate Editor Patricia Strait, Ph.D. Art Director Marco Marchegiani, U.S. Government Publishing Office Interns Aidan M. Low and Victoria Sanker Advisory Committee COL Michael S. Bell, USA (Ret.), Ph.D./College of International Security Affairs; Col James D. Dryjanski, USAF/Air Command and Staff College; Col David J. Eskelund, USMC/Marine Corps War College; RADM Janice M. Hamby, USN (Ret.)/College of Information and Cyberspace; RADM Jeffrey A. Harley, USN/U.S. Naval War College; BGen John M. Jansen, USMC/Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy; MG John S. Kem, USA/U.S. Army War College; LTG Michael D. Lundy, USA/U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; Brig Gen Chad T. Manske, USAF/National War College; Col William McCollough, USMC/Marine Corps Command and Staff College; LtGen Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., USMC/The Joint Staff; RDML Jeffrey Ruth, USN/Joint Forces Staff College; VADM Kevin D. Scott, USN/The Joint Staff; Brig Gen Jeremy T. Sloane, USAF/ Air War College Editorial Board Richard K. Betts/Columbia University; Stephen D. Chiabotti/ School of Advanced Air and Space Studies; Eliot A. Cohen/ The Johns Hopkins University; COL Joseph J. Collins, USA (Ret.)/ Center for Complex Operations; Richard L. DiNardo/Marine Corps Command and Staff College; Aaron L. Friedberg/Princeton University; Bryon Greenwald/Joint Forces Staff College; Douglas N. Hime/Naval War College; Col Jerome M. Lynes, USMC (Ret.)/ The Joint Staff; Kathleen Mahoney-Norris/Air Command and Staff College; Thomas L. McNaugher/Georgetown University; Col Mark Pizzo, USMC (Ret.)/National War College; LtGen Bernard E. Trainor, USMC (Ret.); Bert B. Tussing/U.S. Army War College Cover 2 images (top to bottom): Sailor assigned to USS Jacksonville proposes during homecoming arrival at Joint Base Pearl Harbor– Hickam, August 2017 (U.S. Navy/Katarzyna Kobiljak); Marine Captain Kelsey Casey, assigned to “Tomcats” of Marine Attack Squadron 311, speaks to AV-8B Harrier maintainers on flight deck of USS Bonhomme Richard during certification exercise, August 2017 (U.S. Navy/Jeanette Mullinax); Air traffic control journeyman (right) and air traffic control tower watch supervisor give direction to inbound aircraft, June 2017, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska (U.S. Air Force/Westin Warburton) About the Cover In this Issue Soldiers assigned to 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry, 101st Airborne Division, engage in crowd riot Dialogue control training at Camp Maréchal 2 To the Editor de Lattre de Tassigny, Kosovo, December 8, demonstrating to 4 From the Chairman representatives of Over the Horizon Forces capabilities of Freedom of Movement Detachment (U.S. Army/ Forum Adeline Witherspoon) 6 Executive Summary 8 An Interview with Joseph L. Lengyel 13 The Operational National Guard: A Unique and Capable Component of the Joint Force 69 Human Terrain at the Crossroads 112 The U.S. Government’s By Joseph L. Lengyel By Brian R. Price Approach to Food Security: Focus on Campaign Activities 18 Open Sources for the By George E. Katsos Information Age: Or How I Features Learned to Stop Worrying 76 Are There Too Many General 122 Joint Publication 5-0, and Love Unclassified Data Officers for Today’s Military? Joint Planning By James M. Davitch By Gregory C. McCarthy By Steve Townsend 26 The Use of Explosives in Cities: 82 Exploring a New System of 124 Joint Doctrine Update A Grim but Lawful Reality of War Command and Control: The By Thomas Ayres Case for U.S. Africa Command Joint Force Quarterly is published by the National Defense University Press for the Chairman of the 31 Follow the Money: Targeting By Michael G. Kamas, David W. Joint Chiefs of Staff. JFQ is the Chairman’s flagship Pope, and Ryan N. Propst joint military and security studies journal designed to Enemy War-Sustaining Activities inform members of the U.S. Armed Forces, allies, and By Jeffrey Miller and Ian Corey 88 The Role of Space Norms in other partners on joint and integrated operations; national security policy and strategy; efforts to combat Protection and Defense terrorism; homeland security; and developments in By Audrey M. Schaffer training and joint professional military education to Essay Competitions transform America’s military and security apparatus to meet tomorrow’s challenges better while protecting 36 Winners of the 2017 freedom today. All published articles have been vetted Essay Competitions Recall through a peer-review process and cleared by the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review. 93 Time in War 38 The Risk of Delay: The Need NDU Press is the National Defense University’s for a New Authorization By Phillip S. Meilinger cross-component, professional military and academic for Use of Military Force publishing house. By Travis W. Reznik The opinions, conclusions, and recommendations Book Reviews expressed or implied within are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views 46 Butter Bar to Four Star: 101 Destined for War of the Department of Defense or any other agency of the Federal Government. Deficiencies in Leader Reviewed by James R. Cricks Copyright Notice Development This is the official U.S. Department of Defense edition By Benjamin Ray Ogden 102 G.S. Isserson and the of Joint Force Quarterly. Any copyrighted portions War of the Future of this journal may not be reproduced or extracted without permission of the copyright proprietors. JFQ 54 Asadism and Legitimacy in Syria Reviewed by Ofer Fridman should be acknowledged whenever material is quoted By Nathaniel Kahler from or based on its content. 103 How Everything Became Submissions and Communications War and the Military JFQ welcomes submission of scholarly, independent Commentary Became Everything research from members of the Armed Forces, security policymakers and shapers, defense analysts, 57 Toxic Culture: Enabling Reviewed by Tammy S. Schultz academic specialists, and civilians from the United Incivility in the U.S. Military States and abroad. Submit articles for consideration to ScholarOne, available at https://mc04. and What to Do About It Joint Doctrine manuscriptcentral.com/ndupress, or write to: By Kenneth Williams Editor, Joint Force Quarterly 105 Robotic Swarms in NDU Press 64 Increasing Partner-Nation Offensive Maneuver 260 Fifth Avenue (Building 64, Room 2504) Fort Lesley J. McNair Capacity Through Global By Jules Hurst Washington, DC 20319 Health Engagement Telephone: (202) 685-4220/DSN 325 By Bertram C. Providence, Derek Email: [email protected] JFQ online: www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jfq/jfq.htm Licina, and Andrew Leiendecker 4th Quarter, October 2017 ISSN 1070-0692 To the Editor 2 Dialogue / To the Editor JFQ 87, 4th Quarter 2017 JFQ 87, 4th Quarter 2017 To the Editor 3 General Dunford meets with Japan Self-Defense Force Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano, Chief of Staff, Joint Staff, at Ministry of Defense in Tokyo, August 18, 2017 (DOD/Dominique A. Pineiro) Allies and Partners Are Our Strategic Center of Gravity his August, I was in the Pacific to While U.S. global leadership is the strength, freedom of action, or will to act. consult with our South Korean product of much more than our military At the strategic level, our network of alli- T and Japanese allies about the capabilities, the competitive military ances and partnerships does just this. At threat from North Korea. In Sep- advantage we possess is vital to our na- the operational level, our center of gravity tember, I was in Europe for the 178th tional power and the role we play on the is the ability to project power when and North Atlantic Treaty Organization world stage. A primary enabler of that where necessary to advance national (NATO) Military Committee in Chiefs competitive advantage is our worldwide interests; that power projection is enabled of Defense Session. In these meetings, network of allies and partners that has de- by allies and partners. Both strategically as in all my interactions with senior veloped since World War II. That is why and operationally, then, allies and part- political and military leaders around the National Military Strategy, published ners underpin the Joint Force’s ability to the world over the last 2 years, one last year, identifies the network of U.S. execute the National Military Strategy. thing was abundantly clear: The United alliances and partnerships as our strategic Allies are nations with whom we have States is widely considered to be an center of gravity. formal defense agreements for broad, indispensable nation, critical to the That is not just a diplomatic plati- long-term objectives. These can be bilat- maintenance of the international order tude—it’s doctrinally sound. According eral—as with Japan, South Korea, and the that has brought us and our allies rela- to Joint Publication 5-0, Joint Planning, Philippines—or multilateral, like those tive peace and extraordinary economic the center of gravity is the source of that include Australia, New Zealand, and prosperity since World War II. power that provides moral or physical Thailand in the Pacific, and our 28 Allies 4 Dialogue / From the Chairman JFQ 87, 4th Quarter 2017 in NATO. Partnerships are structured defense provision in Article 5 for the first through combined exercises that test around narrower objectives and may be time and, in its first operation outside shared doctrine and refine operating less enduring, but they are no less vital.
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