38701.P1 12/7/06 9:35 PM Page 1 PROTECTING DATA COLLECTED FOR SAFETY PURPOSES ICJOURNALAO VOLUME 61 NUMBER 6, 2006 SAFETY MANAGEMENT GLOBAL APPROACH UNLOCKS POTENTIAL OF SMS 38701.P2 12/7/06 9:35 PM Page 2 $716 NQRZV $IULFD 75$,1,1* 96$7 $'9$1&(' $,5 75$)),& 6<67(06 WLW DW ORRN \RX ZD\ :KLFKHYHU 5HVSRQVLEOH IRU DSSUR[LPDWHO\ RI WKH ZRUOG¶V DLUVSDFH $716 SURXGO\ PDQDJHV PRUH WKDQ KDOI D PLOOLRQ DUULYDO DQG GHSDUWXUH PRYHPHQWV HYHU\ \HDU DQG LV PDNLQJ &DSH WR &DLUR VDWHOOLWH FRPPXQLFDWLRQV D UHDOLW\ $716 WUDLQV LQWHUQDWLRQDO DYLDWLRQ SURIHVVLRQDOV PDLQWDLQV ,62 DFFUHGLWDWLRQ DQG VXEVFULEHV WR ,&$2 6WDQGDUGV DQG 5HFRPPHQGHG 3UDFWLFHV 0,5$+ %5$'7 &20081,&$7,216 38701.P3 12/7/06 9:47 PM Page 3 ICAO Journal The magazine of the International Civil Aviation Organization THE ICAO COUNCIL VOL. 61, NO. 6 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 President ROBERTO KOBEH GONZÁLEZ FEATURES 1st Vice-President I. M. LYSENKO 6 Initiative promotes a global approach to SMS implementation 2nd Vice-President With an emphasis on achieving worldwide implementation, ICAO’s initial efforts Dr. A. SIPOS to foster safety management have focused on the development of new regulatory provisions, guidance material and a special training programme … 3rd Vice-President J. E. ORTIZ CUENCA 9 Concept of safety management system embraced by many countries Secretary In the United States, a newly issued SMS standard for use by air operators Dr. TAÏEB CHÉRIF is the product of extensive research and collaboration involving industry, Secretary General labour and government safety regulators … Argentina – D. O. Valente 14 Business model focused on risk management enhances decision-making Australia – S. Clegg Transport Canada’s adoption of a business model for managing its safety programme evolved out of recognition that aviation safety is best served by Austria – S. Gehrer analysing and controlling the risks … Brazil – P. Bittencourt de Almeida Cameroon – T. Tekou 18 Airport operator espouses practical approach to safety management Canada – L. A. Dupuis One strategy for ensuring success is to implement a basic safety management Chile – G. Miranda Aguirre system in stages and gradually win over the trust of operating personnel and China – T. Ma management … Colombia – J. E. Ortiz Cuenca 22 Implementation of ATM safety management systems remains priority for Europe Egypt – S. Elazab Central to Europe’s efforts to improve ATM safety is the widespread promotion Ethiopia – T. Mekonnen of the principles of safety management … Finland – L. Lövkvist France – J.-C. Chouvet 26 Guidance material addresses concerns about protection of safety data Germany – Dr. K. Kammann-Klippstein Legal guidelines developed recently by ICAO focus on enactment of national Ghana – K. Kwakwa laws and regulations that safeguard data collected for safety purposes while also allowing for justice to take its course … Honduras – A. Suazo Morazán Hungary – Dr. A. Sipos 29 Information gleaned from recent accidents provides basis for improvements India – Dr. N. Zaidi Final reports issued by investigation authorities, plus a safety alert arising Italy – S. Monti from the August crash of a regional jet transport, serve the aviation community Japan – H. Kono by underscoring various safety issues … Lebanon – H. Chaouk Mexico – UPDATE Mozambique – D. de Deus 31 ICAO addresses security concern raised by failed terrorist plot Nigeria – Dr. O. B. Aliu • SMS implementation leads to safety enhancement despite strong industry growth Pakistan – M. Rauhullah • Pandemic influenza guidelines now available at website Peru – J. Muñoz-Deacon • ICAO and the Republic of Korea announce training programme Republic of Korea – G. Shin • Symposium puts spotlight on ATM safety • Experts to discuss performance framework for air nav system Russian Federation – I. M. Lysenko Saint Lucia – H. A. Wilson COVER (Photo by R. Ian Lloyd/Masterfile) Saudi Arabia – S. A. R. Hashem Several of the feature articles in this issue are dedicated to the topic of safety Singapore – K. P. Bong management systems, a tool that provides performance-based approaches to South Africa – M. D. T. Peege the management of safety. Under ICAO provisions that took effect in November Spain – L. Adrover 2006, airport operators, aerodrome operators, ATS providers and maintenance Tunisia – M. Chérif organizations worldwide are required to implement such systems. United Kingdom – M. Rossell United States – D. T. Bliss WWW.ICAO.INT 38701.P4 12/7/06 9:36 PM Page 4 Promoting the Development of International Civil Aviation ICAO Journal The International Civil Aviation Organization, created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of civil Editor: Eric MacBurnie Production Clerk: Arlene Barnes aviation worldwide, is a specialized agency of Editorial Assistant: Regina Zorman Design Consultant: François-B. Tremblay the United Nations. Headquartered in Montreal, ICAO develops international air transport standards THE OBJECTIVES of the Journal are to provide a concise account of the and regulations and serves as the medium for cooperation activities of the International Civil Aviation Organization and to feature in all fields of civil aviation among its 189 Contracting States. additional information of interest to ICAO Contracting States and the inter- national aeronautical world. Copyright ©2006 International Civil Aviation ICAO CONTRACTING STATES Organization. Unsigned and Secretariat material may be reproduced in full Afghanistan Denmark Lithuania Senegal or in part provided that it is attributed to ICAO; for rights to reproduce Albania Djibouti Luxembourg Serbia other signed articles, please write to the editor. Algeria Dominican Republic Madagascar Seychelles Andorra Ecuador Malawi Sierra Leone OPINIONS EXPRESSED in signed articles or in advertisements appearing in Angola Egypt Malaysia Singapore the ICAO Journal represent the author’s or advertiser’s opinion and do not Antigua and Barbuda El Salvador Maldives Slovakia necessarily reflect the views of ICAO. The mention of specific companies or Argentina Equatorial Guinea Mali Slovenia products in articles or advertisements does not imply that they are endorsed Armenia Eritrea Malta Solomon Islands or recommended by ICAO in preference to others of a similar nature which Australia Estonia Marshall Islands Somalia are not mentioned or advertised. Austria Ethiopia Mauritania South Africa Azerbaijan Fiji Mauritius Spain Published in Montreal, Canada. Second class mail registration No. 1610. ISSN Bahamas Finland Mexico Sri Lanka 1014-8876. Date of publication of Issue 6/2006: 13 December 2006. 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Congo Kenya Republic of Moldova Venezuela Cook Islands Kiribati Romania Viet Nam www.icao.int VISIT ICAO’s website for a wealth of information including Costa Rica Kuwait Russian Federation Yemen past issues of the ICAO Journal, information on advertising in ICAO’s maga- Côte d’Ivoire Kyrgyzstan Rwanda Zambia zine, the latest news releases, a complete listing of ICAO publications and Croatia Lao People’s Saint Kitts and Nevis Zimbabwe audio visual training aids, the ICAO aviation training directory, Secretariat job
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