Index A panic value, 504 ABCDE mnemonics, 403 Proposition 65, 505 Abdominal trauma, 170 side effects, 505 Abilene paradox, 31 sleep disruption, 504 Abnormal blood vessel, 397 Alcohol intoxication, 57 Abnormal signal in hippocampi, 410 AllTrials, 561, 566 Absent-mindedness, 255 Alternative medicine, 9 Absolute risk, 435, 436 Alzheimer’s disease, 388, 433 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Amaurosis fugax, 89 Education (ACGME), 97, 98 Ambiguity effect, 15–19 Accurate diagnosis, 182 American Association of Neurological Acetaminophen, 46 Surgeons, 22 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome American Medical Association (AMA), (AIDS), 190, 429 84, 179 Actinic keratoses, 150 American Medical Student Association Active poison, 482 (AMSA), 131 Actor-observer asymmetry, 188 American Psychiatric Association (APA), 317 Acute heart attacks, 35 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 166 Acute metabolic complications, 178 Anatomical models, 123, 130 Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 512 Anchoring bias, 157, 379–386, 525 Acute spinal cord injury, 21 function of time, 381 methylprednisolone, 22 peak–end rule, 381 steroids in, 22 primacy effect, 380 Acute stroke, 407 recency effect, 381 Adaptogenic herbs, 139 serial position effect, 380, 381 Addiction/mental illness, 177 von Restorff effect, 382–384 Adkin vitaopathic treatment, 216 Anchoring effect Adrenal fatigue, 139, 142 anchoring bias, 156–158 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 121 Ebbinghaus illusion, 156 Affective error, 173, 182 social security number, 157 Alarm fatigue, 501 zero-risk bias, 162 drug–drug interactions and patient Anecdotes, 212 allergies, 504 hasty generalization, 212 extinction, 502 limits of, 213 false alarms, 503 Anti-doctor memes, 114 Joint Commission’s Sentinel Event Anti-epileptic medications, 265 database, 504 Anti-hypertension medications, 369 monitor alarm systems, 502 Antineoplastons, 487, 491 nausea, 504 Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, 312 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 577 J. Howard, Cognitive Errors and Diagnostic Mistakes, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93224-8 578 Index Anti-psychotic medication, 41 definition, 430 Antisepsis, 468 herpes encephalitis, 429, 430 Anti-smoking medication, 184 Lipitor, 437 Anti-vaccine book, 61 pill scare, 436 Anti-vaccine commentators, 226 relative risk, 435, 437 Anti-vaccine crusaders, 51, 83 similarity group, 431 Anti-vaccine doctors, 51, 116 statistics, 430 Anti-vaccine movement, 50, 558, 559 taxi cab problem, 432 Anti-vaccine pediatrician, 119 Bayer HealthCare, 550 Anxiety, 171, 174 Bayesian statistics, 206 Apology laws, 510 Bedside manner, 182 Apophenia, 277 Belief bias, 75–77, 79, 83, 85 Appearance-based traits, 175 Bell’s palsy, 398 Area postrema, 411 Beneficence, 121 Argumentative theory, 39 Benjamin Franklin effect, 175, 176 Arthroscopy, for degenerative knee disease, 336 Benzodiapines, 390 Ashwagandha, 139 Benzodiazepines, 57, 171, 409 Assurance medicine, 507 Bias(es), 431 Asymmetric information, 110 Bi-directional correlation (X causes Y and Y Attitude polarization, 59 causes X), 268 Attitude strength effect, 59 Big Pharma, 490 Attribution biases, 187, 189, 196, 197 Bilateral thalamic lesions, 58 Attribution error, 186 Biomarkers, 547 Attrition bias, 232 Black and Hispanic women Authority bias, 24, 29 discrimination, 290 Autistic enterocolitis, 559 Black holes, 438 Autoimmune disorder, 203 Blind analysis, 563 Automatic reflex, 287 Blind spot bias, 526 Availability bias, 392, 393 behavioral decision, 526 Availability cascade, 407 cognitive forcing strategy, 529, 530 Availability heuristic, 391–395 critical thinking skills, 533 Avoidance medicine, 507 failure-to-close error, 528 formal feedback mechanisms and conferences, 531 B interventions, 528 Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, 392 PAT criteria, 529 Backfire effect, 70–73 “time-out” procedure, 530 Bandwagon effect, 23, 24, 26–29, 32 type II to type I thinking, 532 and authority bias, 36 VINDICATE mnemonic, 529, 530 coronary artery stents, 35 Bonferroni correction, 562 harm of, 32 Boomerang effect, 71 lobotomists, 34 Brain cancer, 166, 436 medical care improvements, 40 Brain fog, 150 medical practice, 35 Brain inflammation, 410 Bariatric surgery, 339, 430 Brainstem syndromes, 308 Barnum statements, 139, 140 Brand-name medication, 127 Bartonella infections, 142 BRCA mutation, 193, 405 Basal ganglia, 247 Breast cancers, 193, 433–435, 447 Base rate neglect, 427 Breastfeeding, 80 absolute risk, 435, 436 British Medical Journal (BMJ), 1 base-rate group, 431 Bronchoscopy, 430 breast cancer, 433–435 Burden of proof (onus probandi), 237 conjunction fallacy, 433 Bystander effect, 43, 44 Index 579 C Clustering illusion, 275, 277, 279 Canadian Association of Emergency Cognitive biases, 4–6, 39, 507, 525–529, 532 Physicians, 21, 22 in medicine, 7–9, 11 Canadian National Breast Screening Study, 447 minimization, 224 Cancer, 216 Cognitive disposition, 188 clusters, 279 Cognitive dissonance theory, 72, 73 remission from, 228 Cognitive errors, 2, 3, 433, 527, 532, 537 survivors, 228 Cognitive forcing strategies, 529, 530 Cancer-screening, 445 Cognitive processing capacity, 346 Cardiogenic shock, 512 Cognitive reflection test, 39 Cardiovascular disease, 291 Coincidental correlation (X and Y), 270 Cardiovascular medicine, 112 Cold reading, 141 Carotid artery, 89 Cold-to-hot empathy, 96 Carotid endarterectomy, 89, 369 Colon cancer, 436 Catastrophic seizure, 90 Commission bias Causative virus, 321 diagnosis test, harm patient, 331 Center for Open Science’s Open Science medicare, 338 Framework, 561 misdiagnosis, 331 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in over-confident clinicians, 329 (CDC), 214, 259, 280, 316, 332, over diagnosis, 331 357, 490, 554 over treatment, 330 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid over-prescription, medication, 332, 333 Service, 112 patient factors, 329 Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy polypharmacy, 334 with subcortical infarcts and test costs, 338 leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), Complementary and alternative 388, 439–440 medicine (CAM), 9, 36, 50, Cerebral hypotension, 304 66, 128, 141, 190, 192, Cervical spine, 103 194, 195, 215, 356, 393, 471, Cesarean delivery, 508 565, 567 Change blindness, see Inattentional blindness belief bias, 77 Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, 311 Galileo fallacy, 475, 486, 487, 489, 490, Chemotherapy, 15, 111, 113 492, 495 Chlamydia pneumoniae, 475 practitioners, 11, 67, 79, 80, 82, 83, 113, Choice blindness, 196 115–117, 119, 133 Choice-supportive bias, 153, 154, 465 screening error, 452, 453 Chronic alcoholics, 57 selection bias, 462, 465 Chronic cerebrospinal venous semmelweis reflex, 471 insufficiency (CCSVI), Computed tomography (CT), 379, 380, 402, 473, 474 415, 430, 506 Chronic fatigue syndrome, 394 Concierge medicine, 374 Chronic Lyme disease, 64, 142 Confabulation, 255 Chronic sinusitis, 398 Confirmation bias, 59, 60, 62, 63, 68, 72, Citation plagiarism, 549 74, 229 Clinical inertia, 329 in action, 60 Clinician(s), 107, 175, 183, 194 CAM, 66 care, 180 four-card selection task, 61 characteristics, 177 in medical diagnoses, 62 perception, 179 motivated reasoning, 64 ratings, 376 on internet, 63 Clinician–patient dynamics, 177 Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 22 Clinician–patient relationship, 124 Conjunction fallacy, 433 Clostridium difficile colitis, 467, 471 Contract research organizations (CROs), 555 580 Index Contrast effect Diethylstilbestrol (DES), 105 lacunar stroke, 164 Diffusion of responsibility, 43–46 medication side effect, 166 Direct-to-consumer advertising, 132 optical illusions, 165 Disconfirmation bias, 59 Conus medullaris, 285 Disease-mongering, 313 Conventional anti-epileptic medications, 90 characteristics, 312 Conventional medicine, 50 modifying definition of disease, 314 Coronary artery bypass grafting, 511 Dispositional attribution, 186 Coronary artery catheterization, 111 Dr. Asch’s conformity study, 26 Coronary artery disease (CAD), 336 Doctor–patient relationship, 173, 181 Coronary heart disease (CHD), 291 Dollar bill, 152 Correspondence bias, 186 Downing effect, 352 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), 393, 433 Dravet syndrome, 275 Culture-bound syndrome, 316 Dual process theory, 7, 323 Curse of knowledge, 89–91 Dunning–Kruger effect, 353, 354, 356, 359, 435 Cyberchondria, 52 Cyclic vomiting syndrome, 411 Cyclophosphamide, 15 E Ebbinghaus illusion, 157 Ebola, 391 D EHR, 518, 519 Data collection, 557 Electrical remedy, 480, 483 Data dredging, see P-hacking Electronic medical record (EMR) error, 501, Date-rape drugs, 58 515–518, 520 Debiasing strategies, 533 clinician burn-out, 519 Decision avoidance, 347 clinician–patient relationship, 517 Decision fatigue, 93, 95, 100 information easily copied, 519 Decision-making/behavioral biases, 4 IPatients, 517 Deep vein thrombosis, 388 malfunctions, 519 Defensive medicine, 501 verbal communication, 518, 520 apology laws, 510 Elevator experiment, 26 assurance medicine, 507 Ellsberg paradox, 17 avoidance medicine, 507 Emergency Care Research Institute (ERCI), Disclosure, Apology and Offer, 510 502, 503 malpractice suit, 507–509 Emotional problems, 174 medical standard of care, 509 End-of-life care, 337 Deficiency of vitamin C, 469 Endowment effect, 153, 464 Degree of bias, 252 Enhanced interrogation techniques, 28 Delusional parasitosis, 316 Entitled demanders, 173 Delusive quackery, 478 Errors in medicine, 2 Demyelinating lesions, 251, 307 ET scan, 305 Dense middle cerebral artery, 94 Ethmoid sinus, 398, 399 Dependent clingers, 173 Evidence-based medicine (EBM), 537, 538, Depression, 99, 174, 457, 460 565 Detoxes, 467, 471 Expectancy
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