La construcción de la imagen social en dos pares adyacentes: Opinión-acuerdo/desacuerdo y ofrecimiento-aceptación/rechazo Un estudio de la conversación familiar sueca y española Susanne Henning Academic dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Spanish at Stockholm University to be publicly defended on Thursday 17 September 2015 at 10.00 in hörsal 6, hus C, Universitetsvägen 10 C. Abstract The construction of face in two adjacency pairs: Opinion-agreement/disagreement and offer-acceptance/rejection. A study of Swedish and Spanish family conversations. The main purpose of this study is to conduct a contrastive analysis on a corpus of Swedish and Spanish family conversations with respect to two adjacency pairs: opinion-agreement/disagreement (OADs) and offer-acceptance/rejection (OARs). On one hand, from a structural perspective, based on the methodology of Conversation Analysis, one of the objectives is to observe how (dis)preferred turns of the OADs and OARs are managed by the interlocutors. On the other hand, from a functional perspective, based on the methodology of Sociocultural Pragmatics, the intention is to study how face is constructed and how politeness is managed by the family members when expressing OADs and OARs. The structural analysis of OADs and OARs shows that the majority of agreements and acceptances follow the rules for preferred turns proposed by orthodox conversation analysts, i.e. they appear directly after the first part of the adjacency pair (opinion or offer), and they are brief and unambiguous. However, the structural analysis also reveals that 70% (Swedish corpus) and 72% (Spanish corpus) of the disagreements as well as 64% (Swedish corpus) and 70% (Spanish corpus) of the rejections have a tendency to not follow the proposed rules for dispreferred turns, i.e. they are not delayed or accompanied by hesitations, justifications, etc. and nor are they evaluated as dispreferred by the participants. This indicates that social perspective, especially face, has to be considered when deciding what is considered (dis)preferred. The functional analysis of the OADs indicates that the majority of the disagreements in both Swedish (68%) and Spanish (79%) corpus are not mitigated, but rather are expressed in a fairly direct manner. Swedes tend to avoid disagreements, and therefore we expected to find a major difference between the two groups. One explanation could be that family members enjoy close relationships, and therefore the Swedes feel free to express their disagreements. As for the impact on the family members face, in both groups, it is both autonomy face and affiliation face that are influenced when OADs are expressed. As for agreement, for example, it is usually autonomy face that is affected. We interpret this as a way for the participants to show that both speakers and listeners have valuable opinions that deserve to be both voiced and commented on. This reveals the more discursive (rather than ritual) nature of OADs. In addition, the functional study of OARs shows that acceptances and rejections in both corpora are expressed using both ritual and attenuating politeness according to the norms required by the situation. Concerning the impact on face, autonomy face has different requirements in the two cultures: in the Swedish conversations, it is important to offer food without insisting several times, and in the Spanish corpus, it is important to offer food more than one or two times, and there is also a tendency to refuse the offer several times before accepting it. Therefore, according to one’s situational role, one has to know how to both give and receive offers, which points to the more ritual nature of OARs. Finally, we want to emphasize that by adding a social perspective to the structural one, we can interpret the meaning of the conversations in a way that provides a broader understanding of what is being said as participants express OADs and OARs. Keywords: adjacency pairs, (dis)preferred turns, opinion-agreement/disagreement, offer-acceptance/rejection, autonomy face, affiliation face, role face, politeness, Conversation Analysis, Sociocultural Pragmatics, Swedish and Spanish family conversations. Stockholm 2015 http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-119490 ISBN 978-91-7649-183-6 Department of Romance Studies and Classics Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Department of Romance Studies and Classics Stockholm University 2015 La construcción de la imagen social en dos pares adyacentes: Opinión- acuerdo/desacuerdo y ofrecimiento- aceptación/rechazo Un estudio de la conversación familiar sueca y española Susanne Henning ©Susanne Henning, Stockholms universitet 2015 ISBN 978-91-7649-183-6 Printed in Sweden by: Holmberg, Malmö 2015 Distributor: Department of Romance Studies and Classics A mi madre Britt Henning Por fin llegó el momento. El momento que a veces ha parecido inalcanzable. El momento ansiado. El momento en que es posible decir: ¡Lo conseguí! Sin embargo, este momento no hubiera llegado, si no fuera por toda una armada de familia, colegas y amigos. Quiero agradecer a todas las personas que de distintas maneras me brindaron apoyo y ánimo: A la catedrática Diana Bravo, directora de la tesis, por su paciencia, por te- ner fe en mí, por guiarme, por haber abierto puertas y por las risas que he- mos compartido. A la doctora María Bernal, subdirectora de la tesis, por contribuir con sus revisiones, sus conocimientos, sus comentarios y sus recomendaciones, además, por su apoyo. A la doctora Nieves Hernández Flores, supervisora externa de la tesis duran- te una etapa, por sus recomendaciones. Además, le agradezco haber puesto a mi disposición su corpus de conversaciones españolas. Al catedrático Johan Falk por creer en mi capacidad académica desde el principio del doctorado. A las doctoras Annette Myre Jørgensen y Marta Albelda por la revisión de mi tesis y por contribuir con sus recomendaciones. A la profesora Tamara Strugo por su revisión esmerada de la tesis. Al programa EDICE, Estudios del Discurso de Cortesía en Español, dirigi- dos por mi directora Diana Bravo por darme la oportunidad de conocer a otros investigadores del mundo hispanohablante y por facilitarme la partici- pación en el proyecto COSOPRAG entre Suecia y Colombia. A mis llaveci- tas barranquilleras del proyecto por brindarle siempre tanta alegría a mi vida: los profesores Julio Escamilla, Luz Marina Torres, Granfield Henry, Efraín Morales, Aldo Charris Pino y Josefa Samper. Un agradecimiento especial va dirigido a mi amiga Amparo Pino Sabalza por haberme prestado su casa y su familia para grabar conversaciones colombianas para futuros proyectos. A la fundación Knut y Alice Wallenberg por dos años de financiación de mi estudio de doctorado y a las fundaciones Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse, Lars Hiertas Minne y Spanska fonden por el apoyo económico que me ha permitido participar en coloquios y seminarios. A mi amiga la doctoranda Janaina Negreiros Persson por haber compartido momentos de euforia y de dificultades, siempre dispuesta a escuchar y a apoyar. Al doctor Rainer Vesterinen y a la doctora Laura Álvarez por su ayuda a los doctorandos. A todos los doctorandos del Departamento de Estudios Románicos y Clási- cos por compartir la alegría y la angustia que implica el doctorado. A mis amigos y colegas del Departamento de Estudios Románicos y Clási- cos y LAIS; quisiera agradecer especialmente a David García, Ann-Marie Lenndin, Gunnel Näsman y Anne-Cathrine Laurell por su amistad. A mis alumnos por ser una fuente de energía y por compartir conmigo sus intereses, sus experiencias y sus sueños en las presentaciones individuales en las clases. Till Margareta Ohlsson, mammas väninna, som under många år och telefon- samtal delat med sig av sin livserfarenhet och stöttat mig både i glädje och sorg, ofta med devisen: - Nu är det tomtesteg som gäller! A mi querida familia: Christina, Kerstin, Anna, Henrik y Alice, Fredrik, Solveig y Tora, Kajsa, Per, Klara, Gustaf y Tjorven, Maria y Arthur. Los amo a todos. A Ingrid Kindahl por ser mi amiga, por ayudarme con la revisión del texto sueco y por interesantes discusiones sobre todo y sobre nada los domingos por la mañana en los bosques de Rönninge y Nykvarn; siempre acompañadas de dos pillos, Smilla y Öhman. De nuevo, muchas gracias a todos. Estocolmo, julio de 2015 Susanne Henning Susanne Henning Doctoral Dissertation Department of Romance Studies and Classics Stockholm University 106 91 Stockholm The construction of face in two adjacency pairs: Opinion-agreement/disagreement and offer-acceptance/rejection A study of Swedish and Spanish family conversations Abstract The main purpose of this study is to conduct a contrastive analysis on a corpus of Swedish and Spanish family conversations with respect to two adjacency pairs: opinion- agreement/disagreement (OADs) and offer-acceptance/rejection (OARs). On one hand, from a structural perspective, based on the methodology of Conversation Analysis, one of the objec- tives is to observe how (dis)preferred turns of the OADs and OARs are managed by the inter- locutors. On the other hand, from a functional perspective, based on the methodology of Sociocultural Pragmatics, the intention is to study how face is constructed and how politeness is managed by the family members when expressing OADs and OARs. The structural analysis of OADs and OARs shows that the majority of agreements and acceptances follow the rules for preferred turns proposed by orthodox conversation ana- lysts, i.e. they appear directly after the first part of the adjacency pair (opinion or offer), and they are brief and unambiguous. However, the structural analysis also reveals that 70% (Swe- dish corpus) and 72% (Spanish corpus) of the disagreements as well as 64% (Swedish corpus) and 70% (Spanish corpus) of the rejections have a tendency to not follow the proposed rules for dispreferred turns, i.e. they are not delayed or accompanied by hesitations, justifications, etc. and nor are they evaluated as dispreferred by the participants.
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