aient After Rock Excursion, Branford Is Back To Jazz week off from Herbie Hancock's "Royal Garden Blues," due for re- Sting's "The Dream Of The Blue For "Romances For Saxophone," BY JIM BESSMAN band, which he joined shortly after lease in September. Turtles" album and ensuing tour. which he says was CBS Master- NEW YORK Following his highly Sting's worldwide tour climaxed Meanwhile, CBS Masterworks Marsalis says he joined Sting's works' idea, Marsalis chose the bulk selec- visible 18 -month recording and tour- with the Amnesty International has issued Marsalis' debut classical experimental project after reaching of the material. Included are ing stint with Sting and a brief for- benefit concerts. set, "Romances For Saxophone," a "saturation point" in his jazz ca- tions from Debussy, Faure, Rach- ay into classical music, Branford Marsalis plans to stay with Han- currently No. 6 on Billboard's Top reer brought on by years of touring maninoff, and Stravinsky. Marsalis has returned to his jazz cock for several more weeks, after Classical Albums chart. The album with the likes of Art Blakey, Lionel "Most classical music written for base with a vengeance. which he will perform various jazz was recorded in London with the Hampton, Clark Terry, and brother the sax sucks," says the outspoken The saxophonist recently com- gigs with such artists as David San- English Chamber Orchestra in May Wynton Marsalis. musician. pleted his second jazz album for Co- born and pianist Ronnie Matthews. 1985 during a three -day break from "You come to a point where you "It has no soul, and the French lumbia, "Royal Garden Blues," at Marsalis will then be putting to- filming "Bring On The Night," the can't tell if you're getting better or way of playing, with altissimo is RCA Studio A in New York during a gether his own band to back up documentary on the making of worse, so you have to move away," notes, fast vibrato, and thin tone, says Marsalis, noting that while the too stiff and not romantic, contrary "rock'n'roll gig" might have made to popular belief," adds Marsalis. his playing "technically worse," it The artist, who had a broad musi- led to creative renewal from a "con- cal education, leaned toward jazz af- ceptual" standpoint. ter he heard Wayne Shorter on Waite Heads Bill To Help Homeless Kids He adds, however, that after Miles Davis' "Nefertiti." eight months on the road with Sting Although he has a three -album he tired of playing rock. deal with CBS Masterworks, Marsa- Kiss Puckers Up For 21st Album "It was very restricting." "As a lis does not expect to perform live in by Steve Gett lease for the record. also considering an endorsement jazz player in a rock situation, you a classical context. He will instead for Clairol. can't play 80% of your repertoire. focus on his jazz playing. MODEL CITIZEN: After his July We had to play the same parts every Among the musicians on his up- NEW YORK John Waite will 24 royal reception with Queen STAR- STUDDED: Marshall time-not what we felt." coming "Royal Garden Blues" al- headline the first in what promises Elizabeth at London's Bucking- Crenshaw, T. Bone Burnett, Dar- Marsalis says he found the bum are Hancock, bassist Ron Car- to be a series of concerts at Man- ham Palace on the occasion of his lene Love, and guitarist Vinnie "whole vibe of being a pop enter- ter, pianist and fellow Sting sup- hattan's Ritz club to combat the honorary knighthood, Bob Geldof Zummo (of the Zummos and Joe tainer" unsatisfying. "There's no porter Kenny Kirkland, drummer growing number of homeless chil- KBE came face to face with him- Jackson's band) are all featured channel of communication, no cama- Ralph Peterson, and pianist Ellis dren in New York City. self at Madame Tussaud's muse- on the second A &M album by criti- raderie, no sharing, unlike the jazz Marsalis, his father. The "Give Me Shelter" dates are um, where a wax model of the cally acclaimed songstress Marti community," he says. being organized by local talent Band Aid /Live Aid organizer was Jones. Nevertheless, Marsalis hopes the manager Michael Kerner, who unveiled. Recorded at New York's RPM experience with Sting -which he Unsurpassed in Quality was formerly the co -owner of the studios with Don Dixon produc- says occurred because Sting wanted downtown Be-Bop Cafe. SHORT TAKES I: PolyGram has ing, the still -untitled album is due musicians with the "sensibility" 28r The initial show will be held rush -released the single "Oh Sept. 2. Songs include Jones' rendi- needed to quickly follow his musical GLOSSY EACH IN Aug. 12. Waite, who is drumming Yeah" by the Swiss duo Yello. The tions of Elvis Costello's "Just A directions in making a record and up some special guests, will be Memory," Dwight Twilley's forming a touring band-will be re- 1000 LOTS joined on the bill by New York "Chance Of A Lifetime," and Da- peated in the future. He says Sting PHOTOS band Johnny & the Rox, actor An- vid Bowie's "Soul Love." has suggested it might happen 100 POSTCARDS s 25 again in two years. thony Michael Hall, Mercedes ON THE TEAT $34.95 Hall (Anthony's mom) & the All SHORT TAKES II: Frankie Valli Stars, and a Houdini-style escape Artist news, touring, & the Four Seasons, Tommy 11 'TUNA $108 artist. signings, venues ... for James & the Shondells, the Spin- For reviews of i lijN f'klNl per 100 Tickets are $15 and all proceeds, those who need to know ners, and the Righteous Brothers recent concerts including T-shirt sales, will go di- head the bill for the WPLJ New by the Monkees rectly to the New York-based Co- York -sponsored "Rock'n'Soul Spe- alition For The Homeless. Kerner song is featured in the Paramount cial" Tuesday (5) at New Jersey's and Youssou N'dour says he has received financial sup- Pictures movie "Ferris Bueller's Meadowlands Arena ... Iron ... see page 32 port from the Bugle Boy clothing Day Off" ... Billy Chinnock has Maiden launches its 1987 U.S. tour company and is looking to secure won a Daytime Emmy for best mu- Jan. 6 in Knoxville, Tenn. The Brit- promotion from a major radio sta- sical composition and direction ish metal quintet will play at least tion here. with "Somewhere In The Night" - 70 major cities to support its new Kerner hopes to present at least his theme tune for the NBC -TV Capitol album, "Somewhere In three more shows at the Ritz this soap "Search For Tomorrow" (Bill- Time," which ships next month ... year. He already has commitments board, June 14). Songs from soaps Word has it Madonna was origi- from tennis pro/budding musician obviously have a valuable built -in nally considered for Bette Midler's Vitas Gerulaitis, Paul Shaffer, market. Witness Carl Anderson & role as Danny DeVito's wife in Come home and a number of other top names Gloria Loring's Carrere single "Ruthless People" ... Compact for future "Give Me Shelter" con- "Friends And Lovers" (from disk freaks in Manhattan should from the studio. certs. "Days Of Our Lives "), which is check out the fine selection of im- Come home to a Manhattan hotel that is really like your "It all hinges on the success of bulleted on the Hot 100 ... New ports at the two Vinyl Mania stores own apartment on Central Park. Around the corner from to the the first one," says Kerner. "But York was first, then came Chica- Cyndi Lauper returns L ncoln Center and minutes to the things that are impor- a of I'm very optimistic -we can't just go-now London has its own Lime- road next month with series tant to you in New York City. And, while we recently have rely on the megaevents to raise light club. Rod Stewart, Robert Australian and Japanese concerts lavished millions on our guestrooms and suites. we rockers whose money for charity. The number of Plant, Jimmy Page, Chrissie Glam- Pharoah, pride ourselves most on our traditions: personal ser- in New Twins, debut indie album, "First Strike," homeless kids -not just Hynde, the Thompson vice: prompt and courteous attention gracious hospi- York frightening, and I hope Spandau Ballet, and members of has just emerged, showcase at -is tality: and good value. The Mayflower Hotel. 61st St. & people in other cities will start or- Sigue Sigue Sputnik and Frankie New York's Cat Club Wednesday New York 10023. See your travel ganizing things like this." Goes To Hollywood were on hand (6) ... Jackson Browne and ZZ Central Park West. for the recent launch of the night- Top have U.K. tours set for Octo- agent or call toll -free 800- 223 -4164 or 212 -265 -0060. KISSED OFF: Taking the makeup spot, located in a deconsecrated ber ... After appearing at Farm Telex: 4972657 Mayflow. off was one thing -but kissing 19th -century Welsh Presbyterian Aid II, Judy Collins makes her Po- Kiss goodbye? No way, says Gene church in the heart of the West lyGram debut with the single Hotel Simmons after rumors-and an in- End ... Look for David Lee Roth's "Moonfall" b/w "Never The The Mayflower accurate photo caption in Bill- guitarist, Steve Vai, to release his Luck" -both songs are from the right on New York's Central Park board's July 26 issue -suggested debut solo album on Capitol next Tony Award -winning Broadway that he had quit the band.
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