Cuiribh sràc an seo ma tha sibh nur n-oileanach làn-thìde Fàilte gu Ìle is Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle Tick here if you are a full-time student ies uim Tha Ìle ainmeil airson uisge-beatha, eòin agus seallaidhean brèagha, mastery of the waves. Its later history is tied to the MacDonalds, the coming residents and admire for er of hal Ch ach tha fada a bharrachd ann. Nuair a thàinig na Gàidheil, ’s ann a dh’Ìle Campbell overlordships, the Clearances, and emigration. It is estimated yourself its stunning beauty. S S C ill h ad e a thàinig iad agus b’e seo prìomh eilean na h-Alba fad linntean. Tha from the last census records that around 1,800 people on Islay have Our seashore base here at Ionad A o Tha mi airson clàradh air a’ chùrsa: Ì eachdraidh gu leòr anns a h-uile sgìre, agus bidh cothrom ann dhuibh some command of Gaelic and the language is very much in evidence Chaluim Chille Ìle (translated as The n le I wish to register for the course: o seo ionnsachadh anns na h-àiteachan far an do thachair e. Tha sinn gu when you travel around. Bowmore, Lagavulin, Laphroaig, Caol Ila, Columba Centre Islay) was opened in August 2002 as a Centre for Gaelic r I mòr an dòchas gum bi na cùrsaichean goirid Gàidhlig, cùird is ciùil air am language and heritage on Islay. The old fever hospital at Gartnatra was Fiosrachadh air na t Ardbeg, Bruichladdich and Bunnahabhain – all Gaelic names which are mìneachadh sa chlàr seo tarraingeach dhuibh, agus gun tig sibh còmhla also celebrated classics of the whisky world. Most are still in production renovated and the new building now offers teaching rooms, library, Cùrsaichean Goirid C ruinn gus faighinn a-mach gu bheil barrachd ceangail eadar Ìle agus cuid and welcome visitors to watch the production process and, even better, childcare facility, meeting rooms, broadcasting facilities, computer room eile Alba na shaoileadh sibh. Agus o chionn ’s nach e obair a-mhàin a bhios sample their delights. and exhibition space. The Centre also offers Gaelic courses at all levels Gàidhlig – o Air na cinn-là: On the dates: romhaibh, gheibh sibh cothrom coinneachadh ris na h-Ìlich fhèin agus rud We very much hope that there is something in our programme of short and Gaelic-medium higher education in partnership with the Gaelic Gaelic Course Guidance beag den eilean phrìseil seo fhaicinn mar a tha e san là an-diugh. courses in Gaelic, crafts and music to inspire you to visit Islay – all of College Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on the Isle of Skye and as a partner in the u Dh’fhosgail Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle faisg air Bogha Mòr san Lùnastal which will also give you the opportunity to meet with the island’s wel- UHI Millennium Institute. Gaelic classes are offered at five levels, and both the 2002 mar Ionad Dualchais agus Cànan na Gàidhlig. Chaidh seann ospadal Speaking Our Language course levels and the Higher Still r Ìre (Cùrsaichean Gàidhlig a-mhàin): aig Gart na Trà ùrachadh airson an Ionaid ùir agus a-nis tha goireasan ùra Clàr nan Cùrsaichean Goirid 2005 – 2005 Short Course Timetable levels are used as a guide. Instruction will be given through s Level (Gaelic Courses only): ann mar seòmraichean teagaisg, leabharlann, cròileagan, seòmraichean the medium of Gaelic as much as possible, and Gaelic learn- cruinneachaidh, goireasan craobh-sgaoilidh, coimpiutarlann agus àite- Ceann-latha (Diluain gu Dihaoine) Ainm a’ Chùrsa Neach-Teagaisg ing books and tapes are available for private study. Emphasis e in classes will be on spoken Gaelic, therefore students with taisbeanaidh. Tha an t-Ionad cuideachd a’ cur cùrsaichean-goirid is Dates (Monday to Friday) Course Title Tutor a good command of written Gaelic may find that a lower lev- s How would you describe your ability in Gaelic? (if applicable) Cùrsaichean Goirid 2005 foghlam àrd ìre air dòigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an compàirt ris a’ Cholaisde Ghàidhlig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig san Eilean Sgitheanach agus mar 6 An t-Òg-mhìos • 6th June Beginners Gaelic Mairead Anna MacTaggart el than the guidelines suggest is appropriate in order to raise Short Courses 2005 phàirt de OGE nam Mìle Bliadhna. speaking skills. Where two levels run on the same week, students Cathy Woodrow/ can move up or down if necessary. Post-Beginners Gaelic 13 An t-Òg-mhìos • 13th June Lorraine Ferguson Beginners’ Gaelic Lower Intermediate Gaelic Sìne NicEalair Prospective students are expected to have no or virtually no knowledge of Gaelic. They should achieve a level of competence Upper Intermediate Gaelic Daibhidh Grant 20 An t-Òg-mhìos • 20th June approximating: Advanced Gaelic Mairead Mackechnie 1. Level 1 Speaking Our Language How would you describe your playing/dancing/singing ability? (Dihaoine 1mh-Didòmhnaich 3mh) 2. Access 3 (Higher Still) Traditional Basket Weaving Tom O’ Brien 3. Three sets of evening classes (if applicable) (Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd) Post-beginners’ Gaelic Gaelic for Gaeilge Speakers Mark Wringe 11 An t-Iuchar • 11 July Prospective students should have previous knowledge of the following Gaeilge for Gaelic Speakers Éamonn Ó Dónaill as a minimum: personal information, likes/dislikes, asking for food and Beginners Gaelic Lorraine Ferguson drink, discussing the weather and events, use of “Tha” and “’S e”. 18 An t-Iuchar • 18th July They should achieve a level of competence approximating: Piping for all Abilities James MacLean 1. Book Two Speaking Our Language/Level 2 programmes 19 -23 Post-Beginners Gaelic Libby Morris 2. Intermediate 1/Standard Grade 4 - 6 25 An t-Iuchar • 25th July Welcome to Islay and The Columba Centre Lower Intermediate Gaelic Niall Oliver 3. Six sets of evening classes Please return this form along with your deposit to: Upper Intermediate Gaelic Mary Henderson Lower Intermediate Gaelic Lorraine Ferguson With a population today of approximately 3,200, the Isle of Islay is 1 An Lùnastal • 1st August known the world over for its wildlife and its incomparable whiskies. Advanced Gaelic Mairead Mackechnie Prospective students should have previous knowledge of the following The Columba Centre The Island also boasts a host of archaeological and historic sites dating as a minimum: Past and future tense, use of “faod”, giving instructions Fiddle Simon Moran and simple descriptions. They should achieve a Bowmore back to antiquity, as well as a score or more of early Christian and 8 An Lùnastal • 8th August Norse Viking settlements. The 9th-c Kildalton Cross harkens back to Piano Accompaniment and Tune Playing Mhàiri Hall level of competence approximating: Isle of Islay Iona and to the beginnings of Scottish Christianity. Islay was once the 1. Level 2 Speaking Our Language PA43 7LN powercentre of the great medieval kingdom of the Lords of the Isles Traditional Step-Dancing John Sikorski & Fiona Dalgetty 2. Intermediate 2/Standard Grade 1 - 3 22 An Lùnastal • 22nd August Ionad Chaluim and, during that period, held sway over the North Sea-roads and vied Traditional Gaelic Song Ishbel MacAskill Scotland Chille Ìle with English, Irish, Scandinavian, and Scottish kings and chieftains for Upper Intermediate Gaelic Cùrsaichean eile aig A deposit of £50 is required for each course booked. Tea and coffee Please return completed registrations to Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle at the A’ tighinn a dh’ Ìle Foirm Iarrtais Chùrsaichean Goirid 2005 Prospective students should have previous knowledge of the following are available to buy at the Centre for the duration of your course. The address overleaf. Confirmation of your course booking and a registration O LE F Rhuvaal Registration Card S IS Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle I T as a minimum: Stating intention by using “airson”, expressing hopes and Centre does not operate catering facilities, but a summer café (July pack will then be sent to your nominated address. Getting toL Islay h e Ainm/Name E A S o Y Nave Island expectations, using “bhios”, “bhitheadh”, irregular verbs and compara- & August) normally operates in the building serving tea/coffee and a Should you wish to contact the Centre for further details, please u H Other Courses available at n d T Ardnave Bunnahabhain o tives. They should achieve a level of competence approximating: light menu of sandwiches and home-baking. A selection of cafés and ask for Lorraine Ferguson on tel/fax: +44 (0)1496 810818. f Kilinallan I Sanaigmore t s r Bay Ardnahoe l Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle a a n 1. Book 3 Speaking Our Language hotels is available one mile down the road in Bowmore. The Centre e-mail: [email protected] i y Sanaigmore u r B Caol 8 G Finlaggan Trust From September 2005, the Centre will welcome a new intake of VISITORS' MAP design: Ileach, Bowmore 0 Visitor Centre Ila 1 h Persabus 2. Higher Gaelic (Learners) does not as yet have facilities for student accommodation, but details 8 (Ancient Seat of 1 c Keills P Aois/Age (if under 18) The Lords of the Isles) P o students onto its longer courses which are taught solely through the L Port Ballinaby Carnduncan Askaig on accommodation options on Islay will be sent to you upon registering Saligo Bay 7 1 Atlantic 01 Aoradh Ballygrant Advanced Gaelic B8 RSPB Visitor Coullabus Ballimartin medium of Scottish Gaelic and being situated on the west cost of Islay, Ocean Loch Gorm Centre 7 1 0 for a particular course. Alternatively, students are welcome to make Coull 8 Scarrabus B80 18 B F R Drolsay e r Foreland r Prospective students should have knowledge of the following: Use 6 y 4 R Sorn b students have a wonderful opportunity to study in a unique learning 8 e Beinn Dhu Kilchoman A847 A tw Kentraw Carnain 1 Islay e their own accommodation arrangements through the local Tourist Machir e n P P Woollen Mill Bay K Storakaig e n of passives, prepositional possessives, and genitive case.
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