Hoover Press : Machan (Equality) DP5 HPEQUAINDX 05-06-01 rev1 page 123 abolition of classes, 24–25 “Basis of Equity, The” Philosophy 75 absolute egalitarianism, 25, 27. See also (Cupit), 64n9 absolute equality Bell Curve, The,30 absolute equality, 9, 25, 63n7; Bell, Joshua, 57 comparison of, 26 table; Conspiracy benefits and harms,distribution of, xii, of the Equals, and, 23; critics of, 25; xviii egalitarian view of, 63–65; liberty Benn, Stanley, 73 and, 25 Bentham, 23 Agreement at Putney, 8n4 Berlin, Isaiah, xxii, xxiii, 11, 43n4 American Revolution, 8 Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), Anabaptists, 7, 9 61n1, 65n13, 66n16 Anarchy, State, and Utopia (Nozick), Bonnet, 13 xivn10 Britain, xiii ancien re´gime, 57 British empiricism, 12 Anti-Duhring (Marx), 25n15 British Revolution, 8, 12 antiegalitarianism, 2 Burckhardt, 25 anti-individual, 32–33 Aristotle, 2–3, 4, 6, 13 Augustine, 4 Cabanis, 11, 13 autonomy, 29, 32 Calvinism, 7, 9 Canada, 56, 57 Career of Philosophy, The (J. H. Babeuf, Grachus, 23 Randall), 12n8 Bacon, Francis, 18 “Caring Relations and Principles of basic rights, 41, 109; natural ranking Justice,” Controversies in Feminism with respect to, xxii (Held), 78n54 Hoover Press : Machan (Equality) DP5 HPEQUAINDX 05-06-01 rev1 page 124 124 / Index “Case for Animal Rights, The,” In Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Defense of Animals (Regan), 77n52 Reader (Marx), 69n24 “Chance, Equity, and Social Justice,” Rending and Renewing the Social Order (Platt), 63n6 d’Alembert, 11, 18 Christian equality, 3–5; Reformation Dark Side of the Left: Illiberal influence on, 7 Egalitarianism in America, The Christianity, 7; dedivinization of the (Ellis), 81n66 state by, 4; Hebrew notion from “Date Rape: The Feminist Construct Genesis and, 3; liberty and, 7; That’s Harmful to Women,” politics and, 4; Stoic doctrine and, 3 Contemporary Philosophy (Klein), 87n82 Chronicle of Higher Education Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of (Bergmann), 94n106 Morality (Nietzsche), 85n77 Church, Christian liberty within, 4; De l’Esprit (Helvetius), 18 equality and, 7; hierarchical de Nemours, Dupont, 18 conception of, 4; Protestant attack on De Tocqueville, Alexis, 25, 69 hierarchy in, 6–7; recognition by the Declaration of Independence, xxii, 67; state of, 4 limited egalitarianism in, xxii, 72; classical individualism, xiii treatment as equals under, 98 Classical Individualism: The Supreme “Definition of Male and Female: Importance of Each Human Being Biological Reproductionism and the (Machan), xiiin6 Sanctions of Normality,” Feminist coercive egalitarianism; personal Knowledge: Critique and Construct autonomy vs., xiv (Kaplan and Rogers), 71n31 collectivized child-rearing, xii Deism, 12 Communism, 47; first seeds of, 66 Democracy in America (De “Conclusion: A Note on Essentialism Tocqueville), 69, 70n27 and Difference,” Feminist Knowledge: “Demythologizing the Poor,” Liberty Critique and Construct (Grosz), and Culture, 90n96 81n67 Descartes, 6 Condillac, 11, 13, 14 determinism, free will vs., 14 Condorcet, 11 d’Holbach, 11 Constitution, 67–68; gender Diderot, 18, 22 differences under, 70 “Difference and Dominance,” Constitution of Liberty, The (Hayek), Feminism Unmodified (MacKinnon), 114n8 81n65 contemporary feminism, 62 Diggers, 8–9 Copernicus, 6 Discours sur le bonheur (Mettrie), 14 Corinthians 8:13–14, 66 Discourse on the Origins of Inequality Craig v. Boren, 72n37, 78, 78n58 (Rousseau), 22 “Criticizing the Feminist Critique of “Do Animals Have Rights?” Objectivity,” Reason Papers 18 Contemporary Moral Problems (Klein), 78n56, 84n74 (Machan), 77n53 “Critique of the Gotha Programme,” Doakes, Jim, 41 Hoover Press : Machan (Equality) DP5 HPEQUAINDX 05-06-01 rev1 page 125 Index / 125 doctrine of natural rights, Hobbes and, “Egalitarianism an the Equal 10; Locke and, 10–11; origin of, 10 Consideration of Interests,” Concepts “Domesticating Nietzsche: A Response in Social and Political Philosophy to Mark Warren,” Political Theory 27 (Benn), 73n41 (Abbey and Appel), 95n108 “Egalitarianism and Responsibility,” “Dropping Men’s Teams to Comply Journal of Ethics 3, 62n3 with Title IX,” Chronicle of Higher “Egalitarianism and the Equal Education (Monaghan), 90n93 Consideration of Interests” (Benn), Dutch Revolution, 8 75n47 Dworkin, Ronald, xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xxiii, “Egalitarianism versus Utilitarianism,” 69n25, 75, 101n2; egalitarian theory Utilitas (Binmore), 63n4 of, xiv; proposed use of government Emasculating of the American Mind: and, xiv; rights-based egalitarianism How Feminism Has Enabled of, 79; types of rights and, 79 Mediocrity, The (Klein), 64n10 English Civil War, 8 Enlightenment, 17 economic equality, 24; loss of Enlightenment Project, 21, 29; atheism economic benefits under, 25–26; and, 12; axiological element and, 13; political equality and, 23 axiological problem for, 16; egalitarian justice, feminist notion of, countercurrent to, 22–23; denial of 82–83 self and, 16–17; difficulties of, 21– egalitarianism, xi, 57, 99, 105, 107; absolute equality and, 63; beauty 22; endorsement of liberal culture and, 59; Christian equality and, 7; and, 17–18; epistemological element classifications of, 73; conservatives of, 13, 14; Hume, David on, 21–22; and, xiii; definition of, 62; Dworkin, influential philosophers of, 11; Ronald approach to, xiii–xv; metaphysical element of, 13, 14, 16; economic effects of, xx; elitist notions origin of, 11–12; original intent of, of, xxi; feminism and, 64n11, 84; 17; philosophical elements of, 13; forms of, 65n12; ideal of, xvi; philosophies of, 11; psychology and, individual autonomy and, xx; 15, 16; Randall, J. H. and, 12; inequalities and, xxiv; legal equality rejection of status quo and, 15; and, 68; libertarianism and, 45; theism and, 15; transformation of National Public Radio and, xxi; rights conception, 20–21; Voltaire nature and, 58; philosophical and, 12 difficulties with, xv; political and Enlightenment Project in the Analytic moral crusade for, xviii; problems Conversation, The (Capaldi), 11n6 with underlying assumptions of, xvi; Enquiry Concerning the Principles of radical aims of, xii–xiii; Rawls, John Morals (Hume), 21 approach to, xv–xvii; rights and, 44, environmental determinism, 14 59, 79; social circumstances and, xvi; “Environmental Egalitarianism and sociopolitical questions of, 62–65; ‘Who do you Save?’” Environmental spectrum of, 62; theories of, xiv, 73; Values 6 (Michael), 62n3 Unger, Peter and, xviii; wealth and, equal opportunity, 52; distributive 58–59. See also equality justice and, 53; duty to extend, 54; Hoover Press : Machan (Equality) DP5 HPEQUAINDX 05-06-01 rev1 page 126 126 / Index equal opportunity (continued) 105–9; Protestant Reformation government contradictions under, period and, 5–11; resources and, 55–56; preparing for, 54; proponents 101–3, 105; right to, 43, 47–51; of, 54–55; right to take advantage of, Roman stoics’ assertion of, 3; 55–56. See also equality Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, and, 22; “Equal Pay for Equal Work,” 50 social-scientific origin of, 14; Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 72, teleological system and, 16; tension 72n37, 79 between liberty and, 113–5; value in equal treatment, right to, 47–51 determination of, 100, 102–3, 104, equality, 1, 63, 68; ancient world and, 107; welfare under, 99–101, 105; 2; Aristotle’s perception of, 2–3; women and, 70, 82–83, 86, 88 Bentham and, 23; Berlin, Isaiah, view “Equality” (Lucas), 64n8 of, xxii–xxiii; biological differences “Equality” (Pojman), 65n12, 65n14, and, 81, 84; burdens under, 106; 73n42 classical and modern viewpoints of, Equality (Tawney), 31n16 5–6; conceptions of, 98; conflicting “Equality: A Plethora of Theories,” views on, 27; crime and, 119; Journal of Philosophical Research 24 Declaration of Rights of 1789, 23; (Pojman), 63n7 distributive justice and, 53; economic Equality and Plurality (May, Sistare, welfare under, 99–100; employer/ and Schonsheck), 36n2 employee relationship and, 51; “Equality, Efficiency, and the Priority enforcement of, 59; essence of of the Worse-Off,” Economics and justice and, 62; fairness and, 52, 74, Philosophy 16 (Valentine), 73n40 xii; feminist theorizing on, 63–64; “Equality, Moral and Social,” French Revolution and, 23; Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Benn), government influence and law on, 50; 66n18 Hegel and, 23; ideals of, 97; Equality and Liberty: A Defense of inconsistent notions of, 74; issue of Radical Egalitarianism (Nielsen), poverty and, 32; Kant, Immanuel, 36n2, xiin2 and, 22–23; labor under, 106–7; lack “Equality as an Ideal,” Proceedings of of fundamental right to, 36; law and, the Aristotelian Society (Berlin), 118; Marxist theorizing of, 68; xxiiin21 measurement of, 99, 100; “Equality,” Concepts in Social and mechanical/deterministic system Political Philosophy (Lucas), 63n7 and, 16; medieval world and, 3–5; equality of condition, 69 moral and social responsibility for, equality of human nature, 18 xvii; moral status of, xxiii; negative equality of opportunity, 29; rights and, 46; normative concept of, measurement of, 103–4 1, 27–28; opportunity under, 103–5; equality of rights, Nietzsche on, 65 organic and hierarchical conception equity, as difference, 86–87, 92–93, of, 2; origin of, 3–5; participatory 96; feminist accounts of, 74; democracy and, 18; Plato’s Republic interpretation of, 67; liberty and, 63; and, 2; political and social debate on, notion of, 67 1–2; production problem under, Escape from Leviathan (Lester), 38n3 Hoover Press : Machan (Equality) DP5 HPEQUAINDX 05-06-01 rev1 page 127 Index / 127 ethical individualism, Dworkin, market economy and, 91–92, 93–94; Ronald,
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