IF) International Extended essay cover Baccalaureate Candidates must complete this page and then give this cover and their final version of the extended essay to their supervisor. ~ . - · ~ Candidate session number Candidate name I \___..;I School number I , ~ School name j Examination session (May or November) .I Year I PlAY r 2o /2 Diploma Programme subject in which this extended essay is registered·l,[ i<..,"f/!J'L (<. g. HI!A /"1(.,' VLA r ,~ L (For an extended essay in the area of languages, state the language and whether it is group 1 or group 2.) Title of the extended essay: rHE (OF[Yd'AT£ Ci iL-7CiJ Alvj) LlA!>J:!.\If;p !- \'! t 6 1 /ItA AI'l l ! f "Lk t.. \ iitf/ I C.. !7!. Aro /P, ~ ll n 1T TI £, (( t/Cl'!i n ,TtL[ '< Candidate's declaration This declaration must be signed by the candidate; otherwise a grade may not be issued. The extended essay I am submitting is my own work (apart from guidance allowed by the International Baccalaureate). I have acknowledged each use of the words, graphics or ideas of another person, whether written, oral or visual. I am aware that the word limit for all extended essays is 4000 words and that examiners are not required to read beyond this limit. This is the final version of my extended essay. Candidate's signature: International Baccalaureate, Peterson House, ----------Malthous.e Avenue C;m!iff G:=!IP. r.r~rrliff W:=!IP.s r.F?~ RGI l JnitP.rl Kinndnm __________ Supervisor's report and declaration The superv1sor must complete th1s report, s1gn the declaration and then give the final vers1on of the extended essay. with this cover attached. to the Diploma Programme coordinator. Name of supervisor (CAPITAL letters) Please comment, as appropriate. on th callwodLt: .:s fJt:flurnranct:. me r:;ome m wmcrr utt: candidate undertook the research for the extended essay, any difficulties encountered and how these were overcome (see page 13 of the extended essay guide). The concludmg interview (viva voce) may provide useful mformation. These comments can help the exammer award a level for criterion K (holistic Judgment). Do not comment on any adverse personal circumstances that may have affected the candidate. If the amount of time spent with the candidate was zero, you must explain th1s, m particular how it was then possible to authenticate the essay as the candidate's own work You may attach an additional sheet ifthere is insufficient space here Supervisor's report research and writing working process on this essay has beeQ_ ve~ His research and writing on this essay began in the summer of 2011 and was submitted the 4th of October 2011. Thus, all of the research and analyses in the essay about the significance of Steve Job's leadership and corporate culture for Apple's succes was \ ~ l\completed before the death of Steve Jobs (the 5th of October 2011 ) and the flood of new : J / information about the inner workings of Apple that foll owed his death - most notably the V v "\( biography on Steve Jobs by Walther Isaacson. In my view th is makes very thorough Afh research and analyses on Apple -~ hi c h is both an extremely hyped, and the same time 1 v l very secretive co mpany -~ve n more i mpressfv~. During the supervision process, we discussed several times the problems of finding sources with real knowledge about the inner wo rkings of Ap ple. As evident in the essay, was not satisfied with the mostly quite superficial mainstream busin ess books and articles available at the time, but took his ./ research several steps further by consulting a wide range of less obvious sources, ranging from tech blogs on the internet to business case mate ri al produced by Harvard Business §_gho.o.l. During my supervision sessions with I noticed how thi s wide research - process fruitfully affected the developm ent of the analyses and concl usions based on the Business and Managment syllabus. Finally, I have no doubt that this essay is solely the work of , and that no plagiarism is involved This declaration must be signed by the supervisor· otherwise a grade may not be issued. I have read the final vers1on of the extended essay that w1ll be submitted to the exammer. To the best of my knowledge, the extended essay is the authentic work of the candidate. I spent G:J hours with the dldate dLscussm e progress of the extended essay Supervisor's signature r .f ., tt l' -I-t,.. (//t/1 r\ ; o r v1./' f//v,;l I ~ ...r .,......( I' ,; lf (' 1:./;' ';( c..t/ I r .. \ )).. p ~J ~ ( ;A/W'P (;.f Pc c;._ vc, ( r V": I/' t/ 1 ~ l~ }4 ·11 14: t I p ~ V\1\..- 16 ~ --ftc~( fJ'v c) ,we 1 ~/iV / I} ( f/, J I rJ \) ) I Assessment ,f?rm (for examiner use only) (;(~ ""1?~ (~ v ~V! J ' . iJ \; / Candidate session number 't""' I I , ) 111 .. ' (, rt,c To( ~ ;d ~chievement level t J ~,\ Criteria C V\ kJ Examined 1 maximum Examiner 2 maximum A research question ~ v 2 D ~ J B introduction ~/ 2 D C investigation @]~ 4 D D knowledge and understanding [] ~ 4 D E reasoned argument w 4 D F analysis and evaluation [0/ 4 D G use of subject language CJ '- 4 D H conclusion 1 [[] / 2 D I formal presentation QJJ 4 D J abstract 0 2 II K holistic judgment [] 4 L Total out of 36 [EI/ D D 1e of examiner 1. ----'--;----.._,="""""-=========.--- Examiner number: =========;-__, )ITAL letters) 1e of examiner 2. -------J .,____ Examiner number )ITAL letters) 1e of examiner 3: __________________ Examiner number: _______ )ITAL letters) ) { I \ ( IB Cardiff use only: B: A: f) IB Cardiff use only: ------ Extended Essay in Business & Management The Corporate Culture and Leadership of Apple, Inc. To what extent can ~pple, Inc.'s suc~b'e attributed to its) 1n corporate culture and Steve Jobs' leadership style? LJ__ ~ vJO v.j{ \{L. Gv4~ __ wJ r c :I ~~·"'-~·; I 1~ A . '- I ~ .g , b 1 ( ~c· 'I Y "' vv'·""·j ('t..-r-~ r,......rf~~ 7 ~~ Date: October 4 th , 2011 Exam Session: May 2012 Supervisor: Word Count:C3938 ) / Name: Extended Essay - Business & Management Abstract The objective of this essay is to answer the research question "to what extent can Apple, ~ Inc.'s success be attributed to its corporate culture and Steve Jobs' leadership style?" This question is answered by applying Business and Management theory to Apple's ..---- -- corporate culture and Steve Jobs' leadership style, and then analysing this theory to find the role of these factors in Apple's success. The information required to apply this theory r mes predominantly t~m seco~ sour;;: v These sources showed that Apple has a corporate culture that is seen as highly motivational for employees as they are pushed to do their best:-This culture places the aesthetics and user experience as some of the most important parts of the final product/ service. The culture also helps motivate employees to create products that fit Apple's values, which allows the company to market its products well. j I The sources also sho~d that this corporate culture (which is a crucial part of Apple) stems from- its previous CEO, Steve Jobs. He founded the company and managed to integrate his ideals and values into the corporate culture through his authoritarian leadership style. Consumers respond very well to products based on these values (good design and usability), and since these values have become a core part of the company, they are responsible for a large part of Apple's success. This essay concludes that Apple's corporate culture has been the driving force behind (__ ~ Apple's successful products, and without Steve Jobs' leadership style this culture would not be as apparent. Therefore, both factors have been crucial to Apple's current success. J 2 Extended Essay - Business & Management Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Methodology 5 Theory Used 5 Body 6 Background 6 Application of Theory 8 Organizational structure 8 Leadership Style 11 Corporate culture 13 Motivation I Communication 14 The Importance of Apple's Leadership and Culture 16 Conclusion 19 Bibliography 20 Appendix A 24 ( 3 Extended Essay - Business & Management Introduction In this extended essay, I will answer the research question "to what extent can Apple, Inc.'s success be attributed to its corporate culture and Steve Jobs' leadership style?". In a 1 short time, Apple has gone from an "underdog" business to a market leader • Apple is successful not only in the computer market, but also in the tablet, smartphone, media 2 player and media store markets • Apple's products don't only cater to consumer desires, but help fo~m, and so they have an effect on the whole mark~ . For other technology businesses, it is worth the effort to-examine Apple as they p1ay a large role in most of the markets they enter/ I will be looking at Apple predominantly in the context of the human resources topic of the ~ Business and Management syllabus. While doing the early research for Ws"" e~s~y' it became clear that Apple's organizational structure and culture form a large part of its image and both are talked about often in the technology industry. Apple's products and services are the sources of its profits and success - the marketing of them is also very important, but the products themselves form the core of this success. For this reason I will focus on the management and culture of the research & development areas of Apple, as they are the source of Apple's products and services.
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