jGeorge Sanders, says: “Never 1 THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. again. I've had it. I'm very Boys Broke Windows Britons Can Visit U. S. A-43 happy this way, lonely.” never Now Bringing Dollars tbagjay Wnrnw AIR-COWPiHOMiP Here's part of the answer to To Make Patterns i m my question as to why Robert LONDON, June 5 (,P).—British HOLLYWOOD Pour boys who told police they Donat does not come to Holly- tourists have been given the all- and smashed $1,460 worth of win- CHILI ' . ..v jnrfP wood. "When he refused to clear to take vacations In Amer- MlhMwL BURT KIRK By SHEILAH come here in 1935 for at the Washington GRAHAM to star dows new ica * ‘Captain with some dollars in their LANCASTER Warners in Blood,” Hospital Center over the week poekets. DOUGLAS TAMALES they sued him for $400,000,” a charged Monday -HAL WALLIS’ Wc Hava S«rv*d Ov*r end, were with Up to now Britons have been dm* 10,000,000 telephone caller informed me. destruction private property. Bowie of Chili and of allowed to change £IOO ($280) MGUNnGHT 10.000,000 Tamolqi Sincq "As far as I know this is still Police boys, a 1900. pending." said the two 10- year into foreign currency—dol- O Porty's Show Went On With Donat out “Errol year-olds, one 11 and the other Orders to take out. Flynn was in. Until “Captain lars excepted —for touring \ o.k / (NANA).— 12, about 60 windows TgCHWICOLOR*cSiral*PaqadQ v g.cnjn Hollywood, replied, smashed V N» HOLLYWOOD ¦ films in he Blood" made him a star, Errol abroad. Peter Thorneycroft, J THE RANCH James Mason’s eight-year-old "I'm fascinated by the medium because they wanted to make Chancellor of the Exchequer, i 1 toiled ! told .fb\ vALLEY OF TWO FACES' as an extra. patterns r »*R»y CHUCKWAGON acting genius, Porty, • of broken glass. yester- jß2Wttt Aw BißaßAali » did her of motion pictures. It's the best ** * * the House of Commons TM 12th N MK *l*B4 “Playhouse 90” television stint , way to tell a story—better than Police said the boys told them day that this allowance “will be Opr a Every l)m» Put Sunday When Lizbeth Scott entered j with a case of measles. She i the theater, television, or even a; they threw stones at the windows ; available in the future for travel couldn't be substituted for, be- novel. In this America’ series the recording room, where Elvis to see if they could break them ! to the dollar area.” cause her understudy had ’em i I'm pulling no punches. I'm just' Presley was bellowing his best, into shapes of faces and figures. ~ too! With regular make-up i showing the world America as The boys were released to their r " he stopped, called to “Hey , TODAYI 7 men wary of making up > really her. parents pending appearance the mop- it is. Brandon de Wilde in baby, come here!” He kissed Liz in pet, Mother Pamela covered the ! ’Missouri Traveler," for instance, ft.- Juvenile Court. ; 2 SHOWS !-> and said, “now you sit down till r 2 I spots with pancake. is what 1 think the American Mai 00-tva 1:30 ¦ I'm through.” And she did. ACTRESS DIVORCED— _ J Universal-International, which i boy of 15 is, not a teen-age Agent Henry Willson named Janls Paige alts In court at took over distribution of the • rebel.” his new discovery, actor Bill Santa Monica, Calif., yes- yyfIANN PERRI I backlog, * SEVEN WONDERS RKO is planning huge ** * 1 a Fanciullo, “Tod Manners.” "He’s campaign for the release ? terday waiting to testify in I ADDED! THE RAVIN SISTERS! I of Spotted Conway lunching another Rock Hudson,” said Diana Dors’ two pictures here. Tom her suit for divorce from -WORLD i N«| Bij Caii of Exotica! Comedy! O ; at Warner s, where he is work- Henry, who named Rock, John The second. “The Unholy Wife," Arthur M. Stander, pro- ALASTAIR SIM f t'amal.l. Show, kt S;00, 10:00, 13:00 ing in “Cheyenne” TV film. Saxon, Tab Hunter, and dis- Contlnuoa* Performance* with Rod Steiger, will be a ducer of her TV | re- ’ The last I'd of Tom he was covered Rhonda Fleming, Rory former '* GEORGE COLE TECHNICQiOR ¦ leased in October, before Diana’s heard iM k.MkVIOHkTS NOW OM Skll S ’ very ill Calhoun, Jon Hall and Julie show. She was granted ,11110 “I Married in Italy, followed by a MAILOCMkS HOWTIT M 4 a Woman” with operations Bishop. decree after >o» otuct o>m '.AM IQ'H’U W I . ' couple of tn Holly- the accusing George Gobel. U-I will also BURLESQUE Ain M LIVE “How did you pull When “The Pajama Game” Mr. Stander of being conoitionco DBo ex- I release Howard 'jwood. Hughes' pet through,” opens tonight in Vegas project. l I asked Tom. “Have Las the tremely Jealous and hav- : nwl “Jet Pilot’’—maybe in you party. - Una,; I | ever tried to kill snake”? Riviera will toss a pajama ————— kHli—im Ri September. flying epic a ing an uncontrollable tem- i>... This was ' he replied. Then, "the horses of Hosts Liberace and George Go- started more than 10 years ago per. They were married | my spirit were too swift for the bel will be wearing them. Lib's and it will be interesting to see January 18,1956 AP Wire- a ; frail chariot of my body.” Tom, | will be in the shape of a piano, it the Janet infant Leigh and the ! recently divorced, like brother no doubt. photo. young John Wayne. Not to men- tion the fashions and hairdos or that period. OUTSTANDING BUYS-AT THE BARNES & KIMEL CO. *** * Ricardo Montalban is up for a term contract at Warners, the result of his performance as the Japanese Kabuki dancer in Merit DRIVE-IN THEATERS . Films of More Than Routine “Sa*onarm." . And Judy Gar- land signed comedian Alan King AIRPORT —he’s “CARMEN JONES”—The Bizet classic heated up by Oscar Ham- in the Warner’s version of Open at 7:45 PM 'TALL T.“ Color. the Helen Morgan story, merstein. With Dorothy Dandridge and Harry Bellafonte. RANDOLPH SCOTT. RICHARD now BOONE. !> 08. Plua "DEATH OP A called “Both Ends of the Candle.” “THE SILENT WORLD”—Jacques Cousteau's brilliant docu- SCOUNDREL." C.EOROE SANDERS. ; YVONNE DeCARLO. at 10:30; Car- Guy Madison will make a pic- mentary of marine life in the waters of the Far East. toon Located In Arlington on Tl. S ture in Europe late this year. He Route 1. Just Over the 14th St a remarkably fresh Bridge Klda Proe. has been promising to take wife “FUNNY FACE”—An old musical is given Sheila to Ireland to visit her treatment by Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire. QUEENS CHAPEL family. way trip Hamilton 81.. Hyattsytlte. Mil. Kiddies This the will be “LUST FOR LIFE"—One of the best pictures of last year, with Free Playground. WALT DIBNEYB on the house Michael Kanki. "CINDERELLA. 8:85: JAMES STEW- Kirk Douglas in the role of Vincent Van Gogh. ART. JUNE ALLYSON. ‘'BTRATEOIC who has dramatized the Japanese AIR COMMAND.” 10:85. film hit. “Roshamon,” will stage “THE BAREFOOT CONTESSA”—A sizzling romance based upon it in London first—in the fall. , BRANCH DRIVE-IN the unquiet emotional life of Hollywood. Ava Gardner stars. RE. A-RAA6. Alt Ml. Be. of O. C. Line Pat Wayne, son of John, will at Cllnten. MS. Take Braaek Are. 8.1. “PICNIC”—You shouldn’t keep on missing this one with Kim iRt. 6) te Waterlee Rd. Torn Right star for C. V. Whitney in the ante Old Braark Are. IRte. sill third of his “America” Novak, William Holden and a corking cast generally. Drlre I Mile ta Theater. Kiddle. series—- Aiwa.. Free at Branek. “Frontier Frenzy”—“but the title SPENCER TRACY and BETTI DA- will VIS In ‘"M.onn YEARS IN SINO be changed because Itsounds SING ' 8:55; "ALCATRAZ ISLAND." like a Western and it isn’t,” the Stanley 10:3.'. Warner Theater* ROTH'S THEATERS Rt. I. E. personable “Sonny” Whitney All Stanley Warner Theaters Are Fr— Parting M.' LOEWS. SOr«-87*» told me at Warner Bros, studio, Air Canditioned. I NT. VEBNOH OPEN AIB where he is currently filming ROTH'S SILVER SPRING Richmond Hat. Soath es Ales. AMBASSADOR 8242 GNriia Awe. Jl 9-1 121. Opens 7:30 starts at Dusk DEBO- "Missouri Traveler." When I ‘ OUNFIOHT AT THE O K CORRAL.” LOREN RAH KERR. JOHN KKRR. 'TEA Lancaster. Kirk Douglas. SOPHIA at asked the why he Burt 12:45, ALAN LADD. WEPB AND SYMPATHY." 10:40 STIR- millionaire : 3:00. 5:15. 7:30. »:45. CLIFTON LINO HAYDEN. OAREN BOOTH. spends time and money making “BOY ON A DOLPHIN” ' TOP OUN." at f> a wo »«,*. AflileUnuAI ON Cann. Ave. N W. Last Day. 6. 7:55. 9:86 Kiddles Free. Free Miracle Playground SUNO CHAIRS. Dtiuz*. STACK CHAIRS. a..i.b B ADIF Sovonnoh St. at 13th St. S.E. duty vrquqht irgq qugffty Daily Matinees at 2:00 P.M. rftSß A fftm*. Premium Alumiuum imd wmJ mmUnHlm. CMm "BOY ON A DOLPHIN.” Alan Ladd. N#xt so Cofol tm JO 3-3233 SUNSET DRIVE-IN Story on the THAT a»‘k Cavtn. AiMrtgJ CsUrt. »f mtt * | Rgfmg Loren. 3:25. 4:45 uo. ft: 2o. Inside "confidential" "ALL HEAVEN ALLOWS." In ts attar.! bi«<k. CwNtnl bMk. SYLVESTER 7: mataalnea. VAN JOHNSON In Gorgeous Color. ROCK HUDSON.
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