THE oRTHODOX CHURCH IN AMERICA DIOCESE OF THE MIDWEST VIGIL VOLUME 23 • NUMBERs 1/2 • 2002 Bishop Job receives 147 former EOC faithful into Orthodox Faith His Beatitude, the Most Blessed Herman Archbishop of Washington INDIANA- dox Church” Metropolitan of All America and Canada POLIS, IN – while con- His Grace, tinuing their Bishop Job exploration Bishop Job attends of Chicago of Orthodox received in- Christianity. enthronement of to the Ortho- In 1987, dox Faith a some 2000 Metropolitan Herman total of 147 EOC clergy WASHINGTON, DC – His Grace, men, wo- and lay per- Bishop Job of Chicago was among the men, and sons were 25 bishops from around the world who children received into concelebrated at the enthronement of from two the Church His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman, communi- by the Anti- as Primate of the Orthodox Church in ties formerly ochian Arch- America at Saint Nicholas Cathedral associated diocese of here September 7-8, 2002. with a Prot- Bishop Job blesses one of the younger members of North Ame- The cathedral was filled beyond estant body former Indianapolis EOC community after chrismation of rica. The capacity for the Rite of Enthronement, known as over 100 converts. story of this which took place immediately after the the Evan- “first wave” singing of the Trisagion during the Lit- gelical Orthodox Church on July 10 of conversions to Orthodox Christian- urgy. Members of the Holy Synod of and 17, 2002. ity is documented in the Very Rev. Bishops led Metropolitan Herman to The reception of faithful from the Peter Gillquist’s widely read book, Be- the High Place, or bishop’s throne, di- former Holy Trinity EOC here and coming Orthodox. rectly behind the altar table. His Grace, Saint Stephen EOC, Crawfordsville, IN At the time, however, numerous Bishop Seraphim of Ottawa and concluded a journey which began in other congregations chose to remain Canada, Secretary of the Holy Synod the late 1960s, when several former affiliated with the EOC while main- of Bishops, read the Act of Election, Campus Crusade for Christ leaders, taining their commitment to continue after which prayers for the newly-en- seeking to find the ancient apostolic their journey to canonical Orthodox throned Metropolitan were offered. Fi- faith, broke with the para-Church EOC Christianity. Eventually, the Indiana nally, Metropolitan Herman was en- movement. In the 1970s, they founded faithful, together with the members of throned ‘in the Name of the Father, Son an association called “The New Cov- former EOC communities in Toccoa and Holy Spirit,’ with the hierarchs, enant Apostolic Order.” Eventually, and Woodstock, GA and Nicholasville, clergy and faithful exclaiming ‘Axios!’ the association grew to include some KY, who were received into the Church – ‘He is worthy!’ – three times.” 2,500 faithful in communities across by His Eminence, Archbishop Dmitri ENTHRONEMENT/ 11 the US. The movement’s leaders of Dallas and the South earlier this adopted the name “Evangelical Ortho- INDIANAPOLIS/ 7 2 23 • 1/2 • 2002 S P E C I A L A P P E A L THE vigil October 10, 2002 published by Martyrs Eulampios and Eulampia the diocese of the midwest No. 383 orthodox church in america His Grace, the Right Reverend JOB To the Reverend Clergy and All the Faithful of the Diocese of the Midwest: Bishop of Chicago and the Midwest 927 North LaSalle Beloved in the Lord, Chicago, IL 60610 Glory to Jesus Christ! 312/202-0420 I am writing to you with a very special and urgent request for financial assis- FAX 312/202-0427 tance that is needed by one of the priests of the Orthodox Church in America Father John Matusiak/ Editor and his family. They are Father Michael and Janet Mihalick and their teenaged Father Basil Aden/ Associate Editor daughter, Alexandra. Father Michael had been serving Saint Andrew parish in Send articles and photos to Dix Hills, New York, for many years when he was diagnosed with Multiple Scle- The Vigil Editorial Office rosis. The progression of the disease has been particularly rapid, and in Octo- One Wheaton Center #904 ber 2001, at the age of 51, he was forced to retire. He is now wheelchair-bound Wheaton, IL 60187 and needs constant assistance from his wife, even for his normal, daily per- 630/668-3071 • FAX 630/668-5712 sonal tasks. [email protected] The Mihalick’s are in dire financial need! Even with Father Michael’s pen- Send address corrections and sion and Social Security [based on a typically small priest’s salary over the changes to years], there is no way that they can cope with their material situation on their Johnson Printers, Attn. M. Cooper own. The Diocese of New York and new Jersey has collected money for them, 1007 Burlington Ave. and some good friends, Gregory and Lisa Uhrin of Claremont, New Hampshire, Downers Grove, IL 60515. received the blessing of Metropolitan Herman to spread the appeal to all of the Articles in The Vigil do not necessar- dioceses of the Orthodox Church in America. It is estimated that the Mihalicks ily reflect the opinions or policies of will need somewhere in the area of $60,000 to help them through the next two the Diocese of the Midwest. The pub- years. lisher and staff assume no responsi- bility for their contents. I am asking all of the faithful of the Diocese of the Midwest to contribute to this worthy cause. Parishes may wish to take a collection or organize a fund- raising event – this would be a very good project for youth organizations. Per- haps individuals will want to contribute on their own. The exact method of collection I will leave to the discretion of the various parish communities. Checks Address updates should be made payable to the Diocese of the Midwest, earmarked “Mihalick Fund.” In an effort to handle updates to “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or our diocesan mailing and subscrip- under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” we read in 2 Corinthians tion lists in a more efficient manner, we have outsourced this time con- 9:7ff. “And God is able to provide you with eery blessing in abundance, so that suming detail to Johnson Printers of by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every Downers Grove, IL, the company good work.... He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply which prints The Vigil and handles and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteous- all mailing operations. ness. You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will Parishes are requested to sub- produce thanksgiving to God.” mit all additions, deletions, and cor- Thank you for your attention to this matter, and invoking God’s blessing rections directly to Johnson Printers, upon all of you and your efforts in behalf of the Mihalick family, I remain using the following address and con- tact: Faithfully yours in Christ, Johnson Printers Attention Mike Cooper 1007 Burlington Ave. + JOB Downers Grove, IL 60515 Bishop of Chicago and the Midwest When submitting names and addresses, please indicate on the first page of each update “Diocese Checks made payable to the Diocese of the Midwest, Mihalick Fund, of the Midwest” and the name and lo- should be sent to the Diocesan Chancery, 927 North LaSalle, Chicago, cation of your parish. ■ IL 60610. Donors will be acknowledged in The Vigil. THE VIGIL 3 T H A T ‘ S T H E S P I R I T Father George Khitiri carefully calculated preservation of rules and command- ments, but is based on an attitude of pure, unconditional The story of the rich young man who asks Christ what love and sacrifice toward both God and mankind. If we are he needs to do to achieve eternal life, related in Matthew to find eternal life, it can only be through a reproduction 19:16-22, Mark 10:17-22, and Luke 18:18-23, deals with and imitation of God’s love for us. The young man claimed humanity’s age-old quest for immortality and poses per- to have kept the law and, technically, he did. He failed, haps the most important however, to understand the question that we can ponder. spirit of the Law, for when Through careful study of this asked by Christ to sacrifice story, we can recognize the what he held dear – his difficulty of the challenge we WhatWhat shallshall II dodo wealth – he could not, and face in reaching the heavenly walked away from the Sav- kingdom and the relevance ior, saddened. of the young man’s example toto inheritinherit In today’s society, which to us all. was founded and shaped by The significance of this humanism, we approach the encounter is presented eternaleternal life?life? Word of God with the atti- through a depiction of a tude that we must adjust it young, wealthy ruler who is to fit our lives and the times. willing to listen, eager to We forget that God has do- learn, and who has observed minion over time, life, and the commandments of the IC THE age. He cannot be reduced Mosaic Law. He is represen- XC RICH to fit our own little schemes. tative of the best of us, those His Truth is beyond time and who play by the rules and YOU• place. Thus, we must offer expect the same of others. NG ourselves as the only ac- He appears to be a disciple MAN ceptable sacrifice to the Lord in the making, and Saint Mark – that is, a broken spirit and even tells us that Christ contrite heart [Psalm 51].
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