Public Document Pack To: Councillor Peter Argyle, Chair; Dr Margaret Bochel and Councillor Sandra Macdonald, Vice Chairs; Mr Eddie Anderson, Councillor David Aitchison, Councillor Philip Bell, Councillor John Cox, Mr Gerry Donald, Mr David Jennings, Mr George Mair, Mr Ian Ross, Councillor Alex Nicoll, Stephen Archer, Councillor Colin Pike and Councillor Jennifer Stewart. Aberdeen City Council Substitute Members:- Councillors Ross Grant, Brett Hunt, Michael Hutchison and Ian Yuill. Aberdeenshire Council Substitute Members:- Councillors George Carr, Martin Ford, Ian Mollison and Gillian Owen Please note that a substitute member may only participate in the meeting when a substantive member is absent. Should you require further information regarding the Agenda, please contact Derick Murray 01224 346680 NORTH EAST OF SCOTLAND TRANSPORT PARTNERSHIP Meeting of Board (Committee Room 2 Woodhill House, Aberdeen) WEDNESDAY, 18 APRIL 2018 at 2.00 pm. AGENDA 1 Minute of Board Meeting, 14 February 2018 (Pages 3 - 10) 2 Presentation – Scott Prentice, Head of Business Development, Abellio ScotRail & Derek Glasgow, Abellio ScotRail 3 Strategy 3a Director's Report (Pages 11 - 16) 4 Projects - Not Taken Up 5 Action Plans 5a Health & Transport Action Plan: Update (Pages 17 - 22) 5b Freight Action Plan Update (Pages 23 - 26) 5c Bus Action Plan: Passenger Satisfaction (Pages 27 - 28) 5d Rail Matters Update (Pages 29 - 32) 6 General 6a Progress Report (Pages 33 - 70) 6b Publications and Consultations (Pages 71 - 78) 6c Road Casualty Reduction: Safety Cameras (Pages 79 - 84) 7 Budget Matters 7a 2017/18 Budget Matters (Pages 85 - 92) 7b 2018/19 Budget Proposals (Pages 93 - 102) 7c Revised Financial Regulations (Pages 103 - 128) 7d Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2018/19 (Pages 129 - 138) 8 Information Bulletin (Pages 139 - 146) 9 Conferences and Presentations (Pages 147 - 148) 10 Pending Business and Reports for Future Meetings (Pages 149 - 150) Agenda Item 1 Minute of Meeting of the North East Scotland Transport Partnership Board Aberdeen, Wednesday 14 February 2018 Present: Councillor Peter Argyle (Chairperson); Dr Margaret Bochel (Vice Chairperson), Councillor Sandra Macdonald (Vice Chairperson); and Councillors David Aitchison, Philip Bell, John Cox, Alex Nicoll, Colin Pike and Jennifer Stewart; and Gerry Donald. In attendance: Mr George Mair (Adviser to the Board), Lucy Johnson, Andrew Leil and Ewan Wallace (Aberdeenshire Council), Robert Templeton (Aberdeen City Council), Derick Murray, Rab Dickson and Jenny Anderson (Nestrans), Mark Masson (Clerk, Aberdeen City Council), Councillors Jim Gifford and Ian Mollison (Aberdeenshire Council) James Savege (Chief Executive – Aberdeenshire Council), Humza Yousaf MSP (Minister for Transport and Islands), Kat Kennedy (Private Secretary) and Joanne Gray and Jacqueline McDonald (Transport Scotland). Apologies: Eddie Anderson and Eric Owens (Aberdeen City Council, Adviser to the Board). MINUTE OF BOARD MEETING, 13 DECEMBER 2017 1. The Board had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 13 December, 2017 for approval. The Board resolved:- to approve the minute. MINUTE OF THE APPOINTMENTS SUB COMMITTEE SHORTLISTING MEETING OF 19 DECEMBER 2017 2. The Board had before it the minute of the Appointments Sub Committee of 19 December, 2017 for noting. The Board resolved:- to note the minute. MINUTE OF THE APPOINTMENTS SUB COMMITTEE INTERVIEW MEETING OF 9 JANUARY 2018 3. The Board had before it the minute of the Appointments Sub Committee of 9 January, 2018 for noting. The Board resolved:- to note the minute. Page 3 MR HUMZA YOUSAF, MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT & THE ISLANDS 4. The Board welcomed Mr Humza Yousaf MSP, Minister for Transport and the Islands to the meeting. The Board raised a number of key issues with the Minister, in particular regarding the National Transport Strategy, Planning Review and Planning Bill, the Aberdeen region renaissance strategy and the Strategic Transport Appraisal, the Aberdeen to Central Belt Rail link, the A96 and Aberdeen to Fraserburgh/Peterhead corridor and the A9 and A96 road dualling. During the discussion, the following was noted:- there was an effort to reduce the rail journey time between Aberdeen and the central belt, noting that the ARUP consultant’s report was due in the Summer, following which, there was a need to inject pace to the project and identify timescales; although the vast majority of funding would be spent in the North East, some funding would also be utilised elsewhere to improve journey times between Aberdeen and the central belt; interventions were required on the single rail track pinch points, although it was acknowledged that there were some significant engineering problems to overcome to achieve this; general processes and a timetable would be considered and produced for circulation to the Nestrans Chair with a further meeting being arranged with Nestrans officials as deemed necessary; it was acknowledged that improved working arrangements and transparency in relation to the City Region Deal was required; there was a requirement for the RTP Chairs to meet with Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government and Housing regarding the strength of feeling in relation to the statutory nature of the Planning Bill; it was acknowledged that not all parts of Scotland were the same and one size does not fit all in terms of the Bill; that further work was being done on the STAG appraisal process which was deemed too cumbersome; that there was an appreciation of the level of studies undertaken by Nestrans in relation to the National Transport Strategy, the work completed would inform discussion and identify future investment projects; that interventions on the A90 would deliver huge improvements for the road network north of Aberdeen and benefit road safety, a proposed roundabout at the Toll of Birness would solve problems in this regard; collaboration between local authorities, RTPs and Transport Scotland to deliver projects had been recognised; it was acknowledged that there was a need to upgrade junctions on the A96 between AWPR and Inverurie for safety reasons; it was recognised that some interventions which were not for the local authorities to undertake required to be identified and be fed back to Keith Brown MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work for consideration; that a Low Emission Zone in Glasgow would be introduced at the end of the year, following which, work to have similar zones introduced in Edinburgh followed by Aberdeen and Dundee would be undertaken in 2020 with other areas being considered in 2022/2023; Page 4 it was acknowledged that there would be collaborative process in relation to Low Emission Zones (possibly to be renamed Clean Air Zones), providing local flexibility to identify areas/streets leading to a 3 or 4 year phasing-in period to allow preparation time for businesses/car companies etc; and it was acknowledged that proper infrastructure in to Aberdeen International Airport, specifically to encourage public transport and a surface access strategy was required. The Minister also made reference to (1) the procurement process for the Northern Isles Ferry and the proposed increased capacity and passenger growth in terms of the new Harbour at Bay of Nigg; and (2) a future meeting with Carol Benzies, Managing Director, Aberdeen International Airport to discuss various issues. The Board resolved:- (i) to thank Mr Humza Yousaf MSP, Minister for Transport and Islands for attending the meeting today; (ii) to request the Director of Nestrans to write to the Minister with the action points raised at the meeting; and (iii) to note that the Minister would follow up the issues raised and would provide a response to the Chairperson in due course. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 5. The Board had before it a report by the Director of Nestrans which provided an update on liaison with other Regional Transport Partnerships (RTPs), the Scottish Government and other organisations. The report recommended:- that the Board note progress on liaison arrangements with other RTPs, the Scottish Government and other arrangements for future meetings. The Board resolved:- to approve the recommendation. RISK REGISTER 6. With reference to article 9(2) of the minute of meeting of 27 August 2008, the Board had before it a report which provided information on the recent review of the Nestrans Risk Register to ensure significant risks were identified, evaluated and controlled. The report recommended:- that the Board consider the attached risk register and approve its implementation. The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendation. Page 5 FRASERBURGH AND PETERHEAD TO ABERDEEN STRATEGIC TRANSPORT STUDY: NEXT STEPS 7. With reference to article 5 of the minute of meeting of 3 November 2017, the Board had before it a report which provided information on the progress on the Fraserburgh and Peterhead to Aberdeen Strategic Transport Study. The report recommended:- that the Board – (a) note the contents of the report and the responses from the local authorities; and (b) instruct officers to:- (1) commission further work on the rail elements, to gain a better understanding of potential and likely impact on other rail aspirations as indicated above; (2) enter into discussion with Transport Scotland, to engage with them on both rail and roads prospects and how to best progress the schemes; and (3) ensure that the options are fully considered in the City Region Deal Strategic Transport Appraisal. The Board resolved:- (i) to approve the recommendations; and (ii) to note that the Director of Nestrans would respond to Councillor Cox on the assumptions contained within the previous reports. A96 AND A947 STRATEGIC ROADS UPDATE 8. With reference to article 13 of the minute of meeting of 3 November 2017, the Board had before it a report which provided an update in relation to progress with developments affecting the A96 Aberdeen to Inverness trunk road and the A947 Dyce to Banff route. The report recommended:- that the Board note the contents of the report. The Board resolved:- to approve the recommendation. BUS ACTION PLAN: BUS QUALITY PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 9.
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