National Register of Historic Places Registration Form

National Register of Historic Places Registration Form

L,rD'LE ArO. I UZ.+-UUI b (Rer. l0-90) United State Departnent of the lnterior LtSTd r. National Park Service NationalRegister of HistoricPlaces RegistrationForm This fom is for uscin nominaing or Equcsiry d.!.flnhnha ftr individtrl proFlics {ld disti6. scEinstndions h H@, to Co,rpLE tl2 Ndi@el Rtgilwr d Htncb Plet RcgteraionForn N@6td Rcfin r Bullcdn 16A). cacfrh.rn by E dLing \" h tbc pprodac bq. dby ctmcitg $. hftndion rqu.sEd Fopcrn bcingdoqdicnt!4 cnE 5VA" for "not eplicrblc". For nndbns, &hiE€tnul cl.ssifcdioo, rrd.rids, dd ass ofsigrifc&cc, lntt dE insuctions. Placcaddition l srEics drd n&rdivc itdrs on oor iNdion dErs (NPSF6n lc900a). Usca gFrtiEr, word Flc.ssor, 'l ^tame of Pronertv historicname tomahaRail andCommerce llistoric District other names/sitenumber street& number Rouehlybounded by Jackson.t5th. 8thStreets and UP MainLine not for publicationfN/A l cltv or town Omaha viciniqv[N/A ] smte Nebraska code NE counw Douslas code_955__ zip code 68132 ? Srate/Federal A qency Certification As dtc drsifnd.d audrnty Ddcr tlE NdioMl HisroricPEs.rvdim Aa of 1986,!s aEdc4 t h.rEby..dir 6d his Pq rD.niiaion 0 nqst for dcE riilaion ihc doqhctraliot sradards fq FgisEritE propcrticsh thc N.tiod R.CisLr ofHisrodc PIG lrd tE Foc.dural sd pofsskrd tlquirsncE tn:-opiniol dtc ptopctty p$ mrE 0 do6 rn ncct fic Ndiorul R.gisr.r Cjhlria. I Fconmrnd tl$ 6is ptopcrtybc cosidctEdsignifcaf 0 coniru'riorl shc.t for .ddirional commrnB.) Signatureof ccrtifuingoffrcial Director.Nebraska State Historical Societ_v Surc or Fcdcral asencv and burcau ln nD opiniorLthe property0 meets0 doesnot mestthe Ncional Registercriaria. (0 Secssqlinrratiss sheet for additionalcornnrcnts.) Si grarurcof ccrtifuing official/Title Date Snrcor Fedcralagensy and bureau 4 National perk Sewice Certificetion l. hercb;"ccrtifr that this propcrtyis: I cntcrcdin thc NarionalRcgister, I Seecontinuation sheet. I dctcrminedcligiblc for thc NationalReginer. [] Seecontinuation shect. I dercrmincdnot cligiblc for rhe NationalRegisrcr. [ rcmovedfrom thc NationalRcgistcr. I other,(cxplain): Signatureof Kecpct Darcof Action (-tr,.,:-:kari and CommerceHrstonc Drstnc: Douelas.Nebraska Name oi Propcrg' County and Stare 5 Classification Ownershipof hoperty Categoryof hoperty Numberof Resourceswithin Property (Chec\as many boxcs as apply) (Chcckonly onebox) (Do not includepreviorsly lisrcd rcsourccs in thc count) private building(s) Contributing Noncontributing txl I -' txl public-local txl disrict buildings tl public-state tl site sites tl public-Federal t] structure struchrres tl object objects 45 Total Name of relatedmultiple property listing Numberof contibutingresources previously listed (Ents1.1/A" if propcrtyis notpart of a multiplepropcrty listing.) in theNational Register N/A 6. Functionor [Jse Histoic Functions Curent Functions (Enter:ategories from instnrctions) @nrcrcategories from instruction) CO\IMERCE/TRADE-warehouse INDUSTRY--munufacturine faciliqv. indusrial $oraee WORK IN PROGRESS TRA),ISPORTATION-raiIrelated. road related ? I):scrintion ArchsecturalClassification Materials (EnEr..Egorics from instuctiorlr) (EnGr crr.goriB tom iDsEuctiorls) LATE I9TT{ AND EARLY 2OTHCENTTIRY AMERICAN foundation MO\EMENTS walls roof CONCRETE other TERRACOTTA. METAL-cast iron Narraive Description @escn:e the historic and current condition of the propertv-on one or more continuation shecs.) frrnara Rail and Commerce Hrsronc Drstnct Douelas.Nebraska Namcof Property County and State 8. Statementof Sienificance ApplicableNational Register Criteria Areasof Significance (Ma* \' in onc or morcboxes for thc critc"riaqualiffing thc propertyfor Nationd (Enrcrcatcgorics from instruaions.) Rcgistcrlisting.) COMMERCE tX] A Properlvis associatedwith eventsthat havemade a INDUSTRY significant contribution to the broad patters of our history. TRANSPORTATION Properry is associatedwith the lives of personssignificant in our pasr uc Property embodiesthe distinctive characteristicsof a type, period, or method of constnrction or representsthe work of a master,or possesseshigh artistic values,or representsa significant and distinguishableentity whose components Period of Significance lack individual distinction. I 887-l945 0D Propertv hasyielded, or is likely to yield information imponant in prehistoryor history. Criteria Considerations SignificantDates O{ark"x" in all theboxes thar apply.) r887.r945 Properqvis: U A owned b1,areligious instinrtion or usedfor religious purposes. SignificantPerson (Complerc above.) uB removedfrom its originallocation. if CrircrionB is marked Ic a birttrplaceor a gmve. N/A a cemetery. nD CulturalAffiliation IE a reconstructedbuilding, object or struc$re. N/A IF a commemoratlveproperty. DG lessthan 50 yearsof age or achieved significancewithin the past 50 years. Architect/Builder VARIOUS NarrariveStatement of Significance (Explarnthe signi{icanccof the propertyon one or morc continuationshecs.) I \{aior Rihlinaranhical R efercnr-ec Bibliography (Citc Stcbooks, articlqs. and other sourccs used in preparingthis form on oneor morecontinuation shecs.) Previousdocumenration on file (NPS): PrimaryLocation for Additional Data: 0 preliminarydercrmination of individuallisting t] StateHistoric Preservation Oftice (36 CFR67) hasbeen requested. 0 OtherState agency p(l previouslylisted in theNational Register tl Federalagency 0 previouslydercrmined eligible by the National tX] Localgovemment Register U University u ciesignateda National Historic Landmark U Other u recordedby HistoricAmerican Buildings Survey Nameof repository: OmahaCiqv Plannine Departrnent 0 lcoraeO by HistoricAmerican Engineering Record# ()!:.3:3 Rari and C.omm:=s Hrstonc Drstnct Douelas.Nebraska Namc of Propcrq' Counry and Starc l0 Gpnqrnnhieal l)ata Acreageof Propeg' 74.27acres UTM References(place additional UTM referenceson a continuationsheet). Zoae Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing r. 15 254050 4571010 3. 15 254170 4571070 2. 15 254t60 4571000 4. 15 25M95 4571050 IXJ Seecontinuation sheet. VerbalBoundary Description (Dcscribc the boundaries of the propeqv on a continuation sheet-) BoundaryJustificuion (Explainwhy theboundaries were selected on a continuationsheet.) I I Form Prenared Rv nametitle StacevC. Pilerim. PlannerSpecialist organization_Omaha Ciw PlanningDepartment date March 1996 streel& number I 819Farnam. Suite I l00 telephone 402444-5210 cin' or town Omaha state-NE- zip code 68183 A dCitional Docrrmentation Submitthe followingitems with thc completedform: ContinuationSheets Maps A USGSmap (7.5 or l5 minuteseries) indicating the property's location. A Sketchmap for historicdistricts and properties having large acreage or numerousresources. Photographs Representativeblack and white photographs of theproperty. Additionalitems (Chex|twith the SHPOor FPOfor any additionalitcms.) Pronetv Ch'ncr (C,onpl.tcihis ircmrt thc .qucst of thc SHPOor FPO.) namerdtle seeadditional shects street& number telephone ciw or town state zip code Prpcrrorli Rcdurtio! Ad Sr.tcmctrt: This infontdion is bcing clllc.Ed for epticdiors to thc N.rion.l RcgisEr ofHisloric Plrcrs ro nomindr ptoFnics to. listitt or dcE rninc clitibiliry for lining, ro lin propcrtics, md o amcndcxlsting lininls. Rcspoisc ro this Fqucst is rcquirld ro obtin . bctcfit in .coordrnc. wilh lhc Niot.l Hrstorichcscwation Act asamcndcd, (16 U.S.C.470ct scq.). Erti!.r.d Eurd.! Sl.r.E.rPublic rrpoiing brrdcn for thi! fom i5 Gstir rd !o frrTG lt,l houn F EsFonsr hcluding thGtiDc fot rwi.wing insmrctiont' $thBit!8 d r!ahtdning dil rd cornplaing rd rvi&ng thc fom. Dirtc'r commcatrrcarrding thls buracn cstimra or oy rsFct of lhit fontt to lhc chi.f, Adminisrtiivc Scrvic.s Diyilioc Ndo;j Pltk *r.'icr, p.O. gox lltl?, Wrshin8lon, DC 20013-?127;rtd thr Officc ofMlllgrmc rtd Budfp! P$cn"o* Rrductiots PmjGC(102'l-001t)' U .shirEron, DC 20503. .\ I'-\ r ur |ll I u->uu-a LrI)l'It l\O. lUi{-LrUld (t-E6t United State Department of the Interior National Park Seruice National Registerof Ilistoric Places ContinuationSheet Omeha Rail end Commerce Historic Distriet Iirme of Propcrg Douglas.Nebraska ,,. Countyrnd Strte 7. N.rrrtiv. Dcscription Thc OmahaRail and CommerccHistoric Distict is locatedin tbe southcastcomer of downtownOnraha, Ncbraska boundcd roughly by thc railroad tracks,9th, Jackson,and l5th Stects with the southcaspo6on sscnding southto Pacific St€ct. This areain dovmtownOrraha is anangedin a grid patern. The disnict is approxinatcly ninctecnblocks contei"ing builditrgsthat havc bccn prcdominantlyinfluenced by the railroad. Within this arcaare largejobbing warehousesas wcll as manufacnring buildings, transferand storagecompanies, and servicebusinesses. All ofthese were drawn to the area becauscofthc railroads,cithcr to utilizc the rail lines or to gain businessfrom the railroad trafric, and in tum influcnce thc induso'ialgrowth of Omaha. Severalbuildings in this arcaare also individually listed on the National Registerof Historic Places.These properties include Union Station,Burlington Station,thc BemisBag CompanyBuilding, thc Eggerss4Flyng Building, thc OmahaBolt, Nut and ScrcwBuilding, and the AnhcuserBusch Dcpot Ofticc. This large areaconains buildings with sorre modificationsto lower fagadesand window tratnens, but overall thc areamaintains a higb degrccof architecturalintcgrity and many buildingsrctain their architccturalchanctcristics. The buildings in the distict all havc similar scaleand massingand thc major enerior material is brick. ARCHITECTTJR"E The industrial, commcrcial,and warehousebuildings extant in the OmahaRail and CommcrccHistoric

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