Regents meet IN THE NEWS MeIIdIIy Approve ISA beer July17,Ir7Z Iowa Student Agencies' USA) contract to sell (UIEA) for payroll withholding of dues under beer in the union. an expanded bus system, and Regent policy for payroll withholdings. UIEA ls riefly application for federal funds to restore the Old a union for non-academic staff at the university. • capitol were among items approved by the State They also authorized the university to lease the Board of Regents, Friday in Cedar Falls. former residence at 503 S. Madison St. to the VI ISA, which orrered the Union management Student Senate for sublease as a day-eare center Iowa City,low. High "the most remunerative proposal" among the to a campus group. 52240 rates three submitted, was awarded the franchise to DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Iowa Insurance sell beer in the Union Wheel Room. Physician's a8sistan ts Still one thin dime Commissioner William Huff says passage of Hours of operation will be from 4 p.m. to the federal no-fault insurance legislation would regular closing time of the Union except when Pending receipt of federal funds, a Phy,ician's result in "substantial increases in automobile beer sales are prohibited by law. l) AssIstant training program was approved to insurance premiums for Iowans ." begin this fall. He said if the legislation. which is pending in CAMBUS to expand The major goal of the program, according to Congress. is approved it will result in Iowa Dr. John W. Eckstein, dean of the College of Vol. I. No.' motorists paying " .. .for the high premiums of CAMBUS, the University of Iowa bus system, Medicine, ls to facilitate development of new motorists in heavily populated states such as was approved for continuation and expansion, approaches to rural health care delivery. New York. Illinois. Massachusetts. California including construction of a bus storage and ser­ -Clinical training will be conducted at Univer- and Florida." vicing building, by the Regents. sity Hospitals and affiliated hospitals and clinics. Opposition to the federal no-fault concept has The approved budget calls for operating costs Students may also work with resident physicians also been voiced by the Iowa Bar Association. in of $110,778 with $54,000 coming from student fees of the VI Department of Family Practice in cer­ cooperation with the Iowa Academy of Trial formerly allocated the defunct yearbook, lain Iowa community hospitals. Debate needs of Lawyers and the Iowa Defense Lawyen Associa­ Hawkeye, and to paying off debts on an addition Graduates of the Physician's Assistant tion. to the Student Health Center. Program will receive certificates attesting to The remaining $56,778 is to come from parking their qualification for practice as designated by revenues formerly used to payoff debts on the American Medical Association accreditation University parking ramps which are now paid. career education Cambus will be operated by the VI Depart­ guidelines. ment of Traffic and Parking in conjunction with By PAT PETERSON be. We hope to provide a con­ the problem and how they com­ Reprimand student senate, according to John Dooley, direc­ Construclion approved StaHWrlter tinuing platform by sponsoring plement each other in their tor of traffic and parking. "Career education should several other programs this approaches. " Supervisors and drivers will all be University Preliminary plans for three remodeling start as early as kindergarten," fall," said Tart. Also appearing in the sym­ An Iowa City teacher has been students, creating more than 40 student jobs next projects and contracts for other construction says Merlin A. Ludwig, new The public is encouraged to posium are Selby Ballantyne, "administratively reprimanded" for an alleged year, he added. projects were also approved by the regents. superintendent of the Iowa City participate in this debate by Superintendent of Kirkwood racial slur spoken by him last April 24. The free service will be extended next year to Plans for remodeling the pediatrics outpatient School District. asking questions of the Community College; Willard L. r A 9th grade science teacher at Southeast serve students and faculty from 6 a.m. to mid­ clinic at General Hospital, for improvement of a LUGwig and four others In dif­ panelists. Boyd, President of the UI; and JUnior High School was accused of telling a night Monday through Friday. conference room in the Department of ferent areas of education will be "We hope to provide a format Fred Harcleroad, President of I, student .. the only good nigger is a dead nigger" Seven additional buses will be purchased and Otolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, and debating "The Role and Ability where those in the community the American College Testing in a priv~te conversation. 80 by 120 foot bus building will be constructed. for remodeling the varsity basketball locker of Higher Education to Meet the interested in career education Program. A commission. appointed by the Iowa City room in the Field House were approved. Con­ Career Needs of Youth in the can gain access to those making Craig S. Scott, publicity chair­ School Board. studied the incident and concluded Old Cap remodeling struction contracts were also awarded for com­ 70's" Tuesday night at 8 p.m. in vital decisions in career man for the event, explained the that it did happen . "No one denies that the ' pleting the fifth and sixth floors of the southeast the Main Lounge of the Union. education," Scott said. reasons for these choices as statement was made." says the report. Formal authorization was given by the Regen­ wing of the General Hospital, for construction of Duane A. Anderson, Univer­ "We also hope to clear up panelists: "The basic premise According to the report. the teacher at first ts for the university to make application to the a botany greenhouse on the Oakdale campus and sity of Iowa, Professor of some of the misconceptions is to represent as many dif­ said it was meant as a "joke," but that, Department of Housing and Urban Development for expansion of the gynecology inpatient unit at Education and moderator ofthe prevalent about the roles and ferent factions of the education "ironically" or "satirically," would describe his for a grant of $341,850 to provide roughly half the General Hospital. debate, said, "career education responsibilities of these enterprise as possible." allitmle in saying it. estimated cost of restoring areas of the Old Contracts were also approved with Stanley ls of special concern to all types institutions in career "Ludwig is new to the com­ Capitol for use as a historic structure. Consultants, Muscatine, for engineering services of institutions. The debate ls to education," he added. munity. His views are vital to The Board of Education has administratively The Regents also approved the request of the relating to conversion of air-eonditioning see how the different types of Scott said that one of these the issue but not well known. reprimanded the teacher. "It remains our University of Iowa Employees ASSOCiation systems that will not use well water. schools in this . ~ea approach misconceptions ls the meaning "Boyd and Bellantyne should opinion that the teacher involved used very bad and implication of the "Open be able to show how the univer­ r judgment in dealing with an extremely sensitive sities and the more traditionally Door Policy," found mostly in issue." reads a statement issued by the Board. community colleges. career-oriented institutions "Having reviewed the situation. we find no "The problem of career compliment each other. Their reason to impose a different or harsher sanc­ education is bothering a lot of views probably will coincide; tion ... people, especially in Iowa. This but their emphasis on students is a good chance for the people and on program goals should be to see what ·the wUversity is different. " aiving back to the state," said Scott continued, "Harcleroad Kiiniller. --. should add a national rather Registration 1 "Career education is than parochial perspectl~ . especially meaningful to both He's nationally prominent in Persons wishing to vote in the August permanent Iowa City residents higher education and has ser· primary must register by July 21. and to students in the area," ved on numerous national To be eligible to vote, one must be 18 years of said Scott. "It means jobs to the higher education committees." age and have lived in the city for 30 days by students, and determines the The debate is sponsored by August I. quality of the future work force the Iowa Chapter of Phi Delta Voters may register in the County Auditor's for the employers in the area ." Kappa, a professional education office. in the Coralville City Clerk's office or with "Each of the persons on the fraternity. Thomas B. Taft, Jr., a mobile registrar. panel has much to say about his president of the local chapter, The County Auditor's office is open from 8 a.m. institution's role in career said that this is the first major to 4 p.m. daily. except this Monday when it stays education. Each opinion should attempt in recent years by the open until 9 p.m. Ron Jenkins, A2, mobile be known to the concerned fraternity to involve the public registrar, will be registering voters on Monday public." in education. from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Student Senate Ulfice, Taft estimated that there will "The public hasn't been Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Gold be approximately ~ people involved as much as it deserves [ Feather Lobby of the Union, Wednesday from 10 attending the debate. to be nor as much as it needs to a.m. to noon in the Student Senate and Thursday from3 :30t05p.m.
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