<rongrcssional1Rccord United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OP THE 9 3d CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, May 8, 1973 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Community Action Committee of Mont­ the executive branch when it has been Rev. Kermit J. DeGraffenreidt, Clin­ gomery County. fatally impaired. ton A.M.E. Zion Church, Rockville, Md., For his work in communicating cancer A President accused of pervasive mis­ offered the following prayer: information to minorities, Mr. DeGraf­ conduct in his administration should be God of the universe, by whose provi­ fenreidt was honored by the American allowed, if he chooses, to run in any dence we are the citizens of a land of Cancer Society last year as an outstand­ such new Presidential election called by hope and glory. ing young American. Congress. The effect of such new elections Humble us that in these moments we In 1970, he was named "young man would then be to let the people decide may sense our need of Thy direction; of the year" by the Rockville Junior whether a President and Vice President humble us that we may put aside the false Chamber of Commerce. should be removed from office and, if so, pride and the preoccupation with self Mr. DeGraffenreidt is a graduate of who should replace them. that mark our lives; humble us that we the North Carolina Century University A new election is a constructive solu­ may see clearly that our best fulfillment in Durham, N.C., and Hood Seminary. tion which would produce a new mandate come in the relationship and responsibili­ He took additional studies at the Wesley to govern, in contrast to impeachment ties, not in self-expression or self­ Seminary, connected with American which tends to further weaken public indulgence. University, here. He is married to the confidence in government rather than Strengthen us to do the hard task that former Guytanna Horton and they have reestablish it. The result of a successful must be done, to try again when we have a daughter, Keisha, 7. I am proud to impeachment proceeding would be tore­ failed, to build together, that liberty have this outstanding family in my con­ place a discredited President with his might be preserved. gressional district. They are working to Vice President, who may himself com­ Give wisdom to all those entrusted with make their community stronger and mand little public confidence. Such an the welfare of the people. May they better. outcome would be particularly inappro­ wisely use their authority to advance priate in any case involving election the common good. Amen. frauds since the Vice President is elected CONGRESS SHOULD HAVE ALTER­ on the same ticket and supported by the NATIVE OF CALLING FOR A NEW same political organization and staff as THE JOURNAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION the President. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ <Mr. BINGHAM asked and was given ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ permission to address the House for 1 PERSONAL EXPLANATION ceedings and announces to the House minute and to revise and extend his re­ his approval thereof. marks, and to include extraneous mat­ Mr. PATTEN. Mr. Speaker, the CoN­ Without objection, the Jow·nal stands ter.) GRESSIONAL RECORD Of April 19, indicates approved. Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, in these that I was absent for Roll No. 110, the There was no objection. days when there is talk of impeachment vote on the Anderson amendment to the of the President, it is worth noting that Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 <S. impeachment is a clwnsy and destructive 502). Mr. Speaker, I would like to state MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE tool. Impeachment proceedings would that contrary to the RECORD, I was pres­ virtually bring government to a halt and ent for the vote and did, in fact, cast my A message from the Senate by Mr. would destroy the already seriously 1m­ vote in favor of Mr. ANDERSON's amend­ Arrington, one of its clerks, announced pared confidence of the American people ment. that the Senate had passed a bill of the in the integrity of our democratic sys­ Mr. Speaker, the blame can be placed following title, in which the concurrence tem. on the computer. of the House is requested: What I am suggesting is that the Con­ S. 1090. An act to amend the Communica­ gress should have another alternative in tions Act of 1934, to extend certain authori­ AMTRAK'S PROGRESS zations for the Corporation for Public Broad­ the kind of situation we are in now: It casting and for certain construction grants should have the power and option to call (Mr. Hll.LIS asked and was given per­ for noncommercial educational television for new Presidential elections. mission to address the House for 1 min­ and radio broadcasting facilities, and for I intend shortly to introduce a pro­ ute, to revise and extend his remarks other purposes. posed constitutional amendment that and include extraneous matter.) would enable the Congress by law to call Mr. HILLIS. Mr. Speak'er, last Thw·s­ new Presidential elections whenever it day I had the opportunity of riding an THE REVEREND KERMIT J. determined that a loss of public confi­ Amtrak train from Washington to In­ DEGRAFFENREIDT dence made it impossible for an adminis­ dianapolis, and I was very much encour­ tration to continue effectively to govern. aged by what I saw and expelienced. <Mr. GUDE asked and was given per­ Such a law would no doubt require a two­ Contrary to some derogatory reports I mission to address the House for 1 min­ thirds vote of both Houses since it pre­ had read, I found the coaches to be ute and to revise and extend his remarks sumably would have to be passed over clean and pleasantly appointed, and the and include extraneous matter.) a Presidential veto. service quite satisfactory. And the price Mr. GUDE. Mr. Speaker, the Rever­ I hope, Mr. Speaker, that the Judi­ of a coach fare to Indianapolis is still end Kermit J. DeGraffenreidt, who led ciary Committees of the House and the one of the best deals in town-under $30 us in prayer this morning, has been the Senate will begin immediately to consider for a ride of about 600 miles. pastor of the Clinton A.M.E. Zion Church appropriate specific changes in the Con­ I was also pleased to see the train in Rockville, Md., for 10 eventful years, stitution to give the Congress this tool fairly well filled with passengers, most of and has been executive director of the for reestablishing public confidence in whom seemed to be enjoying themselves. CXIX--920-Part 12 14579 t4580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE May 8, 1973 And I have to admit that I found it a The Clerk read as .follows: Grant College and Program Act of 1966, relaxing experience, and one which I be­ H.R. 5452 by providing for a funding authorization lieve still has an important place in Be it enacted by the Senate and House of for fiscal year 1974, fiscal year 1975, and America's transportation system. Representatives of the United States of fiscal year 1976, of $30, $40, and $50 mil­ The conclusion which I drew from my America in Congress assembled, That the Na­ lion, respectively. ride was that Amtrak is progressing well tional Sea Grant College and Program Act of The National Sea-Grant College and in its appointed task of putting rail pas­ 1966 (80 Stat. 998), as amended (33 U.S.C. Program Act was enacted in 1966, as a senger service back on the level where 1121-1124), is further amended as follows: result of a very simple but effective idea, it belongs. ( 1) In section 203 (b) ( 1) , after "the sum ot to do for marine resource development $25,000,000", delete the word "and", and in­ I hope my colleagues will try to pro­ sert, after "for the fiscal year ending June 30, what the land-grant program had ac­ vide themselves a similar opportunity so 1973, not to exceed the sum of $30,000,000," complished for agriculture. The results they can experience first-hand how the the following: "for the fiscal year ending which have been obtained since the in­ system is improving. I also hope they June 30, 1974, not to exceed the sum of auguration of the sea-grant program will see the importance of continuing $30,000,000, for the fiscal year ending June have more than justified the original leg­ the Amtrak program so that this old­ 30, 1975, not to exceed the sum of $40,000,000, islation. Over a period of 7 years, more fashioned mode of transportation can for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, not than $64,000,000 in Federal grants have continue modernizing its services to meet to exceed the sum of $50,000,000,". been made to carry out the purposes of (2) In section 204(a), delete subscript the demanding needs of today, and pro­ " ( 1) ", and delete all after "in any such the act, more than 100 public and privatP. vide a viabl'e alternative to other meth­ fields", substituting a period therefor. institutions have inaugurated more than ods of transportation in the 20th cen­ (3) In section 204(d) (1), after the first 700 different projects, almost 2,000 scien­ tury. sentence, insert the following: "The Secre­ tists and engineers are engaged in sea­ tary may grant total payments that exceed grant activities, approximately 1,700 stu­ STATEMENT OF POSITION such per centum with respect to those pro­ dents are enrolled in various programs, grams or portions of programs requested by and more than 100 private companies (Mr.
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