Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19876-9 - Deep-Sky Companions: The Secret Deep Stephen James O’Meara Index More information Index 3C 48, 253, 254 Barnard, Edward Emerson, Cat Scratch Galaxy see NGC 5907 3C 273 (Secret Deep 9), 253–255 117–118, 119, 306, 346–347, CEab Cassiopeiae, 461, 462 9 “Stitchpunks” (Stock 2), 39–41 357, 375, 409 Cederblad, Sven, 437 47 Tucanae, 331 Barnard’s Loop (Sh2-276), 116, Celestial Handbook, Burnham’s, 27 120–121, 410 Cepheids, 461 A Descent into the Maelstrom, 170 Barth, Aaron J., 193 Ceres, 263 A Photographic Atlas of Selected Basel 3, 456 CF Cassiopeiae, 461, 462 Regions of the Milky Way, 409 Bauval, Robert, 105 Chandra X-Ray Observatory Abell, George O., 361 BD þ651637, 437 (spacecraft), 177, 192, 255, Abramenkov E. A., 116 BD þ651638, 437 263, 307, 308 ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury Bedke, J., 268 Cheeseburger Nebula see Secret (ANGST) program, 176 Bekmambetov, Timur, 41 Deep 101 active galactic nucleus (AGN), 171, Bellazzini, Michele, 139, 227 Chen, W. P., 129 192–193, 215, 219, 220, 223, Bennett, Jack, 331 Cepheus Bubble, 437, 441 231, 241 Bigourdan, Camille Guillaume, Cepheus OB2 association, 437, ADS 5817, 149, 150 360–361, 435–436 441, 443 Albuquerque Astronomical black holes, 220–221, 240, 241, 258, Cheshire Cat asterism, 99 Society, 136 259, 392–394 Chies-Santos, A. L., 293 Alcala´, Juan, 89 Blue Flash Nebula see NGC 6905 Christensen, Tommy, 388, 389–390 Alessi J20046–1030, 397 Bode, Johann, 134 Chu, Y.-H., 365, 366 Alessi J20053þ4732 see O’Meara 3 Bohigas, J., 302 Clymer, William F., 124 Alessi J23407þ0757, 397 Bolton, Charles Thomas, 393 Coccato, Lodovico, 241 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Bonato, C., 101 Coe, Steve, 96 99, 457 Bond, George Phillips, 282 Cohen, Martin, 81, 143, 144 Allen, Richard Hinkley, 181 Bond, Howard, 112 Collinder, 104–109 Aller, Lawrence H., 327, 426 Borissova, Jura, 317, 318 Collinder 70 (Secret Deep 24), Alpha Persei Moving Cluster, 52, 69 Boulade, Olivier, 283 104–109, 130 Anandaro, B. G., 75–76 Bowyer, S., 392 Collinder 121, 130 Anderson, M. F., 94 Boyd, Lyle Gifford, 124 Collinder, 463 (Secret Deep 5), Andreuzzi, Gloria, 421 Box Nebula see NGC 6309 35–37 Andrievsky, Sergey M., 357 Brain Nebula see NGC 7538 Collinder 465, 147 Antares, 308 Bratton, Mark, 436 Collinder 466, 147 Apollonius, 154 Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey, Collinder, Per Arne, 36, 106, 361 Arbour, Ron, 184 206, 231 Collins, Peter, 111, 312 Archinal, Brent A., 7, 40, 360, 397 Bril, Henk, 209–210 Coma Berenices Cluster, 61 Arentoft, T., 94 Broken Heart see NGC 2281 comets Arias, Lorena, 153 Bruce Lee Cluster see NGC 7160 9P/Tempel Arion, Douglas N., 162 Burke, Christopher J., 53 17P/Holmes, 60–61 Arp, Halton, 192, 239, 357 Burnham, Sherbourne Wesley, 55P/Tempel–Tuttle Aryal, Binil, 76 425–426 C/1969 Y1 (Comet Bennett), 331 Asselin, Louis, 21 Burnham’s Nebula see NGC 7026 of 1746 (De Cheseaux’s), 61 asymptotic giant branch (AGB) Burton, Tim, 41 of 1758, 61 Stars, 76, 112, 162, 327, Buta, Ron, 265 Copeland, Leland, 239 342, 401, 426 Copeland, Ralph, 400–401 Atlas Ce´leste (Fortin’s), 210 Cacace, Ben, 99 Copeland’s Septet, 400 Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, 192, 239 Caged Spirit Nebula see NGC 6905 Copernicus (journal), 400 Atlas of the Heavens, 191 California Nebula, 118, 119 core-collapse clusters, 337 Aveni, Anthony, 105 Canis Major dwarf, 139–140, 141 Corradi, Romano L. M., 186–187, Canis Major OB1 association, 303 Baade, Walter, 226, 336, 337 148–149 Corwin, Hal, 108, 248–249, 263, 347, Baade Window, 336 Canis Major R1 association, 148 360–361, 375–376, 436–437 Bailey, Solon Irving, 124, 317 Cannistra, Steve, 99 Cosmic Bat see NGC 1788 Balaguer-Nu´n˜ez, L., 94 Cappa, C. E., 157 Cosmic Butterflies, 431 Balick, Bruce, 404 Capuchin, De Rhieta, 184 Cosmic Rosebud see NGC 7129 Bally, John, 130 Carnegie Atlas of Galaxies, 202, 268 Cox, P., 342 Barbon, Roberto, 456 Carney, Bruce W., 322–323 Crawford, Earl of, 400 Barbuy, Beatriz, 337 Carroll, Lewis, 457 Crimson Butterfly see NGC 2346 Barkhatova, Klavdiia Carswell, Robert F., 313 Crystal Ball (NGC 1514), 74–77 Aleksandrovna, 389 Cassiopeia OB2 association, Cuesta, Luis, 415 Barnard 139, 375 455, 456 Cuffey, James, 84, 85 Index 477 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19876-9 - Deep-Sky Companions: The Secret Deep Stephen James O’Meara Index More information Curtis, Heber Doust, 161, 302, 317, Eta Carinae, 198 Gondoin, Philippe, 192 327, 365, 431, 450 European Southern Observatory, 89 Goodriche, John, 451 Cygnus OB2 association, 409 EV Scuti, 357, 358 Goudfrooij, Paul, 293 Cygnus OB3 association, 394 Evans, Inese I., 227 Gould, Andrew, 65 Cygnus OB9 association, 409 Evans, Aneurin (Nye), 332 Gowney, Kim, 406 Cygnus Rift, 442 Evans, Robert, 45, 184 Gramer, Lew, 329 Cygnus Star Cloud, 409 event horizon, 393 Great Nebula in Auriga, 100 Cygnus Superbubble, 409 Ewing, Anne, 393 Grebel, Eva K., 287, 288 Cygnus X-1 (Secret Deep 93), Exclamation Mark see NGC 6309 Greenstein, Jesse, 254 392–394 extragalactic radio source Gregory, Robert L., 119 Cygnus X complex, 409, 410 (EGRS), 171 Guerrero, Martin A., 384, 401 Czyzak, S. J., 327 Eye and Brain, 119 Gupta, Alok C., 462 Eyes, The, see NGC 4435 and Gutermuth, Rob, 438 d’Arrest, Heinrich Louis, 84, 85, NGC 4438 132, 317 Hajian, Arsen, 366 Dal Farra, E., 211 Fabian, Walter, 176 Hale, George Ellery, 306 Dame, Thomas M., 130 Faith, Edward, 219 Halley, Edmond, 276 Dandelion Puff Ball see NGC 6751 Feibelman, Walter, 76, 415, 426 Haro, Guillermo, 21 Darth Vader’s Starfighter see NGC Fellhauer, Michael, 287 Harrington, J. Patrick, 450 936 Feltzing, Sofia, 336, 337 Harris, Hugh C., 282 Davies, Richard I., 192 Filho, M. E., 231 Hartmann, Johannes, 107 Davis, Helen, 317 Fisher, David, 222 Harvard College Observatory, 124 Deep-Impact (space probe), 326 Flammarion, Camille, 281 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Deep Space Network, 231 Fleming, Williamina Paton, Astrophysics, 220 Deharveng, L., 70 123–124, 301–302 Hartung, Ernst J., 156 de Lalande. Joseph Je´rome le FLIERs, 401 Hassan, Samia M., 456 Franc¸ais, 210 Fly see NGC 1931 HD 10494, 32 Deliyannis, Constantine, 167 Flying Eye see NGC 2359 HD 167638, 348 Delta Cephei, 451 Flying Geese Cluster see NGC 6939 HD 167815, 348 Delta Ceti, 43 Forbes, Duncan A., 139–140, 361 HD 293815, 90–91 Delta Cygni, 390 Fortin, F., 210 HD 313094 þ HD 313095, 348 Delta Scuti stars, 94–95 Fossil Footprint see NGC 1491 HD 54387, 148 Delta Virginis, 265 Foster, D. C., 40 HD 56925, 157 de Vaucouleurs, Gerard, 268 Foxface Nebula see NGC 1788 HDE 226868 see Cygnus X-1 Dewangan, G. C., 269 Freeland, Emily, 167 Heiles, Carl, 130, 132 Diamond Ring Nebula see NGC Friel, Eileen D., 226 Henry Draper Extension (HDE) 6844 From the Earth to the Moon, 181 catalogue, 393 Djorgovski, S. George, 226 Frost, Edwin B., 426 Herbig, George, 21, 80 Dormouse Cluster see NGC 7510 Fuchs, Burkhard, 28 Herbig–Haro objects, 20–21, 84, 437 Double Bubble Nebula see NGC Fuentes-Carrera, I., 206 Hermann, Armin, 377 2371-2 Fuzzy Butterfly see NGC 654 Hernandez-Toledo, Hector M., 205 Double Cluster, 32, 39, 94, 370 Herschel, Caroline, 36, 100, Dreyer, John Louis Emil, 84, 129, Galadı´-Enrı´quez, David, 85 147, 430 143, 182, 296, 302, 326, 360, Gamma Cygni, 412 Herschel, John, 5, 23, 94, 95, 107, 364, 375, 400, 409, 431, 436 Gamma Leonis (STF 1424AB), 193 113, 139, 156, 181, 184, 263, Doublemint Cluster see NGC 33.27 Garrido, O., 206 341, 360, 364, 375–376, 383, Duck Head Nebula see NGC 2359 Gemini School Astronomy Contest 414, 430, 435 Dunlop, James, 23–24, 138, 341 (2009), 365 Herschel satellite, 438 Dust Devil see NGC 4753 General Theory of Relativity, 393 Herschel, William, 5, 43, 61, 75, Georgics, 301 84, 85, 94, 100, 101, 107, Eagles, The, 393 Gerasimenko, Tatya P., 357 132, 134, 143, 152, 161, Einstein, Albert, 393 Ghost Globular see NGC 5466 181, 188, 193, 201, 207, Elvis, Martin, 221 Ghost of the Moon see NGC 6781 263, 282, 307, 316, 321, English, Jayanne, 197 giant molecular cloud, 371 336, 352, 356, 360, 364, Eridanus Bubble, 121 Giant Squid see NGC 134 379, 383, 409, 414, 430, Eridanus Cluster of galaxies, 65 Gibbon, Edward, 107 435, 449, 457, 461 Eridanus A subcluster of galaxies, Gilbert, Adrian, 105 Herschel’s Region 27 (part of 65 Gingerich, Owen, 209, 281, 282 Barnard’s Loop), 117–120 Eskridge, Paul B., 202, 230 Glowing Eye Nebula see NGC 6751 Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram, ESO 350-G21, 24 Gnedin, Oleg Y., 317–318 95, 112, 162, 336, 353 478 Index © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19876-9 - Deep-Sky Companions: The Secret Deep Stephen James O’Meara Index More information Hevelius, Johannes, 181, 196–197, Jones, Bessie Zaban, 124 Mayall, Nicholas Ulrich, 226 445 Jose, Jessy, 100 M1, 61 Hiriart, D., 380 M7, 2, 138 History of the Decline and Fall of the Kaler, James, 265, 412, 443 M9, 331 Roman Empire, 107 Kaluzny, J., 421 M11, 357 Ho, Luis C., 220, 245 Kastner, Joel H., 431 M13, 139, 226, 312 Hogsten, Scott, 377 Kay, Jenni, 349–350 M15, 337 Holden, Edward, 426, 427 Kenney, Jeffrey, 240 M23, 389 Hole in a Cluster see NGC 6811 Key Project (HST), 236 M26, 357 Hopwood, Madelaine, 332 Kharchenko, Nina, V., 135, 456 M30, 337 Horsehead Nebula, 108 Kick the Can Cluster see NGC 4147 M34, 52, 61, 69 Houston, Walter Scott, 56, 85, 134, Kilauea (Hawaii Volcanoes National M35, 36 178, 309, 388–389, 404 Park), 3–4 M36, 99, 100 HT Ursae Majoris, 206 Kissing Crescents see NGC 2022 M37, 100 Hubble, Edwin P., 219, 244, 268 Kitt Peak National Observatory, 167 M38, 99, 100 Hubble Atlas, 282 Klemola, Arnold Richard, 194 M41, 65 Huggins, William, 75, 317, 384, 449 Knife-Edge Galaxy see NGC 5907 M42, 70, 88, 89, 109, 129, 130, Humphreys, Elizabeth M.
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