View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Bowling Green State University: ScholarWorks@BGSU Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-3-1931 Bee Gee News March 3, 1931 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News March 3, 1931" (1931). BG News (Student Newspaper). 115. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/115 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. BEE GEE 1VEWS VOL. XV. BOWLING GREEN STATE COLLEGE, MARCH 3, 1931 NO. IX. SPORTS . count. It was only a short time until Kin- great leaders of education explain to us dig broke down the floor and scored with How near the "Saturation Point" we are in CONFERENCE STANDING a one handed corner shot. The time was the output of our great educational in- P W L Pet. passing fast and Captain Hyatt took it up- stitutions? G. W. Bowling Green 8 6 2 .750 on himself to put his team back in the lead. Defiance .....8 5 3 .625 The big guard dribbled down the floor and Bluffton 8 4 4 .500 on a return pass from Gill scored the final BEE GEE HISTORY Findlay _ 8 4 4 .500 point of the game. Few spectators realized Chapter III. Toledo 8 1 7 .125 that the score registered by Hyatt would A review of the Lowry Bill establishing a decide the conference championship. There commission to locate normal schools in was still four minutes to go but both teams northern Ohio is given herewith in con- Falcons Win Grown found it impossible to score. .The game end- nection with the history of the college; ed 14 to 15. Section I—Normal schools shall be lo- The Bowling Green State College stud- Bowling Green cated, one in northwestern and one in ents are the happiest people in Northwes- G F T northeastern Ohio, to be so located so as tern Ohio today, having realized their am- Yoder, f 1 0 2 to afford all people of each section the bition when the Falcon basketball team de- Perry, f _ -0 0 0 advantages of teacher training. Neither feated the Defiance College team for the Gill, c - -- -0 3 3 school to be located where any other col- championship of the conference. It was Hyatt, c 1 2 4 lege is located. the greatest race in the history of the con- Swearingen, g 3 0 6 Section 2—Governor to appoint five men ference and the winner was not decided un- within thirty days, a commission of five til the final gun ended the game. The score 5 5 15 men, which shall have full authority to was 14 to 15. Defiance select suitable locations for the schools and The Defiance gym was packed to the G F T get options on them. Commission to work rafters and easily one half of the specta- Heischman, f 0 1 1 without pay. tors were from Bowling Green. The en- Martin, f 1 0 2 Section 3—After purchase of sites the thusiasm ran high all season and when the Bowers, f _ 0 0 0 Governor shall appoint five competent race fell into a tie between Bowling Green Hargrove, c — 1 2 4 persons in each section for each of the and Defiance nearly every student inter- Woods, c __ --0 0 0 schools to act as a board of trustees. ested in basketball planned to attend the Gisler, g - 0 1 1 Section 4—Board of Trustees must or- game. A special bus took some of the stud- Kindig, g .- -3 0 6 ganize immediately and then select a pre- ents and various other means of transpor- sident of known ability for the school un- tation was secured. Long before game time 5 4 14 der its control, before adopting a plan of the gym was filled to capacity. The State Referee, Rettig; Umpire, Hanahan. buildings for the school. Ample provision College band added pep to both cheering must be made in planning the buildings for sections, and everyone was ready for a "the establishment of a well equipped de- real battle when the team came onto the Arising partment for the preparation of teachers floor. Silence, deep, unbroken. in the subject of agriculture". Selection of Defiance opened the scoring when Har- Darkness, rain and cold. faculty, outlining of courses of study, tui- grove tossed in a one point counter from Alone, with thoughts as deep as the night. tion and equipment outlined as duties of the charity line. The Falcons got the ball A door bangs. Another early riser. the board. Board shall also proceed to er- on the tip off and a moment later Swear- Who, like myself is too full of thoughts to ect buildings or "enlarge, reconstruct or ingen scored the first fielder of the game sleep. properly repair in a suitable or substantial with a pretty corner shot. Both teams were Then silence again, the vastness of dark- manner" buildings already located on the guarding close and the official called num- ness, chosen site. One trustee to be named for erous fouls. The Bowling Green lads were The desolation of the rain, and of my a five year term, one to serve four years, hitting strong from the foul line and made thoughts. one three years, one two years and one one good five out of five attempts during the Alone, friendless, year and they "shall serve without compen- first period. Gill accounted for three and Sleep has deserted. sation other than their reasonable and ne- Hyatt tossed in the other two. The home Hours pass. The clock mournfully tolls the cessary expenses". Not more than three of team registered only three out of eight passing hours. them shall be of the same political faith. chances. Swearingen scored the second field Will day never come? Section 5—Governor may remove "any goal of the game just before the half end- More waiting. Heartbreaking and trying. appointees herein named when in his judg- ed. The score was tied at 9 all. A bell rings. People begin to stir ment, he deems it necessary". The Falcons lost little time in jumping No more quietness Section 6—General Assembly to provide into the lead at the opening of the second Day has begun. for the support and the maintaince of said period. Two field goals in rapid succession Still I am alone with my thoughts schools. by Yoder and Swearingen gave them a So will I be until I find another who can (Signed) Granville W. Mooney four point margin. The Defiance team share them with me. Speaker of the House of Representatives tightened their defense and the Falcons Francis W. Treadway found it hard to work down the floor. Kin- President of the Senate dig set the Defiance rooters to cheering Saturation Point Passed May 10th, 1910. when he caged the longest shot of the Great leaders of business close their Approved May 19th, 1910. game. Heischman scored a free throw a plants when the goods they make fails to Judson Harmon, moment later. The Falcons then took pos- move. In this period of overproduction Governor session of the ball and passed down the (Saturation) the battle cry is curtail the floor for a number of shots that failed to production of your commodity. Will the In accordance with this act Governor FAGE 2 EE GEE NEWS or we had some other severe punishment Keep Up Your Morale meted out to us. We were taught to respect BEE GEE NEWS Life is forever getting more complex. It our elders and the rod. PUBLISHED BY is not a static thing but dynamic. The pro- THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY blems of living today may be entirely Almost before that teaching 'soaked in", BOWLING GREEN STATE COLLEGE changed tomorrow and the methods used however, a reaction took place. Child psy- BOB WYANDT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF in solving our present day problems may chologists advocated not, "Spare the road BOB BOYER ASSOCIATE EDITOR and spoil the child", but "spare the rod BOB SHEFFER SPORTS EDITOR be inadequate in the near future. CLIFF OLDS ORGANIZATION EDITOR and save a genius". They said, too: "Let the DAVE WILSON ORGANIZATION EDITOR The educational process should clearly MARGARET BURKLAND -_ ORGANIZATION EDITOR consist of preparing the individual in an child find self-expression, unchecked, un- LUELLA KUHLMAN SOCIAL EDITOR punished, and unthwarted. Make his love HERMAN LUGAR BUSINESS MANAGER ever changing civilization. It must best WALLACE LACKEY JOKE EDITOR the good for God's own sake; not through PROF. GEORGE W. BEATTIE _ _ FACULTY ADVISOR teach one how to adjust oneself in a world WILSON EGBERT- COLUMN EDITOR of change. fear of penalty." SUBSCRIPTION RATE *J SINGLE COPY S CENTS Students first entering our halls of This reaction had some unpleasant as PER YEAR SO CENTS learning are catapulted into a new and well as pleasant aspects. According to our SEND ALL REMITTANCES TO elders, the young people of today are be- BUSINESS MANAGER BEE GEE NEWS strange environment. They are confronted BOWLING GREEN. OHIO with a new order of things, they make new having outrageously. "They are hell-bent!" IN CARE OF B.
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